Darkness Awakened

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Darkness Awakened Page 55

by Stephanie Rowe

  She could feel desire in his breath, in the way he clutched her against him, and it reached inside her and tugged at an answering need deep inside. They'd both been isolated for so long, and it was impossible to fight it any longer. He made her feel alive, and she hadn't realized how dead she'd been inside until he'd woken her up.

  "I know Theresa Nichols lives here and I'm not leaving until you buzz her." An unfamiliar male voice burst through Justine's sexually deprived haze as they stepped inside.

  Alarm burst through her at the man's reference to Theresa.

  No one knew Theresa even existed, let alone knew she was here.

  "Derek. Stop." He stilled instantly and pulled back.

  "What's wrong?"

  Justine nodded toward the front desk as she forced herself to let go of him and turn around. Derek released her and followed her gaze, his body tensing next to her.

  A man in his late twenties was standing at a brand-new security desk, arguing with Xavier. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a collared shirt, with the sleeves rolled up and the tail untucked. His hair was a bit long, a bit ragged, but it looked rebellious, not neglected. It was intentional dishevelment of the highest fashion. She wouldn't be surprised if his casual look cost more than Derek's nicest business suit.

  The man was leaning on the desk, his body language relaxed even as he repeated his request to see Theresa.

  "You are hungry. You need to go to a restaurant and get some dinner," Xavier said. His arms were folded across his chest, his tone cold. He shot a glance at them, then his face tightened when he saw Derek. He touched his fingers to the stitches on his forehead, then gave Derek a slight nod before turning back to the man. "You need to go eat."

  Justine stilled at his "suggestion."Who was Xavier?

  "That doesn't work on me," the man said to Xavier. "I'm immune."

  Adrenaline flooded Justine's body. If Xavier really had the power of suggestion and this man was immune, then someone from the Otherworld was after Theresa. And possibly her. And Mona. She eased the dagger out from under her left arm and hid it behind her right thigh, her heart pounding. "May I help you?"

  The man turned his head, giving her an easy glance. His face was angular, dignified. Handsome, in a way that wasn't nearly as masculine as Derek's but good looking nevertheless. No sign of gold dust and he didn't have the LaValle chin. "Not unless you know Theresa Nichols," he said.

  She noticed then that Xavier had taken off his gilded jacket and was rolling up his sleeves. "I'll take care of this visitor, Ms. Bennett. Would you like me to take care of your lawyer as well?"

  Derek frowned, and she knew what he was thinking. Where was the Xavier who'd tried to get her killed? This Xavier was about to knock two men around to protect her. Then again, she'd never seen Xavier resort to violence before, so this wasn't the old Xavier either. Something was up with him, and she doubted it was good. "No, Derek is with me. He's fine. As for him..." She nodded at the man. "Who are you?"

  Their visitor gave a deep bow that bespoke of an old-world grace. "Zeke Siccardi at your service."

  For an instant, Justine's mind was a blank.

  And then she realized who it was and her adrenaline sent her heart into a pounding frenzy. Theresa's cyber lover! The one who had been doing research on dragons and gold auras, and apparently, where Theresa lived. How had he found them? She glanced at Derek, but he was watching Xavier, who, in turn, was intently focused on Zeke.

  Zeke smiled, showing dimples to die for. "I'm here to surprise Theresa. You know her?"

  "How did you end up at this address?"

  "It's not too difficult to find someone if you know what you're doing." He held up a manila envelope. "I got some information she might like and I thought I'd deliver it in person."

  She watched him wave the envelope. It could be instructions on how to turn Theresa back into a human. Or information about gold auras, or even about the Curse. She walked toward him, her fingers practically twitching with eagerness. "Theresa doesn't live here anymore, but I'll be happy to get that to her."

  He frowned, and she noticed a small diamond earring in his left ear. Theresa would love that.

  "Really? She moved?" He tucked the envelope back under his arm as Justine got close enough to grab it.

  "Yes." Justine almost managed to look him in the eye as she answered. Almost. She was a terrible liar and if he had any brain in his head at all, he would realize it. Her heart was thudding so loudly she was certain he could hear it. Calm down. Count to ten. "But I can get the envelope to her."

