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Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man

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by Susan B. Martinez, Ph. D.

  79. Passage cited in Himmelfarb, Darwinian, 344.

  80. Stuart, Discovering Man’s Past in the Americas, 36.

  81. Gould, The Panda’s Thumb, 165.

  82. Steiger, Mysteries of Time and Space, 20.

  83. Gladwin, Men Out of Asia, 89, 158.

  84. Norman, Gods and Devils, 126–27, 139.

  85. De Camp, Lost Continents, 148.

  86. Keith, The Antiquity of Man, 484.

  87. Gladwin, Men Out of Asia, 59.

  88. Steen-McIntyre, “The Enigmatic Ostrander Skull,” 17.

  89. Corliss, Ancient Man, 672–74, 677.

  90. Corliss, The Unexplained, 8.

  91. Steen-McIntyre, “The Enigmatic Ostrander Skull,” 17.

  92. Wright, Origin and Antiquity of Man, chapter 7.

  93. Dixon, The Racial History of Man, 458–59.

  94. Hrdlicka et al., Early Man in South America, 178, 155.

  95. All Argentina references are from Hrdlicka et al., Early Man in South America, 273–76, 292.

  96. Dixon, The Racial History of Man, 503.


  1. Montagu, Man: His First Two Million Years, 68–69.

  2. Neimark, “Meet the New Human Family,” 58.

  3. Hooton, Up from the Ape, 338, 695.

  4. Brace, The Stages of Human Evolution, 95.

  5. Childress, Lost Cities, 358.

  6. Diamond, The Third Chimpanzee, 41; Shanidar is dated 60–40 kyr.

  7. Lewin, In the Age of Mankind, 126.

  8. Lubenow, Bones of Contention, 81–82.

  9. Goodman, The Genesis Mystery, 170.

  10. Oahspe, Book of Divinity 11:16 and Book of Wars 21:7.

  11. Lubenow, Bones of Contention, 348–49.

  12. Ibid., 265–66.

  13. Keith, The Antiquity of Man, 202.

  14. Milton, Shattering the Myths of Darwinism, 207.

  15. Tiffany, “Editor’s Comments,” 5–14. See also for example, Oahspe, The Lords’ Second Book 3:10; The Lords’ Fourth Book 4:4; Book of Fragapatti 39:1.

  16. Sykes, Seven Daughters, 129.

  17. Coon, The Living Races of Man, 12.

  18. Montagu, Man: His First Two Million Years, 69.

  19. Keith, The Antiquity of Man, 100.

  20. Coleman, The Field Guide to Big foot, Yeti, and Other Mystery Primates Worldwide, 98.

  21. Eiseley, The Immense Journey, 133.

  22. Steiger, Monsters among Us, 72.

  23. See Apollo’s mission to correct the monstrosities in Oahspe, Book of Apollo, Chapter 5 and 2:5.

  24. Marsh, White Indians of Darien, 20–21.

  25. Oahspe, The Lords’ Fifth Book 1:14.

  26. Milton, Shattering the Myths of Darwinism, 271.

  27. Oahspe, Book of Es 8:29 and 20:37–39.

  28. Higgins, Anacalypsis, 258.

  29. Macbeth, Darwin Retried, 147.


  1. Montagu, Man: His First Two Million Years, 48.

  2. Goodman, The Genesis Mystery, 179.


  1. Time-Life eds., The Human Dawn, 49.

  2. De Camp, Lost Continents, 105.

  3. Oahspe, The Lords’ Third Book 1.

  4. Wilkins, Mysteries of Ancient South America, 98.

  5. Berlitz, Mysteries from Forgotten Worlds, 151–53.

  6. Palmer, Origins, 249.

  7. Brinton, The Myths of the New World, 188.


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