The Prose Edda
Page 17
Fensalir or Fensal (plural Fensalir, sing. Fensalr), Frigg’s home: 35; 49
Fili (Fili), dwarf: 14
Fimafeng (Fimafengr), Ægir’s slave: S6, killed by Loki
Fimbulthul (Fimbulpul; Steadily Loud), river flowing from Hvergelmir: 4; 39
Fimbulvetr (Fimbulvetr; Extreme or Mighty Winter), the beginning of Ragnarok: 51
Finn (Finn), dwarf: 14
Finn (Finn), son of Gudolf: P3
Finn’s Legacy (Finnsleif), mail shirt: S9
Fjalar (Fjalarr), dwarf: S2, with his brother Galar, kills Kvasir and makes the mead of poetry
Fjolnir (Fjölnir; Wise One, Much Knowing): 3, one of the twelve names of Odin; 20
Fjolnir (Fjölnir; Wise One, Much Knowing), a Swedish king: S8
Fjolsvid (Fjölsviðr; Very Wise One), name of Odin: 20
Fjorgyn (Fjörgynn, Fjörgvinn), Frigg’s father: 9
Fjorm (Fjörm; Hurrying), river flowing from Hvergelmir: 4; 39
Folkvang or Folkvangar (Fólkvangr and plural Fólkvangar; Warriors’ Field), Freyja’s home: 24
Forseti (Forseti; He Who Sits Foremost), a god, Baldr’s son: 32; S1
Franang’s Falls (Fránangrsfors), waterfall, Loki’s hiding place: 50
France (Frakkland; Land of the Franks), ruled by Siggi and Rerir: P4
Freki (Freki; Wolf, perhaps Greedy Wolf), Odin’s wolf: 38
Freki (Freki; Wolf or Greedy Wolf), a name for Fenrir: 51, in a verse
Freovin (Freovin), son of Frjodigar: P4
Frey (Freyr; Lord), Njord’s son: 24, a description of; 34; 37, seeks to marry Gerd, reason he was without weapon when he fought Beli; 43, given Skidbladnir by some dwarves; 49, rides to Baldr’sfuneral; 51, Will Fight With Surt At Ragnarok, Called Beli’s Bright Bane; S1; S5; S6, visits Æggir
Freyja (Freyja; Lady, Woman), goddess: 24; 35, a description of; 42, promised as a bride to the builder of Asgard’s wall; 49, rides to Baldr’s funeral; S1, lends Loki her falcon shape; S3, waits on Hrungnir; S6, visits Ægir
Friallaf (Friallaf), Fridleif, son of Finn: P3
Fridleif (Friðleifr), son of Skjold: S8, king after Skjold; P5
Frigg (Frigg), Odin’s wife: 9, daughter of Fjorgyn; 20; 35, is described; 49, exacts an oath from all things that they would not harm Baldr, rides to Baldr’s funeral; S1;S4;S6, visits Ægir; P3
Frigida (Frigida), a name for Frigg: P3
Frjodigar or Frodi (Frioðigar or Fróði), son of Brand: P4
Frodi (Fróði), king in Denmark, grandson of Skjold, son of Fridleif: S8, his mill and peace
Frost Giants (Hrímpursar, sing. Hrímpurs): 3; 5; 7; 15; 21; 42; 49; 51; S5
Frosti (Frosti), dwarf: 14
Fulla (Fulla), goddess: 35; 49, a goddess connected with Frigg; S1
Fundin (Fundinn), dwarf: 14
Fyri (Fýri), a river in Sweden passing through Uppsala: S9
Fyri Plains (Fýrisvellir), in Sweden, the plains of the river Fyri: S9
Galar (Galarr), dwarf: S2, with his brother Fjalar, kills Kvasir and makes the mead of poetry
Gandalf (Gandálfr; Sorcerer Elf, Wand Elf), dwarf: 14
Gang (Gangr), giant: S1
Gangleri or Ganglari (Gangleri or Ganglari; Wanderer, Strider, Weary Walker), name of Odin: 20
