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Ye Olde Kinke Faire

Page 13

by Thianna D

  “Good to have you back,” Kendrick said and he and Craig made eye contact, nodded, and that seemed to be that.

  Men were so weird. If her friend had just lost a spouse, Becca would be crying with her and hugging her tight.

  “Is there a problem?” Craig asked and frowned at Garrett. Both Alice and Kendrick were kick-ass dominants, but there was something about Craig when he frowned at a person that was kind of scary. He was shorter than both Kendrick and Neil, but he had a presence that was intimidating.

  “No,” Garrett said his voice breaking before he cleared it. “No problem.”

  “Good. Make sure we don’t have one because while I’m only a quarter owner in this place? I’m the fucking dungeon master in charge of discipline and I’m telling you after the week I’ve had, I could use an hour of ripping someone’s hide off with my bull whip.”

  Garrett backed up and scampered away.

  “Dungeon master in charge of discipline?” Alec asked, cocking an eyebrow.

  Craig shrugged. “Figured it would scare the idiot off.”

  “I like it, though,” Kendrick said as he slid an arm around Becca’s back. “You could wear that scary outfit all executioners wore in historical movies.”

  “He wouldn’t even need a mask,” Alice added with a chuckle.

  With a roll of his eyes, Craig hugged Alice tight until she grunted. “I’m going back to my cabin. Then I’m going to get the boxes of Jilly’s stuff ready to sell. A friend of mine is coming to man the shop for the summer.”

  “We changed your cabin,” Alice said as he turned to walk away and she walked beside him.

  “Oh?” She nodded. “Thanks, Alice.”

  Alec let out a slow breath. “Time?”

  Becca looked between them. Time for what?

  “Two hours,” Kendrick said. “I’m going to go round up Neil and Joseph. Neil brought a few bottles of that homemade wine he made last year. We’ll go get drunk off our asses and Craig will be fine by tomorrow.” Ah, so that wasn’t just it. The he-men were going to go get drunk. Becca figured if it worked for them, then she was all for it.

  “Awesome. Want me to watch over the place?”

  “If you don’t mind.” Kendrick turned toward Becca. “I need to—”

  She nodded and smiled, cutting him off. “Go be with Craig. I’ll tail Alec or Alice. They’ll take on the wimp if he shows up.”

  “If he shows up,” Kendrick grunted, “he’s gonna lose a nut.” He kissed her brow and then headed toward the cabins.

  She watched him walk away and sighed softly. Maybe with Craig returned, things would go back to normal.

  “What do you say to some lunch?” Alec asked. “I’m starved.” He held out an elbow and with a smile, she put her hand in it and walked with him toward the cafeteria.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Kendrick stretched his shoulders and straightened up. The Faire looked fucking amazing. In just over five weeks they changed it from a pitiful excuse for any kind of fair let alone a kink one, to one hell of a spot. They ended up with six shops, three eateries that brought their own gas-powered machinery, all of their stages up and ready, and even their dungeon in much better nick than when they found it. Their composting porta potties were working well and in a little over a week, they would officially open. And he hoped it went well. He had quickly fallen in love with the place. Not to mention Becca.

  With a sigh, he glanced around until he saw the little sprite walking with Ryan down the fairway. He needed to tell her he loved her, but he just hadn’t found the time to do it yet. Those words were so powerful that he wanted to do it right. Because he had to make sure she knew he wasn’t offering her a wedding ring. But he did want to offer her a place at his side and in his bed on the island. Would that be worth giving up her job over? And was it right of him to make such an offer?

  The worst part was that time was running out. He needed to do it before the Faire opened because once it did, time would most assuredly get away from him and he wanted to give her time to think about it.

  “What are you looking at?” Craig stepped up beside him. “Ah. Becca.” He shook his head. “Why haven’t you put a more permanent collar around that pretty neck?”

  “Working on it.”

