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Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man

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by Susan B. Martinez, Ph. D.

  chemical dating, 246–47

  circular logic of evolution theory,


  circumcision, 289

  coalification, 371–72

  coelacanth fish, 454

  coexistence of races

  in Africa, 116–17

  competitive exclusion and, 114–15

  environmental determinism and,


  in Ethiopia, 127

  giants and dwarfs, 137–43

  H. erectus and H. sapiens, 112, 116,

  117–18, 402

  hobbits and mods, 111–12

  H. sapiens and Neanderthals, 119–

  20, 200–201

  Ihin and Ihuan, 120–21

  misnamed variability, 127–31

  Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons,

  124, 126, 162

  phylogenesis discredited by, 112–14

  colors of skin, 390–93

  common ancestor theory, 315, 316–

  20, 394–98

  competitive exclusion

  circular logic in, 52

  coexistence of races and, 114–15

  poor moral message of, 63–64

  social Darwinism and, 61–62

  symbiosis/cooperation vs., 64–66

  complexity issues for evolution, 184–

  87, 188–90, 354–59

  consciousness, 262, 266, 323–24,


  convergent evolution, 414–16

  cooking, evolution and, 341–44

  cooling Earth, 382–87

  cooperation/symbiosis, 64–66,


  creationism. See intelligent design


  cremation, practiced by Ihin, 90

  Cro-Magnon man. See Ihuan/Cro-

  Magnon man


  in Africa, 430–33

  by AMHs, 122

  angels with mortals, 273–75, 276,

  278, 280–82, 283–84

  archaic traits in living races and,


  blacks evolving into whites and,


  current human tendency for,


  diminished diversity with distance

  from Africa and, 430–33

  evolution vs., 8–9, 115

  extinction by amalgamation,


  family tree of, 113

  Homo ferus (wild men) and,


  Ihin and Ihuan, 121

  immortality due to, 293, 294, 295,


  mixed morphology among

  European fossil men, 222

  natural selection vs., 333

  prevalence of, 8

  races of man produced by, 12

  saltation explained by, 170–71

  sequencing confused by, 208

  speciation and, 70, 75, 150–51, 173,


  spectrum hypothesis, 198, 200

  xenophobia about, 220–21

  See also hybrids; retrobreeding

  cross-cultural leads to Caucasian

  origins, 21–22, 24, 25, 35–36

  cryptozoology, 467

  Darwin, Charles

  on “abominable mystery,” 174

  anti-spiritualism of, 267, 269

  atheism of, 263, 297, 303

  character of, 264, 266–67

  circular logic of, 52, 53

  competitive viewpoint of, 61, 62,


  concerns about weaknesses in his

  theory, 123–24, 159, 189, 334,


  crossbreeding denied by, 127–28,

  219, 333

  dating issues for, 254

  deep time assumed by, 380

  masculine bias of, 331–32

  micro to macro extrapolation by,

  165, 189, 228, 353

  on new species supplanting old

  ones, 112, 115

  race and, 397, 413

  on religion made of his ideas, 45

  sexual selection concept of, 331,


  on speciation, 147–48

  on speculative nature of evolution,



  condescension by, 2

  conflicts among, 4–5

  spirit ignored by, 267

  See also evolution

  dating and dates

  70 to 80 kya events, 378

  advent of man, 377–78

  age of the Earth, 378, 380–81

  a’ji and, 253–55

  American cultures before Bering

  crossing, 500–501

  blanketing affecting, 252

  brain size and, 77–78

  changed to account for discoveries,


  chemical dating, 246–47

  circular logic in, 51–52

  cosmic climate and, 251–55

  dating by morphology, 234–35

  deep time gaffe examples, 235

  deep time needed for evolution, 53,

  228, 380

  of early civilizations, 255, 258–61

  of early European AMHs, 426

  electricity affecting, 252

  faunal dating, 247–48

  H. sapiens migration from Africa,


  inflation of dates due to evolution,

  228, 230–31, 232–33

  length of human life on Earth,


  little people and problems with, 67,

  69, 77–78, 81, 85–87

  Lucy and problems with, 69

  mods in Africa, 430

  molecular dating, 241–42, 244–46

  mtDNA used for, 230, 242, 244,

  256, 378

  Neanderthal extinction, 455

  out-of-Africa migrations, 399–400,

  402, 408–9

  paleomagnetic dating, 248–49

  Pan diaspora and racial origins, 21,

  22, 27, 28, 29, 33, 35

  Pleistocene era, 228–29

  postflood migration from Africa,


  potassium-argon dating, 229,


  radiometric dating, 236–41

  scatter (indeterminate ranges),


