Bartlett's Book of Anecdotes
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Rehan 1: G. Brandreth, Great Theatrical Disasters
Reinhardt 1: A. Milne, It’s Too Late Now
Reisenhauer 1: A. Rubinstein, My Young Years
Renoir 2: H. Hoffmeister, Anekdotenshatz; 3: M. Cowley, The View From 80; 4: T. Craven, Men of Art
Reuther 1: Parade, Apr. 10, 1983
Reynolds, B., 1–3: P. Hay, ed., Movie Anecdotes
Reynolds, J., 1: E. Lucas, A Fronded Isle
Rhodes 1, 3: J. Lockhart, Rhodes; 2: G. le Sueur, Cecil Rhodes; 4: V. Castlerosse, Valentine’s Days
Richard I 1: 13th-century chronicle, Recits d’un menestral de Reims, in D. George, A Book of Anecdotes; 2: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote
Richardson 1: K. Tynan, Show People
Richelieu 1: D. Wallechinsky et al., The Book of Lists; 2: H. Hoffmeister, Anekdotenschatz
Richter 1: S. Beach, Musicdotes; 2: L. Harris, The Fine Art of Political Wit
Rickey 1: D. Okrent and S. Wolf, eds., Baseball Anecdotes; 2: J. McBride, High and Inside: The A-Z Guide to the Language of Baseball
Rigaud 1: W. Seward, Biographiana, vol. 1
Riley 1: B. Cerf, Treasury of Atrocious Puns; 2: F. C. Kelly, “The Life and Times of Kim Hubbard,” in J. Bryan, III, ed., Hodgepodge: A Commonplace Book
Rivarol 1: E. Guérard, Dictionnaire Encyclopédique
Rivera 1: C. Eby, The Siege of the Alcázar
Rizzuto 1: L. Lucaire, Celebrity Trivia
Robert I 1: W. Scott, Tales of a Grandfather
Robert 1: P. Wescher, Schweitzer Künstler-Anekdoten
Robinson, E., 1, 3–4: C. P. Smith, Where the Light Falls, in D. Hall, ed., OBALA; 2: I. Wallace et al., Book of Lists 2
Robinson, J., 1: B. Adler, My Favorite Funny Story
Roche 1: DNB; 2: W. Adams, Treasury of Modern Anecdote
Rochefort 1: H. Rochefort, The Adventures of My Life, in C. Shriner, Wit, Wisdom, and Foibles of the Great; 2: M. Pedrazzini and J. Gris, Autant en apportent les mots
Rockefeller, N. 1: A. Schlesinger, in Cycles of American History
Rodgers 1: H. Fordin, Getting to Know Him; 2: S. Beach, Musicdotes
Rodzinski 1: H. Rodzinski, Our Two Lives
Roethke 1–2: A. Seager, The Glass House, in D. Hall, ed., OBALA
Rogers, S. 1: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 2: Henry Taylor, The Autobiography of Henry Taylor, in D. Sutherland, ed., OBLA; 3–4: W. Adams, Treasury of Modern Anecdote
Rogers, W. 1: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 2: B. Cerf, Shake Well Before Using
Roland 1: EB
Roosevelt, E. 1–3: P. Boller, ed., Presidential Wives: An Anecdotal History; 4: M. Biggs, ed., Women’s Words: The Columbia Book of Quotations by Women
Roosevelt, F. D., 1: “Next Week,” Colliers, June 18, 1932, in P. Boller, ed., Presidential Anecdotes; 2, 10, 11: T. Morgan, FDR: A Biography; 3: J. Lash, Eleanor and Franklin; 4: “Fanny Hurst,” New York Times, Feb. 24, 1968, in Boller, Presidential Anecdotes; 5: D. Wallechinsky and I. Wallace, The People’s Almanac; 6: J. McAleer, “Globe Man’s Daily Story,” Boston Globe, Mar. 29, 1961; 7: D. McClellan, Ear on Washington; 8: P. Boller, ed., Presidential Anecdotes; 9: S. Weintraub, Long Day’s Journey into War: December 7, 1941; 10, 11: T. Morgan, FDR: A Biography
