Ye Olde Kinke Faire
Page 17
She sighed in utter contentment and he nuzzled her forehead. Perhaps they’d sleep in tomorrow. After all, lying in bed late sometimes could be fun. Especially if one’s sub was particularly good at fellatio and one had all sorts of toys to torture her with.
With a smile on his face, he let himself slide into slumber. Life was good.
Kendrick pulled his boots on and gave them a tug. Then he stood up straight and looked in the full length mirror. Becca was right. He looked like a pirate rogue in the outfit. Perfect. The white shirt was tucked into his pantaloons, however it was unbuttoned so it showed his chest off. The boots came to just above the knees and were actually more comfortable than he’d assumed they’d be.
And the pantaloons. Why did men stop wearing them? They showed off his firm legs and the family jewels nicely. Talk about a walking advertisement.
“Admiring your cock again, Sir?” Becca asked as she came out of the bathroom. He looked at her in the mirror and groaned. She was a vision in her slutty wench costume. The front came to just below her crotch, giving a viewer a peak now and then of what lay beneath. The back fell a little lower but was loose enough he could flip it up and land a few swats to her behind whenever he so desired.
But it was the bustier that would draw most eyes. The bust came just below her tits making them stand out. If anyone tried to touch them, he’d manacle the offender to the whipping post and take it out of their hide, but he couldn’t resist showing his beautiful slut off to the world.
She smiled at him, straightening her spine and shoulders which naturally pushed out her charms. “Like what you see, Sir?”
“Always. And don’t forget it’s ‘my lord’ while at the Faire. Come here, wench.” He grasped her arm and sat down on the bed. As he’d intended, the trajectory landed her ass up over his lap. Kendrick quickly pulled up the skirt. “Your ass is a beautiful canvas,” he told her. “I’m definitely going to have to paint on it today.”
Beautiful laughter rang out of her mouth. “And will your paint be a flogger or a cane, my lord?”
He smacked her hard, smiling when she squeaked. “Calm the cheek or I’ll put on some capsaicin cream and tie up your skirt so everyone can see your bright shiny ass.”
“Sorry, Sir.”
“Good girl. Now up you get. We can have all the fun we want on the grounds. Let’s save it for our visitors.”
Becca giggled as he lifted her to her feet. “We’ve got the best jobs on the planet,” she said with a laugh. “We get to have sex all day long and it’s legal.”
Amused, he nodded. “And I plan on taking full advantage of it, wench.”
She grinned as she slid her toes into her calf-high boots. “Let’s go get ‘em, my lord.”
Becca was trembling with excitement. It felt like a lifetime ago that she’d been part of a badly run excuse for a kink island and now they were about to open the doors on a true kink experience. And she was a part of it. She glanced at Kendrick who strode along at her side. No, not just a part of it. She was the sub of the man who made the place what it was. Yes, he was one of five people who owned Elan Isle and Ye Olde Kinke Faire, but each of the others always came to Kendrick with questions. Out of the four dominants in their group, he was undeniably the leader. And she was his girl.
I’m so lucky.
Kendrick squeezed her hand and she smiled at him. He was having the time of his life. She thought he missed his time on the rodeo circuit. Not so much getting his body shaken up by a bull, but the showmanship involved. Being the Pirate Lord would be right up his alley.
The Faire grounds were no longer just a stretch of dirt and a few ramshackle shops. The whole faire was only a third the size Kendrick wanted it to be next year, but it looked like a kinky renaissance faire. Bright festooned ribbons hung from curved arches over the walkways and each shop had a small post in front of it with its name and wares. Becca could hardly wait to go check out some of the items for sale.
The gates were closed but she could hear the babble of voices from the other side. “How many do you think came?” she asked as they got near Penny University.
“Not sure. Our maximum will be twenty-five hundred a day but I don’t expect that until next summer at least. If we have a five hundred person turnout over the weekend, I’ll be pleased.”