  sedimentary layers used for, 247–

  48, 249–50

  span of humanity, 386, 387

  for surface finds, 250–51

  Tertiary era, 229, 230

  Dawkins, Richard, 61, 63, 301, 305,


  deep time needed for evolution, 53,

  228, 380

  deluge, the. See flood, the

  Denisova (X Woman), 122, 408

  devolution problem for evolution,

  54–57, 123–26

  diaspora from Pan

  directions of, 14, 15

  by Europoid type, 105–6

  five fleets of, 19–21

  immortality of man due to, 294,

  295, 296

  Mu-named peoples and places, 106

  race origins due to, 19, 21–22, 24–31

  sapienization due to, 15

  thirty-four ships of, 19, 21

  diet and evolution

  cooking and fire, 341–44

  hunting, 344–46

  meat-eating, 345

  differential evolution, 224–26

  dinosaurs, extinction of, 385

  dirt, creation of man from, 102, 103,

  290, 373

  Dmanisi Man, 84, 418–20


  accidental synthesis not possible

  for, 354

  complexity and, 189–90, 354

  contamination of fossils,’ 243

  extrapolating from present-day

  humans, 10–11

  in men and animals, 313

  monogenism and, 394

  Neanderthal in humans, 203,


ities in widely separated

  populations, 209

  species specific effects in, 355

  See also mtDNA

  dolichocephalic people, 447

  Dordogne Valley people, 459, 461

  Druk man

  as Cain, 143–44

  cannibalism among, 57, 58

  chosen people killed by, 17

  as daughters of men, 284–85

  Ihin hybrid with (Ihuan), 122–23,

  126, 284

  large size in hybrids of, 137

  as purely physical, 276, 290

  retrobreeding by, 361–63

  as third race, 12

  See also Homo erectus

  dwarfs and giants coexisting,


  early civilizations

  angels’ aid to, 178–79

  Babylonian, 260

  destruction of, 261

  Egyptian, 259–60

  Moravian, 260–61

  of moundbuilders, 261

  Oceanic, 442–44, 493

  Paleolithic cities, 258

  underestimation in dating, 255


  age of, 378–81

  cooling of, 382–87

  early vs. current conditions, 9–10

  EBA (extinct by amalgamation),


  Ebu Gogo cryptids, 74–75

  Efe people of Africa, 432

  Egyptian early civilizations, 259–60

  environmental determinism, 335–37,


  Es, 298

  eternal life/immortality, 288, 292–93

  Ethe (ether), 276–77

  Ethiopian (Ham) race

  crossbreeding in Africa by, 432–33

  origins in Pan diaspora, 19

  out-of-Africa theory and, 429–34

  euhemerism of the little people, 268,

  270, 285–86


  adaptation’s weakness for, 330–31,


  age of the Earth and, 378–81

  altruism problem for, 65

  anachronisms in, 494–95

  atheistic, 1–2, 61, 263, 267, 297,

  321, 477

  biased terminology of, 3–4

  blacks evolving into whites, 435–38

  circular logic in, 51–53

  common ancestor theory, 315,

  316–20, 394–98

  complexity issues for, 184–87,

  188–90, 354–59

  consensual “facts” in, 44

  continuous rewriting of, 231–33

  convergent, 414–16

  cooking and fire and, 341–44

  crossbreeding vs., 8–9, 115

  cultural and moral, 477

  culture marking the end of, 85–86

  Darwin’s contemporaries on, 164,

  282, 307–8

  deep time needed for, 53, 228, 380

  devolution problem for, 54–57,


  differential, 224–26

  end of the monopoly of, 474–79

  environmental determinism and,

  335–37, 338–39

  exaptation in, 350–51

  as experiments by nature, 49–50

  of finches, 187–88

  homologs in, 313–14, 316

  of horses, 186–87

  of the human brain, 171, 180, 340–

  43, 345, 347

  hunting and, 344–46

  inflation of dates due to, 228,

  230–31, 232–33

  mathematical impossibility of,

  334–35, 351–52, 374

  meat-eating and, 345

  missing ape/man common ancestor,

  315, 316–20

  mutation and, 334–35, 351–54,

  357–58, 359

  natural selection and, 52, 63–64,

  333–35, 339–40

  Oahspean viewpoint, 328–29

  paleopolitics of, 4–6

  paucity of skeletal evidence for,


  as philosophy, 301

  pongid split in, 317, 319, 320, 321

  popular disbelief in, 149

  reconstructions of ancestors, 45–47

  replacement of species theory, 111

  as sacred cow, 45

  saltation, 123, 168–72

  schism in U.S. over, 1–3

  sexual selection and, 10, 331–32

  shrinkage theory, 75–76, 88, 168

  social Darwinism, 61–63

  speculative nature of, 44, 45–46

  stasis problem for, 54

  tool use and, 340–41

  variability and, 127–31, 161, 293,


  Victorian society and, 60

  See also beginnings of life;

  intelligent design (ID);


