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Cowboys, Babies and Shotgun Vows

Page 5

by Shirley Rogers

He couldn’t shake the feeling that she wasn’t being straight with him. She’d looked away when she’d answered him, making him wonder if she was telling him the truth.

  Ashley’s back stiffened. She didn’t like his tone. It implied a lot more than just the simple question. “Exactly what is it you want to know?” She took in his set features, his questioning eyes, the wrinkles of a frown on his forehead. Her eyes went cold. “You’re asking if I’m sleeping with him!” she stated, her tone sharp with accusation.

  Ryder didn’t even try to deny it. “Are you?” he demanded.

  Indignation registered on her face, then a surge of fury began to build deep inside her. It didn’t take long for it to swell to the point of exploding. “That’s none of your business!”

  From the determination on his face, Ryder wasn’t about to let the subject drop. “Are you?” he asked again, undaunted.

  The rosy flush in Ashley’s cheeks came from the rage racing through her. She stared him down, her stance rigid, her expression defensive. “Oh, let me see if I’ve got this right. I slept with you the first time we met so you’re assuming I’ll jump in bed with anyone.” Her eyes darkened with anger and frustration, and despite her efforts to hide it, the hurt was there, also.

  “You’re putting words in my mouth,” Ryder countered, a slight edge to his voice. He was finding out that losing his temper around Ashley was easy. She had a way of pushing his buttons. “I didn’t accuse you of anything,” he grated out, then his voice gentled. “I haven’t forgotten you were a virgin the night we spent together. I think that’s proof enough that you don’t sleep around. I just want to know if you’re involved with the sheriff.”

  Ashley couldn’t believe his nerve. She stared him straight in the eyes, brown fury meeting his intense blue gaze. “You have no right to ask me personal questions. I can sleep with any man I choose. As a matter of fact, I can sleep with a hundred men if I want to, and you don’t have the right to say one word about it. Get that straight right now, mister! I won’t live under anyone’s thumb ever again, and I don’t have to answer to you or anyone else.”

  Ashley could have kicked herself for revealing what she did. She’d always held her temper under control, because Iris had some pretty despicable ways of disciplining her. Ryder had the power to undermine her and shake her up, and she didn’t like it one bit.

  Ryder reached for her, and she swatted his hands away. “Just keep away from me, Ryder,” she fairly shouted, punching her finger into his hard chest. “If you’re just passing through, then do it and get out of my life. I don’t need you. I don’t need anybody.”

  Her tirade over, Ashley swung around and marched away from him, up the street and toward Miss Tilley’s. Tears burned her eyes and she brushed at them with her palms. God, she didn’t need this! She didn’t need more complications in her life.

  She’d learned the hard way not to trust men and Ryder McCall added up to more proof. She didn’t want to give him an inch. because he seemed the type to take a mile. She wasn’t going to give up her child, and she was afraid that if he knew about it, he’d fight her for it. How could she have been so careless?

  Hurrying toward home, Ashley didn’t have to think hard to remember every single detail of that night It was a time out of sync with the rest of her life. She’d finally decided she could make her own decisions, decide her future, put the past behind her.

  Well, she’d botched that pretty good. She’d done something she’d wanted for once and she’d ended up pregnant. Her one big decision would affect the rest of her life.

  The responsibilities of raising a child alone weighed heavily on her. Could she really do this? she wondered for the thousandth time. Bringing a child up with two parents was hard enough these days. There was no way she’d access her bank accounts in San Antonio. Besides not wanting to use her father’s money, she was afraid he’d use the activity on her accounts to trace her to Rocksprings. She’d been able to save some money while working with Bess, and she’d started looking for a permanent job. Once she was settled, she could take some courses to better her situation. She was determined to take care of herself and her child.

  Her baby would never know scorn and ridicule. She’d shower it with love and affection. And her baby would love her back. Together, they’d be a family.

  Except now Ryder had shown up to cause even more problems.

  Ashley had reached the boardinghouse and had started up the steps to the porch when Ryder grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him. As she tried to break away, he pinned both of her hands with his, holding them behind her back, the action bringing her body flush against him. Ashley tried to wriggle free without succeeding.

