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Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man

Page 45

by Susan B. Martinez, Ph. D.

  **56 Steiger, Mysteries of Time and Space, 31–32.

  ††57 Corliss, The Unexplained, 13.

  ‡‡58 Corliss, Ancient Man, 682.

  *59 The descendants of Kulabob, fair-skinned, are regarded as “another race” by the Papuans. Oppenheimer, a medical doctor, may have confirmed this, in his discovery that an inherited form of anemia sets the Kulabob descendants apart from the other people of New Guinea. The learned Kulabob, we might add, retains the sacred Ku- in his name, see appendix A.


  *60 Quoting Benjamin Disraeli, one-time British prime minister, in Tancred.

  *61 Goodman, Genesis, 198.

  †62 Johanson and Edey, Lucy, 349.

  *63 Mayr, What Evolution Is, 140, 199.

  *64 It might be possible to explain their size and strength by hybrid vigor, as in Ngandong, OH9, Turkana, Weidenreich’s “goliaths,” and von Koenigswald’s Meganthropus; see also discussion of cannibalistic giants in chapter 11.

  *65 Oahspe, The Lords’ Third Book 3:11.

  †66 Oahspe, First Book of the First Lords 2:16.

  ‡67 Oahspe, First Book of the First Lords 1:8.

  §68 Oahspe, Book of Apollo 4:6, 5:7, 13:3.

  ¶69 Kolosimo, Timeless Earth, 5.

  *70 Many more intriguing passages of this sort, for the curious reader, in the Oahspe Bible: Book of Aph 13.12, The Lords’ First Book 1.61, First Book of the First Lords 3.3, The Lords’ Second Book 1.4, The Lords’ Third Book 2.6, The Lords’ Fourth Book 1.5 and 2.5, and First Book of God 5.

  *71 In fact, the Scottish geologist Hugh Miller argued that in each of the geological epochs, it was the higher form that preceded the lower.


  *72 Why? Because genetics is responsible for the popular out-of-Africa (OOA) theory (see chapter 11) that brooks no interbreeding between these races, but opts instead for replacement of the inferior by the superior one. One of the major league OOA popularizers, Chris Stringer, is quoted in National Geographic this year: “Most Neanderthals and modern humans probably lived most of their lives without seeing each other.” (Quoted in Hall, “Last of the Neanderthals,” 54.)

  *73 For example: Australopithecus is called a different genus than Homo, and Ardipithecus is called a different genus than Australopithecus.

  *74 Oahspe, The Lords’ Fifth Book, Ch 3, 1:14.

  †75 Oahspe, First Book of the First Lords 1:10.

  ‡76 Brice Johnson, ed., Scroll of the Great Spirit, 26:21.

  §77 Oahspe, The Lords’ First Book 1:19.

  *78 Going against the flow, Klaatsch of Breslau was the first to suggest that Krapina’s remains rep-resent two races who coexisted and cohabited, rather than any sort of evolutionary transitional.

  †79 Lewin, Mankind, 127.

  ‡80 Hooton, Ape, 127.


  *81 When Mt. St. Helens blew in Washington state in 1980, with hot ash and gas surging at hurricane speeds, it only took hours to lay down significant sediments; thick layers do not necessarily take a long time to form.

  *82 Childress, Lost Cities of North and Central America, 12: For example, Paleo-Indian skulls in California are dated 70 kyr by aspartic acid racemization (AAR), which is sensitive to moisture. Amino acid dating got only 7 kyr.

  †83 Coon, The Living Races of Man, 52.

  ‡84 The Galley Hill specimen was contemporary with Heidelberg Man who was supposedly 300 kyr; Le Gros Clark, The Fossil Evidence for Human Evolution, 56–58.

  §85 Coon, The Living Races of Man, 52, 70.

  ¶86 Howells, Getting Here, 107.

  *87 Even ice-core dates, with that ring of hard science, may be less than dependable; Robert Schoch, in Forgotten Civilization, mentioned one such date changed from 14 kyr to 78 kyr.

  *88 More on vortex at my website

  *89 I would like to refer the interested reader to James Shreeve, The Neandertal Enigma, pages 74 to 78, where the flaws of dating by mtDNA are incisively drawn, including the refreshingly candid remarks of Milford Wolpoff.

  *90 A rain of sandstone is mentioned in the Mexican Codex Chimalpopoca. A recent Colorado State University study suggests that rapid layering of sandstone is possible. An extraterrestrial origin of loess (silt) has also been proposed.

