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Bartlett's Book of Anecdotes

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by Clifton Fadiman

  Klöpfer 1: H. Hoffmeister, Anekdotenschatz

  Kneller 1: H. Walpole, Anecdotes of Painting; 2: A Dictionary of Anecdotes (1809), in D. George, A Book of Anecdotes; 3: L. Russell, English Wits

  Knopf 1: C. Fadiman, Fifty Years

  Knox, P. 1: T. Buckley, Violent Neighbors

  Koestler 1: International Herald Tribune, Apr. 24–25, 1982

  Koo 1: R. Marquard, Jokes and Anecdotes

  Koppay 1: S. Dryfoos, Iphigene

  Korda 1–5: M. Korda, Charmed Lives; 6: R. Morley, Pardon Me, But You’re Eating My Doily

  Koussevitzky 1: O. Levant, The Unimportance of Being Oscar; 2–3: H. Earle Johnson, Symphony Hall

  Kreisler 1: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 2: B. Cerf, Try and Stop Me; 3: S. Beach, Musicdotes

  Labouchere 2: H. Pearson, Lives of the Wits; 3: L. Russell, English Wits

  Ladd 1: M. Biggs, ed., Women’s Words: The Columbia Book of Quotations by Women

  Laemmle 1: N. Zierold, The Moguls

  Lafayette 1: P. Buckman, Lafayette; 2: H. Prochnow, The Public Speaker’s Treasure Chest; 3: D. Hall, ed., OBALA

  La Fontaine 1: W. Sholz, Das Buch des Lachens

  La Guardia 1: B. Cerf, Try and Stop Me; 2: J. Gunther, Procession; 3: J. C. Humes, Speaker’s Treasury

  Laird 1: H. Kissinger, White House Years

  Laïs 1: I. Wallace, The Nympho & Other Maniacs

  Lamar 1: E. Mayes, Life of Lucius Q. C. Lamar, in C. Shriner, Wit, Wisdom, and Foibles of the Great

  Lamb, Lady C., 1: Boston Globe, Feb. 20, 1985; 2: D. Cecil, Melbourne

  Lamb, Charles, 1–2, 4: L. Russell, English Wits; 3: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote; 5, 7: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 6: American Scholar, VI: 2 (1937)

  Landers 1: M. Biggs, ed., Women’s Words: The Columbia Book of Quotations by Women

  Landis 1: J. Braude, Speaker’s and Toastmaster’s Handbook

  Landor 1: R. M. Milnes, Lord Houghton Monographs, in F. Muir, Irreverent Social History

  Landowska 1: H. Schonberg, The Great Pianists

  Landru 1: D. Wallechinsky and I. Wallace, The People’s Almanac; 2: J. Carey, ed., The Faber Book of Reportage

  Lang 1–2: G. Lang, Nobody Knows the Truffles I’ve Seen

  Langtry 1: I. Wallace et al., Intimate Sex Lives of Famous People

  Laplace 1–2: E. Bell, Men of Mathematics

  Lardner 1: J. Yardley, Ring; 2: D. Elder, Ring Lardner

  Lasorda 1: B. Shlain, Baseball Inside Out

  Latimer 1: B. Conrad, Famous Last Words

  Lauzun 1: P. Smith, A New Age Now Begins

  Lavoisier 1: I. Asimov, Biographical Encyclopedia

  Lawrence, D. H., 1: E. D. McDonald, ed., D. H. Lawrence, Phoenix: The Posthumous Papers, in J. Sutherland, ed., OBLA; 2: N. and B. Donaldson, How Did They Die?

  Lawrence, J. 1: D. Wallechinsky and I. Wallace, The People’s Almanac

  Lawrence, T. E., 1: R. Graves, Goodbye to All That; 2: E. Marsh, A Number of People

  Lawson 1: G. Brandreth, Great Theatrical Disasters

  Leahy 1: A. Hatch, The Byrds of Virginia

  Lear 1, 3: V. Noakes, Edward Lear; 2, 4: A. Davidson, Edward Lear

  Ledru-Rollin 1: L. Harris, The Fine Art of Political Wit

  Lee, G., 1: E. Preminger, Gypsy and Me

  Lee, N., 1: “Liber Facetiarum,” in D. George, A Book of Anecdotes

  Lee, R. E., 1: C. Fadiman and C. Van Doren, The American Treasury; 2: J. M. Morgan, Century Magazine, LX (May 1900), in B. Botkin, A Civil War Treasury; 3: Gen. J. B. Gordon, “Last Days of the Confederacy,” Modern Eloquence, V, in B. Botkin, A Civil War Treasury; 4: G. W. Bagby, The Old Virginia Gentleman and Other Sketches, in B. Botkin, Treasury of American Anecdotes; 6: M. Ringo, Nobody Said It Better

