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Waiting to Lose

Page 8

by Dawn L. Chiletz

  Madi undressed, slid into her robe, and made her way toward the showers. Her thoughts returned to Jake as she stepped into the warm water. She wondered where she would be spending the night Friday. She smiled as she realized it was probably in the four-poster bed in his room. It really didn’t matter where she slept. As long as they were together, everything would always be okay.

  TO SAY HIS text interaction with Madi had not gone well would be an understatement. He thought she’d be happy, maybe even excited, that he wanted to fly down to see her. The fact that she wasn’t concerned him. He started to wonder if he was screwing up their relationship, just like he’d done to every other one he’d had before her. Why was it that he was brutally honest with girls he didn’t have feelings for, but lied through his teeth to the one he loved more than anything?

  He hadn’t slept well, if at all. After his call to Madi, he took a hot shower and tried to drift off, but he couldn’t stop thinking about Peter Markum. He closed his eyes, and in his dream-like state, he had images of Peter holding a knife to Madi’s throat. Madi was crying and asking him why he didn’t warn her. He jolted up and was unable to close his eyes again. Instead, he spent the night going over the information he had on Peter and searching for more on the Internet.

  As he came to one roadblock after another in his search, he began to replay his conversation with Madi over in his head. Her words, “Promise me you’ll never lie to me,” sounded like an alarm in his mind. He had lied to her. He even lied about not lying. He was an ass. What they said about lying was true. One small lie snowballs until it swallows you whole.

  Out of curiosity, he Googled his name. One report after another of him with Allison Gregory popped up on the screen. He cringed when he imagined Madi reading all the lies the press was reporting. No wonder she felt so uneasy. Jake wondered why he was suddenly getting so much attention. The paparazzi had found him so boring before, but now he was trending on Twitter. Ridiculous. He closed his laptop and rubbed his hands over his face. He considered what it would be like if his and Madi’s rolls had been reversed. Could he stand to hear reports of her with another man, whether they were true or not? He shook his head and pressed his fingers into his temples. He was lucky that she put up with as much as she did. He needed to be better. He didn’t deserve her.

  After his morning texts to Madi, Jake picked up his cell and called Nate. He told him that Madi knew he was there to protect her, but to still stay out of her way. He told him that she believed he was there to keep press away, and that she was not to be told anything to the contrary. He advised Nate that she was not planning on going to the Halloween party after all, and that he would be spending the night in the lobby outside of her dorm wing in case she needed him.

  Jake lay back down and exhaustion took over, allowing him to drift to sleep. A few hours later, Caleb knocked on his door to advise him they were in Vegas. Jake felt better after getting some rest. He stepped out the bus door and was greeted with warm sunshine and the buzz of the strip. He suddenly had an urge to play some blackjack.

  “How much time do I have before sound check?”

  Caleb looked at his watch. “About an hour. Why?”

  “Feel like playing some tables?”

  Caleb smiled and rubbed his hands together. Jake grabbed a baseball cap while Caleb called security for an escort. When Jake arrived at the MGM Grand, he was met by photographers and fans. Almost overnight, he had less privacy. He signed some autographs and made his way into the casino, dropping $500 a hand.

  When he’d just about broken even, Caleb tapped his shoulder to say it was time to go. Several short-skirted, full-busted waitresses asked for a picture with him. He smiled for the cameras, but didn’t put his arms around a single one of them. He cringed at the idea of Madi seeing the picture and immediately pulled out his phone to text her.

  Jake: Just broke even at Blackjack in Vegas. About to go to sound check before the concert. Had my picture taken with some scantily clad bar girls. Didn’t want you to see anything and worry.

  After he walked outside, signed some autographs and slid into a waiting car, his phone buzzed.

  Madi: Scantily clad? I’m sure it was torture!

  Jake smiled to himself. She seemed feisty. He liked her that way.

  Jake: Would barely dressed have been better?

  Madi: Hmm… No! LOL. I’m glad you got a chance to do something fun for yourself, even if it was just for a little while. You work too hard. Just so you know, I DO trust you. While I love, love, LOVE getting random texts from you in the middle of the day, I don’t want you to think you have to explain everything to me. I have decided to avoid the Internet at all costs! The next scantily clad girl you see had better be me!

  Jake grinned. He pulled on his sunglasses as the car began to move. He instantly felt relaxed and at ease. Talking to her always made things better.

  Jake: Call you tonight. Thinking of you barely dressed is not good before a concert.

  Madi: Break a leg, baby. You can think of me after.

  Jake smiled and shoved his phone into his pocket. All thoughts of there being any problem between them left his mind. He exited the car and entered the arena. One more concert until he was home, even if it was just for a little while.


  MADI ANXIOUSLY SAT through the final minutes of her business law class. After class, “Operation Fool Nate” was in full effect. She and Kendra had devoted several hours into creating their master plan. When class ended, Madi hurried out the door. Nate was waiting for her with a smile. He was actually really nice, and Madi secretly felt bad for misleading him, but it was the only way she could ensure a proper surprise for Jake. As they walked back to her dorm, Madi struck up her planned conversation with him.

