Book Read Free


Page 17

by Shelley Peterson

  I think you have a pretty good idea, Bird girl. Get the trailer ready.

  “What are you doing, Bird?” demanded Hannah. “He has no right to take Sundancer.”

  Bird winked at her aunt and put her finger to her lips. Hannah held her tongue.

  Elvin put the chain of the shank over Sunny’s nose and yanked it tight. “Well, thank you. At least one person here knows right from wrong. Now we can just forget all about this. Have a good day.” Elvin Wainright turned on his heel and led a quiet, obedient Sundancer away. The terrier followed them, a safe distance behind.

  “What are you doing, Alberta!” shrieked Eva. “You just gave away the most fabulous horse in the entire world! You just gave him away!”

  Stuart took Eva’s arm. “Relax, Eva. Let’s let Hannah and Paul handle this. And Bird.” He smiled at the nervous girl.

  “Well, they’re not, are they. Handling it, that is. They’re standing there with egg on their faces. Somebody has to do something!”

  Bird touched her mother’s hand, and gestured for her to follow. They walked around the trailer and watched as Sunny was quietly led to the huge navy-blue Owens Enterprises van. Elvin Wainright shouted to his grooms to bring down the ramp.

  “You see?” squealed Eva. “In one minute he’ll be gone, and we’ll never see him again. He won first, today! In two classes!”

  Sunny stood quietly as the ramp was readied for loading. Two grooms came up behind him to urge him on, while Elvin led. Sunny took a few steps and started up the ramp. It appeared that he would simply walk on.

  “Do something!” wailed Eva. Bird held her breath.

  Sunny kicked out with a speed and ferocity that astounded everyone. He narrowly missed striking both grooms in the chest, one with each hind foot, and they rolled away in surprise and fear. Elvin turned and raised his whip to strike the horse.

  Quickly, Bird ran behind Hannah’s trailer, opened it and dropped the ramp. She motioned to Hannah to start the truck.

  Sunny reared up as Elvin continued to hit him. They could hear each blow land, whump, whump, whump. Elvin’s hollering echoed across the parking lot.

  Sunny walked backwards down the ramp of the Owens van, dragging Elvin as he yelled and flailed. Suddenly, the horse spun like a top, and threw Elvin six feet in the air. He came down hard. The terrified grooms staggered over to help their boss as he lay on the ground. Elvin Wainright lifted his head and shook his fist at Sunny.

  Sunny neighed loudly. He rose up on his hind legs and pawed the air. He neighed again. Then he dropped down and shook his head angrily. His ears lay flat. It looked as if he was going to charge. The little brown-and-white dog jumped through the window into the cab of the truck. Wainright and the grooms cowered. They cried out for mercy and covered their heads.

  Then, as if it was all a joke, Sunny turned and trotted back to Bird.

  Get on the trailer, Sunny. Let’s go!

  Was I good, or was I good?

  Gloat later. We’ve got to get out of here.

  Sunny trotted onto the trailer. Abby and Bird lifted the ramp behind him, secured the latches, then quickly climbed into the cab of the truck as Hannah jumped in and started it. She put it in gear and accelerated.

  “See you back at Saddle Creek,” Abby called out the truck window as they drove away. “I wouldn’t dally, if I were you.”

  Paul, Stuart, Eva, and Julia stood dazed. “We haven’t heard the last of this,” predicted Paul.

  “Let’s go,” said Stuart. Elvin Wainright was now on his feet, standing with the help of his two grooms and looking extremely agitated. “This is not the time to have a reasonable discussion with the man.”

  They got in Stuart’s car and headed home to the farm.

  DARK CLOUDS GATHERED IN the sky, and the day went from sunny to overcast in a matter of minutes. Rain threatened but stayed at bay as Hannah drove the Saddle Creek rig into their lane. The sedan had already arrived, and Eva, Stuart, and Julia were in the house. Paul was waiting at the barn to help unload. He stood on the driveway when the truck and trailer pulled in.

  Paul spoke before Hannah had a chance to get out of the truck. “I’m sorry. You were right. I should’ve insisted on a contract. How can I help?”

  “With the horse or the lawsuit?”