  Lehmann 1: C. Gattey, The Elephant That Swallowed a Nightingale

  Leighton 1: S. Radecki, Das ABC des Lachens

  Lenclos 1: J. Nash, Zanies; 2: G. Boissier, Mme de Sévigné; 3: I. Wallace, The Nympho & Other Maniacs; 4: I. Wallace et al., Intimate Sex Lives of Famous People; 5: W and A. Durant, The Story of Civilization, VIII Lenya 1: The Times (London), Nov. 30, 1981 Leo X 1: T. Craven, Men of Art

  Leonard 1: W. Zinsser, A Family of Readers

  Leonidas 1: I. Asimov, Biographical Encyclopedia

  Leschetizky 1: H. Schonberg, The Great Pianists

  Lessing 1: J. Timbs, Century of Anecdote

  Levant 2: B. Adler, My Favorite Funny Story; 3: J. McAleer, “Globe Man’s Daily Story,” Boston Globe, July 10, 1964; 4–5: D. Herrmann, With Malice Toward All

  Lévis 1: D. George, A Book of Anecdotes

  Lewis, C., 1: D. Balsdon, Oxford Now and Then; 2: R. Green, C. S. Lewis

  Lewis, M., 1: J. Timbs, Century of Anecdote

  Lewis, S., 1: L. Untermeyer, Bygones; 2: J. McAleer, “Globe Man’s Daily Story,” Boston Globe, July 20, 1970; 3–4: B. Conrad, Fun While It Lasted

  Liberace 1: C. Fadiman and C. Van Doren, The American Treasury

  Li Bo 1: A. Davis, ed., Penguin Book of Chinese Verse

  Lichtenberg 1: W. Scholz, Das Buch des Lachens

  Liebermann 1: C. Bowra, Memories 1898–1939

  Liebling 1: B. Gill, Here at The New Yorker

  Lieven 1: J. Griffin, ed., Snobs

  Liliencron 1–2: H. Hoffmeister, Anekdotenschatz

  Lillie 2: L. and M. Cowan, The Wit of Women; 3: C. Daniel, Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen; 4: Book-of-the-Month Club News, July 1948

  Lincoln, A., 1–2, 11, 15: A. K. McClure, ed., Lincoln’s Own Yarns and Stories; 3, 27: W. Whipple, The Story-Life of Abraham Lincoln, in P. Boller, ed., Presidential Anecdotes; 4, 10, 19, 21–23: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 5: I. Tarbell, The Life of Abraham Lincoln; 6: B. Cerf, Shake Well Before Using; 7: J. M. Scovel, quoting O. H. Browning, in Lippincott’s Magazine, Mar. 1903, in C. Shriner, Wit, Wisdom, and Foibles of the Great; 8: P. Zall, Abe Lincoln Laughing; 9, 18: G. S. Hilton, The Funny Side of Politics, in Boller, Presidential Anecdotes; 12, 26: B. Poore, Perley’s Reminiscences of Sixty Years, in Boller, Presidential Anecdotes; 13: Boller, Presidential Wives: An Anecdotal History; 14: A. Barra, That’s Not the Way It Was; 16, 24–25: P. Selby, ed., Stories and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln, in Boller, Presidential Anecdotes; 17, 31: C. Fadiman and C. Van Doren, The American Treasury; 20: T. Dennett, ed., Lincoln and the Civil War in the Diaries of John Hay, in Boller, Presidential Anecdotes; 28: P. Smith, Trial by Fire; 29: R. Marquard, Jokes and Anecdotes; 30: W. R. Thayer, The Life of John Hay, in Shriner, Wit; 32: C. Sandburg, in D. George, A Book of Anecdotes; 33: A. Gross, Lincoln’s Own Stories, in Boller, Presidential Anecdotes; 34: F. Moore, Anecdotes, Poetry, and Incidents of the War; 35: D. Wallechinsky and I. Wallace, The People’s Almanac; 36: W. H. Lamon, Recollections of Abraham Lincoln 1847–1865, in B. Botkin, A Civil War Treasury

  Lincoln, R., 1: I. Wallace, “Significa,” Aug. 2, 1981

  Lind 1: I. Wallace, The Fabulous Showman

  Lindbergh 1–2: J. Milton, Loss of Eden: A Biography of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  Lindemann 1: W. Manchester, The Last Lion

  Lippert 1: M. Biggs, ed., Women’s Words: The Columbia Book of Quotations by Women

