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Darkness Awakened

Page 27

by Stephanie Rowe

  He shot a disdainful look at all the weapons that had come to life when he moved, then strode across the clearing to stand in front of her. Xander and Ajax shifted closer to her, their shoulders moving in front of hers.

  Isaac's eyes narrowed. They were almost black, brimming with anger and rage even beyond what she'd seen in Ajax's eyes when he'd nearly killed Isaac. He looked rogue, but without the red eyes. She tensed, expecting him to voice a dark threat to her life, or to kill her before she could move.

  "My name is Isaac," he snapped out. "I accept you on this mission."

  Then he dropped to the ground, set the spike at her feet and bowed his head. The weapon shimmered, and then disappeared into the ground.

  Isaac rose to his feet, spun around, and stalked back into the shadows. He folded his arms over his chest and leaned against a tree, alone.

  Only then was there a shift around the campfire, and warriors lowered their weapons.

  Xander's voice was relieved as he spoke to her and Ajax. The others will follow now.

  And they did.

  This is Kerrick, Ajax whispered into her mind as one of the men stepped forward. Viktor killed his sheva six months ago.

  Kerrick's face was gaunt, his cheeks sunken, his eyes hollow. His black leather coat and jeans hung off him as if he'd lost a significant amount of weight, and there was a deadness to his eyes. He raised his hand to her hair, his fingers drifting over the ends of it.

  Ajax stiffened beside her, but he didn't move as Kerrick took Madison's hand and lifted it to his mouth, pressing his lips to the back of it. "You have no concept of what you've gotten yourself into, sheva."

  Her throat tightened at the bleakness in his voice. "I'm not giving up."

  His eyes met hers, and she was stunned by the grief in them. "There's no choice left to make. You're already dead. The only question is whether you take Ajax with you. My heart bleeds for you both." He brushed his knuckles over her jaw, then raised his flange mace on his two palms as an offering. "My name is Kerrick, and I accept you on this mission."

  He kneeled before her and laid his weapon on the ground, bowing his head as he waited for it to disappear. His shoulders were hunched, and he pressed his hand over his eyes.

  There was such silence around the fire that she could hear the crackling of the sparks and the echo of the night.

  After a long moment, Ajax clapped his hand on Kerrick's shoulder. Kerrick lifted his head and exchanged glances with Ajax. Then he rose to his feet, and Ajax dropped his hand as Kerrick turned and walked back to his seat on the log without another word.

  No one moved for several minutes, then Xander called out his throwing axe and pointed it toward the sky. "The spirit of Kerrick's sheva, Anna, shall forever be under my protection and that of the Order."

  The warriors raised their weapons and repeated Xander's words. Kerrick sat up straighter, his voice ringing out louder than the rest. When the chant faded into the night, Kerrick stood up and walked out of the light, disappearing into the woods.

  Ajax's hand squeezed hers as he looked past her. Liam approaches.

  She turned back toward the fire as another warrior came to stand before her. He had short blond hair, green eyes that sparkled in the firelight, and the vibrant energy of a man who hadn't lost his optimism. He grinned at her. "Bunch of depressing old men around here, aren't there?"

  She blinked at his cheerful tone. "You look the same age as the rest of them."

  "Ah, yes, but I really am thirty-five. They've been mucking about this world for centuries, decrepit, old and bitter."

  Ajax issued a warning grunt, and Liam grinned at him, then pointed his halberd, a long spear with an assortment of hooks and blades on the end, at Isaac. "Unlike my brethren here, I'll be wearing my short skirt and raising my pompoms, cheering you two on until the very last minute when you guys crash and burn."

  Isaac snorted. "You'd look like shit in a short skirt. Your legs suck."

  Liam grinned, then raised his halberd up. "My name is Liam and I accept you on this mission." Then he kneeled before her and laid his weapon on the ground, whistling softly as it disappeared into the ground. Then he hopped up, sauntered across the clearing and took a seat next to Isaac, who shifted away from him. Liam was smiling, but there was a shadow in his eyes.

