Legacy of Death: Revenge (Legacy of Dreams Book 2)
Page 52
“Or that,” Lucas smirked as he lifted up the bucket of Zoey’s former blood. They didn’t have the strength to clean the room up, so they just moved what they could outside of the tent.
The medical camp was now filled with people. Wounded soldiers were everywhere. They could see. They were too tired to talk, so they just walked to the main tent. They navigated through it to find Miranda.
“How’s it looking?” Lucas asked the healers who were working on her.
“Poorly, the lung had collapsed and is filled with blood. We are doing what we can, but we are short on everything,” the tired healer replied.
“You’ve done well, go have some rest. We shall take it from here,” Lucas ordered.
The healers nodded and left. Lucas didn’t need to tell his companions what to do. After over fourteen hours of working on Zoey, they knew what to do. Benedict, Galen and Vincent got into their positions.
“Do you remember how many vials of Faye blood were in the storage?” Lucas asked Galen as he started handing out the caps, masks and gloves. He wished he had a clean set, but he didn’t. They washed them in the barrel nearby.
“Dozen more, give or take,” Galen replied.
“We shall leave those to the others and use my blood for her transfusion,” Lucas stated.
They soon finished the preparation. Miranda was unconscious and there was no reason to change that for now.
“Why did nobody ask me how do I know that my blood is compatible with the Faye?” Lucas asked as he started inserting a tube inside Miranda’s wound.
“You use equipment from materials that we have never seen, execute techniques more advanced than those of the old kingdom and seem to have more than just a lot of experience with this. I don’t think I would understand the answer even were I to receive one,” Galen breathed.
“Frankly speaking, we are mostly trying to remember as much of what you do as we can so we can teach it to others,” Vincent added.
“Good. Vincent, I need you to drain out the blood and air through the tube. Benedict, keep her unconscious. Galen, get ready for the part where we close the wound and remake her muscles,” Lucas breathed. Wordlessly, they got to work.
He stuck a needle attached to a catheter into his left arm, so his blood flowed into the vial and hung his left hand by his side.
The surgery went exactly as he said. Once done, he put a fresh needle into Miranda’s arm and put the vial up so his blood can flow into her.
“Alright, we are done. Thank you for the help, go get some rest, it will be busy for the next few days,” Lucas told them.
They proceeded to give him back the masks, caps and gloves.
“Out of curiosity, do you know how the hell did anyone manage to put a chastity belt on general Darkscream? I mean, I would expect her to murder anyone who as much as brought it into the same room,” Benedict tossed up.
“Where does that come from?” Lucas asked back.
“I was with the 3rd Legion for a time and well, general Darkscream was very active in that area,” Benedict revealed.
“I’m starting to get a feeling that I don’t want to know the story behind this,” Lucas exhaled and headed off. “Why are you following me?” he asked after a bit.
“You are clearly heading to where the wounded are, not the sleeping area,” Galen remarked.
“I want to the check the emergencies first. I’m out of clean equipment though,” Lucas sighed, “anyway, you guys know how these camps are made, where do they put the most critical cases?”
“This way, general.”
Luna woke up in pain. Pain and cold. She felt like her body was frozen. Even opening her eyes was painful and hard. She forced them open and looked around. The large tent was filled with provisory beds. Beds with wounded soldiers. The smell of blood and body fluids was filling the air. Luna did what she could do to ignore the stench, but didn’t manage. She didn’t care much about because she didn’t see Miranda and that was a problem. Luna forced herself to get up. She couldn’t stand by herself, so she caught onto the bed next to her and limped through the tent.
“Careful there, young lady, you aren’t nearly ready to walk yet,” a young nurse caught her under the arm as Luna almost fell.
“I need… to see… general… Darkscream,” Luna squeezed out. She felt like her throat is being held by a hand, which was made of solid ice. Every word took effort.
“Okay, I will take you,” the nurse sighed as she saw Luna has no intention of being reasonable.
She half led, half carried her through the tent. Miranda was lying on a common emergency bed, pretty much like everyone else.
Luna thanked the nurse, caught herself by the bed and lied down at the side of it. Miranda was wrapped in bandages, but she was breathing steadily. That calmed Luna down. She softly slid under Miranda and fell asleep again.
“Luna! Wake up!” Miranda’s words pierced Luna’s sleeping haze. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Miranda’s face straight in front of her own.
