Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man

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Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man Page 10

by Susan B. Martinez, Ph. D.

  In the Orient, Dixon found “Negroid survivals” in the extreme southwest of China, among the hill folk of Burma and the Mon-Khmer tribes of Cambodia. There are also blacks in Nepal and a Negroid factor dominant in the interior of the Celebes. True blacks live in the uplands of the Sandwich Islands, just as Easter Island, Melanesia, and Fiji all have their indigenous browns and blacks with woolly hair and broad noses. Negritos, we have come to see, were once dispersed throughout Southeast Asia. Much of the Java, Thai, and Sumatra fossil remains are those of pint-sized persons.

  Figure 2.13. Black people are found in every division of Earth. (A) New Guinea Melanesian (B) Philippine Igorot and Batak (C) Guaycuru/Caduveo South American (D) Palliyan Indian

  Figure 2.14. Australian Negritos.

  Figure 2.15. Sumatra: Malaysian blends. These Negritos have always been here.

  The wide dispersal of the surviving Negritos indicates that they once peopled the entire forest of the Sunda Shelf.


  Negritos were in all parts of the world; black and brown people were indigenous to every land, and were all of mixed blood, for the Ihin had merged with the dark ground people. Dixon’s Paleo-Alpine type, for example, is an Ihin–Homo erectus mix: short, brown-skinned, with straight black hair. Among the Filipino Negritos (almost purely brachycephalic), are “an overwhelming majority of the Paleo-Alpine type.” The Ihins’ Caucasian genes, in some cases, remain pronounced among the world’s Negritos; in Malaysia, the Negrito iris, for example, is unusually light in color. Much of Sundaland is a living museum of these ancient blends.


  Where People Comment

  Argentina pampas Homo sinemento Fossil man with “likeness to the negrito type of Asia and Africa.”*31

  Australia, rain forest Aborigines Standing at four feet six inches

  Bay of Bengal Andamanese Flat noses, black skin; represent the original “primitive inhabitants of a large portion of the earth’s surface”†32

  Borneo, northern Cave skeletons Bulbous foreheads (like Negrillos)

  China/Tibet Kunlun people Many were enslaved

  Flanders Negrito Fenlanders Predate the Celts

  India, Gujerat Bhils “Aboriginal stratum”‡33

  India, Cochin region Pulaiyan and Kadar Standing at four feet six inches

  India, Farabad Hills Chenchus Forest people

  India, Malwar Kurumba Dravidian people

  Indochina Minh-Cam Diminutive cave skeletons

  Mexico, Monte Alban Danzantes Dancers carved on monuments

  Myanmar and Vietnam Moken Oldest known human population in Southeast Asia

  Thailand Krabi Plus pint-sized fossil men in region

  Philippines Aeta Once commanded all of Luzon

  Sundaland Negrito groups Considered some of the oldest tribes on Earth

  Figure 2.16. Danzantes, thought to be chieftains of hostile tribes; sculptures represent the conquest and humiliation of slain captives.

  Figure 2.17. Figure from American mounds. Illustration by Jose Bouvier.


  Asu was the first race, Ihin the second. No other races are older than these. One Batek (Negrito) tradition recounts that after the first Batek was created from brown soil (Asu), there next came a pair of beings from white soil (Ihin), who were tua—a European-type.*34 The Batek like to stress that they were created first and were thus “the original humans.”

  Although the western mind holds Adam as an iconic Caucasian forbear, the name Adam in the oldest traditions denotes the first race, Asu, a being made of soil or clay, brown like the earth. It was not until the second race (the little people) appeared, that white and yellow skin entered the gene pool. There was little pigment in Ihin skin—at best, a paucity of melanin. This second race of man arose everywhere, covering the Earth over46—pale, tiny, and brachycephalic.

  Indeed, Hooton found the earliest men of the modern type to be brachycephalic Caucasians. No, brachycephalic is not, as supposed, the result of mutations, or derived from anything. It was the original head shape of the little people.