  “Whoa now, darlin’. Don’t get so riled.” His voice low and husky, Ryder coaxed her to his will as if she were a wild pony. In ways he was yet to understand, she seemed hell-bent on chasing him from her life. Well, he had a thing or two to say about that, wondering about her motives. He’d be damned if he’d leave until he was good and ready.

  He wrestled with her another minute or so before the fire seemed to go out of her. When she looked up at him, Ryder saw desperation and panic in her eyes. And tears. His stomach tightened. He didn’t want to be the one to put tears in her eyes.

  Once she was in his arms, Ryder realized just how much she’d changed since he’d last held her. He remembered how thin she’d been the night they’d made love, as if she hadn’t taken very good care of herself. Since then she’d filled out nicely. Her body was soft and feminine, her scent the same as that long-ago night. She was breathing hard, and her breasts pushed intimately against his chest.

  Ashley stopped struggling, and Ryder relaxed his arms without letting her go. Her body seemed to melt right into his.

  “Look, I’m sorry,” he said, his tone soft and cajoling. “Maybe it isn’t any of my business.” Ryder cradled her against him, his legs spread, her stomach nestled snugly against him.

  “Maybe?” Ashley squared off with him, her expression defiant as emotions she wasn’t ready to face whirled through her. Her legs felt weak and her heart shuddered at his nearness. She looked into his blue eyes, and his fierce gaze made her hot and achy all over

  It hadn’t been the reaction she was expecting and it took her by surprise. She wanted to stay angry at him, wanted him to leave her alone, wanted him to take off before he found out she was carrying his baby.

  Something changed between them at that moment and Ashley went completely still. Gazing into his eyes, she was reminded of soft touches and warm, sweet kisses, of passion so hot and fierce it burned out of control. She’d told herself to forget about what it had been like with him, but like a bad ache, it was there inside her, pulling at her.

  Ashley wasn’t a naive girl anymore. Ryder had shown her how many ways a man and a woman could please each other. He’d been worldly and full of experience. His eyes softened and his pupils dilated. She knew desire was mirrored in her own eyes. Embarrassment flooded her.

  Before she glanced away, Ryder saw the longing she fought so hard to conceal hidden in the depths of her dark eyes. Whatever demons she was fighting, she couldn’t deny there was a spark of something between them.

  Knowing better than to react to the sensual tension building between them, he tried to defuse the situation instead. He grinned slightly, which turned his mustache up at one corner of his mouth. “Maybe,” he conceded.

  His gaze slid to her lips and he ached to lower his mouth to hers. He remembered the way she tasted. Hot. And sweet, so sweet and moist. He wanted to see her passion flare for him again, her desire rage out of control for him.

  Ashley looked back at him. “Let me go. Please,” she pleaded, desperation lining her voice.

  Letting her go was the last thing on Ryder’s mind. Her body was pressed against his, and he could smell the soft fragrance of honeysuckle in her hair. He remembered only too well that it had felt like silk as it slid across his chest when he was deep inside her. He wanted that again. B

  “Promise you won’t take off.”

  Ashley drew a deep breath, her body suddenly on fire for Ryder. It scared her, this strong emotional pull he had on her. He had the ability to make her feel things she didn’t want to feel, ache for something beyond her grasp. She was trying to straighten out her life, not make it more complicated.

  “All right, I promise. Now let go.” Ashley had no intention of keeping her word. As soon as he released her she was going inside the house and locking the door.

  She pushed out of his arms, but before she could make a move, the screen door behind her opened and a tall, thin woman stepped out on the porch. She wore a cotton print dress, and her silver hair was twirled up in a maidenly bun at the back of her neck.

  “Ashley, dear. I was just wondering where you were.” The woman caught sight of Ryder at that moment and rushed on, “Oh, I didn’t realize you had a gentleman caller.”

  Ashley turned her back on Ryder. “I’m sorry, Miss Tilley. I should have called to let you know I’d be a little late.”

  “That’s quite all right, dear.”