  Craig snorted. “In Kendrick speak that means you’ve been overthinking it. Let’s simplify things. This is how you do it. Tonight at dinner, put a thick leather collar next to her plate. When she asks what it is, tell her it’s hers if she agrees to let you pound her pussy and flog her ass for the foreseeable future. Simple. Done. No more overthinking.”

  “Fuck off.” There was amusement in Kendrick’s tone. He was used to Craig. His friend always called it like he saw it. “I’ll get it done.”


  He turned and saw Cassidy, Becca’s friend, running toward him with the hugest grin on her face… and wearing the most bizarre outfit.

  “Are those condoms?” Craig asked.

  It was difficult to tell. She was dressed in a form fitting, short dress in yellow and there were circular discs attached to it that did resemble condoms. “Is this her version of safe sex?” he asked with a chuckle.

  She came to a stop in front of them and beamed. Then she turned around in a circle, holding her arms out. “What do you think?”

  Kendrick blinked at her. “About your outfit?” he said. “It’s interesting.”

  Amusement crinkled the corners of her eyes. “You mentioned at the last meeting that a cleaning crew would be on hand and I got to thinking about the fact that when you go to someplace like oh… Disneyland, you never see the cleaning crew, because they’re dressed to match the scene. Well, ta-da!” She waved at her outfit. “They can call themselves the Kinky Kleaners and wear tight, form-fitting outfits with condoms and other safe-sex or kinky paraphernalia hanging on them. Nobody’s going to notice they’re carrying a dustbin because they’ll be looking at the crazy clothes.” Cassidy did a pirouette. “They could even hand out condoms if we got some condom companies to offer samples.”

  Her excitement for the idea was slightly contagious. And Kendrick hadn’t really thought much about the cleaning crew except for the fact they would clean all day long. “I think it’s a fantastic idea,” he told her. “And I would appreciate if you would work with them when they arrive to help them get into the swing of things. All of them know what the Faire is about and most of them have been involved in kink to some extent. But it will be nice if they have you to show them the ropes as it were.”

  If he’d thought she was smiling before it was nothing next to how much she beamed at him. “I’ll be there,” she said quickly. “I can’t believe the Faire opens in eight days.” She squealed, gave Craig a saucy wink, and darted over toward Becca.

  He and Craig discussed some of the last things that needed to be ironed out, answering questions as they came up and by noon he was hungry. Kendrick looked around, hoping to spot his sub coming with lunch.

  “Oh boy.”

  Kendrick turned to see what Craig was looking at. Since he was looking toward the docks he assumed there were new arrivals. “Our last two shopkeepers are supposed to be here. They were able to come a week early.”

  “That’s not the problem,” Craig said in an annoyed tone. “Is it just me or is the girl in front…?”

  Kendrick narrowed his eyes and spotted exactly what Craig saw. In the front of the group walking up from the dock was a short round blonde he would have recognized anywhere. “Ah, fuck no. Who told her about the Faire?”

  “Don’t know. But your time just ran out, buddy. You won’t get any time with Becca after this.”

  Groaning, Kendrick felt like stomping his foot and walking away. But it was too late. The blonde looked up and saw him. “Master,” she squealed in that high-pitched tone that could send a guy to drink, right before she ran and launched herself forward. It was either catch her or topple over backwards. He took what he figured was the least of two evils and held onto her ass
as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. When her lips met his, though, he almost dropped her.

  Once he stopped the force of the impact, he peeled her from around him and stood her on her feet a little more firmly than he would normally do. “Denise, what the hell?” he said, trying to rein in his fury.

  She giggled and placed a hand on his chest. “Surprised to see me?” The little sub blinked her eyelashes at him.

  This was getting beyond old. They played together once several years ago and he made her soar in a way no other Dom had. Since then she’d developed a rather unhealthy obsession with him. He had tried to let her down easy many times, but this was too much.

  “Shocked would be the word I’d use,” he said, barely modulating his voice. “What are you doing here?”

  For a long moment, she stared at him, a myriad of emotions in her eyes before they cleared. She gave a very unlady-like snort, and stepped back. “Don’t get your panties in a twist,” she said. “I’m here to help a friend with his shop. I was just teasing you.”

