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Future on Fire

Page 43

by Orson Scott Card

  Turner folded his arms defiantly. “I’ve made my decision, Tuan Councilor. I threw it over. Everything. My family, the West…I don’t want that money. I’m turning it down! I’m staying.”

  Brooke ignored him, wiping a patch of glass with his sleeve. “If they get their hooks into your cash flow, you’ll never get out of here.” Brooke glanced at him, alarmed. “You didn’t sign anything, did you?”

  Turner scowled. “You haven’t heard a word I’ve said, have you?”

  Brooke tugged at his hearing aid. “What? These damn batteries…Look, I got spares in my cabin. We’ll check it out, have a talk.” He waved Turner back, opened the greenhouse door slightly, and shouted a series of orders to the crew in their Dayak dialect. “Come on,” he told Turner.

  They left by a second door, and sneaked across a patch of open deck, then down a flight of plywood steps into the center hull.

  Brooke lifted the paisley bedspread of his cabin bunk and hauled out an ancient steamer chest. He pulled a jingling set of keys from his pocket and opened it. Beneath a litter of ruffled shirts, a shaving kit, and cans of hair spray, the trunk was packed to the gills with electronic contraband: coax cables, multiplexers, buffers and converters, shiny plug-in cards still in their heat-sealed baggies, multiplugged surge suppressors wrapped in tentacles of black extension cord. “Christ,” Turner said. He heard a gentle thump as the ship came loose, followed by a rattle of rigging as the crew hoisted sail.

  After a long search, Brooke found batteries in a cloisonné box. He popped them into place.

  Turner said, “Admit it! You’re surprised to see me, aren’t you? Still think you were wrong about me?”

  Brooke looked puzzled. “Surprised? Didn’t you get Seria’s message on the Net?”

  “What? No. I slept on the docks last night.”

  “You missed the message?” Brooke said. He mulled it over. “Why are you here, then?”

  “You said you could help me if I ever had money trouble,” Turner said. “Well, now’s the time. You gotta figure some way to get me out of this bank legacy. I know it doesn’t look like it, but I’ve broken with my family for good. I’m gonna stay here, try to work things out with Seria?”

  Brooke frowned. “I don’t understand. You want to stay with Seria?”

  “Yes, here in Brunei, with her!” Turner sat on the bunk and waved his arms passionately. “Look, I know I told you that Brunei was just a glass bubble, sealed off from the world, and all that. But I’ve changed now! I’ve thought it through, I understand things. Brunei’s important! It’s small, but it’s the ideas that matter, not the scale. I can get along, I’ll fit in—you said so yourself.”

  “What about Seria?”

  “Okay, that’s part of it,” Turner admitted. “I know she’ll never leave this place. I can defy my family and it’s no big deal, but she’s Royalty. She wouldn’t leave here, any more than you’d leave all your money behind. So you’re both trapped here. All right. I can accept that.” Turner looked up, his face glowing with determination. “I know things won’t be easy for Seria and me, but it’s up to me to make the sacrifice. Someone has to make the grand gesture. Well, it might as well be me.”

  Brooke was silent for a moment, then thumped him on the shoulder. “This is a new Turner I’m seeing. So you faced down the old smack merchant, huh? You’re quite the hero!”

  Turner felt sheepish. “Come on, Brooke.”

  “And turning down all that nice money, too.”

  Turner brushed his hands together, dismissing the idea. “I’m sick of being manipulated by old geezers.”

  Brooke rubbed his unshaven jaw and grinned. “Kid, you’ve got a lot to learn.” He walked to the door. “But that’s okay, no harm done. Everything still works out. Let’s go up on deck and make sure the coast is clear.”

  Turner followed Brooke to his deck chair by the bamboo railing. The ship sailed rapidly down a channel between mud flats. Already they’d left the waterfront, paralleling a shoreline densely fringed with mangroves. Brooke sat down and opened a binocular case. He scanned the city behind them.

  Turner felt a lightheaded sense of euphoria as the triple bows cut the water. He smiled as they passed the first offshore rig. It looked like a good place to get some fishing done.

  “About this bank,” Turner said. “We have to face them some time—what good is this doing us?”

  Brooke smiled without looking up from his binoculars. “Kid, I’ve been planning this day a long time. I’m running it on a wing and a prayer. But, hey, I’m not proud, I can adapt. You’ve been a lot of trouble to me, stomping in where angels fear to tread, in those damn boots of yours. But I’ve finally found a way to fit you in. Turner, I’m going to retrofit your life.”

  “Think so?” Turner said. He stepped closer, looming over Brooke. “What are you looking for, anyway?”

  Brooke sighed. “Choppers. Patrol boats.”

  Turner had a sudden terrifying flash of insight. “You’re leaving Brunei. Defecting!” He stared at Brooke. “You bastard! You kept me on board!” He grabbed the rail, then began tearing at his heavy boots, ready to jump and swim for it.