  Abby and Bird unloaded Sunny from the rig, and took him into the barn to wash, feed, and bed him down. Hannah and Paul organized the truck, trailer, and tack. Paul directed Hannah as she backed the trailer into its spot. He unhitched it, and Hannah drove the truck to its parking place. They carried the saddle, bridle, blankets, and brushes into the barn and put them away.

  As they worked, they talked. “Look, Paul, I know it’s not your fault. But what do we do now? I can’t afford a lawyer.”

  “I hope it doesn’t come to that. If it does, we’ll fight back, and I’ll foot the bill. I got us into this.” Paul looked earnestly at Hannah. “We’ve done nothing wrong, Hannah. I’ll stake my reputation on that.”

  “Still, it’ll be hard to prove. It’s your word against theirs and it’s all hearsay. Nothing on paper. Will the stable manager back you up?”

  “No. I called him on my cell just now. He says he doesn’t remember a thing.”

  Hannah got mad. “These people are just not honest!”

  “I’ll say it again, Hannah. I’m sorry I didn’t get something signed. I took the horse in good faith.”

  “I know. I’m not blaming you, believe me.”

  “Look on the bright side. They might change their minds about wanting him, since Sundancer behaved so badly back there. He scared three men witless in less than a minute.”

  “True. He is dangerous. So, maybe it’s best if they take him back after all. It’s plain lucky that nobody was hurt.”

  “That we know of. We’ll hear if a bone’s broken or someone’s bruised.”

  “That could cause us some trouble, as Elvin Wainright said.” Paul and Hannah spoke in unison. “Big trouble.”

  They chuckled half-heartedly.

  Hannah paused thoughtfully, then said, “That whole thing was rather interesting, wasn’t it?”

  “What whole thing?”

  “How Bird handed Sunny over to Elvin, but seemed to know what he was going to do. That he was going to come running back.”

  “You’re right. She even dropped the ramp.”

  “And gestured to me to start the truck.”

  “She and Sunny understand each other, Hannah. The horse wouldn’t let Abby ride him, and she’s the best rider around.”

  “It’s a little mysterious. I wonder if Bird is the only one who will ever understand him.”

  “I certainly wouldn’t get on his back.”

  Hannah agreed. “We’d all be wise to leave him to Bird. There’s something magic between them.”

  “That’s for sure,” said Paul. “But he’s a wild card. What if he turns on Bird one day?”

  Hannah looked at Paul. “Do you think I don’t worry about that every time she gets on his back?”

  ABBY CLEANED AND OILED the leather in the tack room while Bird hosed Sunny down in the wash stall.

  I showed those men a thing or two, Bird girl.

  You certainly did.

  I won ribbons today. I feel good.

  I’m proud of you Sunny. For winning. Not for scaring those men.

  But I feel best about scaring those men. They hurt me. Before. How?

  I don’t want to talk about it, Bird girl. I thought the jumps were going to hurt me, too.


  Because. It happened before. The jumps hurt me. Those men hurt me. I don’t want to think about it any more.

  Okay, Sunny. Tell me about it if you want to. I’d like to know.

  After they were finished in the barn, Bird and Abby caught up with Hannah and Paul on the driveway. Together they joined the others in the house. The wind had kicked up and the rain would not be long in coming. A sudden gust of wind slammed the door forcefu
lly behind them.

  Eva and Stuart had made mushroom and cheese omelettes, toast, and salad. Julia had set the table. They’d made every effort to create a cheerful atmosphere in the kitchen, with the threatening storm outside. Everyone was hungry and tired and deep in their own thoughts, so there was silence as the food was consumed. The weather change and the events at the show had affected their mood.

  Finally, Julia put down her fork and spoke. “Bird, I’ve never seen anything more beautiful than you riding Sunny today. Ever. In my whole life. One day, if I work at it hard enough, I want to ride like you.”

  Bird stopped chewing. She looked at Julia and smiled. Bird felt full of gratitude for her little sister’s words, and even more for the swelling of love emanating from her. No matter what happened now — and she sensed that something was about to — Bird felt she could deal with it.



  I need to use up my energy. I have an excess of adrenaline.