Gangleri (Gangleri or Ganglari; Strider, Wanderer, Weary Walker), the assumed name of Gylfi, king of Sweden, journeying to meet the Æsir: 2, Gylfi assumes this name; 3, asks High about All-Father; 4, asks how things began; 5, asks of order of things before man; 6, asks of Ymir; 7, asks of giants; 8, asks about the sons of Bor; 9, asks about the origins of people; 11, asks about the course of the sun and moon; 12, asks who bothers Sun; 13, asks of path from earth to sky; 14, asks of Asgard’s completion; 15, asks about the holy place of the gods; 16, asks about Yggdrasil; 17, asks about significant places; 18, asks for the wind’s origins; 19, asks of winter and summer; 20, asks which Æsir to believe in; 21, inquires of other Æsir; 22, asks of further Æsir; 25, asks of other Æsir; 26, asks of Idunn’s apples; 34, asks for description of fantastic fetter, why Fenriswolf wasn’t killed; 35, asks about the goddesses; 37, comments on Frey’s gift; 38, asks how Odin’s fallen warriors are fed; 39, asks about drink in Valhalla; 40, comments on doors of Valhalla; 41, asks about Einherjar’s amusement; 42, asks of Sleipnir’s owner; 43, asks of Skidbladnir; 44, asks if Thor was ever bested; 48, asks of vengeance on Utgarda-Loki; 49, asks for more regarding the Æsir; 50, asks if vengeance for Baldr was taken; 51, asks of Ragnarok; 52, asks what comes after Ragnarok; 53, asks where the gods will live after Ragnarok; 54, tells people stories he has heard; 55, Æsir recall stories told to him. See Gylfi
Gardrofa (Garðrofa), a mare: 35, in a verse
Garm (Garmr), Hel’s hound that will fight against Tyr at Ragnarok: 41, in a verse; 51
Gates of Hel (Helgrindr): 4; 49, Hermod arrives there
Gaut (Gautr), name of Odin: 20
Gefjun (Gefjun; She Who Gives), goddess: 1, forms Sjaelland; 35; S1; S6, visits Ægir
Gefn (Gefn; Giver), one of Freyja’s names: 35
Geirahod (Geirahöð), valkyrie: 36, in a verse
Geirrod (Geirrøðr), giant king: 20, Odin named himself on his visit to King Geirrod; S4, his encounters with Loki and Thor
Geirrod’s Courts (Geirrøðargarðar): S4, first Loki’s then Thor’s journey to
Geirvimul (Geirvimul; Spear Teeming), river flowing from Hvergelmir: 39
Gelgja (Gelgja), attachment on fetter: 34, binds the Fenriswolf and is threaded through Gjoll
Gerd (Gerðr), Frey’s wife: 37;S1, called a goddess
Geri (Geri; Greedy), Odin’s wolf: 38
Germany. See Saxland
Gevis or Gavir (Gevis or Gavir), son of Wigg: P4
Giant Land or Jotunheim (Jötunheimr or Jötunheimar): 1; 10; 14; 34; 42; 45, Thor’s journey to Giant Land with Skrymir; 49; 51;S1; S3
Gilling (Gillingr), a giant, father of Suttung: S2
Gils (Gils), horse: 15
Gimle (Gimlé; Protected from Fire), place where the righteous men will live after death: 3, synonymous with Vingolf; 17, a description of; 52, after Ragnarok
Ginnar (Ginnarr), dwarf: 14
Ginnung Sky (Ginnungahiminn), the sky or firmament: 8
Ginnunga gap (Ginnungagap), a void filled with magic power: 5, is described; 8, the world and the stars are put in it; 15, one of the roots of Yggdrasil reaches what used to be Ginnungagap
Gipul (Gipul), river flowing from Hvergelmir: 39
Gjallarhorn (Gjallarhorn; Resounding Horn, the Horn or Trumpet of Gjoll): 15, Mimir drinks from it; 27, Heimdall’s horn; 51, will be blown by Heimdall at Ragnarok
Gjalp (Gjálp), one of Geirrod’s daughters, straddles the river: S4
Gjoll (Gjöll), stone that anchors Fenrir’s fetter: 34
Gjoll (Gjöll; Noisy), river flowing from Hvergelmir: 4, next to the Gates of Hel; 49, Hermod rides over it
Gjoll Bridge (Gjallarbrú): 49, guarded by Modgud
Gjuki (Gjúki), king, Sigurd’s father-in-law: S7