  “Don’t be stupid!” Brooke said. “You’ll get her in a lot of trouble!” He lowered the binoculars. “Oh Christ, here comes Omar.”

  Turner followed his gaze and spotted a helicopter, rising gnatlike over the distant high-rises. “Where is Seria?”

  “Try the bow.”

  “You mean she’s here? She’s leaving too?” He ran forward across the thudding deck.

  Seria wore bell-bottomed sailor’s jeans and a stained nylon windbreaker. With the help of two of the Dayak crew, she was installing a meshwork satellite dish in an anchored iron plate in the deck. She had cut away her long dyed hair; she looked up at him, and for a moment he saw a stranger. Then her face shifted, fell into a familiar focus. “I thought I’d never see you again, Turner. That’s why I had to do it.”

  Turner smiled at her fondly, too overjoyed for her words to sink in. “Do what, angel?”

  “Tap your phone, of course. I did it because I was jealous, at first. I had to be sure. You know. But then when I knew you were leaving, well, I had to hear your voice one last time. So I heard your talk with your Grandfather. Are you mad at me?”

  “You tapped my phone? You heard all that?” Turner said.

  “Yes, darling. You were wonderful. I never thought you’d do it.”

  “Well,” Turner said, “I never thought you’d pull a stunt like this, either.”

  “Someone had to make a grand gesture,” she said. “It was up to me, wasn’t it? But I explained all that in my message.”

  “So you’re defecting? Leaving your family?” Turner knelt beside her, dazed. As he struggled to fit it all together, his eyes focussed on a cross-threaded nut at the base of the dish. He absently picked up a socket wrench. “Let me give you a hand with that,” he said through reflex.

  Seria sucked on a barked knuckle. “You didn’t get my last message, did you? You came here on your own!”

  “Well, yeah,” Turner said. “I decided to stay. You know. With you.”

  “And now we’re abducting you!” She laughed. “How romantic!”

  “You and Brooke were leaving together?”

  “It’s not just me, Turner. Look.”

  Brooke was walking toward them, and with him Dr. Moratuwa, newly outfitted in saffron-colored baggy shorts and T-shirt. They were the work clothes of a Buddhist technician. “Oh, no,” Turner said. He dropped his wrench with a thud.

  Seria said, “Now you see why I had to leave, don’t you? My family locked him up. I had to break adat and help Brooke set him free. It was my obligation, my dharma!”

  “I guess that makes sense,” Turner said. “But it’s gonna take me a while, that’s all. Couldn’t you have warned me?”

  “I tried to! I wrote you on the Net!” She saw he was crest-fallen, and squeezed his hand. “I guess the plans broke down. Well, we can improvise.” />
  “Good day, Mr. Choi,” said Moratuwa. “It was very brave of you to cast in your lot with us. It was a gallant gesture.”

  “Thanks,” Turner said. He took a deep breath. So they were all leaving. It was a shock, but he could deal with it. He’d just have to start over and think it through from a different angle. At least Seria was coming along.

  He felt a little better now. He was starting to get it under control.

  Moratuwa sighed. “And I wish it could have worked.”

  “Your brother’s coming,” Brooke told Seria gloomily. “Remember this was all my fault.”

  They had a good headwind, but the crown prince’s helicopter came on faster, its drone growing to a roar. A Gurkha palace guard crouched on the broad orange float outside the canopy, cradling a light machine gun. His gold-braided dress uniform flapped in the chopper’s downwash.

  The chopper circled the boat once. “We’ve had it,” Brooke said. “Well, at least it’s not a patrol boat with those damned Exocet missiles. It’s family business with the princess on board. They’ll hush it all up. You can always depend on adat.” He patted Moratuwa’s shoulder. “Looks like you get a cellmate after all, old man.”

  Seria ignored them. She was looking up anxiously. “Poor Omar,” she said. She cupped her hands to her mouth. “Brother, be careful!” she shouted.

  The Prince’s copilot handed the guard a loudspeaker. The guard raised it and began to shout a challenge.

  The tone of the chopper’s engines suddenly changed. Plumes of brown smoke billowed from the chromed exhausts. The prince veered away suddenly, fighting the controls. The guard, caught off balance, tumbled headlong into the ocean. The Dayak crew, who had been waiting for the order to reef sails, began laughing wildly.

  “What in hell?” Brooke said.

  The chopper pancaked down heavily into the bay, rocking in the ship’s wake. Spurting caramel-colored smoke, its engines died with a hideous grinding. The ship sailed on. They watched silently as the drenched guard swam up and clung to the chopper’s float.

  Brooke raised his eyes to heaven. “Lord Buddha, forgive my doubts….”

  “Sugar,” Seria said sadly. “I put a bag of sugar in brother’s fuel tank. I ruined his beautiful chopper. Poor Omar, he really loves that machine.”

  Brooke stared at her, then burst into cackling laughter. Regally, Seria ignored him. She stared at the dwindling shore, her eyes bright. “Good-bye, Brunei. You cannot hold us now.”