Roosevelt, T., 1: H. Hagedorn, Roosevelt in the Bad Lands; 2: Publishers Weekly, Aug. 5, 1983; 3: William Beebe, The Book of Naturalists, in P. Boller, ed., Presidential Anecdotes; 4: E. Wagenknecht, American Profile, 1900–1909; 5: L. Lucaire, Celebrity Trivia; 6: Emily Bax, Miss Bax of the Embassy, in Boller, Presidential Anecdotes
Roosevelt, T. Jr., 1: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes
Root 1: J. Baer, The Self-Chosen
Rops 1: A. Vollard, Recollections of a Picture Dealer
Rose 1–4: D. Okrent and S. Wolf, eds., Baseball Anecdotes; 5: S. Cox, Here’s Johnny
Ross 1, 6: ’48, The Magazine of the Year; 2, 5, 11: C. Holmes, The Clocks of Columbus; 3, 8–10: J. Thurber, The Years with Ross; 4: B. Cerf, Good for a Laugh; 7: B. Gill, Here at The New Yorker; 12: R. Collier, The Rainbow People; 13: J. Thurber, The Years with Ross, in D. Hall, ed., OBALA
Rossetti 1: C. Roberts, And So to Bath; 2: Sir T. H. H. Caine, My Story, in J. Sutherland, ed., OBLA; 3: Sir T. H. H. Caine, Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Rossini 1, 7: S. Beach, Musicdotes; 2, 5: N. Slonimsky, A Thing or Two About Music; 3: T. FitzGibbon, comp., The Pleasures of the Table; 4: W. Adams, Treasury of Modern Anecdote; 6: E. Van de Velde, Anecdotes Musicales
Rothschild 1: A. Faulkner and T. Hartman, All the Best People
Rousseau 1: D. Boorstin, The Creators
Routh 1: J. Morris, Oxford; 2: J. Burgon, Twelve Good Men
Rowland 1: I. Asimov, Treasury of Humor
Rubinstein, Anton 1: H. Hoffmeister, Anekdotenschatz; 2: N. Slonimsky, A Thing or Two About Music
Rubinstein, Artur 1: C. Fadiman, Enter, Conversing; 2: B. Adler, My Favorite Funny Story
Ruggles 1: V. Thomson, A Virgil Thomson Reader
Ruskin 1: J. Morris, Oxford; 2: DNB
Russell, B., 1: A. Whitman, Come to Judgment; 2: C. Fadiman, Any Number Can Play; 3: G. Hardy, A Mathematician’s Apology
Russell, J., 1: DNB; 2: H. Hoffmeister, Anekdotenschatz
Ruth 1: B. Cerf, Good for a Laugh; 4: A. Barra, That’s Not the Way It Was; 5: D. Anderson, The Red Smith Reader; 6: L. Green, Sportswit; 7: P. O’Brian, Talkin’ Sports; 8–9: P. Dickson, Baseball’s Greatest Quotations
Sage 1: J. Braude, Speaker’s and Toastmaster’s Handbook
Saint-Saëns 1: T. Beecham, A Mingled Chime
Salinger 1: A. Silverman, “The Fragile Pleasure”
Salisbury 1: M. Seymour-Smith, Robert Graves: His Life and Work
Salk 1: S. Bolton, Famous Men of Science
Sandburg 1: B. Cerf, Good for a Laugh
Sanders 1: J. Simpson, Simpson’s Contemporary Quotations
Sandwich 1: W. Walsh, Handy Book of Curious Information; 2: J. Timbs, Century of Anecdote; 3: J. Train, Wit: The Best Things Ever Said
Santayana 1: H. and D. L. Thomas, Living Biographies of the Great Philosophers
Sarasate 1: J. Wechsberg, Red Plush and Black Velvet; 2: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes
Sargent, J., 1: S. Weintraub, The London Yankees; 2–3: B. Conrad, Fun While It Lasted; 4: P. Boller, ed., Presidential Anecdotes; 5: D. Knox, Quotable Anecdotes
Sargent, M., 1: K. Edwards, I Wish I’d Said That
Saroyan 1: Time, Jan. 16, 1984
Satie 1: O. Levant, The Unimportance of Being Oscar; 2: J. Williams, The Magpie’s Bagpipe
Scarron 1: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote; 2: H. and D. L. Thomas, Living Biographies of Famous Women
Scheffel 1: H. Ziegler, Heitere Muse
Schiffer 1: M. Biggs, ed., Women’s Words: The Columbia Book of Quotations by Women
Schleiermacher 1: H. Hoffmeister, Anekdotenschatz