  exaptation, 350–51


  by amalgamation (EBA), 452–54

  archaic traits in living races and,


  of H. erectus, 457–59

  of hominids, 387–88, 390

  living fossils and, 454

  of species, cooling Earth and,


  faunal dating, 247–48

  feet and hands

  fossil footprints with no arch in

  U.S., 446

  Homo erectus genes and, 84

  small, in early hominids, 82–83

  splayed big toe, 464

  worldwide instances of small, 83

  Filipino hybrids, 134–35

  finches, evolution of, 187–88

  fire, evolution and, 342, 343–44

  First Amendment, 2

  fitness, issues as evolution driver, 52

  flood, the

  Brazilian legend of, 30–31

  Chinese legend of, 27

  chosen people surviving, 18

  Japanese legend of, 33

  location in Pan, 14–15

  Oceanic legend of, 24–25

  postflood migration from Africa,


  races of man after, 19

  as year one of human race, 16–17

  Flores woman (hobbit)

  artist’s rendition of, 71

  Au descent considered for, 72

  brain size of, 70, 72

  described, 70–71

  as Ebu Gogo ancestor, 74–75

  other names for, 70

  out-of-Africa genesis and, 409

  overlap of hobbits and mods,


  pathologic argument about, 70

  racial mixing in, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75

  size deemed too small for human,


  upset caused by, 67, 69

  Yeti and, 455–56

  See also Ihin/little people/H.

  sapiens pygmaeus

  Florisbad Man, 441

  food. See diet and evolution

  furry peoples, 468–69

  genesis. See beginnings of life; out-of-

  Africa genesis (OOA); spirituality

  genocide, 387–88

  Ghan man, 12, 121, 486. See also

  Homo sapiens

  Ghan word study, 486–88

  giant bygone races, 468

  giants and dwarfs coexisting, 137–43

  Gödel, Kurt, 302

  Gould, Stephen Jay, 2–3

  Grimaldi Man, 130–31, 193

  Guatama. See American (Guatama)


  Ham. See Ethiopian (Ham) race

  hands. See feet and hands

  hobbit. See Flores woman

  Homo erectus

  Asian more primitive than African,


  Australopithecus contemporary

  with, 417–18

  Chinese older than African, 401

  coexistence with H. sapiens, 112,

  116, 117–18, 402

  differing lineages of, 401

  extinction of, 457–

  in Flores woman gene mix, 71, 72,


  Georgian older than African, 401

  Ihuan retrobreeding with, 126

  Javanese older than African, 400,


  large feet in hybrids of, 84

  in New World, 446–51

  problems with evolution to H.

  sapiens, 214–16

  remnants in living people, 473

  theoretical migration from Africa,

  1.6 mya, 399–401

  as third identifiable hominid, 12

  See also Druk man

  Homo ferus (wild men), 466–73

  Homo habilis

  as Abel, 143–46

  hunting by, 344

  remnants in living people, 460–61

  homologs, 313–14, 316

  Homo pampaeus, 449–50

  Homo sapiens

  coexistence with H. erectus, 112,

  116, 117–18, 402

  coexistence with Neanderthals,

  119–20, 200–201

  Ghan man, 12, 121, 486

  problems for Neanderthal as

  ancestor, 192–94

  problems with Homo erectus

  evolution to, 214–16

  sudden appearance of, 173, 175–76

  theoretical migration from Africa,

  130 to 30 kya, 402–5

  Homo sapiens pygmaeus. See Ihin/

  little people/H. sapiens pygmaeus;

  pygmies and Negritos

  horses, evolution of, 186–87

  human family tree

  as a bush, 48–50

  gaps and jumps in, 51

  name changes for members of,


  hunting, evolution and, 344–46


  Andamanese, 133–34

  Australopithecus (Asu-Ihin), 41

  Boskop Man, 437–38

  Chancelade Man, 129–30

  Denisova (X Woman), 122, 408

  diminished diversity with distance

  from Africa and, 430–33

  Dmanisi Man, 84, 418–20

  evolutionists’ questions answered

  by, 208–11

  Filipino, 134–35

  Flores woman, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75

  Ghan man, 12, 121

  Grimaldi Man, 130–31, 193

  human family tree muddled by,


  Ihuan (Cro-Magnon) as, 122–25,

  126–27, 284–85

  Indian, 133

  Kanapoi of Kenya, 87

  Kennewick Man, 128

  Malaysian, 131–32

  mistaken as early AMHs, 439–42

  mistaken as transitionals, 128, 160

  Neanderthals as, 126

  Negritos, 132

  New Guinea, 132

  size variations among, 137–43

  South American, 136–37

  See also crossbreeding;

  retrobreeding; specific hominids

  ID . See intelligent design

  Ihin/little people/H. sapiens pygmaeus

  in America, 88–90, 91–92

  Australopithecus as Asu-Ihin

  hybrid, 41

  as brachycephalic, 102

  brain size of, 107–8

  as chosen people, 18

  circumcision by, 289

  commanded to keep separate, 288,


  cremation practiced by, 90

  crossbreeding in Africa by, 432–33

  dating issues raised by, 67, 69,

  77–78, 81, 85–87


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