Everyone was in their costumes and the place felt right. Cassidy was dressed as a saucy barmaid and no doubt would be flirting with every Dom who gave her a glance. Becca caught her friend’s eye and smiled. Cassidy grinned back, but there was no time to talk. Kendrick handed her a cup of coffee and cleared his throat. Everyone that was there turned to look at him. The few people that were absent were watching the incoming horde and preparing for the opening.
“Friends,” Kendrick said. “After six weeks of hard-ass work, today Ye Olde Kinke Faire has its day. In fifteen minutes, those gates will open and no matter how many or how few our numbers are, we’re to treat them as we would anyone at a kink club. With respect, the occasional smack to the ass, and a flirtatious wink.”
Several people chuckled.
“Here. Here,” Alec said, lifting up his mug of coffee. “And a little CBT.”
“And a chastity belt or two,” Garrett added in. Over the last week, he seemed to have dropped the attitude and while Becca never went near him without protection in tow, he came across as more likeable.
“And leather,” another person piped in.
“And tons of squeaks, squeals, and groans.”
The excitement was tangible. This project might belong to Kendrick, Neil, Craig, Alice, and Joseph, but all of them had put their heart and soul into it.
“I’ll let you to head to your shops. Don’t forget to text Ryan with when you want food delivered. He’ll be around several times so you don’t have to starve.” Kendrick drank the last of his coffee and put the cup down. “To one hell of an opening day.”
She jumped when everyone yelled “Huzzah!” Cassidy burst out laughing and she did too. Someone had been researching renaissance fairs.
“All right, wench,” Kendrick said, putting an arm around her and leading her toward the fence. “Let’s go break the proverbial bottle.”
A few of their merry troupe was standing on the bridge built over the gates. They were laughing and joking with the people standing on the other side. The closer they got to it, the more the risqué things they were saying met Becca’s ears.
“Ah, right,” one of the players said in a deep, gruff voice. “Well, sir, it sounds like your lass could do with a little help. Come see Garrett when you enter. He’s got chastity belts that will truss her pussy up just fine.” Laughter and someone’s muffled voice came from the other side of the gate and he laughed. “Ah, well in that case, take her straight to the whipping post and see how we correct our subs. I believe our pirate, Lord Kendrick, is going to teach his wench a lesson in about an hour. That should help keep her mouth shut.”
Becca looked over at Kendrick who grinned wide. “Right off?” she asked with a laugh.
“Start like you mean to continue,” he said in a sage voice. “Besides, those beautiful marks from last week have faded. I can’t have that.”
Her grin spread from ear to ear. The scene they shared in front of his friends in the dungeon had been intense and overwhelming and just as wonderful as the one in the glen. It proved to her just how creative her man was. And she knew she had only scratched the surface of his inventive mind. “Well, of course not,” she agreed, looking forward to whatever he did. “I miss the ache when I walk.”
He laughed. “That I can fix.”
They reached the bottom of the steps and began the climb. The people on the stairs were two members of security, the actors interacting with the crowd, and one of Kendrick’s friends. Their Master At Arms, Neil, wore black jeans held up with suspenders over a deep gray t-shirt that read Master of Arms, Legs, Cocks and Pussies.
With a snort, Kendrick smacked his shoulder. Neil grinned
back. He turned and gave Becca a once over. “Hello, wench.”
Becca did a curtsy. “Good day, Master Neil.”
“Ah, I like that,” Neil said with a smirk. “You can call me that at any time.”
Becca snorted and Kendrick paused on the stairs, yanked her over his knee, pulled up her skirt and landed five sharp swats on her ass. Sass was okay, but he wouldn’t take it on Faire grounds and definitely not at a fellow Dom. And she knew it. He knew part of it was the fact she was nervous about the day. Bringing her mind back to where it needed to be quickly was the best way to keep her calm.
“That?” one of the players said as he put Becca back on her feet, slightly winded with bright pink cheeks. “That was one of our wenches getting her ass spanked. Try it. You might like it.” Laughter erupted again, but Kendrick ignored the banter.
“Apologize,” he said firmly.
Becca turned to Neil and slid to her knees gracefully. “I apologize, Master Neil. I didn’t mean to laugh at you.”