  Lister 1: H. Steinbert, Artz und Patient

  Liszt 1: G. Keynes and B. Hill, Samuel Butler’s Notebooks; 2: N. Cardus, Talking of Music; 3: L. de Heggerman-Lindencrone, “The Sunny Side of Diplomatic Life,” in J. Bryan, III, ed., Hodgepodge: A Commonplace Book

  Livermore 1: M. Saxton, Louisa May

  Lloyd George 1: S. Spender, World Within World; 2: C. Fadiman and C. Van Doren, The American Treasury; 3: M. and A. Guillois, Liberté, Egalité, Hilarité; 4: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 5: P. Mahony, Barbed Wit and Malicious Humor

  Lloyd Weber 1: P. Holland, “Whistling in the Dark,” review of M. Walsh, Andrew Lloyd Weber, Times Literary Supplement, Dec. 8–14, 1989

  Lobengula 1: J. Lockhart, Cecil Rhodes

  Locke 1: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote

  Lombardi 2: M. Ringo, Nobody Sai
d It Better

  Long 1: T. H. Williams, Huey Long, in R. Shenkman and K. Reiger, One-Night Stands with American History; 2: A. Brinkley, Voices of Protest

  Longworth 1: D. Herrmann, With Malice Toward All

  Louis, J. 1: R. Lamparski, Whatever Became Of. . . ?; 2: B. Conn, “Unforgettable Joe Louis,” Reader’s Digest, July 1983; 4: M. Ringo, Nobody Said It Better

  Louis XI 1: F. Winslow, Physic and Physicians, in D. George, A Book of Anecdotes

  Louis XIV 1: W. and A. Durant, The Story of Civilization, VII; 2, 7, 10: V. Cronin, Louis XIV; 3: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 4: M. Pedrazzini and J. Gris, Autant en apportent les mots; 5–6: E. Guérard, Dictionnaire Encyclopédique; 8: G. Colman, Circle of Anecdote; 9: L. Norton, Saint-Simon at Versailles

  Louis XV 1: M. Pedrazzini and J. Gris, Autant en apportent les mots; 2: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 3: T. F. Thiselton-Dyer, Royalty in All Ages, in C. Shriner, Wit, Wisdom, and Foibles of the Great; 4: A. Castelot, Marie Antoinette

  Louis XVI 1: R. Chelmiaski, The French at Table; 2: W. Merwin, Products of the Perfected Civilization; 3: W. and A. Durant, The Story of Civilization, X; 4: W. and A. Durant, The Story of Civilization, XI

  Louis XVIII 1: A. Castelot, Paris: The Turbulent City

  Louis Philippe 1: A. Castelot, Paris: The Turbulent City

  Lowell, Abbott, 1: C. Amory, The Proper Bostonians, in P. Boller, ed., Presidential Anecdotes

  Lowell, Amy, 1: R. McAlmon, Being Geniuses Together; 2: S. Weintraub, The London Yankees, in D. Hall, ed., OBALA

  Lowell, R. 1: P. Ziegler, Diana Cooper; 2: I. Hamilton, Robert Lowell: A Biography; 3: G. Plimpton, The Paris Review Interviews, in A. Bernard, Now All We Need Is a Title

  Lucas 1–3: P. Hay, ed., Movie Anecdotes; 4: M. Corey and G. Ochoa, The Man in Lincoln’s Nose

  Luce, C., 1: W. Sheed, Clare Boothe Luce; 3: J. C. Humes, Speaker’s Treasury

  Luce, H., 1: S. Seagrave, The Soong Dynasty

  Lucullus 1: Plutarch, Lives

  Lully 1: EB

  Lunt 1: I. Asimov, Treasury of Humor; 2: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes

  Luther 1: P. Bussard, The New Catholic Treasury of Wit and Humor; 2: W. Durant, The Story of Civilization, VI; 3: D. Boorstin, The Creators

  Lyautey 1: L. Harris, The Fine Art of Political Wit

  Lycurgus 1: W. Seward, Biographiana, vol. 5

  Lyndhurst 1: B. Disraeli, Reminiscences, in Kenin and Wintle, DBQ

  Lytton 1: Sir T. H. H. Caine, My Story, in J. Sutherland, ed., OBLA

  Mably 1: E. Guérard, Dictionnaire Encyclopédique

  McCarthy 1: S. Allen, Funny People

  McCormack 1: C. Gattey, The Elephant That Swallowed a Nightingale

  McCormick 1: S. Birmingham, The Grandes Dames

  McCoy 1: H. Smith, The Life and Legend of Gene Fowler; 2: B. Green, P. G. Wodehouse