  *91 Reminding us of the brimstone of red-hot salt and sulfur that covered the Vale of Sid-dim (Dead Sea area), represented in the biblical (Genesis 19) Sodom and Gomorrah.

  *92 Synopsis of Sixteen Cycles 1.19, also Book of Divinity 13.16: the people of the Old World fell from holiness and population increased dramatically. Also: 8,000 years ago, in time of Fragapatti: darkness was on Earth for 166 years, and the Zarathustrians gave up celibacy by hundreds and thousands, and married and begot children in great numbers, many women giving birth to 20 and some to 25 children. And some men were the fathers of 70 children, and not a few even of 100.

  *93 The Maya developed writing, cities, canals, mining, architecture, carving, engineering, draining of swampland, irrigation, and navigation quite a bit earlier than supposed. The Puebla material at Valsequillo (see appendix F), in particular the Dorenberg skull, could well be 80 kyr. (VanLandingham, “Blocking Data, Part 2,” 2–3.)


  *94 Marx believed Darwin had provided a scientific basis for communism, but when he asked Darwin for permission to dedicate his book Das Kapital in Darwin’s honor—or if he would write an introduction—Darwin declined the pleasure.

  *95 Some of these in Malaysia are the Semang, Pahang, Selangor, Penang, Jeransang, Batang, Teliang, Tampang, Mekong, Langka (ancient name of Sri Lanka), Kenderong, Temangor, Trang, Mahang, Sadang, Pangan, Kangsar, Kupang, Hangat, Lenggong, Kampong, Belong, Tiong, Siong, Ruong, Chong, Bong, Gunong, and Yong.

  †96 Oahspe, The Lords’ Third Book 1:29.

  ‡97 Oahspe, The Lords’ Third Book 2:3 and 2:2–5.

  §98 Oahspe, The Lords’ Third Book 2:2.

  *99 See Acts 9:4 and 7, a voice heard by Saul.

  *100 Oahspe, The Lords’ Third Book 3:11 and The Lords’ Second Book 2:2.

  *101 In Tibetan tradition, the divinities (read angels) have the power of materialization, taking everything they need for transubstantiation from the life of trees.

  *102 Oahspe, Book of God’s Word 29:21.

  *103 Fodor, An Encyclopedia of Psychic Science, 245.

  †104 Shermer, In Darwin’s Shadow, 197–99.

  *105 Angels could materialize at the end of the Semuan age (explained in chapter 10); “the conditions no longer exist today which once upon a time [enabled] them to pay us a visit,” as one esotericist put it. (Kolosimo, Not of This World, 58.)

  *106 “Those of the lesser light were called Cain (Druk), because their trust was more in corporeal than in spiritual things. . . . And those with the higher light were called Faithists [led by Ihins], because they perceived that Wisdom shaped all things and ruled to the ultimate glory of the All One” (Oahspe, The Lords’ First Book 1.19).


  *107 Quote from Darwin on the origin of life.

  *108 Boule, Fossil Men, 205.

  †109 Filler, The Upright Ape, 248.

  *110 Homologs are similarities acquired presumably from a common ancestor (a good discussion of homologs is found in Fix, The Bone Pedlars, 188–91). Analogs, by contrast, are similar but not related, for example, the wing of a bird and airplane are analogous, but are not related.

  *111 Goodman, The Genesis Mystery, 45.

  *112 Quoted in Switek, Written in Stone, 230.

  †113 Hornyanszky and Tasi, Nature’s I.Q., 87.


  *114 The Polynesian is not large bodied due to any adaptation, rather they are strongly Ihuan-blooded.

  *115 Darwin, The Autobiography of Charles Darwin, 43.

  †116 Dingir, “Hubris,” 14.

  ‡117 Quoted in Leakey, Origin, 25.

  *118 I would think Kebara was a Cro-Magnon/Neanderthal hybrid.

  *119 Oahspe, The Lords’
Second Book 1:15–6 and Book of Sethantes 9:10. Like the Yaks without speech? See First Book of the First Lords 2:7.

  *120 Neanderthal brain was large but not well developed in the cognitive regions.

  *121 Carl Zimmer, “What Is a Species?” 40.

  *122 A manlike face, though, is readily seen in the marmoset and American spider monkey, both of which are monkeys. Hmmm, we’re supposed to be descended from apes, not monkeys.

  *123 For the ancients, these one-eyed giants, the Cyclops, may have been a metaphor of the huge Druks, a race with “one eye only”—the eye for earthly things, without the light of heaven.