  "I want to deliver it myself." He levered himself off the desk and stood up, ignoring Xavier as he circled Justine. He was plenty tall enough for Theresa in her human form, not quite big enough to make an eleven foot, two-ton dragon feel dainty, though. "Where is she?"

  "She isn't seeing visitors, Zeke. I'll get it to her." She held out her hand for the file, but he made no move to hand it to her.

  He cocked his head. "She said the same thing when I suggested we meet. Why isn't she seeing anyone?"

  Justine reluctantly dropped her hand, but didn't give him any room. "She's sick...Yeah. Contagious. Yes. That's it. She has a contagious disease and has been quarantined."

  She felt Derek's look, but she didn't dare meet his gaze. She would crack if she so much as looked at Derek. Xavier was listening intently, his hands flexing at his sides as if he was ready to toss Zeke out on his head as soon as Justine gave him the nod.

  "What kind of disease?" Zeke asked

  Justine shifted her weight and tried to find a place to put her hands. "A parasite she picked up in the Amazon. It's deadly, and airborne. It wiped out a whole village in two days." Don't laugh. Don't laugh.

  He lifted a skeptical eyebrow. "So, is she going to die?"

  "Hopefully not. They've found a drug that keeps the symptoms under control, but she's still contagious. Deadly to anyone." He looked ready to argue, so she quickly added. "She's in an FBI lab at an undisclosed location. No human contact. I'm her only living kin, so the FBI allows me to send her packets once a week."

  Zeke swung the envelope from his fingertips and studied her. His eyes were too penetrating. Too knowing. "Why didn't she tell me? We text all the time."

  Shit. She could throw a knife with deadly accuracy from fifteen yards, but was about to put herself and Mona and Theresa in jeopardy because she couldn't lie to save her life, though she had a feeling that no matter how well she lied, Zeke would know. He was too astute, too savvy. Too dangerous. She shot a panicked "we're in deep shit" look at Derek.

  Xavier tossed his jacket on the expensive, hand woven carpet and moved behind Zeke while Derek stepped up beside Justine.

  Zeke didn't even twitch, but suddenly there was an awareness prickling off his body, and she wondered whether Derek and Xavier together would be able to take him. What was he?

  Derek cleared his throat and broke the silent standoff. "Listen, Zeke, no one knows why women do what they do," he said easily. "I hate to interrupt, but Justine and I were on our way upstairs to...chat." He gave Zeke a very male look and held out his hand for the package. "Have mercy on me, brother. Give us the package and let me get her upstairs before the moment passes."

  At Derek's comment, Justine lunged for his arm and wrapped herself around it, rubbing her breasts against him even as her adrenaline raced and she longed to conk Zeke on the head with her gun and take the envelope. "Oh, Derek. I thought you'd forgotten."

  He slid his hand down her back and grabbed her butt, giving her a steaming look that made her want to climb inside his suit with him. "Not a chance, sweetheart."

  Zeke shook off the tension with a visible shake, then flipped the package to Derek, though the assessing sharpness hadn't left his eyes. He was capitulating for the moment, but it was on his own terms. He was enough man for Theresa, and that might be a big problem. "I'm jealous," he said. "My woman is under FBI lock up, apparently. No action anytime soon for me."

  His woman? He considered
Theresa his woman? Justine wasn't sure if Theresa would think that was adorable or claustrophobic.

  "I feel your pain." Derek caught the package, then wrapped his fingers around Justine's wrist and tugged her toward the elevator.

  Justine followed him, turning her head to bid farewell to her mysterious doorman. "Xavier, we need to talk later."

  "Of course." Zeke and Xavier's male laughter followed them across the lobby, and she could practically feel the heat emanating from Derek.

  The instant the elevator doors closed, he pressed her against the wall, with its expensive flowered wallpaper. "Thanks for going with the cover to distract Zeke."

  She softened against him as he leaned into her. "It was a good plan. Thanks for helping me out and protecting Theresa." His heat was pressing into her, curving into her body like sensual caresses. "I have to admit, it's really nice to have a partner who isn't driven by bloodlust and food cravings."