  Ryder took his hat off and nodded at the older woman. “Good evening, ma’am,” he greeted her.

  Miss Tilley was openly curious and Ashley felt it necessary to set straight any foolish notions Miss Tilley had about Ryder. He most certainly was not a gentleman caller. “Miss Tilley, this is Ryder McCall. He’s of mine.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. McCall.” Miss Tilley came forward and shook Ryder’s hand.

  “The pleasure’s mine,” he said and gave Ashley a confused look. “Please call me Ryder,” he insisted.

  Miss Tilley smiled, then turned toward Ashley. “I’ve already finished eating, but I kept a plate warming for you. Perhaps your friend would like to join you,” she suggested.

  “He’s already—”

  “That’s right nice of you to offer, ma’am,” Ryder said, interrupting Ashley. “Are you sure I wouldn’t be intruding?”

  “Of course not,” Miss Tilley replied, her tone cordial. “There’s plenty left over from supper.”

  Holding his hat in his hand, Ryder motioned for Ashley to precede him, then followed behind her. The rambling old house had worn wooden floors, and the foyer had a staircase that led upstairs.

  “Ashley, perhaps you’d like to freshen up. I’ll show Ryder to the washroom in back.”

  Ryder stepped around Ashley. “Thank you, ma’am.”

  Ashley stared after them as they walked toward the kitchen, listening as their voices faded away. She stomped up the squeaky stairs to the bathroom and practically slammed the door behind her.

  What was she going to do now? She didn’t want to go downstairs and eat dinner with Ryder McCall, but had little choice in the matter. Miss Tilley had gone to the trouble to keep her dinner warm; she did so often, insisting that since Ashley worked in a diner, she shouldn’t have to eat there, also.

  Gathering her composure, Ashley studied herself in the mirror as she washed up. She didn’t look pregnant. Who would have thought that one night’s indiscretion would have caused her this much trouble?

  Well, no matter what happened, Ashley was happy about the baby. And no one was going to come between her and her child. Not even this handsome, sweet-talking cowboy.

  With that thought, Ashley headed back downstairs, determined to get rid of him. Moments later, she walked into the kitchen. Ryder was seated at the table, his long legs stretched out, his boots crossed at the ankles. He straightened when he saw her. Ashley was forced to sit next to him when Miss Tilley, put her plate beside his on the table.

  “Come on and sit down,” she called. “Do you live around here, Ryder?” she asked as she filled two glasses with ice and tea.

  “My family owns a spread over in Crockett County. It’s a couple of hours or so from here,” he explained.

  “Family?” Ashley blurted out, nearly choking on a bite of food. He couldn’t be married. Her gaze went to his hands, searching for a ring. They were large and strong, a working man’s hands, but he wore no jewelry, nothing to indicate that he belonged to another woman. She hadn’t asked him that night, had assumed he wasn’t. Now her heart hung in limbo while she waited for his answer.

  Ryder looked at her as if he’d read her mind and was contemplating her thoughts. “I have two brothers and a sister.”

  “You’re not married?” she asked bluntly, holding her breath.

  Ryder scoffed. “Nope.”

  Ashley breathed a deep sigh of relief. At least she had that to be thankful for. She didn’t think she’d ever be able to trust her own judgment if she’d slept with another woman’s husband.

  “You live with your family on a ranch?”

  “Yeah. You met my youngest brother, Deke, that night at the bar.”

  “I did?”

  “Yeah, only you weren’t feeling too good by then, so I’m not surprised you don’t remember.”

  Miss Tilley put the filled glasses in front of them. “She hasn’t been feeling too good the past few mornings, either,” she volunteered. “I hope you’re not coming down with something, dear.”

  “I’m not,” Ashley insisted. Her gaze flew to Ryder’s face, but his expression didn’t change. Somehow that didn’t make her relax. Right now she had control of deciding what was best for her and the baby. She had a small savings account, money she’d put away a little at a time. If she was frugal, it was enough to hold her until she found a permanent job. The last thing she wanted was Ryder’s interference.

