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Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man

Page 39

by Susan B. Martinez, Ph. D.

  Notwithstanding all I have said, I hasten to add: There was a great African diaspora, but it was postflood. Dating no earlier than 24 kya, these were the outward-bound peregrinations of Ham. Yes, waves of men did come OOA, but only in the Upper Paleolithic, after the flood, in the Solutrean. Neolithic Negroids in Europe (dolichocephalic, prognathous, African in proportion of limbs) have been uncovered in Switzerland, Lombardy, Brittany, and North Italy. Thus do scholars find an African aspect to French sculptures and implements of the Mesolithic. “Bushman mural art is extraordinarily like that of our [French] caves,” Marcellin Boule marveled. “The two centers are united by a long, connected series of works of art, from France to the Cape by way of Spain, North Africa, the Soudan, the Tehad States and the Transvaal. This almost uninterrupted series leads us to regard the African continent as a centre of important migrations . . . stocking southern Europe. . . .The Grimaldi Negroid skeletons [on the Riviera] show many points of resemblance with the Bushman skeletons.”63

  Of all the sons of Noah, Ham was the “travelingest” man. “To Ham I allotted the foundation of the migratory tribes of earth . . . to teach the barbarians.”64 In their path, the Hamite tribes taught mining, metals, writing, crafts, and astronomy, also instructing the Druks and Neanderthals about the world beyond. Thus did Aham become a sacred name and the language of oracles in Arabinia, the name Ham notable also in the original term for Egypt—Aham or Khamet (Hemia to the Greeks).

  The civilizing aura of Ham is enshrined in places like Jebel Dukham in Bahrein (with its mound fields*142), Abu El ‘Idham in Transjordan, Hamman and Hamath in Syria, Hama on the Orontes, the Hamrin basin of lower Mesopotamia, Tehama (along the Red Sea), and the Interahamwe tribe of Africa. Even the African-transmitted cult of kerham (the Breton dolmens) was carried from Africa to Europe, the route of these “Ethiopians” threaded through Iberia to northwest Europe.

  In addition, the Ogham script, seen on ancient megalithic stones of the Celt-Iberian region, recalls the Great Zimbabwe Ruins, constructed of quite similar cut stones, most unusual in Africa, its walls comparable to the forts of Ireland, suggesting that these megalithic structures were built by the same people. In the British Isles, the noble ham name, as suffix, lives on at Brixham, Durham, Tottenham, Chatham, Upham, Egham, Birmingham, Bingham, Wickham, Newham, and many other places. Even the English word hamlet signifies “settlement” (civilization).


  Those émigrés from Africa (part two) who allegedly settled all the world (long before the flood) were, of course, dark skinned and, according to theory, turned white and yellow in Europe and Asia! Different skin colors presumably developed under “genetic selection” after moving out of Africa.

  This is certainly one of the most outrageous parts of OOA, that these African migrants lost their dark skin and distinctive hair and turned into Mongoloids and Caucasians, the original African genome lost to “genetic drift.” It is the same bizarre and anti-scientific school of thought that claims Neanderthals at higher latitudes “were probably depigmented.”65 Negroes, say our anthropogenecists, turned into Orientals at a late stage of human evolution,*143 simply by migrating northeast and adapting to the new environment. Wondrously, Africans changed into Mongols in a few thousand years!

  As the argument for lightening runs, white skin appears as an adaptation, the pale coloring of northern Europeans due presumably to mutations favoring a dimly lit environment, thus selecting depigmented skin in cloudy periglacial regions. As for the depigmentation of Africa’s own lighter-toned pygmies, this evolved because their campsites were in the shade, just as other Negrito populations allegedly got depigmented in forested regions.

  That whites or anyone else owe their light complexion to a process of depigmentation is entirely specious. “All of them propagated after their own kind, and do so to this day. And though the blacks might live for thousands of generations . . . in any country in the world, they would never become whites.”66

  Once again, it is race mixing, not evolution or selection, that explains the trait. After white people (the Hamite sons of Noah) entered Africa ca 24 kya, new blends quickly arose. Boskop Man, for example, found in the cliff shelters of South Africa, was a splendid Ham hybrid who would have nicely fit the bill as first mods OOA (part two)—only he was too recent! Buried only four and a half feet down, Boskop is dated (unhelpfully) anywhere between 40 and 10 kyr. Although assigned to the Mousterian culture, they were nonetheless “much later in date than the corresponding culture in Europe,”67 eliminating any African Garden of Eden.