  McCullers 1: R. Nelson, The Almanac of American Letters; 2–3: V. S. Carr, The Lonely Hunter: A Biography of Carson McCullers, in D. Hall, ed., OBALA

  McGraw 1: J. McBride, High and Inside; 2: B. Shlain, Baseball Inside Out

  McKinley 1: R. Shenkman and K. Reiger, One-Night Stands with American History; 2: J. F. Rhodes, The McKinley and Roosevelt Administrations 1897–1909, in P. Boller, ed., Presidential Anecdotes

  MacArthur, D., 2: C. Fadiman and C. Van Doren, The American Treasury; 3: J. Gunther, Procession

  Macaulay 2: L. Russell, English Wits; 3: W. Adams, Treasury of Modern Anecdote; 4: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 5: Sir G. Trevelyan, The Life and Letters of Lord Macauley

  Mack 1: A. Barra, That’s Not the Way It Was

  MacLaine 1: P. Boller, ed., Hollywood Anecdotes

  Macmahon 1: H. Hoffmeister, Anekdotenshatz

  Macmillan 1: L. Harris, The Fine Art of Political Wit

  MacNeil 1: M. Wiley and D. Bona, Inside Oscar

  Macready 1: L. and F. Copeland, 10,000 Jokes, Toasts, and Stories; 3: G. Brandreth, Great Theatrical Disasters

  Madison, D., P. Boller, ed., Presidential Wives: An Anecdotal History

  Madison, J., 1: Virginia Moore, The Madisons, in P. Boller, ed., Presidential Anecdotes

  Madonna 1: M. Biggs, ed., Women’s Words: The Columbia Book of Quotations by Women

  Maeterlinck 1: A. de Stoeckl and W. Edwards, When Men Had Time to Love; 2: P. Mahony, Barbed Wit and Malicious Humor

  Magruder 1: North Carolina Branch, Southern Historical Society, “Our Living and Our Dead, Devoted to North Carolina — Her Past, Her Present, and Her Future,” in B. Botkin, A Civil War Treasury

  Mahaffey 1: L. Missen, Quotable Anecdotes; 2: F. Delaney and J. Lewinski, James Joyce’s Odyssey

  Mahler 1: K. Bernstein, Music Lover’s Europe

  Maintenon 1: S. R. N. Chamfort, Characters and Anecdotes, in C. Shriner, Wit, Wisdom, and Foibles of the Great; 2: The Ladies Companion, 1853, in Shriner, Wit

  Malherbe 1: J. Timbs, Century of Anecdote

  Mallarmé 1: A. Vollard, Recollections of a Picture Dealer

  Mallory 1: D. Robertson, George Mallory

  Mankiewicz 1: B. Thomas, King Cohn; 2: P. Kael, The Citizen Kane Book

  Mann 1: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes

  Mansart 1: L. Norton, Saint-Simon at Versailles

  Mansfield 1: D. George, A Book of Anecdotes

  Mantle 1: D. Okrent and S. Wolf, eds., Baseball Anecdotes; 2–4: P. Dickson, Baseball’s Greatest Quotations; 5: A. Barra, That’s Not the Way It Was

  Mao 1: M. and A. Guillois, Liberté, Egalité, Hilarité; 2: P. Theroux, Riding the Iron Rooster

  Margaret, Princess, 1: B. Conrad, Fun While It Lasted

  Maria Fëderovna I 1: I. Wallace et al., The Book of Lists 3

  Maria Theresa 1: E. Crankshaw, Maria Theresa

  Marie Antoinette 1: Oxford Dictionary of Quotations; 2: W. and A. Durant, The Story of Civilization, X; 3: B. Conrad, Famous Last Words

  Marie De Médicis 1: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote

  Maris 1: D. Okrent and S. Wolf, eds., Baseball Anecdotes; 2: P. Dickson, Baseball’s Greatest Quotations

  Marlborough, 1st Duke of, 1: J. Spence, Anecdotes

  Marlborough, 10th Duke of, 1: S. Winchester, Their Noble Lordships

  Marquand 1: S. Birmingham, The Late John Marquand

  Marquis 1: C. Ford, The Time of Laughter

  Marshall, J., 1: B. Botkin, Treasury of American Anecdotes

  Marshall, T., 1: C. Fadiman and C. Van Doren, The American Treasury; 2: R. Shenkman and K. Reiger, One-Night Stands with American History