  "Partners? Is that what we are?" He grasped her arms and trapped them by her sides, her wrists pressed against the brass bar flanking the walls of the elevator. Then he dropped his head and laid a soft kiss on the curve of her neck.

  She closed her eyes and dug her fingers into the waistband of his pants, sighing at the feel of his warm skin under her hands. "I think we are," she whispered. "For the moment. Until death do us part."

  The door to the elevator slid open at her apartment, but they didn't move. "We're here." Derek's breath tickled her neck. "Shall we continue this?"

  Yes, do me!

  No, save my soul!

  Yes, take away my loneliness!

  No, I'm terrified of unspeakable horrors and I can't bear to send my mom to hell!


  "Resist the temptation!" The interior door flew open and Theresa shoved her head between them. "The Council just left!"

  "Oh my God!" Justine shoved Derek aside and nearly fell over him as she lunged for the door. He caught her just as she tripped over his feet. "What did they say?"

  Theresa clutched an empty pretzel box to her chest. "They were not happy you were gone for so long. I'm supposed to be emergency back up only! They had found out about Derek and his drinks, and they were coming to check up. And you weren't here! Do you have any idea how difficult it is to stall three men who are over six hundred years old and have interrogated some very bad people?" Theresa's face was pale gray and her golden eyes were bloodshot. "I didn't know what to tell them. How much do they know? They were here for two hours! I'm a total wreck!"

  Justine's gut thudded to her toes as she stepped into her apartment. "They know about Derek's drinks?" She was suddenly cold, so cold, and she jumped when Derek shut the door behind them.

  "Yes!" Tears welled up in the dragon's eyes as she sat heavily on the floor, rattling the china in the nearby cabinet. "What am I going to do if they abduct you and throw you into the Chamber of Unspeakable Horrors? I'm going to be alone down here, all by myself, for eternity! I'll go insane. I can't bear my scaled exile alone! And you...what will happen to you? It's too awful for words! What if they come back? They'll find you, you know. They told me they would. You can't escape them!" She broke down into heaving sobs, her scales vibrating, her tail a limp rag on the floor. "You can't leave me here again. I can't take the pressure! And Zeke emailed me and said the gold aura meant the surfer was possessed by Satan. Satan! The lord of the Underworld is after us, and so is the Council! I can't deal with this!"

  "Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry." Justine reached out to hug the dragon, then dropped her arms when the dragon didn't respond. A hug was so inadequate when everything she said was completely true. The gold aura being Satan...not really surprising. The Council? Unexpected and so not good. Justine sat beside her, resting her head against her friend. "I'm really sorry you had to endure the Council."

  Theresa didn't even look up from her sobs, until Derek tapped her forehead with the envelope he'd gotten from Zeke. "Got something for you."

  She took a rasping breath of tears and anguish. "Pretzels?"

  "Better than pretzels," Derek said.

  She sighed heavily, and the envelope caught fire on the corner. Derek cursed and smothered the flames with his hand. Then he looked in surprise at his palm, no doubt in awe at its instantaneous healing. Such a minor burn was inconsequential to him now. He glanced at Justine, then handed the envelope to Theresa. "We met Zeke. He wanted you to have this."

  Theresa's head snapped up. "Zeke? My Zeke? You met him? Where? When? Was he gorgeous? Did he have a wedding ring on?"

  Justine smiled as Derek escorted Theresa to the couch, enthralling her with details about Zeke. He even told her about Zeke's dimples, and the fact he'd called Theresa "his woman." The look on Theresa's face when he told her that was priceless, and Justine felt her heart melt just a little.

  Derek was a sweetie.

  How was she going to kill him?

  But what choice did she have? The Council was onto them.

  There were no loopholes that could save either of them now.

  As Theresa opened Zeke's envelope and squealed how he'd given her his research on how to turn a dragon into a human, Justine met Derek's gaze over the dragon's head.

  She knew Derek realized the significance of the Council visit as soon as she saw the regret in his eyes. At least one of them was going to end up dead, possibly both of them, and possibly something much worse.