  A warrior stood up and walked over, wearing only a pair of black pants and boots. He was walking stiffly, and she realized he was the one she'd stabbed. Rajak.

  Don't bring it up, Ajax instructed. Let it go. It's hell on his ego to have been caught unaware by a female.

  She bit her lip and nodded as he approached. He was shirtless, and he was covered in scars. Intricate designs, as if someone had taken a knife and dug deep, using him as a canvas for their art. His chest, his arms, and his face were all decorated, and the scars disappeared under the waistband of his pants, as if he was marked on every inch of his body.

  His skin glowed in the firelight, making the scars look as if they were alive, dancing. He raised a double spiked flail, the steel bar clenched in his hand. The spiked balls on the ends of the chains dangled loosely, and she shuddered to think of the damage they could do.

  He looked at Ajax. "Zion is truly dead?" His voice was low, tense.

  When Ajax nodded, Rajak threw back his head and let out a visceral howl of such anguish that Madison felt like her own soul had been ripped from her. She moved forward instinctively, to go to him, to comfort him, but before she could take a step, Isaac had come forward.

  Ajax and the rest of his men tensed as Isaac set his hands on Rajak's scarred shoulders. Rajak cut off his howl and jerked his head down to look at Isaac. For a moment, there was silence, then Rajak dropped his head so his forehead was pressed against Isaac's.

  Both men closed their eyes and simply stood there in silence.

  No one else moved or even breathed.

  Finally, Rajak lifted his head, and Isaac did the same. Their gazes met for a long moment. "We will destroy Zion's killer."

  Rajak ground his teeth. "He is mine."

  Isaac shook his head, his face hard. "He is ours. Yours and mine."

  After a moment, Rajak nodded. "Ours." He turned toward Madison as Isaac stalked back to the shadows, his shoulders held stiffly. "My name is Rajak and I accept you on this mission."

  He kneeled and laid his weapon at her feet, and she could see the scars across his back. The design was beautiful and horrific at the same time. What happened to him?

  No one knows. He bares his body in hopes that someone he meets will know what the design means and have answers for him. Zion found him unconscious in a field three hundred years ago, and he has no recollection of his life before then.

  Then Xander stepped in front of her. He was wearing the focused expression of a warrior who was making the choice for the good of the mission, and for no other reason. "My name is Xander, and I accept you on this mission."

  His throwing axe remained at her feet for far longer than the others before it disappeared, causing a murmur among the warriors, and she sensed their approval.

  Ajax was the last one to stand before her. He called out his sword and held it before her, balanced on both palms. His eyes met hers, and she saw his duty reflected in them. Duty and honor. He wasn't distracted by lust, or the bond, or by anything else. He was a warrior with a mission, not her lover, not her mate.

  A deadly warrior with one goal. "My name is Ajax, and I accept you on this mission."

  Then he kneeled before, laid his weapon at her feet and bowed his head.

  His weapon remained at her feet, and it didn't fade.

  The men became restless, and Isaac spoke. "The weapon lies. He can't be our leader on this mission. He has broken our oath. Xander was marked as second in command. It's he who must replace Zion on this mission."

  Ajax lifted his head, and she locked gazes with him for a moment. Then he swept his sword off the ground and turned to face the warriors. "The weapons chose me. I accept."

  Rajak ca
lled out his other flail and stepped in front of Ajax. "Isaac is right. You're a liability. This mission is too important—"

  Ajax's eyes narrowed. "You can follow me, or you can die now. The weapons don't lie. I'm the choice of the Order, and we must follow it. You know that." He laid his sword at Isaac's throat. "It's your choice."

  Neither man moved, and finally Liam walked up and set his hand on Isaac's shoulder. "Viktor and Zion are dead. We need all six of us to win this thing. We can kill Ajax later, if we need to." Liam gave an easy shrug. "In the absence of our leader, we have to follow the weapons. Xander told us about Ajax's mother's ring. Zion chose Ajax, and so did the weapons. You really think going against that is smart?"

  Warriors shuffled and muttered under their breath, but no one spoke up against Liam.