  As they sat eating their steaming omelettes, there was a knock at the kitchen door. Bird’s stomach tightened. She knew who it was, and trouble always came with him.

  Eva was the closest, so she got up and answered the knock.

  A smiling Kenneth Bradley stood at the door. Framing him, Bird saw black rain clouds in the sky, then a flash of lightning accompanied by a rumble of thunder. Pathetic fallacy, she thought. She’d learned about it in school. When inanimate objects reflect human emotions. In this case, she thought, the weather perfectly reflected her grandfather’s soul.

  “Daddy, what a nice surprise,” Eva enthused. “Come in!”

  “I will, sugar pie. Are you having a late lunch after the horse show? I’m not disturbing you, am I?”

  Hannah joined them at the door. “Not at all, Dad. Please join us. I’ll whip up another omelette in a jiffy.”

  “I’ve eaten, Hannah.” He patted his stomach. “Got to watch my weight. I’ve got a new girlfriend, you know. Much younger.” He winked at his daughters. “No. I’m here on business. Good news for you, Hannah. It’ll make your day.”

  They made room at the table, and Kenneth pulled up a chair.

  Abby Malone blushed uncomfortably. Bird knew why. Abby had not seen Colonel Kenneth Bradley since that day in court, years earlier, when she’d testified against him. Bird understood why she could barely sit in the same room with him now.

  Bird observed her grandfather from across the table. He was smiling broadly, looking friendly. Bird thought a giant great white shark might smile that way. Just before it ate you.

  “I heard what happened at the horse show today.” Kenneth looked around importantly. The indecision and uneasiness that met his words satisfied him. Briefly, he rested his eyes on his granddaughter. “Congratulations, Bird. You did a fine job of riding Prince Redwood. Well done.” He reached out to shake her hand.

  Bird stared at her plate and refused to react. He called him Prince Redwood, thought Bird. Guess where this is going.

  Without missing a beat, Kenneth Bradley continued. “Prince Redwood surprised us all today. He’s been a bit of a rascal, to be sure. His trainer always believed that some time off work would do him a world of good. He thinks he’s ready now to return for some serious training.”

  “You’re talking about Elvin Wainright?” asked Hannah.

  “Yes. His trainer.”

  Paul asked, “Mr. Bradley, may I ask exactly how you are involved?”

  Kenneth laughed heartily. “How sweet. You’re speaking on my daughter’s behalf. You want my credentials? I’m a director of Owens Enterprises.”

  Everyone was stunned. This was news to them all.

  “You’re a director?” asked Hannah. “Of Owens Enterprises?”

  “I’m on the board of the company. I’m also a horseman, as you well know, and thereby very involved in the operations of the stables. Elvin is a valued employee, and I trust his opinion. By the way, he told me the entire history of this horse.” He glanced dismissively at Paul.

  “What story did he tell you?” Paul was not intimidated.

  “The correct one, no doubt, but I’ll humour you. You took the horse because you were under the false impression that nobody wanted him. No legal deal was drawn up at that time, and none has been drawn up since. No papers were signed over. In other words, in a court of law, you could not claim ownership.”

  Paul shrugged. “Bluntly stated, Mr. Bradley. And true. But the fact is, I was given the horse outright. The staff loaded him on the Owens trailer and brought him here themselves.” Paul paused, watching Kenneth for his reaction, then continued. “I had verbal assurances from Elvin Wainright and the manager. Indeed, the entire stable was relieved when I took him off their hands. They wanted nothing to do with him.”

  Kenneth was impassive. “Well, they do now, and they have the right.”

  Paul held the older man’s gaze.

  “Let’s be adults and agree to disagree, shall we? Because I come with very good news.” Bradley again smiled the shark smile. “Owens Enterprises wants to take the horse back to his rightful stable. We’ll pay you for all your trouble, Hannah. Handsomely.”

  Bird was worried. Hannah always needed money.

  “We will not press charges for theft. We will not sue for injuries sustained today. We will pay you for boarding, training, and rehabilitation, with a little extra to sweeten the pot. What do you think?”

  Paul was dubious. “What are you offering?”

  “Ten thousand dollars.”

  There was silence around the table. Hannah immediately thought of all the uses to which she could put the money. Bird read her thoughts and shook her head. This was going to be bad, she could feel it.