  *124 Under Apollo came the beautification of mankind and the last of Earth’s monstrosities. Hence are “the Cro-Magnons the Apollos [e.a.] of the prehistoric world.” (Montagu, Man: His First Two Million Years, 71.)


  *125 Single-celled algae and bacteria were among the first life-forms. Algae appear in Earth’s oldest rocks.

  *126 There may also be some major errors in Geologic Time (geologic column). See, for example, Eiseley’s argument in The Immense Journey, 80–83.

  *127 See Anderson, Seven Years That Change the World, 155: 144,000 years equals man’s existence on Earth; 72,000 years from now, Earth will be so cold, it will no longer be habitable.

  *128 Earth is slowing at a rate of 2 milliseconds per century, according to American physicist William Corliss. Some astronomers say 13 seconds per century, others 0.00073 seconds per century. Our planet loses axial speed very slowly indeed but quite steadily, resulting in a total of 100 minutes lost since the quickening of life at 99 degrees.

  †129 According to the new science, which is being developed principally out of the Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy, Oahspe; see our website

  *130 With the loss of 1 degree vortexya every 18,000 years, we’ll lose 4 degrees in another 72,000 years. This gives man 8 degrees of vortexya as the sum of his existence (144 kyr). By reversing these measurements, find the axial decrease of Earth in 80,000 years, which will be about one hundred minutes (i.e., Earth’s decline in speed). For which reason the first race of man on Earth began about 80,000 years BP. See Oahspe, Book of Cosmogony 5.17–21.

  *131 In Time of the Quickening (pp. 234–37), the interested reader can find a discussion of these periods, the current age marking the halfway point of race unfoldment.


  *132 Brace, Stages, 5 (in the 1970s); Sinanthropus dated 600 kyr in Tomas, We Are Not the First,73; H. erectus in Le Gros Clark’s time was no older than 500 kyr; and in Oxnard, Order, 332, he was only “a few 100 thousand years” old; Richard Leakey made that 1 myr.

  *133 Some analysts say that mtDNA may mutate much faster than has been estimated, making the clock in error as much as twentyfold! Mitochondrial Eve could be a mere six thousand years old!

  *134 Joseph, Ancient America, 49.

  †135 Oahspe, Synopsis of Sixteen Cycles 1:21.

  *136 The more virulent theories of racial differences co-opted parallel evolution, paleontologists like H. F. Osborn claiming that the races were distinct species, which had evolved in isolation. From Haeckel to Hitler, this was the framework used to couch the extreme form of white supremacy that led to the Nazi claim of Aryan superiority over the sub-men of the world.

  *137 Parallel evolution was the precursor of today’s multiregional model, anticipated by Franz Weidenreich in 1939 when he found progression from one type to the next in different parts of the world and with genetic exchanges between regions. Indeed, his model called for universal hybridization, a continual exchange of genes, which is pretty close to the thesis of this book: man the eternal mixer.

  *138 There is nonetheless no archaeological evidence for that journey along the southern rim of the Persian Gulf and Pakistan, according to Brian Sykes. (Sykes, Seven Daughters, 284.) Part two routes also look like guesswork: “After reaching Malaysia, a group that would eventually settle Europe branched away,” that is, turned back west and “looped northwards to Turkey.” (Hooper, “The Scenic Route Out of Africa,” 14.)

  *139 Cremo, Forbidden Archaeology, 494.

  †140 England’s Galley Hill, Boxgrove, and Foxhall men might also be included here; Hooton, Up from the Ape, 359.

  *141 Twenty-one kya, the African Ihins were, significantly, the first to go EBA (extinct by amalgamation). The last surviving pure Ihins were in the time of Moses, inhabiting Egypt, Arabia, China, and North America.

  *142 See Lost History of the Little People: the sons of Noah built mounds in all the divisions of Earth.

  *143 Recent genetic research, appearing in prestigious journals, informs us that “European skin turned pale only recently.” But whether six or sixty thousand years ago, this is not enough time to evolve from Africans into an entirely different race through natural selection.

  *144 Were they fishermen, as some have argued? Shells here may be only washed up.

  *145 The cognitive explosion did not take place in Africa, according to other studies: “The chronological and genetic threshold to our modernity . . . at 50,000 years ago [was] in West Eurasia and after [e.a.] the out-of-Africa dispersal.” (Oppenheimer, Eve, 109.)

  *146 There is also greater diversity of languages in the New World than there should be (see appendix F), which puts the lie to any theory of recent settlement of either the Americas or Oceania.