Gjukungs or Niflungs (Gjukungar or Niflungar), King Gjuki’s descendants, chiefly Gudrun’s family: S7
Glad (Glaðr; Glad or Radiant One), horse: 15
Gladsheim (Glaðsheimr; Home of Gladness or Joy, Radiant Home), temple housing Odin’s and the Æsir’s seats: 14
Glaer or Glen (Glær or Glenr; Shining One?), horse: 15
Glapsvid (Glapsvidr; Seducer), name of Odin: 20
Gleipnir (Gleipnir), fetter: 25, Tyr loses his hand to bind Fenrir with it; 34, made from six elements, binds Fenrir
Glen (Glenr; Shining One), Sun’s husband: 11
Glen (Glenr). See Glaer
Glitnir (Glitnir; Radiant Place), Forseti’s home: 17, description of; 32
Gloin (Glóinn), dwarf: 14
Glora. See Lora
Gna (Gnð), goddess: 35, associated with Frigg
Gnipahellir (Gnipahellir; Jutting or Overhanging Cave), cave leading to Hel’s domain, guarded by Garm: 51
Gnita-Heath (Gnitaheiðr): S7
God (Guð): P1
Goddesses (ásynjur and Gyðjur): 14, on Vingolf, their sanctuary; 20; 24, Freyja, the most splendid of the goddesses; 35; 36; S1
Goin (Góinn), serpent gnawing at the root of Yggdrasil: 16
Gold Bristle (Gullinbursti), Frey’s boar: 49. See Sheathed Tooth
Golden Age (Gullaldr): 14, spoiled by women who came from Giant Land
Golden Forelock. See Gulltopp
Golden Mane (Gullfaxi), Hrungnir’s horse: S3, given to Magni
Goll (Göll), valkyrie: 36, in a verse
Gomul (Gömul; Old), river flowing from Hvergelmir: 39
Gondlir (Göndlir; Wand Wielder), name of Odin: 20
Gopul (Göpul; Gaper, Forward Rushing), river flowing from Hvergelmir: 39
Gothorm (Gothormr), Gjuki’s stepson: S7, kills Sigurd, and is killed by him
Goti (Goti), Gunnar’s horse: S7
Gotland (Gotland), old name for Denmark, northern Jutland: S8
Grabak (Grábakr; Grey Back), serpent gnawing at the roots of Yggdrasil: 16
Grad (Grád; Greedy), a river: 39
Grafvitnir (Grafvitnir; Grave Wolf), father of serpents gnawing at the roots of Yggdrasil: 16
Grafvollud (Grafvölluðr; Field Burrower), serpent gnawing at the roots of Yggdrasil: 16
Gram (Gramr), Sigurd’s sword: S7
Grani (Grani), Sigurd’s horse: S7
Greip (Greip), one of Geirrod’s daughters: S4
Grid (Gríðr), giantess, mother of Vidar the Silent: S4, lends Thor her belt, staff and iron gloves
Grid’s Staff (Gríðarvölr): S4, Thor uses it on his journey to Geirrod’s courts
Grim (Grímr; Masked One), name of Odin: 20
Grimhild (Grímhildr), Gjuki’s wife: S7
Grimnir (Grímnir; Masked One), name of Odin: 20
Grimnir, Lay of (Grímnismál), Eddic poem: 21; 36; 40
Grjotunagardar (Grjótúnagarðar; Courtyards of Rocky Fields), Hrungnir’s home: S3
Groa (Gróa): S3, pronounces spells to loosen the whetstone stuck in Thor’s head, wife of Aurvandil
Grotti (Grotti), mill: S8
Grotti’s Song (Grottasöngr), a poem recited by Fenja and Menja: S8
Gudny (Guðný), Gjuki’s daughter: S7
Gudolf (Guðólfr), son of Jat: P3
Gudrun (Gudrún Gjúkaðóttir), Gjuki’s daughter: S7, marries Sigurd, Atli and Jonak
Gullfaxi. See Golden Mane
Gullintanni (Gullintanni; Gold Toothed), a name of Heimdall: 27
Gulltopp (Gulltoppr; Golden Forelock), horse: 15; 27, Heimdall’s horse; 49, Heimdall rides him to Baldr’s funeral
Gungnir or Gugnir (Gungnir or Gugnir; Swaying One), Odin’s spear: 51;S5, Odin receives it from the dwarves
Gunn (Guðr or Gunnr; Battle, Conflict), valkyrie: 36, rides with Rota and Skuld to decide battles and choose the slain