  “Dad,” said Hannah, trying to be fair. “Sundancer, or Prince Redwood, is a difficult horse. More accurately, he’s completely messed up. He’s unpredictable and strong-willed. Nobody could make him do anything before he got here. Do you think that he’ll stay well behaved when you take him back? He’s the same horse as the one that Elvin and your manager wanted euthanized hardly a month ago.”

  “Elvin changed his mind.”

  “What if somebody gets hurt?”

  “We’ll take that chance.”

  Hannah looked at Bird. She had tears on her cheeks and her fists were clenched. For a moment, everyone was silent. Then Abby spoke. “Mr. Bradley, you talk of forgetting the past. I hope you understand that doing so would be impossible for me.” Bird gasped as she picked up on Abby’s memories — thrown into a dark, smelly shed at gunpoint, door locked. She shuddered.

  “I’m not referring to our past, Miss Malone. I will never forget what happened between us.” He pursed his lips and squinted at her, the anger clear on his face. “You testified against me in court.”

  Abby swallowed her own anger. “And I’m glad I did, but this has nothing to do with us. I just want to say that there is only one rider who can communicate with Sundancer. That rider is Alberta, your granddaughter. Without her unique ability to connect with horses, Sundancer’s talent would not be realized.”

  Kenneth smiled condescendingly. “I appreciate your sentiment, Abby, but don’t try to tell me my business. I heard about what happened today. Just because you can’t ride him doesn’t mean that Bird is the only rider who can. Although it might make you feel better about your own limitations if that were true.”

  Abby clammed up. With a brief nod in Hannah’s direction, she rose from the table and left the house.

  “I agree with Abby, Dad,” said Hannah, hoping that Abby was still close enough to hear. “One hundred percent. Bird and Sundancer have a relationship. The horse trusts her, and nobody else. If you take him back, he will be just as dangerous as he was before.”

  Kenneth rolled his eyes. “What’s it to you? He’ll become our problem. I’ve hired Leon Parish. Tell me that he can’t ride.”

  Bird was surprised; in fact, everyone at the table looked a little shocked. Leon Parish was widely considered to be the best r
ider in Canada. He had recently come out of a drug rehabilitation program and was looking for work. There was no doubt about his talent.

  “If you’ve got Leon, you’re serious,” said Stuart.

  “Dead serious. We’ll keep his new name, Sundancer, since he’s already shown with that on his passport. We feel confident that he’ll be a contender at the Haverford Fair.”

  Paul asked, “You won’t show him under Prince Redwood, his registered name?”

  “No. It’s easier this way.”

  Paul nodded. “Easier.”

  “I’ve had enough of your insinuations, Dr. Daniels. If you have proof of any wrongdoing, show it. Otherwise, I don’t want to hear it again.”

  “Point taken. Hannah will have to think about this offer before she can give you an answer.”

  “Can’t you speak for yourself, Hannah?” asked Kenneth, ignoring Paul.

  “Paul is my full partner in this venture, so he has a right to speak. And he’s right. We need to think this over. There’s a lot to consider, Dad, including Bird’s feelings. She loves Sunny.”

  Kenneth furrowed his brow. He glanced in Bird’s direction and shook his head. “Sentimentality is a beautiful thing, Hannah, but don’t let it get in the way of business. We’re offering compensation for his training. Simple. We need not offer one cent, since no deal was made. If you don’t accept, we’ll take you to court and sue you.”

  “You have such a way with words, Dad.”

  “Don’t be sarcastic, Hannah. Granted, life would be easier for all of us if we can cut a deal and avoid court. But don’t stretch my patience. I will take this to court. Twenty thousand is my last offer, which is roughly the cost of lawyer fees.”

  “Twenty?” Hannah repeated. She thought she’d misheard him.

  “Twenty. Take it or leave it.”

  Paul caught Hannah’s eye. He raised his eyebrows and nodded slightly.

  “Dad, Paul and I need a moment.” Hannah rose and signalled to Paul.

  “One minute is all you get.” Kenneth’s shark smile was gone, Bird noted. She felt powerless. Sundancer’s future was being decided and she could only sit and wait.


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