“Apology accepted, wench.” Neil glanced down at Becca’s breasts and looked back up at Kendrick. “Those need some marks.”
“I plan on it.”
His friend reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out a set of nipple clamps. “You know, these would match her pretty little outfit.” Which they would because Kendrick bought them at the same time to match.
“I agree,” Kendrick said and leaned back against the wall to watch. “Why don’t you do the honors?” Becca knew he wouldn’t let another Dom harm her and she knew Neil pretty well, so while her blush deepened, she didn’t flinch when Neil reached forward and tugged on her pert little nipples. Pride filled Kendrick’s chest as he watched her. She was so incredible. How the fuck did he get to be so lucky?
Neil spit on his fingers and tugged a little more, making her nipples a nice dusky pink. He attached the first one and then he watched Becca’s face as he tightened it. “You tell me if it’s too much,” Neil said firmly and Becca nodded.
“Yes, Master Neil.”
When both clamps were on, he connected them with a chain and tugged lightly on it. He grinned when Becca finally winced. “Looks like we have a winner, Kendrick. She comes equipped with a lead now.” Kendrick chuckled. “And if I were you, I’d look at using suction on her. She’s got nice nipples, but if they were longer, they’d be even more fun.”
Suction was definitely one of Neil’s favorite toys. “Next time she pisses me off, I might let you do it,” Kendrick said and chuckled when Becca startled. She glanced up at him and her eyes flitted back and forth between his. Knowing she needed reassurance that he would never just hand her over to Neil, he ran his fingers through her hair. “Though with what a jealous prick I could become around her, maybe not.” Her muscles softened and she lowered her gaze.
Neil laughed. “So be it. I’m sure there’s another wench I can use.”
“Stand.” At Kendrick’s word, Becca rose to her feet and stepped next to him. He glanced at his watch. “Five more minutes and I can welcome our guests.” He was excited. While he didn’t expect too many people, not on their first day, he was looking forward to watching the Faire in use. They would be able to see what did work, what didn’t, and make plans for next year at the same time.
His cell phone buzzed and he pulled it out, smiling when he saw it was a text from his brother.
Rhys: Are you ready?
Kendrick: Five minutes and the Faire will be ago.
Rhys: You’ve done good, little brother.
Kendrick: Fuck off. LOL
Rhys: I’ll miss it this year, but I plan to be there next year. Save a sexy twink for me.
Kendrick: I’ll do my best. I miss you.
Rhys: Miss you, too. Give Becca a kiss for me and tell her I think she’s brave to put up with you.
Kendrick chuckled and showed Becca the text. She grinned and waved toward the phone. He handed it over and she texted.
Kendrick: This is Becca. I’d say I know, but Lord Kendrick’s in a spanky mood, so I won’t. Miss you and look forward to getting to know you better.
Kendrick chuckled at the text and tugged on her hair a little. Rhys’s reply took a few seconds, but when it came, he burst out laughing.
Rhys: Becca, my heartiest condolences. Kendrick, you’re obviously not beating the girl right. Your hand has to make contact with her ass. That’s the first rule. The second rule is give my sub-in-law a kiss for me and get this show on the road. My fingers are crossed for you.
He slipped the phone back into the pocket of his shirt and waited for the signal they were ready. Footsteps at the bottom of the stairs drew his attention and he turned to see Craig, Alice, and Joseph climbing toward him. All three had huge grins on their faces.
“What’s with the smiles?” Neil asked in amusement. “Y’all look like you’re about to squeal. And Craig squealing would totally and completely freak me out.”
“Fuck off,” Craig said good-naturedly.
Alice laughed. “Maybe I’ll add that to your limits list. Squealing and frolicking.”
“I do not frolic and don’t you dare,” Craig said, his smile changing to his normal frown.
Becca’s body shook, but she didn’t laugh out loud. Kendrick admired her restraint. “What’s with the smiles?” he asked in a quiet tone as the actors were still rousing the crowd.
Craig waved a sheet of paper. “Got this from the ferry captain,” he said, his frown twisting and twitching as though he was fighting, but finally the grin was back. “Look at the final number for todays’ delivery.”