  Relief flooded through him. “Shit. I’m sorry. But considering the past…”

  “I know.” She gave him a cheeky grin. “I couldn’t resist teasing you, though.”

  “So,” Craig said, leaning in, his eyes narrowed and his posture proclaiming he wasn’t buying it. “Who’s this friend who invited you to our island?”

  “Back off, Fido,” she said, tensing a little. “My friend Garrett has a chastity belt shop. He needs a cute sub to run the place when he can’t be there. So he asked me.” She gave a strange little pose and Kendrick got a bad feeling. Garrett, the asshole dom who insulted Becca, asked her? That seemed a bit coincidental.

  “Garrett was a bit of a problem when he arrived,” Craig said with a cold smile. “I want to make sure you know the rules, and more importantly the punishments, that will be brought down on your little head should you break them.” He wrapped his hand around her upper arm. “Come. Let’s talk.”

  Denise startled and looked toward Kendrick as if expecting him to interfere. He turned toward the others walking their way and let Craig deal with her. More and more, he thought Alice was right. Craig should become their official Discipline Master. He made subs quake in their boots just by looking at them.

  “Welcome to Elan Isle,” he said to their last shop keepers. “And Ye Olde Kinke Faire.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Becca stood, frozen. The scene in front of her made no logical sense. A buxom blonde was in Kendrick’s arms. And he was kissing her. No. She mentally shook her head as he pulled the blonde off and deposited her on her feet. Maybe the blonde was kissing him. After all, he and Alice kissed all the time. It didn’t mean anything.

  She gulped and watched as the blonde talked with Kendrick and Craig, her hands waving in all directions as she spoke. Her giggle carried on the wind and made Becca wince. Was she Kendrick’s type?

  Becca looked down at her five foot two inch self with her flat stomach and B-cup boobs. There was a lot less of her than the blonde. Then again, Kendrick had been in the lifestyle for as long as she had and had probably played with tons more subs than she had Doms. So feeling a little jealous just because he was greeting one of them was stupid. After all, they weren’t permanent. He’d never promised anything longer than August 1. Maybe this was why.

  When Craig walked away with the blonde, Kendrick went to talk to some others coming up from the docks. It gave Becca a few moments to get herself together before taking Kendrick his lunch. She was not going to make this into a big thing. If she did, Kendrick would notice and for all she knew, he might drop her before the Faire opened. After all, he had made a comment once about disliking overly clingy subs.

  Someone walked by her, bringing her out of her ruminations, and she took a deep breath and stepped forward. She could do this. Their contract ended in a little over a month. She would soak in all of Kendrick she could get in that time and then go home to Seattle, cry her eyes out, and go to work. Perhaps Master Rob would find her a Dom who could help her through her loss.

  With that in mind, she forced a smile on her face and strode over to where Kendrick was. She dropped to her knees beside him and almost whimpered when his fingers instantly found their way into her hair.

  Over the last five weeks, he had introduced her to everyone, saying “This is my sub, Becca.” She waited but he never mentioned her as he spoke to two new shop keepers.

  “Your shops are set up. Alice is around here somewhere and she has your cabin assignment. Hold on. Let me text her.” Kendrick removed his hand from her hair and she felt the loss. “She’s on her way now. If you go sit on a bench near Penny University, our coffee shop, she’ll meet you there and get you settled. I’m glad you were able to come early.”

  The others left and Kendrick once again put his fingers into her hair. He pulled her head back and kissed her long and hard. Becca melted into it and was gasping for breath by the time he pulled back. His eyes were a grayish blue and the tension between them told her something was wrong. But she was too afraid to ask what.

  “Brought lunch?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Let’s go sit and eat. I need to talk to you in private.”

  Her heart dropped like a lead balloon. He wanted to talk to her in private. To tell her what? That he needed to cut their contract short? That someone he cared about was now on the island and they couldn’t continue? All of the most horrible reasons passed through her brain in less than a second and she had to struggle to get to her feet.