  He gave her a quick nod, and she gave him a half smile. It was agreed. They would go forward as long as they could. Hell, they were taking on Satan. How much worse could the Council be?

  And no, she didn't want to know the answer to that question.

  How long until the Council returned? How many hours did they have until they ran out of time? No idea. Five minutes? A day?

  Like the threat of the Curse hadn't been enough of a challenge.

  Iris checked the connection between the faucet and the hose, making sure there were no leaks. She had already spread a plastic tarp over the floor to catch the flood she planned to make, along with any melting body parts.

  Today was about full-scale warfare.

  A musical knock sounded on the front door, and she pumped the nozzle on the hose, double checking it was on its most powerful setting.

  "My sex kitten, it is your studmuffin, responding to your text. I am here for you," Satan trilled from the front step.

  "Come in." She lifted the nozzle, steadied it with a two-handed grip and aimed at the kitchen door. "I'm in the kitchen, naked and ready for you."

  "Oh, my darling! I knew you would come around!" Satan rushed around the corner, and Iris hit him square in the face with the powerful rush of water.

  Unfortunately, he was wearing a Gortex rain outfit, complete with goggles and a face mask. He threw his hands on his hips and stood under the assault. "You lie! You get my manly regions eager with anticipation of a sexual marathon, and you ambush me! I do not understand. I am emotionally shattered by your actions."

  She lowered the hose in frustration. Bastard. Since when did he get smart enough to dress in rain gear? Water dripped off his hood, hitting the plastic sheet on the floor with rhythmic drops. "How stupid do you think I am? Did you really think I wouldn't find out?"

  He sighed heavily. "Find out what, my love? If you're referring to my harvesting of two hundred and thirty souls yesterday, I ask you, what do you expect? I am Satan. It is my calling. My best Rivka found a cult that was looking for sponsorship, so I offered my services."

  "Not that." God, she wanted to turn him into a pile of jelly. "Take off the rain gear. I promise I won't shoot you."

  Satan chuckled and waggled a gloved finger at her. "Oh, my small-breasted fantasy woman, you are turning into my perfect mate. You lie without even one facial twitch. So impressive."

  Iris frowned. He was right. She had every intention of shooting him. "Did you turn on your brain today or something?"

  "My best Rivka challenges me daily. I realized I cannot always rely on my manly brawn and my spec
ial Satanic talents to overpower everyone. I am courting the souls of some Harvard Law School professors. Soon I pass the Afterlife bar exam and will write unbreakable contracts and issue incontrovertible orders." He sighed suddenly and sat down heavily on a kitchen chair with a loud squish. "It is very disheartening to realize how much I do wrong. Very bad. I have much to fix."

  Iris hesitated, trying to read his body language. His shoulders seemed too droopy for this to be another scam.

  Not that it mattered. He was in trouble. She whipped the hose back into firing position. "Justine told me about the surfer."

  Satan looked at her, but the goggles kept her from seeing his expression. Good. No need to be tempted by his come-hither eyes. "Which surfer?" he asked. "I have taken the souls of many surfers. They are willing to trade much to catch the perfect wave."

  "The one who showed up at my daughter's condo with a gun. He tried to kill her and steal the Goblet."

  Satan sat up straighter. "I protect her. Why do you refuse to believe me? I will go to great lengths to win your favor." Satan shoved the goggles up on his forehead, his face a picture of innocent confusion. If he hadn't nabbed so many Hollywood souls, she might even be inclined to buy it. "Why do you blame me for this?"

  "Because he had a gold aura."

  Something twitched in his face, then it was gone, but she was certain he knew what she was talking about.

  Disappointment rushed through her, and she realized she'd been hoping he didn't. "And you cursed Derek LaValle. You're the reason he's after Justine." Her fingers twitched on the nozzle, but she held off. Answers first, torture later. "Your signature was on the Curse." She moved closer. "You betrayed me."

  "No." His voice was soft. Angry. His fists clenched. "It is I who have been betrayed."

  "As if! How do you figure?" If he tried to blame all of this on her just because she refused to let him steal Mona, she was turning him into a puddle.

  He held out his hand. "Hose, please. I will give it back after I explain."


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