  Figure 11.7. Grafton Elliot’s tree of human evolution, showing supposed depigmentation of the modern races.

  Figure 11.8. Boskop Man skull; Boskop is thought to have had deep tan or yellow-toned skin.

  A composite of white Ihin (Ham) and Negroid Ihuan (the latter signaled by his supramastoid crest), Boskop Man was found in 1913 in the Transvaal. His forebrain was 50 percent larger than ours, a total of 1,800 cc! With no prognathism at all (which surprised experts in South African fossils), he was an unusual variety of the modern European type; yet there were primitive traits as well—thick skull wall and very slight chin.

  Loren Eiseley was quite taken with these “unique [Boskop] people,” whom he overenthusiastically pegged as ultrahuman and the first true men. Boskop was, to Eiseley, “an unknown branch of humanity,” possessing delicate and gracefully reduced teeth, fragile jaw, small face, and fine-boned facial structure, all of which indicated “some strange inward hastening of change.”68 But this is nonsense, as is Eiseley’s doggerel that Boskop Man was “born by error into a lion country.” No error, only an offshoot of those Hamite refugees who mixed so freely with indigenous Africans. Boskop Man’s location was on the southeast African coast. Isn’t this a clue to the landing place of those arrivals from Pan?

  Boskop Man’s discovery, at first exciting and controversial, was later forgotten. Since 1960, we hardly hear about him. In 2008, John Hawks blogged that Boskop is not any different than a big Bushman or Khoikhoi, with the “large skull of a Khoisan type.” Hawks concluded that the uniqueness of Boskop Man “was entirely a figment of anthropologists’ imaginations.”69 Just insignificant variations. Once more, the escape clause “variation” conceals the fact of multiple races and mixing thereof.

  Figure 11.9. Khoikhois: (A) photo from Dixon, (B) Swoon/Khoikhoi bust modeled on a living subject.


  Perhaps the weakest point of OOA is the lack of evidence for the first mods in Africa, the people who supposedly left their motherland and did all that colonizing and replacing (part two). This is the crux of OOA: Proponents must prove that Africans were the only ones to cross the H. sapiens threshold. The dawn of H. sapiens in East Africa, however, is not accompanied by an expected increase in population density, nor is the fossil evidence convincing: Ethiopia’s Omo Men, for example, were in reality a mixed bunch, some rather robust; their culture, moreover, remained Mousterian (Neanderthalian). Redated (suspiciously) from recent to 50 to 130 to 195 kyr, Omo Man looks modern enough, but his torus is continuous, and alas, he has no chin. Another Ethiopian candidate, Herto Man, very modern and big brained, was promoted as the (needed) first mod OOA, ignoring, of course, his Neanderthaloid aspects: Acheulian toolkit and thick skulls.

  Turning to South Africa, Afrocentrists had another shot at OOA with the fossil men of Klasies River, possessed of modern features, high forehead, reduced brow, and strong chin; but again, all this was mixed in with more archaic and robust features. Held up as the world’s first AMHs, Klasies are actually the same age as equivalent types in the Near East (Mt. Carmel).

  Located significantly at the tip of Africa, near the beach (port of Hamite landing?), Klasies is contemporary with Border Cave finds (also on the southeast coast). Both represent near modern AMHs, but again, with Mousterian culture. All these near-mod Africans lived at the same time as European Neanderthals, whose culture they shared, archaeologically s
peaking: same flake blades, pigments, fireplaces, limited tool range, little if any use of ivory, bone or shell, and not much hunting.

  Klasies’s supposedly “complex” behavior consisted of making improved blades, hafting, and using red pigments. So what—Neanderthals used pigments, and the mixed people at Qafzeh in the Mt. Carmel caves had tools and careful burials—at the same time!70 These AMHs were basically Neanderthal in culture, not just at Klasies, but also in the Levant, the Balkans (Krapina), and the Crimea.