  “So, Nate, I hope you brought a lot of reading material, because it’s going to be a long, boring weekend.”

  Nate smiled. “No need to worry about me, Madi. I’m perfectly content with quiet and boring. I’d rather that than you be in harm’s way.”

  Madi smiled at him as she wrapped her arms across her chest. It was getting colder day by day. “My friend Kendra decided to go away for the weekend. I’m letting her borrow my bags and she’s coming to get them in a bit. She’s getting dressed up for Halloween. She’s going as a hot witch with red hair. Is there even such a thing?”

  Nate laughed. “I’m sure many would agree she’d make a great witch.” He closed his eyes as regret crept in. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”

  “No worries,” Madi said as she taped his arm. “She’s been called a lot worse. After she leaves, I’m going to take a nice long nap. I probably won’t see you until the morning.”

  Nate smiled and nodded his head. Madi couldn’t believe how well her plan was working. As she walked into her room, she watched Nate make himself comfortable in the lobby outside. Ever since Jake had told her about him, he’d been following her more closely than usual. Madi closed the door and immediately began getting ready. Kendra had purchased two outfits. One was the witch costume with a red wig, which she would wear over to Madi’s. The other was for later. Kendra would change out of the outfit when she got to her room, and Madi would put it on and leave with her bags, pretending to be Kendra. She’d change back into normal clothes at the airport. The sunglasses would definitely help disguise her face. After ten minutes, Kendra knocked on her door. After they had switched clothes, Kendra burst out laughing.

  “Holy mother of mother fuckers! You look hot! Wait, you look like me, so of course you do!”

  “Did Nate get a good look at you as you walked in?” Madi asked.

  “Oh, hell yeah. Probably too good of a look. I think he was checking out my ass. Did you look at the costume I brought over last night?”

  Madi shook her head as she produced Kendra’s bag from her closet. Kendra laughed as she pulled out a short vampire costume complete with thigh-high stockings and a long black wig.

  “Hot!” Madi nodded appreciatively. This covert s
tuff was fun. “Now, remember the plan. It’s a quarter after one now. My flight leaves at four and arrives in L.A. at six Jake’s time. That means eight here. You can’t leave the room until after I text you. We don’t want him to get suspicious.”

  “I know the plan,” Kendra said with a roll of her eyes. “Just go. Have fun and tell the fine piece of ass he owes me twice now.”

  Madi hugged Kendra, grabbed her bag and placed her sunglasses over her eyes. She adjusted her sexy witch outfit, took a deep breath and slid out the door.

  Nate’s eyes perked up as Madi, dressed to look like Kendra, came out of the room. “Have fun on your trip, Ms. Parker,” Nate said with a smile.

  Madi smiled and waved her hand. She didn’t breathe until she got into her car. She drove away slowly, always checking her rearview mirror. As she exited the University gates, she smiled and relaxed. She pulled her car over and texted Kendra.

  Madi: I think he bought it! Thank you again! Love you!

  Kendra: You bet your sweet ass he bought it. BTW, I’m eating your Doritos.

  Madi: Enjoy! Have fun tonight.

  Kendra: You too. I know you will. Bow chicka wow wow!

  Madi covered her mouth as she giggled. She texted Ang.

  Madi: On my way!

  Ang: Is Nate with you?

  Madi: Nope! Gave him the slip!

  Ang: Madi, go back. He needs to come with you. Jake hired him for a reason. He won’t be happy about this. Please go back and get him.

  Madi: By the time he knows I’m gone, I’ll be in Jake’s arms. Everything will be fine. See you in a few hours!

  Madi shook her head at Ang’s warning. There wouldn’t be press following her at the airport. Why would she need Nate to come with her? Did Ang know something she didn’t?

  JAKE HAD JUST arrived at Trey’s Halloween party and was standing outside the front door. The place was packed. He’d texted Madi an hour earlier and she hadn’t responded. He called Nate before he’d left for the party to check on her. Nate told him that she was in her room and said she was taking a nap. Jake smiled to himself. It explained why he couldn’t reach her. He adjusted the red belts over his bare chest and buttoned the yellow fireman’s coat. He couldn’t believe he’d gotten dressed up for a Halloween party. Ang had forced him into wearing the costume. He rolled his eyes as he considered how ridiculous he probably looked. He didn’t even want to come tonight. If he hadn’t promised Trey he’d stop by to see his wife, Annie, and Raven, their baby girl, he’d have just gone home and stayed there. He’d barely even had a chance to look through his mail when it was time to get ready to go. Ang had dropped his costume off and he’d shaken his head at it.

  “I’m not wearing that!” he said with a snicker. “Where’s the rest of it?”

  “You have to wear it. It’s supposed to be a little revealing. It’s only your chest that’s showing. Come on, show off all the work you do on those abs.”

  “Are you checking me out again, Ang?”

  Jake smiled to himself at the memory and rubbed his arm where Ang had smacked him in retort. He told himself he’d stay for an hour and head out.

  Jake’s phone rang. It was Dave.

  “What’s up?”