  He glanced around. "I know you guys were really tight with Zion, and it sucks he's gone. But we can survive without him. The way to honor him is to respect the choice he made for his replacement."

  Rajak gave him a hard look. "Fuck off, rookie. You have no idea what Zion was for me."

  "No? I listen." Liam looked around the fire. "I know most of you owe your life to him." He gazed directly at Isaac. "Yeah, maybe you'll go insane without him around to keep you under control."

  Isaac growled, but Liam didn't back down. "But the rest of you have been preaching honor and oath to me since I joined the Order. Zion's gone. Someone else has to step up now. The weapons picked Ajax, so obviously they know something we don't. Let him lead, for hell's sake. It's just for this mission, right? The real leader has yet to emerge." He grinned. "Who knows? Maybe it'll be me."

  Madison saw the seriousness in Liam's eyes that belied his smile and light tone. Liam might act casual, but he was every bit the warrior that the rest of them were, and he understood the tenuous thread of control hovering over the gathering. "We have to put our faith in the weapons," he said. "It's our way."

  Isaac stood his ground for a moment longer, then turned and walked away. Liam shot a glance at Ajax, then followed Isaac across the clearing.

  The danger was over for now.

  Ajax caught her arm as her legs began to tremble. "You did great," he whispered.

  "I need to sit down."

  He helped her over to a downed tree the warriors had dragged by the fire, and she sank down gratefully onto the damp wood. Ajax stood next to her, his hand on her shoulder, his muscular thigh pressed against her shoulder for reassurance. Let's try for Ashley now.

  She nodded and tried to open her mind to him, felt his presence touching her, working his way through her defenses, and then she shut him out. Not on purpose, but she simply didn't know how to make herself that vulnerable. The closeness she'd felt with him when they'd made love was gone. Destroyed when he'd asked her about the boy she'd killed and made it clear he couldn't accept her truth.

  She was too afraid of him finding out to let him in. His energy pressed at her mind, and she automatically put up her shields, unwilling to let him in.

  He swore and looked at her. "We're not going to find her if you can't trust me."

  "I know." She fisted her hands. "I know. I'm trying. I'm just—" Just what? Hiding a truth that would get her killed? Hiding from him? Was she that weak that she'd sacrifice her sister to keep her own secrets? Not on purpose, never on purpose, but in truth? Apparently.

  God, she was so weak.

  Ajax shook his head once, his frustration evident as he jammed his hand into the front pocket of his jeans. "Then we'll go with our second option." He fished her black phone out and held it out to her. "Call and tell Charles you have my weapons. Make a date to turn them over."

  The Order went silent, all eyes fixed on her, making her realize they'd all been paying attention when they'd tried to track Ashley. Would they have also been able to read her mind, through their Calydon bond with Ajax? She shuddered, glad she hadn't done it.

  Ajax set the phone in her hand. "Call."

  "Won't he know I'm lying? If I screw it up and Ashley—"

  "He won't hurt Ashley. He needs her as leverage to get to you. Just do it." Ajax set his hand on her shoulder and squeezed. Time's up, sheva. The call has to be made now. I've got your back.

  His words rang in her mind, and she clutched them desperately to her heart. The Order might not be able to trust her, but she could trust them. They'd sworn their allegiance, and for the first time in her life, she had a team supporting her. People to stand by her side and help her.

  And especially Ajax.

  Meeting his gaze, she opened the phone and pressed the only phone number programmed into it. The phone rang, and she knew the warriors surrounding her could hear it.

  A man answered on the fifth ring. "You have them?"

  A chill shuddered down her spine at the gravelly voice, which she recognized from the attack at her house. Ajax sat down next to her, his shoulder up against hers, giving her strength. "I...yes. Yes, I do."

  "You killed him?"

  Ajax nodded once.

  "Yes. With my Illusions."

  There was a chuckle from the other side. "You cut it close, didn't you? Less than an hour."

  "He wasn't easy to kill." Ajax cupped the back of her neck, his fingers rubbing gently. She put her hand on his, needing to touch him. Her heart was racing, and her hands sweating. Ashley's life was in her hands. "How do I get them to you?"