Schliemann 1: W. Durant, The Story of Civilization, II
Schmidt 1–3: D. Okrent and S. Wolf, eds., Baseball Anecdotes
Schnabel 1: Sunday Telegraph, Apr. 11, 1982; 2: A. Faulkner and T. Hartman, All the Best People
Schödl 1: M. Jelusisch, Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald
Scholl 1–2: C. Skinner, Elegant Wits and Grand Horizontals
Schönbein 1: J. Daintith et al., Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists
Schönberg 2: R. Smullyan, 5000 B.C. and Other Philosophical Fantasies
Schopenhauer 1: W. Scholz, Das Buch des Lachens; 2: W. Durant, The Story of Philosophy
Schumann-Heink 1: L. Humphrey, The Humor of Music; 2: A. May, Different Drummers; 3: G. Lieberman, The Greatest Laughs of All Time
Schwab 1: T. J. Watson, Jr., with P. Petre, Thomas J. Watson, Jr.: An Autobiography
Schwartz, D. 1–2: D. Hall, ed., OBALA
Schwartz, M., 1: B. Botkin, Treasury of American Anecdote
Schwartzenberg 1–3: E. Crankshaw, The Fall of the House of Hapsburg
Schweitzer 1: A. Whitman, Come to Judgment; 2�
��3: J. Paar, P.S. Jack Paar
Scipio Nasica 1: E. C. Brewer, Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Scott 1, 5: J. Timbs, Century of Anecdote; 2: D. George, Book of Anecdotes; 3: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote; 4: G. Davenport, The Geography of the Imagination
Sebastiano 1: G. Vasari, Lives of the Painters
Sedgwick, C., 1: J. Stein, Edie
Sedgwick, J., 1: D. Frost, Book of the World’s Worst Decisions
Sedgwick, T., 1: J. Stein, Edie
Sedley 1: Kenin and Wintle, DBQ
Seeley 1: J. Sutherland, ed., OBLA
Seferis 1: P. Levi, The Hill of Kronos
Segovia 1: N. Lebrecht, The Book of Musical Anecdotes
Sellers 2: Life, Aug. 1983; 3: J. McAleer, “Globe Man’s Daily Story,” Boston Globe, June 17, 1961
Selwyn 1, 3: DNB; 2: R. Hendrickson, The Literary Life; 4: J. Timbs, Century of Anecdote; 5: J. Jesse, George Selwyn and His Contemporaries; 6: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote
Seneca 1: V. Cronin, The View from Planet Earth
Servetus 1: E. Monegal and A. Reid, Borges: A Reader
Seward 1: J. Bigelow, Retrospections of an Active Life, in C. Shriner, Wit, Wisdom, and Foibles of the Great; 2: F. Bancroft, Life of William H. Seward, in Shriner, Wit
Shaftesbury 1: W. and A. Durant, The Story of Civilization, VIII; 2: DNB
Shakespeare 1: J. Manningham, Diary; 2: K. Arvine, Cyclopaedia of Anecdotes
Sharp 1: E. V. Lucas, Reading, Writing, and Remembering, in J. Sutherland, ed., OBLA
Shatner 1: R. Morley, Pardon Me, But You’re Eating My Doily
Shaw 1: O. Levant, The Unimportance of Being Oscar; 2, 20: K. Edwards, More Things I Wish I’d Said; 3: St. John Ervine, Bernard Shaw: His Life, Work, and Friends; 4: H. Teichmann, Smart Aleck; 5: J. Smith, Elsie de Wolfe; 6: G. Lieberman, The Greatest Laughs of All Time; 7, 11, 17: J. Braude, Speaker’s and Toastmaster’s Handbook; 9: L. Russell, English Wits; 10: B. Cerf, Try and Stop Me; 12: B. Cerf, Shake Well Before Using; 13: B. Cerf, The Life of the Party; 14: N. McPhee, Second Book of Insults; 15: Oxfam, Pass the Port; 16: N. Rees, Quote…Unquote; 17: I. Wallace et al., The Book of Lists 2; 19: P. Mahony, Barbed Wit and Malicious Humor; 21: Y. Karsh, Karsh; 23: J. McAleer, “Globe Man’s Daily Story,” Boston Globe, Aug. 3, 1963; 24: N. and B. Donaldson, How Did They Die?