  *147 Such as 12-kyr Ngandong (Java) and Kow Swamp (Australia) erectoids.

  *148 Agog, in Panic, meant “without sense or reason” (as in the later name M’agog). The suffix -we in Agog-we indicates “race of people,” such as America’s Ongwe, Africa’s Zimbabwe, Tchokwe, and Mpongwe, and the Arawe people of Melanesia.

  *149 Oahspe, Synopsis of Sixteen Cycles 2:13.

  *150 The Bushmen sometimes sleep in hollows, shallow depressions in the sand lined with tufts of soft grass, like the scooped nests of shore birds on a beach; here the people can lie curled just below the surface of the plain to let the cold night wind blow across the veld and pass over them.


  *151 Khub means “the lord” in Khoikhoi, and Ku is a Hawaiian creator deity. K’uh also means “deity” in Mayan, and Kumpara means Creator among the South American Jivaro. In North America Kumush is the god of the Modocs (AmerInd) and Kumastambo is the name of the Creator among the Mohave Indians. The Blackfoot culture hero is Kutoyis. There are also the Kutenai Indians in British Columbia and the Kusseta Indians of Oklahoma.

  *152 Caribbean Arawaks say their benefactors were named Kurumany and Kulimina, those who created a new type of man and woman.


  *153 Related perhaps to Cro-Magnon (Ghan) cave art in Gandia, Spain.


  *154 Guanenh was the Guanch word for “people”; in Chukchi wanga means “I, me.”


  *155 Corliss, Ancient Man, 668, 387, 472, 642.

  †156 Ibid.

  ‡157 De Camp, Lost Continents, 147.

  §158 Adams, Prehistoric Mesoamerica, 22.

  ¶159 Corliss, Ancient Man.

  \160 Corliss, The Unexplained, 11–12.

  **161 Goodman, Genesis, 269.

  ††162 Childress, Lost Cities of North and Central America, 13.

  *163 The 35-kya date was based on volcanic ash beds and radiocarbon. New dating techniques (uranium method) multiplied that date sevenfold! But the uranium could have migrated in or out of the sample, either way (in or out) giving a falsely old date.



  1. Gould, “Dorothy, It’s Really Oz,” 59.

  2. Gregory, “Fight the Good Fight,” 3.

  3. Coyne, Why Evolution Is True, xiii, xvii.

  4. Mayr, What Evolution Is, 9.

  5. Jones, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution, 239.

  6. Feliks, “The Pleistocene Coalition: Exploring a New Paradigm,” 5.

  7. Lubenow, Bones of Contention, 202. />
  8. Shermer, “Unweaving the Heart,” 38.

  9. Ibid.

  10. Diamond quoted in Mayr, What Evolution Is, x.

  11. Cronin, The Ant and the Peacock, 48, 49, 52.

  12. Johnson, Darwin on Trial, 121, 178.

  13. Ibid., 121.

  14. Morley, A Path of Light, 2.

  15. White, “Enlightenment 101.”

  16. Seiglie, Creation or Evolution? 26.

  17. George Frederick White quoted in Jones, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution, 330.

  18. Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision, 304–5.

  19. Eldredge, Darwin: Discovering the Tree of Life, 112.

  20. Ridley, Evolution, 413.

  21. Time-Life, The Human Dawn, 50.


  1. Campbell, Primitive Mythology, 15, 146, 274.

  2. Drake, Gods and Spacemen of the Ancient East, 148.

  3. White, Pole Shift, 313; Charroux, The Mysteries of the Andes, 69.

  4. Charroux, Masters of the World, 67, 50.

  5. Oahspe, The Lords’ First Book 1:25, 2:4.

  6. Kolosimo, Timeless Earth, 131.

  7. Bahn, 100 Great Archaeological Discoveries, 64.

  8. Schwartz, The Mysteries of Easter Island, 157.

  9. Gladwin, Men Out of Asia, 234.

  10. Ellis, Polynesian Researches, 123.

  11. Brinton, The Myths of the New World, 195.

  12. Corliss, Ancient Man, 234.

  13. Kolosimo, Not of this World, 153, 199.

  14. Chouinard, Forgotten Worlds, 241–42.

  15. Kolosimo, Timeless Earth, 54.

  16. Oppenheimer, Eden of the East, 66.

  17. Ellis, Polynesian Researches, 121.

  18. Oppenheimer, Eden of the East, 477.

  19. Chouinard, Forgotten Worlds, 156.

  20. Kolosimo, Timeless Earth, 57.


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