Luna smiled and wrapped her into a soft hug.
“What the hell are you thinking?!” Miranda exclaimed.
“You are cold as death; your wounds are barely sealed and you are strolling around the tent? You are supposed to be on your bed in the intensive care part!” Miranda stated in a sharp and strict voice.
“I just wanted to.”
“To see that I’m fine? Of course, I’m fine, idiot! YOU are the one who took it the worst!” Miranda interrupted her.
“I saw her sword pierce your chest and exit through your back,” Luna remarked.
“That was just a flesh wound! I’m fine!” Miranda retorted.
“Flesh wound, yeah, flesh wound that the Dreamwalker and his team spent six hours repairing,” a nurse that was passing next to them remarked.
“Say fucking what?” Miranda and Luna shouted simultaneously.
“What?” the nurse asked in confusion.
“You said the Dreamwalker and his team fixed me… are we both talking about Lucas?” Miranda specified.
“Yea, what other Dreamwalker is there?” the nurse asked back.
“Since when does Lucas fix people?” Luna asked Miranda.
“He doesn’t,” Miranda shook her head.
“Well, he does now. He called this part of the tent the post-op, whatever that means, everyone lying here was done by him,” the nurse revealed.
“Ha… for how long was I out?” Miranda asked.
“Two days and a half,” the nurse replied.
“Hmph,” Miranda confirmed and turned back to Luna, “I’m not done with you yet. What the hell was the deal with you charging Kayleanne like an idiot?! Do you have a death wish or something?”
“It was a good strategy, I can take the most punishment, so it makes sense for me to charge into her face to attract her attention,” Luna explained.
“Do I look like I give a fuck about this? Because I fucking don’t, you retarded mongrel! You are NOT supposed to get hit and definitely NOT let her hit you on purpose. You did both! What the fuck were you thinking?” Miranda continued.
“That move got us the best hits!” Luna protested.
“So the fuck what? It also got you stabbed through the heart, twice! That’s not acceptable!” Miranda pressed.
“I’m sorry… I was just trying to win,” Luna remarked weakly.
“You should be sorry! More than sorry! And don’t think I’m pissed because we lost, but I would be same fucking pissed if we won! You CAN’T just let yourself get hit, understand?”
“Okay,” Luna said awkwardly.
“Don’t you okay me, Lunariel! If I ever see you getting hit on purpose, no matter the reason, I will lock you in a cage for a year and I dare you to try me!” Miranda sneered.
“Alright,” Luna agreed hesitantly. She wasn’t sure what to say because Miranda looked like she might start breathing fire at any point.
�If you two doves are done pecking your beaks, I’ve got some surreal shit to see,” Merewen announced as she peered down on them. She was also wrapped in bandaged, especially around the head.
“We shall continue this discussion later!” Miranda pierced Luna with a sharp stare and started getting up.
Luna also did. Neither of them could walk straight, but with Merewen’s help, they managed to move around. Merewen took them to the nearby tent. Inside were four men in bloodied clothes standing around a table. They were clearly performing a surgery.
“Is that?”
“Yes, it’s Lucas doing a surgery,” Merewen confirmed.
“Since when can he do that?”
“No idea. From what the medics say, he has been going at it since after the first day of the battle,” Merewen replied.
It looked like Lucas was just sewing the wound together. They sat down by the side of the tent and waited. Miranda kept piercing Luna with a sharp stare.
“You seem to be recovering well,” Lucas observed as he walked out of the tent. He looked worn out. His face was slightly swollen and featured heavy dark rings under his eyes. He clearly hadn’t slept much in the past days, if at all.
“Care to explain? You don’t exactly seem to be yourself,” Miranda shot.
“Long time ago, I used to be a medic and well, since you were all knocked out, I figured I could do something useful while I wait for your sorry asses to wake up,” Lucas replied in a mean tone.
The girls looked into the ground.
“Bunch of sore losers, ain’t you?”
“You don’t have to rub it in this hard! It was close!” Miranda exclaimed.
“I know, but I enjoy it. Anyway, the guys are already bringing in a fresh patient, so I will cut this short,” Lucas started, “I’ve killed Ebilezerhar, while Kayleanne had escaped. This northeastern front is ours, in any case. Merewen, Miranda, you two take the army and go put the encirclement plan into motion. Li Mu has the details, I shall handle the interim communication, as per usual. Your main goal is to smoke Kayleanne out of Spalding and kill her. In the process, you will need to rescue Raven, who is now her prisoner… most likely.”