  The Ihins came into the world with white or yellow hair: one last vestige of the early Ihins survives in the platinum blonds of the east Baltic region. Nevertheless, modern anthropology (the out-of-Africa theory in particular) asks us to believe that white people are a fairly recent strain, having come from dark Africans through some mysterious process of “de-pigmentation” or “mutations toward blondness . . . in cool regions.”47 Theory runs something like this: the Neanderthals were originally brown, having adapted to tropical lands; but with the use of clothing (in their supposed move to northern places during the early Wurm glaciation), the epidermal pigment melanin was no longer “needed” to filter ultraviolet light. Just so, mutations arose that were selected for depigmentation.

  Adam the Mud Man

  In Arabic tradition, it was a host of angels, at a place near Tayef, who found suitable earth and kneaded it into the human form. In Hebrew, Adam means “red earth” or “the one formed from ground,” similar to edama in proto-Phoenician. We find this primitive Adam embedded in Meshe’adam, the name of the Azerbaijani Yeti/Bigfoot, signaling the most brutish form of man. Adami in Akkadian also meant “red clay,” the material from which first man was legendarily fashioned. Thus in the Mesopotamian account of creation was the first race created from dust of the earth—and called Admi or Adami or Adamu.

  This reckoning is almost universal. If the Inca said man was made from dirt, the Mexican Popul Vuh has first man made of mud. In North America too, the Creek and California Indians said first man was fashioned from clay. First man (Tiki), agree the Maori of New Zealand, was formed of red clay. Tahitians also hold that humankind was first created out of red earth, araea—as do the Siberians as well as Malaysia’s Kenta Negritos who relate that Creator drew the first ancestors from the earth. This in turn matches the Batek account, wherein the soil was molded into little manikins.

  In a Slavonic version, human beings made of clay are said to have inhabited Europe long before their own ancestors. We find this earth/ clay anthropogenesis in Australia, New Guinea, New Britain, Palau, Tahiti, Vanuatu, Egypt, Africa, Russia, Borneo, Burma, and India.

  There are, however, pale people indigenous to tropical regions (for example, tribes along the Amazon, the Southeast Asians, and the Abenlens), which no amount of “natural selection” can explain. Furthermore, we now have DNA-tested 43 kyr Neanderthals, at El Sidron Cave in Spain, who happened to be pale and red haired—some even freckled. While this could reasonably be attributed to crossbreeding with Cro-Magnons, the preferred explanation has their pale skin resulting from pressures in northern latitudes to evolve fair skin. Other explanations for blondism in the “wrong” places include bleaching in saltwater, or for some accidental reason, or “new alleles” for hair and eye color that supposedly arose through mutation under some kind of selection pressure favoring light color.


  Where White People Comment

  Africa Kalahari Bushmen Tiny and yellow

  Australia Tribes in central desert and west central “Blondism” common among Aborigines

  Brazil Tahuamanu and Assurini “Milk-white” Indians with red hair and blue eyes

  Brazil Tapuyos White, bearded refugees from an older civilization

  Chile Mapuche Indians Pale and bearded

  China Miao-Tse Pale mountain people

  Ecuador “Laron” dwarfs Little, white people

  Egypt Ancient Badarians Small and fair

  Himalayas and Mongolia tribal groups White-rosy skin, grayblue eyes

  Honduras and Guatemala White Indians In the interior

  Indonesia Rampasas Near Liang Bua caves

  Malaysia Senoi, Semang Sakai fair-skinned natives

  Nepal Newars Fair, Caucasian features

  New Guinea Tarifuroro Yellow-skinned, light-hai
red pygmies

  Panama and Surinam San Blas Indians and the Akurias Small and very pale

  Papau New Guinea, East New Britain Tolai people Blond, blue-eyed children sometimes born

  Peru Chachapoyas White race

  Peru Royal Incas Fair people with wheatcolored hair

  Peru Upland Quichuas Light-skinned, small people

  Sri Lanka Veddas Short, some very pale, heavily bearded

  U.S., Alaska Native Americans White Eskimos and blond Inuit

  U.S., Arkansas and Florida Native Americans Fair skin†36

  U.S., California, North Dakota Yurok White, bearded people (forebears)

  U.S., North Dakota Mandan White, bearded people (forebears)

  Yet the San Blas and other white Indians are not pale due to any mutation or de-pigmentation or environmental pressure. Light skin is neither a mutation, an accident, or any other “change”; rather, it is an original and very early element of the human gene pool. Nor did it first appear in greater Europe, ca 40 kya, as so often stated, for aboriginal whites have been found on every continent. Indeed, the blondest people of the North African Rif, the Nordic-type Berbers, are said to be the country’s most ancient inhabitants. Blondism in Barbary, Morocco, Canary Islands, and at Mt. Aureps (Algiers) all derive from Ihin-Hamitic genes, owing to the westward migrations of Noachian peoples.