  “Becca,” he said, his tone switching to one of worry. “Are you all right?” He put a palm up to her forehead. “You don’t feel hot, but I don’t want you to overdo it.”

  “I’m fine,” she said, reaching for any excuse. “I’m just hungry.”

  A huff of a chuckle left his lips. “I know the feeling. Come on. Let’s eat.” He took the bag from her fingers and walked away. Pain that he hadn’t seen through her lie hit her and combined with the fact he didn’t take her hand, she wanted to break down. But she refused. She would stay strong through it. He hadn’t wanted a weepy sub who fell in love with him. Even if he broke things off, she would not show him that side of her. At least then maybe he would remember her fondly.

  He led her to a small table just outside the Faire grounds and sat down. Worry and concern were written all over his face and he was not acting like the Dom she’d come to adore. There was obviously something heavy on his mind.

  Becca sat down across from him and watched as he pulled the food out of the bag and handed her container to her. Was it just her imagination or did he drop her container as though it scalded him? Her stomach cramped and she took a deep breath through her nose to fight her sudden nausea.

  “Becca,” he said in a kind, calm voice. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something, but we’ve been so busy that I haven’t had the chance. But after what happened earlier, I can’t wait any longer.”

  Oh God. Oh God. He was going to break up with her. Right here. She gripped the edge of the table and waited for the boom to be lowered.


  The holler made her jump and they both turned as Ryan ran up to them. “Kendrick, Dad was testing out the discipline corner and said there’s a huge problem. Something about a cracked joist.”

  “Fuck.” Kendrick stood up. “I’m on my way.” He looked down at the food and at Becca. “Becca, take the afternoon easy. I don’t want you to strain yourself. Bring dinner for us to my cabin at six. I’ll meet you there as soon as I can. What I need to say can’t wait another day.” He reached out and trailed his thumb over her cheek and lips as if knowing that was his last time. Abruptly he turned away and jogged through the Faire.

  It hit her with a force she wasn’t ready for. Tears clogged her view and her body shook with unexpressed sobs. Becca left the food where it was and took off at a run through the woods. She couldn’t let anyone see her or they would tell Kendrick or one of h
is friends. The humiliation of knowing that she had lost such an amazing Dom was one she didn’t want anyone else to see.

  She ran for some time before stopping. Leaning over to catch her breath, she rested her palms against her knees. How had it all come to an end so quickly? Why had that hideous blonde shown up? Becca tried to chastise herself for thinking badly of her enemy, but she couldn’t help it. She was sure that woman was the reason Kendrick was breaking up with her. “But we would have ended in another month anyway,” she reasoned to herself out loud. “So it ends a bit early…” She couldn’t continue as her sobs broke free. Becca dropped to her knees and let her tears fall freely.

  She cried until there were no more tears left and lay there in the grass for some time before she forced herself to sit up. Slowly she took in her surroundings, surprised to find herself in the small meadow that she and Kendrick had shared that amazing scene a couple weeks before. Those few hours had changed her and them. Becca was sure of it. Their relationship deepened after that scene. She’d slept with him every night since.

  Taking a deep breath, she thought about what little she’d seen down by the dock. Yes, Kendrick had held the blonde, but he’d set her down on her feet rather sharply. And he hadn’t looked happy. Could she be wrong about them? Hope bloomed in her chest. Perhaps Kendrick wasn’t breaking up with her. Maybe there were problems with the Faire he wanted to discuss. That sounded lame, even to her, but she grabbed onto it as her one lifeboat.

  She rose to her feet and walked over to the trees he had tied her up to. No Dom had ever tied her up like that. The strain on her muscles had been real and she’d felt it for days, but most of her weight, even when he lifted up her hips, rested on the ropes. He had taken such good care of her, even as he fucked her into oblivion.

  Becca knew some Doms could lose themselves in a scene and act like someone they were not, but Kendrick wasn’t that way. He gave himself to everything he did. The island, the Faire, and to their relationship. Would he have done that if he were planning to release her in a month?


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