  “I just wanted to let you know that we’ve followed Peter Markum to the mall. He’s walking around inside, munching on a bag of popcorn. We’ve got him in our sights.”

  “Good. Keep an eye on him. I want to know every move he makes.” As he glanced up from his phone, he saw Allison Gregory sauntering toward him. She was dressed as a nurse. Who invited her? Jake rolled his eyes as he surveyed the area for possible photographers. He quickly turned, going through the doors and into the party. There were people everywhere. Caleb immediately rushed to his side.

  “There you are. I was beginning to wonder if you were coming. There are movie promoters and directors here. I think we should use this opportunity to introduce you to some of them.”

  Jake rolled his eyes. “I’m not interested in doing movies, Caleb. Not my thing.”

  “What is your ‘thing’?” Jake felt an arm pass over his shoulder before trailing down his arm. With his eyes, he followed long red fingernails to a bare arm up to the face of Allison Gregory.

  “Allison! So nice to see you.” Caleb practically fell over himself trying to hug her. She returned the hug graciously, keeping her eyes pinned to Jake.

  “Jake… are you avoiding me? Is that any way to treat the girl you’re secretly dating?” she said with a laugh.

  Jake smiled politely. “Hi, Allie. It’s nice to see you.” He shook his head. “The press will make up any shit to get a story, won’t they?”

  “I don’t mind. I’m glad they picked someone hot to pair me up with. Nice fireman suit. You can put out my fire any day.” Caleb let out a belly laugh that made Jake cringe. It was completely fake and out of place. Jake nodded his head matter-of-factly to Allison before searching the room for Trey.

  “Have you seen Trey?” Jake asked.

  Caleb put his arm around Jake’s shoulder as he motioned toward Allison. “Why would you want to look for Trey when you have a gorgeous woman like Allison right on front of you?” Jake furrowed his brows as he stared into Caleb’s face.

  “I take it your wife isn’t here tonight?” Jake asked.

  Caleb looked down and smiled, shaking his head no.

  “Make sure you give her and the kids my love. Allison…” Jake excused himself and went in search of Trey. His phone rang; it was Nate. Jake ducked into a nearby room with one finger in his ear as he pressed the phone up to the other.

  “Nate? Hold on.” Jake nudged the door closed with his elbow and stepped to the desk in the back of the room. Trey’s office.

  “Okay, Nate. What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know how to tell you this.”

  “You don’t know how to tell me what?” Jake asked with furrowed brows.

  “I went to use the restroom, and as I was walking back, I saw Madi leaving her dorm room, dressed in a long black wig, heels and a vampire costume. She didn’t see me, and she took off in a hurry. It took me a bit to catch up to her. She went to the Tri Alpha fraternity party and…”

  “And what?” Jake could feel his heart constrict and anger setting in. He wasn’t sure if he was more pissed at Nate for letting her slip past him, or Madi for not returning his call, sneaking out without a guard, and going to the party she told him she wasn’t going to go to.

  “When I first arrived, it took me a bit to find her.” Jake could hear the noise in the background, and he tried to focus on Nate’s voice rather than the music and sounds behind him. “But it’s hard to miss her in the costume she’s wearing.”

  “Don’t ogle my girlfriend. Just spit it out. Is she okay?”

  “I, um… Well, when I found her she was… She was…”

  “She was what?” Jake asked angrily.

  “She was lip locked with some guy dressed as a football player.”

  Jake’s shoulders slumped as he sunk down, resting on the edge of the desk, trying to balance himself. His heart felt heavy and his blood ran cold.

  “Jake? Are you there?”

  “Where is she now?” he asked with obvious distress.

  “I’m watching her. She has her back to me and her tongue in his mouth.”

  The pain hit him like a gunshot in the gut. He lost the ability to breathe or think. His heart burst into a million pieces. Madi was cheating on him? Was this why she didn’t want him to come visit? All that talk about promises and telling the truth. Was it all a lie? Jake’s head snapped back as he rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand and tried to process what he’d heard.


  Jake turned and paced the room. He could hear Nate’s voice on the phone but he was unable to speak. He could feel the pain shooting through his chest. He loved her. Had he pushed her away? Had he lost her?

  “Jake… are you there? What do you want me to do?”

  Jake took a deep breath
and placed the phone back to his ear. “Just stay with her. Make sure she gets home safely.”

  He ended the call and walked over to the window. He glanced down at his phone and pulled up his last few texts from Madi. As he reread her words, he started to wonder if he really knew her at all. He wanted to throw something. He wanted to break something. The thought of another man kissing her mouth was more than he could bear. He stormed off toward the door as it suddenly inched open. A long leg covered in white nylon slid around the edge. Within a moment, Allison Gregory was standing before him. She closed the door behind her and pressed her back up against it, blocking his exit.

  “There you are. Is everything okay? You look upset.”

  Jake’s eyes darted over her. She was wearing a short white skirt that barely covered her ass. Her legs went on forever and her breasts poked out from the tiny, tight white shirt barely covering her. She adjusted the nurse’s hat on her head as she smiled, watching him look her over.


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