  There were no bone/antler tools at Klasies (as used by European Cro-Magnon), which are generally regarded as an index of the true modern type. Also missing here in South Africa are the art and ornament so typical of the H. sapiens assemblage. Klasies had neither fishing,*144 fowling, nor hunting of big animals (the “modern behavior” complex). Their hunting of eland and making of fire have been hyped as modern cognitive behavior, but these hardly comprise the H. sapiens explosion we are looking for (and, as we saw earlier, fire use has also been attributed to H. erectus).

  Afrocentrists strain, making much of little. In fact, a “glaring exception to the record of advanced knowledge,” notes Paul Von Ward, “exists in [sub-Saharan] Africa.”71 How then could they be the founders of all that is modern on Earth? Sure early Africans had the gracile limbs, high forehead, and reduced brow of true H. sapiens, but these same groups have no chins, others sport robust jaws and teeth. They are just as mixed as Mt. Carmel’s proto-Cro-Magnon—and about the same age.

  Klasies, let us remember, also had unmistakable cannibalism, as well as sexual dimorphism—the great difference in size between the sexes that is typical of the most archaic hominids: Klasies specimens range from large to quite tiny, the people as a whole showing the most sexual dimorphism ever found in a “modern” population. Well, maybe not so modern, after all. Indeed, with signs of cannibalism and sexual dimorphism, they do not really stand up as a paragon of H. sapiens. According to University of Chicago’s Richard G. Klein, they are too archaic in frontal arch and mandible to qualify as that paragon.

  Klein also doubted the value of Border Cave specimens as first mods—the bones probably not “as old as they say.”72 Swaziland’s Border Cave Man, who coexisted with H. erectus, shows a whopping 1,500 cc (brain size) as well as a good chin. These people left an engraved object along with rather nice awls, daggers, and beads, hence their “capacity for modern symbolism.” Yet there is even earlier symbolic art in India,*145 and some say that examples of early African “symbolic” works (like covered burials) may be the work of Neanderthals! (Indeed, a few Border Cave specimens have the Neanderthaloid brow.) Even Neanderthals made perforators and discs and prepared pigments. Border Cave, though variously and inconclusively dated at 115, 100, 90, 50, and 30 kyr, may be much more recent (Holocene). It is not clear if the bones (some only four feet down) were contemporary with the sediments in which they were found. South African hominids were found mostly in caves, which are hard to date; these breccias are considered unreliable. Most likely, these specimens represent a post-flood Ham-black mix, judging from their less-than-Negroid features, such as lack of alveolar prognathism. And isn’t it interesting that all these best candidates are on South African soil, close to the beach.

  South Africa’s Florisbad Man is yet another Africa-first candidate but may actually be too recent—his scatter is anywhere from 260 to 130 to 35 kyr73 or even much younger. Though the Florisbad face is pretty mod, it possesses an extremely broad and flat frontal bone (Neanderthaloid) and very thick skull wall. Florisbad’s stone points are Mousterian. Frankly, they can’t decide if the Florisbad skull fragment represents a Bushman, a Neanderthal, an archaic sapiens, or Cro-Magnon!

  Then, too, there were some kind of early mods at Blombos Cave (again, tellingly, at the tip of South Africa), its date of 20 kya adjusted to 75 kya, thus letting them depart Africa 60 kya, which would be within the theoretical time frame of the modern exodus. But don’t bank on the date: the Blombos deposits are mixed with much overlaying of younger material. Hailed nonetheless as our OOA ancestors, these people ate a varied diet, produced engraved geometric designs, perforated seashells for ornaments, and made delicate bone points: Heating stones to sharpen spearheads is a method called pressure flaking, similar to Europe’s 20-kyr Solutrean industry. This technical know-how (even though most of the good points were recovered from a Holocene horizon) earned them the name African Athens—what a hype!

  Before OOA came into fashion, Hooton, finding little evidence of Cro-Magnon ancestors in North Africa, saw no “progressiveness and acheivments” comparable to Europe’s representational art of the Aurignacian and Solutrean in Africa’s Paleolithic west of the Nile.74


  What light have the Pacific Islanders shed on OOA theory? Has the light even been allowed in? For some reason, historians insist on deriving Oceanic peoples from elsewhere. Theory has also decided that Oceania was settled (from Southeast Asia and Sundaland) only in relatively recent time—even though plant (floral) evidence militates against this supposition. The Polynesian races, we might note, seem to combine all types: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Australoid, and Negroid. So if they came from Indonesia only one thousand years ago, where exactly did they get all those different genes? Dixon fancied the “Caucasic” element in Polynesia arrived there in Neolithic times as some stray branch of Eurasian stock, while J. B. Birdsell fancied a chain of migrations by ancient Negritos across South Asia to the Pacific.