  “Where are we going?” Turner asked.

  “To the West,” said Moratuwa. “The Ocean Arks will spread for many years. I must set the example by carrying the word to the greatest global center of unsustainable industry.”

  Brooke grinned. “He means America, man.”

  “We shall start in Hawaii. It is also tropical and our expertise will find ready application there.”

  “Wait a minute,” Turner said. “I turned my back on all that! Look, I turned down a fortune so I could stay in the East.”

  Seria took his arm, smiling radiantly. “You’re such a dreamer, darling. What a wonderful gesture. I love you, Turner.”

  “Look,” said Brooke, “I left behind my building, my title of nobility, and all my old mates. I’m older than you, so my romantic gestures come first.”

  “But,” Turner said, “it was all decided. I was going to help you in Brunei. I had ideas, plans. Now none of it makes any sense.”

  Moratuwa smiled. “The world is not built from your blueprints, young man.”

  “Whose, then?” Turner demanded. “Yours?”

  “Nobody’s, really,” Brooke said. “We all just have to do our best with whatever comes up. Bricolage, remember?” Brooke spread his hands. “But it’s a geezer’s world, kid. We got your number, and we got you outnumbered. Fast cars and future shock and that hot Western trip…that’s another century. We like slow days in the sun. We like a place to belong and gentle things around us.” He smiled. “Okay, you’re a little wired now, but you’ll calm down by the time we reach Hawaii. There’s a lot of retrofit work there. You’ll be one of us!” He gestured at the satellite dish. “We’ll set this up and call your banks first thing.”

  “It’s a good world for us, Turner,” Seria said urgently. “Not quite East, not quite West—like us two. It was made for us, it’s what we’re best at.” She embraced him.

  “You escaped,” Turner said. No one ever said much about what happened after Sleeping Beauty awoke.

  “Yes, I broke free,” she said, hugging him tighter. “And I’m taking you with me.”

  Turner stared over her shoulder at Brunei, sinking into hot green mangroves and warm mud. Slowly, he could feel the truth of it, sliding over him like some kind of ambiguous quicksand. He was going to fit right in. He could see his future laid out before him, clean and predestined, like fifty years of happy machine language.

  “Maybe I wanted this,” he said at last. “But it sure as hell wasn’t what I planned.”

  Brooke laughed. “Look, you’re bound for Hawaii with a princess and eight million dollars. Somehow, you’ll just have to make do.”

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental.


  Copyright © 1991 by Orson Scott Card

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

  A Tor Book

  Published by Tom Doherty Associates, Inc.

  49 West 24th Street

  New York, N.Y. 10010

  ISBN: 978-1-4299-6517-0

  Tor Books by Orson Scott Card

  Note: Within series, books are best read in listed order.



  Ender Series

  Ender Wiggin: The finest general the world could hope to find or breed.

  Ender's Game

  Ender in Exile

  Speaker for the Dead


  Children of the Mind

  Ender's Shadow Series

  Parallel storylines to Ender's Game from Bean: Ender's right hand, his strategist, and his friend.

  Ender's Shadow

  Shadow of the Hegemon

  Shadow Puppets

  Shadow of the Giant

  Shadows in Flight

  The First Formic War Series

  One hundred years before Ender's Game, the aliens arrived on Earth with fire and death.

  These are the stories of the First Formic War.

  Earth Unaware

  Earth Afire

  Ender novellas

  A War of Gifts

  First Meetings

  The Authorized Ender Companion by Jake Black

  A complete and in-depth encyclopedia of all the persons, places, things, and events in Orson Scott Card's Ender Universe.


  Danny North is different from his magical family. And when he discovers his gift, it is greater than he ever imagined—which could earn him a death sentence.

  The Lost Gate

  The Gate Thief


  Visit the magical America that might have been, marvel as the tale of Alvin Maker unfolds.

  Seventh Son

  Red Prophet

  Prentice Alvin

  Alvin Journeyman


  The Crystal City


  Earth has been rendered uninhabitable. But it is still vital.

  The Memory of Earth

  The Call of Earth

  The Ships of Earth




  Fiction exploring the human side of Biblical women.



  Rachel & Leah


bsp; Experience Card's full versatility, from science fiction to fantasy, from traditional narrative poetry to modern experimental fiction.

  Keeper of Dreams

  The Changed Man

  Cruel Miracles


  Monkey Sonatas


  Hart's Hope: Dark and powerful fantasy.

  Lovelock (with Kathryn Kidd): A startling look at the ethics of bioengineering.

  Pastwatch: In this novel of time travel, can the past be changed?

  Saints: A novel of the early days of the Mormon Church.

  Songmaster: An SF classic and a haunting story of power and love.

  The Worthing Saga: The tale of a seed ship sent out to save the human race.

  Wyrms: The story of a young woman's journey to confront her destiny, and her world's.

  The Folk of the Fringe: When America is destroyed, it's up to those on the fringes to rebuild.





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