“Most likely?” Merewen raised her eyebrow.
“He went to fight Kayleanne by himself. He may have won and is now lost in the caverns, but it’s unlikely. I shall confirm it in a few days, anyway, but I expect him to be captured. You would better rescue him rather sooner than later, because Kayleanne will try to fill his head with her bullshit,” Lucas replied, “as for Luna, you are going south to rejoin the navy. I have yet to decide where shall I head myself.”
“You sure don’t sell yourself short,” Miranda smirked.
“Well, I’m the one who killed the demon prince, not the one who got stomped, am I?” Lucas retorted and pierced them with a stare. “Anyway, I seem to have the next patient. Have fun.” He put the white cap and mask on and re-entered the tent.
“We really need to get that fucking bitch, else we will never hear the end of it,” Miranda observed.
“Yeah. Now we rest, tomorrow we start practicing,” Merewen decided, “I mean, Lucas is at two kills out of two fights with demon princes. We are at zero out of two. This needs to change because he doesn’t look like he’s done with the killing. He’s the boss, sure, but we have our dignity.”
“Yeah,” Miranda breathed, “what’s with those puppy eyes?” she turned to Luna, who looked like she was about to start crying.
“I just… thought we would get more time,” Luna sighed.
Merewen vanished as silently as she managed.
“Awwww,” Miranda caught her into a hug and messed up her hair, “you are such a sweet wimp. We will get a lot of time together, don’t worry. This will be done in a couple of months; then there will be a long downtime since the Order is really juicing itself out of funds in this campaign. Plus we’ve got a few more days now and I saw an unused tent by the side. Oh and don’t think for a second I’m done being pissed at you, I am just putting in on hold for now.”
Luna caught her head for a strong kiss and then followed her into the tent.
“When’s the last time you had slept?” Galen asked Lucas once they finished operating on wounded soldiers.
“Couple of days ago,” Lucas replied.
“You said that two days ago as well,” Vincent remarked.
“We’re almost done though, new emergencies aren’t coming in anymore,” Lucas breathed.
“Exactly. There is nothing too serious on the table, time to go sleep, general,” Galen replied.
“I suppose,” Lucas sighed. He threw all the equipment he had out back into his dream pocket and stalked through the camp. Zoey’s tent was on its distant side, as far away from the main medical tents as possible. She was asleep when he arrived. Her bandages were soaked in blood, but not as badly as in the past few days and her breath was steady.
Looks like she’s going to survive. Good.
He sat down on a stool by the side and leaned on a column.
I guess we’re done here. Raven hasn’t been found, so he has been captured by Kayleanne… I will need to arrange his rescue, as soon as possible. Merewen and Miranda will be pissed if they aren’t part of it, so this one settles itself. I will need to check if Ebilizerhar is truly dead, but it can wait because we have too many losses and not enough supplies to split our focus. It’s not a full victory, but half-victory is still a victory. Now we need to hunt down Kayleanne… and I need to figure out how to go about it, because I don’t have the heart to kill her myself, but at the same time, she stomped all my best underlings into the ground. I don’t have anyone else to throw at her. No one but myself.
Anyway… south is worse, much worse. The fleet is stuck by the storm and slowly running out of supplies. Okay, not slowly anymore since a huge wave of ’refugees from Kaeby recently arrived there. I will need to push Zerae to deliver on the location of the rest of the black orbs; else things won’t turn pretty for us. On the plus side, her Faye captive exchange plan gives me the infinite potential to blackmail her.
Otherwise, Khalia is going to become a problem. She will invade these lands the minute after my armies leave and conquer them. I will need to give Salazar a head start, so it’s at least a contest. I will also need to bail out Iowen from her because she will not take the lost horses kindly.
What do I do? Putting Kayleanne aside is seriously tempting. Then again, Raven can handle himself… hopefully. With this in mind, I shall head south. First, I shall loot Ebilezerhar’s sanctum to get enough gold to pay Jean Pierre, then I shall have myself some pirate on a stick and if all goes well, I might even manage to beat some sense back into Zerae.
As his thoughts finished their run, Lucas finally fell asleep.
The legend continues . . .
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If you haven’t read the first book in the series, it’s here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0753DTYWL .
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