  All the sons of Noah, refugees from Mu, were of the Europoid type, and they dispersed to every part of the world, carrying the name Mu into California, in the tribal names of Pi-mu and Li-muw. These people, as sixteenth-century explorers documented, were fair and of fine form and demeanor (at Santa Catalina, Santa Cruz, and Channel Islands). Interestingly there are many other examples of Mu-named peoples and places including:

  Mu people of Kauai, Hawaii (pale skinned)

  Muza (Arabia), Mu (Crete), Mukawa (Japan): all port cities and landing places

  Murutic, spoken by lighter-skinned tribal groups in Northeast Borneo

  Murrian people of Australia (lighter skinned)

  Muysca culture of Colombia, with their legends of a great flood and white “gods”

  Mu’allakah, the Syrian village famed for its Noah’s ark

  Murias, a city from which the founding Irish migrated

  Nah-mu, the ancient Egyptian word for the yellow race

  Mulatto, meaning an admixture of white and black

  In the ancient world, the name Tua (as in Batek and Maori usage) designated people of the European type who, though they lived long ago, were quite civilized. The Sumerian tablets, for example, tell of man coming directly from the gods, being at once intelligent and civilized. This man, it seems, was “sophisticated from the start.”48

  Was there ever a time when . . . man did not know how to think, to produce, to create? . . . Man always spoke, fashioned, invented, from the very beginning.


  In Ireland and Scotland, the Daoine Sidhe (translated as the people of the mounds) were Ihins, hailed as the oldest families—“perfected men” or the “gentry.” During the Neolithic, a remnant of this ancient community of wee bodies lived in the Orkneys. A genteel and knowing race, they were remembered as inhabitants of the “Islands of Wisdom,” for they were a living sermon before the wandering tribes. To the Maya as well, their race founders were men who “could discern everything in the world . . . Their wisdom was great. . . . Verily, they were wondrous men.”49

  Figure 2.18. Spain’s Lady of Elche, sometimes called the Spanish Mona Lisa, has a classic Ihin face; the female sculpted on this twenty-one-inch limestone bust has also been compared to the Aztec goddess of rain. Photo by Luis García.

  Anatomically modern humans go so far back in time that it becomes impossible to explain their presence on this planet by current Darwinian theories of evolution.


  Convinced that “modern” forms existed extremely early in the record, Louis Leakey followed in the footsteps of paleontologist Johannes Ranke who, in 1899, argued that the human races were unchanged throughout prehistory, and that there have always been AMHs. Why, for example, did the Negrito-like Grimaldis (on the Riviera) have large brains for such small people, like the Inuit at 1645 cc? In this connection I’d like to quote Hooton’s keen observation that “small people usually have relatively larger brains than tall people.”50

  A day will come when there will be discovered a human being of small stature . . . having a brain-box relatively large in comparison to the total body-bulk. . . . This will be the true Eoanthropus [Dawn Man]. Perhaps this day is near at hand.


  Near at hand—but it is hard to get a grasp of these long-ago mods, as they (queering the evolutionary mold) have been essentially removed from the Darwinian canon. All these anachronisms in the record (appendix E) must somehow be kept under the radar or otherwise held in abeyance (with vague terms like anomalous, a mystery, intrusive). Early mods don’t stand a chance of attaining full citizenship in fossil land. Galley Hill Man, as an example, is an old mod on English turf, and, as such, judged to be an “intrusive” burial, new chemical tests allegedly proving that he was not very old after all—his date changed from 1 myr to 200 kyr to 100 kyr and finally to the Holocene.