Shearing 1: J. McAleer, “Globe Man’s Daily Story,” Boston Globe, Aug. 23, 1962
Shelburne 1: W. and A. Durant, The Story of Civilization, X
Shelley, M., 2: I. Wallace, The Square Pegs
Shelley, P. 1: T. J. Hogg, The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley, in D. George, A Book of Ancedotes; 2: E. Trelawny, Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron
Sheridan, P., 1: D. Wallechinsky and I. Wallace, The People’s Almanac 2; 2: Adapted from Maj. A. B. Ostrander, An Army Boy of the Sixties, in B. Botkin, Treasury of American Anecedotes
Sheridan, R., 1: J. Timbs, Century of Anecdote; 2–3: L. Russell, English Wits; 4. H. Pearson, Lives of the Wits; 5–6: W. Sichel, Sheridan, in C. Shriner, Wit, Wisdom, and Foibles of the Great; 7, 13: T. Moore, Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Richard Sheridan; 8: E. Fuller, 2500 Anecdotes; 9: R. Hendrickson, The Literary Life; 11: Sheridaniana, in J. Sutherland, ed., OBLA; 12, 14: L. Harris, The Fine Art of Political Wit
Sherman, R., 1: C. D. Bowen, Miracle at Philadelphia
Sherman, W., 1: M. D. Landon, Eli Perkins: Thirty Years of Wit, in R. Shenkman and K. Reiger, One-Night Stands with American History; 2: W. Davis, Campfire Chats of the Civil War, in B. Botkin, A Civil War Treasury; 3: M. Ringo, Nobody Said It Better
Shi Huangdi 1: P. Fitzgerland, Ancient China
Shuter 1: DNB
Siddons 1: J. Timbs, Century of Anecdote; 2: A. Cunningham, Lives of the Most Eminent British Painters; 3: J. Boswell, Life of Johnson; 4: K. Arvine, Cyclopaedia of Anecdotes; 5: J. Aye, Humour in the Theatre
Sidney 1: Fulke Greville (Lord Brooke) in D. George, A Book of Anecdotes
Sieyès 1: E. Guérard, Dictionnaire Encyclopédique
Sigismund 1: W. Seward, Biographiana, vol. 1
Silverman 1: Los Angeles Times, Aug. 25, 1981
Silvers 1: W. Espy, Another Almanac of Words at Play
Simon, 1: B. Cerf, Good for a Laugh
Singer 1: D. Straus, Under the Canopy; 2: The Times (London), June 21, 1982
Sitwell, E., 1: O. Sitwell, Tales My Father Taught Me; 2: S. Spender, World Within World; 3: L. and M. Cowan, The Wit of Women
Sitwell, Sir G., 1–2: O. Sitwell, Tales My Father Taught Me
Skelton, J. 1: J. Skelton, Poems
Skinner, C., 1: R. Hendrickson, The Literary Life
Slezak 1: L. Humphrey, The Humor of Music
Smith, Adam, 1: W. Keddie, Literary and Scientific Anecdote
Smith, Al, 1: B. Botkin, Treasury of American Anecdotes; 2: L. Harris, The Fine Art of Political Wit; 3: J. Braude, Speaker’s and Toastmaster’s Handbook
Smith, B., 1: D. Frost, Book of the World’s Worst Decisions
Smith, C., 1: M. Biggs, ed., Women’s Words: The Columbia Book of Quotations by Women
Smith, F. E., 1: J. Morris, The Oxford Book of Oxford; 2: The Times (London), Jan. 8, 1982; 4: S. McCann, The Wit of the Irish; 5: K. Edwards, I Wish I’d Said That; 7–8: J. Train, Wit: The Best Things Ever Said
Smith, S., 1: J. Timbs, Century of Anecdote; 2: H. Martineau, Autobiography, in J. Sutherland, ed., OBLA; 3: H. Pearson, Lives of the Wits; 4: Oxford Dictionary of Quotations; 5: A Memoir of the Rev. Sydney Smith by his Daughter, Lady Holland, in Sutherland, OBLA; 6: J. Larwood, Anecdotes of the Clergy; 7: N. McPhee, Second Book of Insults; 8. M. Ringo, Nobody Said It Better
Smuts 1: W. Vaughan-Thomas, Madly in All Directions
Smyth 1: S. Spender, World Within World
Snead 1: S. Snead and A. Stump, The Education of a Golfer
Sobhuza II 1: The Times (London), Aug. 25, 1982
Socrates 2: E. Guérard, Dictionnaire Encyclopédique
Solomon 1: The Bible
Solon 1: W. Durant, The Story of Civilization, II; 2: F. Paley, Greek Wit
Somerset 1: C. Roberts, And So to Bath
Sophocles 1: EB
Southey 1: T. J. Hogg, The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley, in J. Sutherland, ed., OBLA
Spellman 1: A. Whitman, Come to Judgment
Spencer 1: W. Walsh, Handy Book of Curious Information