  But human life in the Pacific region goes farther back, “more than 30,000 years,”75 given the ancient argonauts of the Pacific who reached the Solomon Islands 30 kya. Almost matching this date are the remains of 28 kyr starch grains found in the Solomons at Kioly Cave on Buka Island, grains of the cultivated, not wild, taro plant.

  “In the Pacific Islands alone,” thought Tom Valentine in The Great Pyramid, “there is enough evidence of previous civilizations to obliterate the theory that the cradle of civilization was the Middle East” (the statement made in the 1970s, shortly before OOA took the spotlight). Perhaps tens of thousands of years old76 are the nine feet nine inches high lime-and-mortar cast pillars in the New Caledonian Isle of Pines; here, 400 tumuli (mounds) are three hundred feet in diameter; it was while excavating these mounds, that the pillars were found. Still, historians tell us that the first humans arrived there around 2000 BCE, even though by radiocarbon, the pillars are dated at least 13 kyr.

  Today, blondism among these natives is a real clue to the genes of those early Ihins (of Pan) whose distinctive brachycephaly is also evident in the New Caledonian population. Concerning the almost global extent of such “out-of-place” blonds, let us consider the alleged colonization (of New Zealand) dated to a mere thousand years ago: The Maori, though, remember a race of round headed blonds, white little people. In their tradition, very small, fair people were once seen dancing in the sand, people with slight figures and long yellow hair. The Maori said these people had come from Hawaiki, a sunken land; just as Hawaii’s (and New Hebrides’s) legends recall a fair-haired race of highly civilized men long, long ago.

  On Rotumah, too, famed for its amazing massive stone tombs, are found natives of pale skin and notably mild manners. Likewise, some of the Easter Islanders first seen by Dutch sailors in the eighteenth century were yellow- and red-haired people with quite European features. No imagined migrations (or depigmentation) can explain away these original genes for light hair, eyes, and skin, belonging to an ancient and lost race.

  If Oceania was settled in such recent time, we should not find colossal engineering feats like Rotumah’s great stone tombs, or the prehistoric buildings, cyclopean monuments and megaliths, which are found at Caroline, Tonga, Easter, and Malekula Islands—all screaming Mesolithic builders, and about which the natives know nothing. Many of the South Sea Islands contain mysterious remains of enormous temples, stone-lined canals and roads, as well as pyramids (the latter at Gilbert, Marshall, Tapiteau, Tahiti, Saipan, Guam, and Tinian)—construc
ted by an unknown race and built long before man is alleged to have reached Oceania.

  We might also ask how the thousands of distinct Oceanic cultures could have evolved in such a short span of time. When Europeans arrived in New Caledonia, for example, the sixty thousand islanders were speaking thirty-seven different languages!*146 Yet historians say that they wandered over from Southeast Asia (mainland) only recently. They also assume that Papuans came to New Guinea from the Asian mainland, even though a thousand languages are spoken in New Guinea, a land the size of California; in Madang province alone, one hundred seventy-three distinct languages are spoken. I don’t think these people came from anywhere, not with such deep linguistic diversity.

  Although some do confess that the history of island people such as the Filipino Aeta continues to baffle them, the pro forma solution has them arriving through land bridges that once linked their country with the Asian mainland. But all these hypothetical migrations turn their back on (1) the possibility of a lost continent, indeed the motherland of Pan, and (2) the likelihood that these Negritos are aboriginals having evolved in situ—rather than wending their way, by and by, from Africa.

  Down under: According to current theory, the first entry (migration) into Australia by our globe-trotting Africans was 50 or 60 kya. “What could have motivated such a trip is almost beyond imagination.”77 Between Sundaland and Australia lay at least fifty miles of open sea. How could travelers from Africa have reached Australia fifteen thousand years before reaching the Levant (45 kya), which is so close to Africa? This is, to put it mildly, counterintuitive: How could Australia, the farthest from Africa, have the earliest evidence of these migrants? What is more, Australian abos, in their blood chemistry, are as far from Africans as possible (and, as we saw, they are racially Australoid with a Caucasoid base).


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