Kendrick took the page as Neil stepped over and looked over his shoulder. There were lists of people but at the bottom was the number of adults the ferry had brought over. 982.
“Is that right?” Neil asked, his mouth practically dropping open. “Almost a thousand people for our first day?”
“Yep.” Craig nodded. “And most of them used the opportunity given to change into kink wear in the guard house Chandler put up down by the docks. We also have a folder that has all the releases they had to sign before getting on board the ferry. We’re good to go, Kendrick. Time to open the gates.”
The energy coming off all of them was pure excitement and it was nice to feel it from Craig. He’d acted much his normal self since he returned from Jilly’s funeral, but it was only over the last few days that his natural vitality had returned. Looked like his friend was definitely on the mend.
More footsteps had them all look down the stairs. Dressed like a nobleman from the nineteenth century, albeit a nobleman with a whip coiled at his waist, Dallas came up to them, a smile in his eyes. “All the medical stations are manned and ready. There’s ten medical staff on duty today and I have five more who are willing to come on Saturdays and Sundays if we need them.”
That was a relief. Kendrick knew they’d figure things out, but up until three days before, they hadn’t received word from any of the nurses that they’d invited to participate in the Faire. Knowing they had more than enough staff just made things even better.
“Ah,” the player said loudly. “I think I hear the pirate’s approach, lords, ladies, and subs of all persuasion.” He glanced down the stairs and Kendrick looked up and nodded at him. He was ready. “Yes. Here he comes. I am pleased to introduce the head of Ye Olde Kinke Faire, the pirate lord, Lord Kendrick!”
“Huzzah!” shouted the actors and a resounding “Huzzah” came from the crowd that startled Kendrick. One thousand voices filled the air and sent a shiver of excitement down his spine.
He left the others and bounded up the stairs. The thrill of being on stage filled him, of everyone’s eyes on him. Kendrick had almost forgotten the rush that came along with performing but as it hit him, any worries he had disappeared as he stepped up onto the main bridge over the gates and turned toward the crowd.
It was awe-inspiring. They filled the courtyard and bled halfway down to the docks. For a moment, it took his breath away. And then, like a light switch was flicked, e
verything settled and he leered. He stood with his legs more than shoulder width apart with his fists on his hips.
“And who’s this?” he said loudly.
“Lords, ladies, and their subs come to enjoy your faire, my lord,” the actor said with a flourish. “Tales of your debauchery have reached their ears and they rushed to see it for themselves.”
“Ah.” Kendrick nodded and then placed his hands on the edge of the bridge and leaned forward. “I’m not going to talk to you about rules as I know you’ve read the regulations and signed the releases. I’m not even going to talk to you about SSC as there are signs everywhere. All I’m going to say is through these gates is the vacation you’ve been waiting for. Perversion you’ve only dreamed of, you’ll hopefully find. You can play anywhere on Faire grounds except on the stages. Dungeon masters are noticeable as they all wear a shirt that says so.
“But Ye Olde Kinke Faire isn’t about the no’s. As long as you obey the rules, it’s about the yeses. It’s about doing what makes you feel good. It’s about being your perverted, kinky, debauched selves where everyone else gets it.” He ended on a yell and the crowd responded with a cheer. “We all get it,” he said. “Every single one of us. As long as you and your partner or partners have agreed to it and it doesn’t go against the rules, have fun. Fuck, spank, suck, or otherwise enjoy your day. I know I plan to. In fact, for those who enjoy watching a good whipping, come to Stage 2 in thirty minutes to watch me whip and fuck my wench.
“There are condom machines everywhere. Get a few and stuff them in your pockets. You never know when you’ll want to bend someone over and take their pussy, mouth, or ass.” Grins met his statement and he stood up.
He held his arms wide. “Ladies, gentlemen, and perverts, welcome to Ye Olde Kinke Faire. Enter the pleasure center.” A loud “Huzzah” rocked the air at the same time the gates opened below him. As the bridge he was on was made of a metal grate, he looked down and watched as the crowd surged underneath him. It was done. They were officially open.