Gunnar (Gunnarr), Gjuki’s son: S7, marries Brynhild
Gunnlod (Gunnlöð), giantess, Suttung’s daughter: S2, appointed guardian of the mead of poetry, lets Odin drink the mead
Gunnthra and Gunnthro (Gunnprá and Gunnpró), river flowing from Hvergelmir: 4; 39, Gunnthro, a river from Hvergelmir, perhaps the same
Gunnthrain (Gunnpráin), a river: 39
Gylfi (Gylfi), Swedish king: 1, the Gefjun episode; 1–54, conversing with the three Æsir; P5, calling himself Gangleri meets the Æsir. See Gangleri
Gyllir (Gyllir; Golden), horse: 15
Gymir (Gymir), Gerd’s father: 37
Habrok (Hábrók), hawk: 41, in a verse
Hallinskidi (Hallinskíði), name of Heimdall: 27
Hamdir (Hamðir), son of Gudrun and Jonak, brother of Erp and Sorli: S7
Hamskerpir (Hamskerpir), horse: 35, in a verse
Hang Jaw or Hengikjopt (Hengikjöptr): perhaps Odin: S8
Hanga-God (Hangaguð; God of the Hanged), name of Odin: 20
Hapta-God (Haptagud; God of Prisoners, God of Fetters), name of Odin: 20
Har (Hár/Hárr), dwarf: 14
Har (Hár/Hárr; High One or Hoary One), name of Odin: 20; talks with Gylfi, perhaps Odin. See High
Harbard (Hárbardr; Grey Beard), name of Odin: 20
Hati Hrodvitnisson (Hati Hróðvitnisson; He Who Hates, Enemy), wolf pursuing Moon: 12
Haur (Haurr), dwarf: 14
Haustlong (Haustlöng), poem: S3
Hedin Hjarrandason (Heðinn Hjarrandason), legendary king: S10
Heidrun (Heiðrún), goat: 39, stands on top of Valhalla
Heimdall (Heimdallr), god: 27, a description of; 49, rides to Baldr’s funeral; 51, will awaken the gods at Ragnarok, fights Loki; S1. See Gullintanni and Hallinskidi
Heimdall’s Chant (Heimdalargaldr), a verse: 27
Heimir in Hlymdales (Heimir í Hlymdölum), Aslaug’s foster father: S7
Heingest (Heingestr), son of Vitta: P4
Hel (Hel; see notes 1 and 2, chapter 3), goddess of the underworld, Loki’s daughter: 3, receives wicked men after their death; 34, Odin throws her into Niflheim and gives her authority over nine worlds; 49, tests the Æsir’s love of Baldr; 51
Hel (Hel; see notes 1 and 2, chapter 3), the underworld: 3, wicked men go there after death; 50; 53, Baldr and Hod will return from there after Ragnarok. See Niflhel, Road to Hel and Gates of Hel
Helblindi (Helblindi; Hel Blind), Loki’s brother: 33
Helblindi (Helblindi; Hel Blind), name of Odin (perhaps scribal error for Herblindi, Blinder of Armies): 20
Helgeland Genealogies, The (Háleygjatal): P5
Heptifili (Heptifili), dwarf: 14
Heremod (Heremóð), son of Itrmann: P3
Herfjotur (Herfjötur; Fetterer of an Army), valkyrie: 36, in a verse
Hermod the Bold (Hermóðr inn hvati), Odin’s son: 49, travels to Hel to offer her ransom for Baldr
Herran or Herjan (Herran or Herjan; Lord, Lord of Raiders, the First among Warriors): 3, one of the twelve names of Odin; 20
Herteit (Herteitr; Glad of War), name of Odin: 20
High (Hár/Hárr; High One), one of the Æsir who talks with Gylfi: 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 25; 34; 35; 37; 38; 39; 40; 41; 42; 43; 44; 48; 49; 50; 51; 53
Hild (Hildr; Battle). See Brynhild
Hild (Hildr; Battle), King Hogni’s daughter, abducted by King Hedin: S10
Hild (Hildr; Battle), valkyrie: 36, in a verse
Hildigolt. See Battle Boar
Himinbjorg (Himinbjörg; Heavenly Mountains, Heavenly Cliffs, if singular, Salvation or Protection of Heaven), stands where Bifrost enters heaven: 17; 27, Heimdall’s home