  What if he put two and two together? Her heart pumped harder. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down. She was just being paranoid. He didn’t know about the baby.

  “Well, I hope not,” Miss Tilley continued. “You haven’t forgotten that I’m leaving in the morning to visit my sister?”

  “I’m fine, really,” Ashley insisted. “You go and have a good visit.”

  “If you’re sure.” Miss Tilley left the room, telling them she was going to bring in laundry from the clothesline.

  Alone with Ryder, Ashley shifted uncomfortably as she thought about how to broach the subject of the night they’d spent together. If nothing else, she certainly owed him an apology for her abrupt departure. “Um, about that night. I’m really sorry about what happened.” She lifted her glass and focused on its contents.

  Ryder nodded, but it was clear he had questions he wanted answered. “Why’d you do it?”

  Ashley’s gaze flew to his eyes and she tried to read his thoughts. “Do what?” she asked, finding it hard to swallow. She picked at her food for a moment, then put her fork down.

  “Why’d you mix the pills with booze? Did you have a death wish or something?”

  Ashley’s mouth dropped open. “No, of course not! I just wasn’t thinking. I’d had a pretty big shock earlier and I’d taken something to calm me. When it didn’t work, I didn’t think there was any harm in having a beer.”

  “Well, it was a damn fool thing to do.” Ryder hadn’t forgotten how worried he’d been when he’d found the pills.

  “I didn’t know it was going to affect me like that.”

  Ryder pushed his plate away and touched her hand with his. He wanted her to confide in him, to tell him why she’d spent the night with a stranger, why she hadn’t gotten married. “You were pretty sick,” he commented. “Are you all right now?”

  Ashley snatched her hand back. “Of course I am. I was fine the next day.”

  Ryder frowned. “Well, I wouldn’t know about that. You didn’t stick around long enough for me to find out, did you?” His tone held an accusation.

  Guilty as charged, Ashley diverted her gaze. “Look, I think it’s best if we just forget that night ever happened.”

  Ryder’s expression nearly turned to stone. She sure seemed bent on getting rid of him, forgetting he ever made love to her. Why? he wondered again. What was she hiding? He began to speak, but stopped when Miss Tilley came back into the roo
m and deposited her laundry on the counter.

  “Oh, I see you’re finished. Can I get you something else?” she asked them both.

  “No, ma’am.” Ryder complimented her on the meal, and the old woman glowed.

  She looked at Ashley. “Why don’t you take Ryder out on the porch and sit for a spell. There’s a real nice breeze tonight.”

  When he saw Ashley getting ready to make an excuse, Ryder replied, “That’s a great idea.” He got to his feet and held the back of her chair.

  Ashley shot him a hot look and led the way outside. Ryder grabbed his hat and followed her. The screen door squeaked when he eased it shut. Spying the porch swing, he walked over and sat down. After balancing his hat on the tailing, he patted the space beside him. “Come on and sit beside me. I promise I won’t bite.”

  Ashley watched him warily. If he’d expected it to be easy to flush a few details out of her he was learning differently. Her manner cautious, she walked over and sat on the swing, keeping as much distance between them as possible.

  Ryder started the swing rocking with the heel of his boot, and evening settled around them, bringing with it the sounds of the night insects, the whisper of a warm summer breeze.

  Puzzled by the woman beside him, his mind naturally wandered back to the night they’d met. They’d shared an evening of intimacy together and he knew every inch of her body but little else about her. She’d run away from him as if her very life had depended on it. She hadn’t given him a chance to get to know her, hadn’t waited to see if he wanted to. Hell, she hadn’t even told him her last name. And she was being awfully evasive now.

  Ryder reached over and took her hand in his. She resisted at first, but he held on to her, refusing to let go. He could feel her pulse race beneath his fingers, and he stroked her hand. Finally he couldn’t stand the silence any longer.

  “Who are you running from, Ashley?”


  Ashley’s eyes connected with his and she wanted to look away. Her first instinct was to flee inside the house and hide. But she’d made changes in her life and she wasn’t going to let Ryder McCall bully her. She lifted her chin, staring him in the eyes.


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