  Such unwelcome specimens are sometimes labeled aberrant or pathological—any term of dismissal will do. A modern chin on a too-old specimen must be a “pathological bone growth”! Any fossils “with a well-marked chin cannot possibly be very ancient.”51—but see the very nice chin on Miramar (see figure 11.12).

  Also appearing earlier than expected, France’s Fontéchevade Man was mod in crown and brow; to invalidate him, evolutionists said it was an “immature individual,” because, if not, mods were in Europe before Neanderthals (a no-no). Italy’s Castenedolo Man, another problem, was changed, incredibly, from a Pliocene to a Holocene date after it was decided that it was an intrusive burial (in a fifty-foot deposit). But there are too many specimens of this early AMH (stubbornly predating “archaic sapiens”) to be intrusive. Too, there was in America the mod-looking Calaveras skull of California, as well as the Del Mar and Black Box specimens (50 kyr).

  Figure 2.19. Galley Hill Man. Note the well-formed forehead.

  Figure 2.20. Calaveras skull. Hotly contested and rejected as an early AMH, this California specimen found in 1866 at a decent depth of thirty feet (in the middle of a mountain) rested in Pliocene gravels; the skull had the appearance of the modern type. In keeping with this find, West Coast Indians like the Yurok said that white-skinned folks occupied the land before them; today some of their remains are still kept in California museum collections.

  By evolutionary standards any mod feature on deep-buried specimens immediately casts doubts on their antiquity—this disrupts their linear view of the succession of human “species.” But, as we will find in the following chapter, this kind of self-affirming logic won’t hold up to scrutiny. The progression of human races is more entwined, meandering, than it is linear; a coexistence rather than a succession.



  Coexistence of the Early Races

  The succession of human races is disorderly.



  We would like succession to be orderly, just as evolution claims that, over time, species A turns into species B. Theory also says species A disappears rapidly after being replaced by its successor (species B), which follows the (actually defunct) idea that at any one time, no more than a single species of man existed.1 This single species hypothesis argued that at any given moment, only one hominid species existed—due to (the also fading notion of) competition for the niche.

  According to these principles, the australopiths and pithecanthropines would have completely disappeared by the time modern man took over. Yet there was, as we have already seen, a definite overlap of hobbits and mods for at least 25,000 years. “What was the natur
e of their interaction?” one anthropologist asked, answering his own question: “We have absolutely no idea.” Equally baffling is William Howells’s assertion in Getting Here that “at no time were . . . Homo erectus and Homo sapiens both in existence”; yet he adds, “Naturally, there are qualifications.”

  It strikes me that the halting transition from old, faulty ideas to new correct ones is usually marked by a small army of euphemisms. Euphemistically called “collateral hominids,” highly different stocks of contemporary races, as we explore in this chapter, have had the same address almost from the beginning. These fossil men (who are supposed to be from different ages) actually lived at the same time—sometimes together. This is not good news for evolution.

  Throughout the Pleistocene several of the key “sequential” types, not just one, were about, and none showed any signs of evolutionary change.


  This means of course that H. sapiens and his (supposed apelike) antecedents were flat-out contemporaries—which certainly muddies the water of phylogenesis, whereby species A basically gives up the ghost in the process of “turning into” species B. As Darwin saw it, species are supplanted by their better modified descendants; the daughter species will “take the place of . . . [and] exterminate its parent form.”2 Parricide!*37

  But that’s not what happened—at least in the human kingdom, where archaic and advanced types lived side by side, and “the nature of their interaction” was quite intimate at times.

  It is only recently (and reluctantly) that the coexistence of the races has been allowed to come out of the closet, Discover magazine announcing that “the fossil record tells us that . . . multiple species of hominids typically shared Earth’s environment.” Au lived cheek by jowl with Homo—which doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in the orderly succession of hominids, as old-style (or even new-style) evolutionism requires. Homo habilis was neighbors with Homo erectus, Neanderthals were neighbors with Homo sapiens, and so on down the line. Paleoanthropologist and wife of Louis Leakey, Mary Leakey was honest enough to say that this coexistence makes it unlikely one evolved from the other. Indeed, the coexistence of our various forebears badly shakes the Darwinian family tree. At the same time, it opens the way for a more correct reckoning: contemporaneity and amalgamation of the races.


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