  Martin 1: A. Barra, That’s Not the Way It Was; 2: B. Shlain, Baseball Inside Out

  Martinelli 1: J. Braude, Speaker’s and Toastmaster’s Handbook

  Marx, C., 2: J. Adamson, Groucho, Harpo, Chico

  Marx, G. 1: A. Marx, Son of Groucho, in Kenin and Wintle, DBQ; 2, 4: K. Edwards, More Things I Wish I’d Said; 3: L. Rosten, Joys of Yiddish; 5: J. Adamson, Groucho, Harpo, Chico; 6: L. Rosten, People I Have Loved, Known, or Admired; 7: O. Levant, The Unimportance of Being Oscar; 8: E. Wilson, I Am Gazing into My 8-Ball; 9: G. Brandreth, Joy of Lex; 10–11: D. Herrmann, With Malice Toward All; 13: G. Kanin, Hollywood

  Marx, H., 1: O. Levant, The Unimportance of Being Oscar; 2: B. Cerf, Bumper Crop of Anecdotes

  Mary I 1: DNB

  Mary, Queen Consort, 2: Book-of-the-Month Club News, Apr. 1952

  Mary, Queen of Scots, 1: G. Mattingly, The Defeat of the Spanish Armada, in Kenin and Wintle, DBQ

  Masaryk 1: G. Mikes, Laughing Matter

  Mascagni 1: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 2: H. Sievers, Musica Curiosa

  Massenet 1: C. Skinner, Elegant Wits and Grand Horizontals

  Mathilde 1: A. de Stoeckl and W. Edwards, When Men Had Time to Love; 2: C. Skinner, Elegant Wits and Grand Horizontals

  Matisse 1: D. Wallechinsky and I. Wallace, The People’s Almanac; 2: J. Cocteau, Past Tense: Diaries, vol. I

  Matthews 1–2: G. Brandreth, Great Theatrical Disasters

  Mature 2: D. Herrmann, With Malice Toward All Mauch 1: B. Shlain, Baseball
Inside Out

  Maugham 1: W. Maugham, A Writer’s Notebook; 2: D. Fielding, Those Remarkable Cunards; 3: K. Edwards, I Wish I’d Said That; 5: Geoffrey Gorer to Edith Sitwell, Oct. 28, 1940, in M. Richler, ed., Writers and World War II

  Maurepas 1: A. Castelot, Marie Antoinette

  Maury 1: EB, 1971; 2: M. Pedrazzini and J. Gris, Autant en apportent les mots

  Mayer 1–2: S. Marx, Mayer and Thalberg; 3: N. Zierold, The Moguls; 4: S. Birmingham, “The Rest of Us”; 5: G. Herman, The Book of Hollywood Quotes; 6: B. Crowther, Hollywood Rajah, in Kenin and Wintle, DBQ

  Mazarin 1: G. Lieberman, The Greatest Laughs of All Time; 2: G. Boissier, Mme de Sévigné

  Medici 1: H. Morton, A Traveller in Italy

  Mehmed II 1: W. Durant, The Story of Civilization, V

  Melba 1: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 2: R. Merrill, Between Acts

  Melbourne 1–3: D. Cecil, Melbourne; 4: J. Gere and J. Sparrow, Geoffrey Madan’s Notebooks

  Mellon 1: S. Holbrook, The Age of the Moguls

  Melville 1: J. Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hawthorne and His Wife

  Mencken 1: M. Ringo, Nobody Said It Better

  Menelik II 1: J. Train, True Remarkable Occurrences

  Menshikov 1: D. George, A Book of Anecdotes

  Merman 1: H. Pleasants, The Great American Popular Singers

  Messier 1: G. Murchie, Music of the Spheres

  Metaxas 1: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes

  Metternich, K. Von, 1: L. Missen, Quotable Anecdotes

  Metternich, Princess, 1: C. Fadiman

  Meyerbeer 1: M. Ringo, Nobody Said It Better; 2: H. Sievers, Musica Curiosa; 3: E. Van de Velde, Anecdotes Musicales

  Michelangelo 1, 4–6: G. Vasari, Lives of the Painters; 2: W. Durant, The Story of Civilization, V; 3: C. Speroni, Wit and Wisdom of the Italian Renaissance; 7: H. Morton, A Traveller in Italy

  Michelet 1: C. Skinner, Elegant Wits and Grand Horizontals

  Mies van der Rohe 1: A. Whitman, Come to Judgment

  Mill 1: C. Bowen, Yankee from Olympus

  Millay 1: New York Times Book Review, July 24, 1983

  Miller 1: W. Espy, Another Almanac of Words at Play

  Millikan 1: J. Braude, Braude’s Second Encyclopedia

  Milne 1: C. Milne, The Enchanted Places

  Milnes 1: B. Conrad, Famous Last Words

  Milo 1: E. Hauser, Italy, A Cultural Guide

  Milton 1: DNB; 2: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote; 3: J. Boorstin, The Creators


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