Spenser 1: T. Fuller, ed., Worthies of England; 2: G. Colman, Circle of Anecdote
Spillane 1: New York Times Book Review, Dec. 27, 1981
Spooner 2: A. Hare, The Story of My Life; 4: J. Train, Wit: The Best Things Ever Said
Spurgeon 1: J. Ellis, Spurgeon Anecdotes; 2: J. Gere and J. Sparrow, Geoffrey Madan’s Notebooks
Staël 1: J. Herold, Mistress to an Age; 2: J. Timbs, Century of Anecdote; 3: C. Fadiman, Party of One; 4: E. Guérard, Dictionnaire Encyclopédique
Stafford 1: Publishers Weekly, Jan. 8, 1982
Stalin 1: Harper’s Magazine, Dec. 1935, in J. Gunther, Procession; 2: D. McCullough, Truman
Stanley 1: H. Stanley, How I Found Livingston
Stanton, C., 1: J. Bartlett, Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations
Stanton, E., 1: H. and D. L. Thomas, Living Biographies of Famous Women
Stark 1: C. Fadiman and C. Van Doren, The American Treasury
Steele 1: G. Birkbeck Hill, ed., Samuel Johnson — Lives of the English Poets, in J. Sutherland, OBLA
Steffens 1: J. Kaplan, Lincoln Steffens, in J. Sutherland, ed., OBLA
Stein 1: B. Cerf, At Random, in D. Hall, ed., OBALA; 2, 4: J. Mellow, Charmed Circle, in D. Hall, ed., OBALA; 3: E. Hemingway, A Moveable Feast; 5: ’47, The Magazine of the Year; Oct.; 6: J. Lipchitz and H. H. Arnason, My Life in Sculpture, in Mellow, Charmed Circle; 7: B. Cerf, Try and Stop Me; 8: The Autobiography of William Carlos Williams, in D. Hall, ed., OBALA; 9: G. Diliberto, Hadley; 10. I. Wallace et al., Intimate Sex Lives of Famous People; 11: N. Rorem, Later Diaries
Steinbeck 1, 5
: J. Benson, True Adventures of John Steinbeck, Writer; 2: Book-of-the-Month Club News, May 1947; 3: B. Conrad, Fun While It Lasted
Steinberg 1: L. Humphrey, The Humor of Music
Steinbrenner 1–2: D. Okrent and S. Wolf, eds., Baseball Anecdotes; 3: C. Jones, What Makes Winners Win; 4: B. Shlain, Baseball Inside Out
Steinmetz 1: C. Fadiman, Party of One
Stengel 1: B. Cerf, Shake Well Before Using; 2, 6–10: D. Okrent and S. Wolf, eds., Baseball Anecdotes; 4: R. Crouser, It’s Unlucky to Be Behind at the End of the Game
Stern 1: N. Lebrecht, The Book of Musical Anecdotes
Sterne 1: W. Scott, Laurence Sterne
Stevens 1: G. Vidal, Lincoln; 2: R. Marquard, Jokes and Anecdotes; 3: T. W. Lloyd, The Green Bag, July 1904, in C. Shriner, Wit, Wisdom, and Foibles of the Great
Stevenson, A., 1: Los Angeles Times, Nov. 25, 1983; 2, 5–6: B. Adler, The Stevenson Wit; 3–4: A. Cooke, Six Men; 7: M. and A. Guillois, Liberté, Egalité, Hilarité; 9: B. Dole, Great Political Wit
Stevenson, R., 1: J. Braude, Speaker’s and Toastmaster’s Handbook
Stillman 1: C. Fadiman and C. Van Doren, The American Treasury
Stokowski 1: B. Cerf, Try and Stop Me; 2: H. Kupferberg, Those Fabulous Philadelphians
Stout 2: The New Yorker, July 16, 1949
Stowe 1: D. Wallechinsky and I. Wallace, The People’s Almanac; 2: C. Madigan and A. Elwood, Brainstorms and Thunderbolts
Strachey 1: O. Sitwell, Noble Essences; 2–3: M. Holroyd, Lytton Strachey; 4: C. Fadiman, Any Number Can Play; 5: N. and B. Donaldson, How Did They Die?
Strauss 1: B. Grun, Gold and Silver
Stravinsky 1: G. Astruc, Le Pavillon des Fantômes, in F. Steegmuller, Cocteau; 2, 8–9: P. Horgan, Encounters with Stravinsky; 3: BBC Radio 4, July 5, 1982; 4, 6: O. Levant, The Unimportance of Being Oscar; 7: N. Slonimsky, Lexicon of Musical Invective; 10: G. Balanchine and F. Mason, Balanchine’s Complete Stories of the Great Ballets; 11: W. Wiser, The Crazy Years; 12: J. Braude, Speaker’s and Toastmaster’s Handbook; 13: E. Mordden, Opera Anecdotes
Strug 1: M. Biggs, ed., Women’s Words: The Columbia Book of Quotations by Women
Stuart 1: Maj. H. K. Douglas, I Rode with Stonewall, in B. Botkin, A Civil War Treasury
Stubbs 1: W. Camden, Annales, in J. Sutherland, ed., OBLA
Suderman 1: H. Hoffmeister, Anekdotenschatz