Himinhrjot (Himinhrjótr), Hymir’s ox: 48, Thor makes bait out of its head
Hindafell (Hindafjall; Hind Mountain?), a mountain where Brynhild lives: S7
Hjadnings, Battle of the (Hjaðingavíg): S10
Hjalmberi (Hjálmberi; Helmet Bearer), name of Odin: 20
Hjalprek (Hjálprekr), legendary king: S7, Regin becomes his smith
Hjalti the Courageous (Hjalti hugprúði), one of Hrolf Kraki’s berserkers: S9
Hjordis (Hjördís), Eylimi’s daughter, mother of Sigurd: S7
Hjuki (Hjúki), Moon’s follower: 11, taken along with Bil by Mani
Hledjolf (Hleðjólfr), dwarf: 14
Hleidra (Hleiðra). See Lejre
Hler (Hlér). See Ægir
Hlesey (Hlésey; Hler’s Island), perhaps Læsø in the Kattegat between modern Denmark and Sweden: S1
Hlidskjalf (Hliðskjálf; Doorway, Gatetower or Watchtower): 9, is in the middle of the Old Asgard; 17; 37, Frey falls in love with Gerd by looking out from it; 50, Odin spots Loki’s hiding place from it
Hlin (Hlín; Protector): 35, goddess connected with Frigg; 51, name for Frigg
Hlodyn (Hlöðyn), name for Earth, Thor’s mother: 51
Hlokk (Hlökk; Noise, Battle), valkyrie: 36, in a verse
Hlymdales (Hlymdalir): S7
Hnikar (Hnikarr; [Spear] Thruster, Mover,
Inciter), name of Odin: 20. See Nikar
Hnikud (Hnikuðr; [Spear] Thruster, Mover, Inciter), name of Odin: 20. See Nikuz
Hnitbjorg (Hnitbjörg), place where Suttung hides the mead of poetry: S2
Hnoss (Hnoss; Precious or Costly Thing), Freyja’s daughter: 35
Hod (Höðr; Warrior), Baldr’s slayer: 28, description of; 49, slays Baldr; 53, will return with Baldr from Hel after Ragnarok
Hoddmimir’s Wood (Holt Hoddmímis), place where two human beings will survive Ragnarok: 53
Hoenir (Hœnir), a god: 23, taken as a hostage by the Vanir in exchange for Njord; S1; S7
Hofvarpnir (Hófvarpnir or Hófvarfnir; Hoof Kicker?), Gna’s horse: 35
Hogni (Högni), Gunnar’s brother: S7
Hogni (Högni), legendary king: S10
Horn (Hörn), one of Freyja’s names: 35
Hoy (Háey), island in Orkney: S10
Hraesvelg (Hræsvelgr; Corpse Gulper), eagle giant, source of winds: 18
Hreidmar (Hreiðmarr), father of Fafnir, Otter and Regin: S7
Hrid (Hríð; Snow Storm), river flowing from Hvergelmir: 4
Hrimfaxi (Hrímfaxi; Frost Mane), Night’s horse: 10, the foam from his bit bedews the earth every morning
Hringhorn. See Ringhorn
Hrist (Hrist; Shaker), valkyrie: 36, in a verse
Hrolf kraki (Hrólfr kraki), legendary king of Denmark: S9
Hronn (Hrönn; Wave), a river: 39
Hroptatyr (Hroptatýr), name of Odin: 20
Hrotti (Hrotti), sword: S7
Hrungnir (Hrungnir), giant: S3, his encounter with Odin and his battle with Thor; S4
Hrungnir’s Heart (Hrungnishjarta): S3
Hrym (Hrymr), giant: 51, will steer Naglfar at Ragnarok
Hugi (Hugi; Thought, Mind): 46, his running contest with Thjalfi; 47, Utgarda-Loki reveals his identity
Hugin (Huginn; Thought, Mind), one of Odin’s ravens: 38
Hugstari (Hugstari), dwarf: 14
Hunger (Hungr), Hel’s plate: 34
Hvedrung (Hveðrungr), probably a name for Loki: 51
Hvergelmir (Hvergelmir; Roaring Kettle), a spring in Niflheim, source of many rivers: 4; 15; 16; 39; 52
Hvitserk the Bold (Hvítserkr inn hvati), one of Hrolf Kraki’s berserkers: S9
Hymir (Hymir), giant: 48, Thor goes fishing with
Hyrrokkin (Hyrrokkin; Shrunk in Fire), giantess: 49, launches the ship Ringhorn