  "Be at the base of Dark Hill Ridge in one hour."

  She looked at Ajax.

  Make it six.

  "Six hours," she said, sweat trickling down her back. "I'm in southern Oregon right now."

  "Six it is." He disconnected, and the phone buzzed in her hand. Wearily, she let it slide out of her hand, and it landed with a soft thud on the ground.

  Ajax put his arm around her and tugged her against his side. Nice job.

  She smiled weakly as she felt his satisfaction, his pride.

  "Dark Ridge is where Bezoar's prison is," Ajax said. He stood up and faced the team, and he began to outline his plan to have the team arrive ahead of time and stake out the place, using Madison as the bait but ensuring she was never endangered.

  Madison watched Ajax pace in front of the team as he talked. She felt his energy humming, saw the Order members begin to lean forward to listen to him, heads nodding in agreement, and her throat began to tighten.

  This was where Ajax belonged. With his team, with the Order, standing in front, leading them into battle. She could practically feel him drawing strength into his body and then feeding it out to the rest of the group. Even Luke was standing taller, his gaze riveted on Ajax.

  As great as Ajax was on his own, he was even better when he allowed himself to be surrounded by his team. The energy of the whole group was building, and she could see their restless anticipation of the battle to come.

  Because he was so much more than he thought he was.

  He seemed to sense her watching him, and he turned his head toward her, giving her a wink.

  She smiled back, realizing that for the first time since Ashley had been kidnapped, she had hope. True hope. Ajax's leadership, the Order's just might be enough to win.

  And then Ajax began to outline the part of the plan that involved her, and her hope slithered away.

  Because he was counting on her in a way she couldn't deliver.

  Chapter Forty

  Ashley winced as a sharp pain cut through her sleep, and she peeled her eyes open. She glanced around the room. The walls were cement, painted a steel gray. Bars were on the windows. There was a toilet in the corner. She was back in her cell, she realized with a crush of despair. Again.

  She rolled over, then groaned. Every muscle, every bone, every inch of her hurt.

  The memory of Charles's last beating hit her, and suddenly the last few days came tumbling back. Killing so many warriors. The dark Illusions. All the blood... Being dragged through the woods, her body so beaten and exhausted she'd been unconscious half the time. The bar...


  She raised her hand and looked at her palm. The puncture wound from when she'd grabbed his throwing star hadn't begun to heal. Marked by his death. Viktor had died in her arms before she'd passed out from Charles's beating. Because he'd stayed to try to save her.

  He'd offered his own life to protect hers.

  Tears stung her eyes.

  Of all the warriors who'd died because of her, she could think only of Viktor. Her heart swelled with pain, and all the loneliness and isolation and fear she'd been holding back crashed down on her, crushing her—

  The door creaked and she sucked in her sobs, trying to catch her breath so Charles couldn't hear her cry. She couldn't let him know how Viktor's death had affected her. Somehow, he'd use it against her.

  There was a quiet shuffle across the floor, lighter than the forceful sound of Charles's boots hitting the cement floors. Ashley opened her eyes just enough to see, then blinked when she saw it was a woman with a tray of food. A woman about her age.

  The woman walked stiffly across the room, as if she were in great pain. She was wearing a flowing white skirt and a white cotton camisole. She was barefoot, and her pale blond hair hung limply around her shoulders, tucked behind her ears. Her clothes were slightly tattered and dirty, but she held her chin at a defiant angle.

  She met Ashley's gaze, then smiled as she set the tray by the bed. "I brought food."

  "I see that." Ashley flinched at her hostile tone. "Thank you," she added, trying to find her way back to the place she used to be. Someone who was pleasant, who found joy in the small things in life. Anything to find a reason to have hope, like having someone in her cell who wasn't Charles. "Who are you?" Her voice sounded raspy, and she took the glass of water from the tray and drank it greedily.

  "Keira." The woman sat back on her heels, glancing at Ashley's legs. She winced, and Ashley followed her gaze. Her legs were covered in bruises, black, purple, yellow. Cuts up and down them, some of them oozing, others freshly cleaned. By Keira?


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