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Strong Hate (A Thin Line #1)

Page 12

by R. D. Berg

  She stands there and I watch as her eyes roam my body starting with the top of my chest. I flex, allowing her to appreciate my hard earned muscles. Her tongue darts out wetting her lower lip, as her eyes travel down my manly ‘V.’ So, naturally, I drop my pants. Lucky for her, I'm not commando…today. She gasps.

  “Or do you want to get up close and personal with my cock, to ensure I was blessed with it at birth, Lundy?” That snaps her out of the haze.

  “Fuck.” Lundyn tosses her head back with a groan, but it makes me think of what she'd look and sound like arching on my cock while moaning, instead. “You can't sleep in here.”

  “Why not?” The collar of my new shirt passes over my face.

  “Because I'm sleeping in here.” She rolls her eyes.

  “Looks like it's going to be an interesting weekend. By the way, I like to sleep nude. Hope you do too.” Then I wink and pull up my lounge sweats when Harlow bounds in. “I thought you said you and Lundyn were sharing rooms?” My fingers fumble with the string of my pants.

  “We are, sharing rooms. Just not with each other.”

  “So you're sleeping with Finn?” I quirk a brow up and try to remain cool.

  “Not technically,” she draws out the word. “But, this is one of the exercises of your intervention. Think of this as celeb rehab.”

  “Or fucking Survivor,” I mumble.

  “Positive attitudes!” Lo cheers and leaves us.

  “I'm going to need to find a new best friend. She may not survive this weekend.” Lundyn’s soft laughter fills our space, and it causes my body to warm – it’s nice to witness.

  “Bet they never thought hiding their body could be one of the bonding activities.” I chuckle. A laugh bursts quickly out of me before I reign in back and we stand there in an awkward limbo of emotions, but whatever just transpired between us… It's catching ground. And dare I say, it may even be neutral.

  “Would you stop glaring at me like that?” Harlow pleads while she wraps potatoes in foil.

  I take one hard swig of my beer and clank the bottle back down. “No, you have about three more hours left of hateful glares for this dumb love-vention you planned,” I say in a hushed whisper. Not that I have to whisper since Maverick and Finn are engaged in a rather loud pool game in the next room waiting for the grill to get hot. If only Maverick knew him wearing that damn V-neck and his sweatpants already has my body hotter than any coal can get.

  “You’re ridiculous you know?” she quips.

  I do what any adult would do— I stick out my tongue.

  “Hey Lundy, save that tongue for later,” Finn jokes as he walks into the kitchen to grab the steaks and chicken out of the fridge.

  I cross my hands over my chest defiantly. “In your dreams, Finn.”

  ‘What’s in Finn’s dreams?” Maverick asks from the other side of the island.

  I instantly still in his presence. It’s like he’s putting off an extra dose of pheromones and I am the lucky recipient.

  “Lundy apparently wants to do something to me with her tongue, and I kinda think it’s sexual,” Finn jokes.

  Maverick’s face turns the brightest shade of red, as his green eyes swirl with an unidentified anger. “Cut the shit Finn,” he barks, startling us all. Everyone freezes in stunned silence, our eyes follow his heavy determined strides as he busts open the patio door.

  “Was it something I said?” Finn asks Harlow perplexed.

  I don’t respond, and against my better judgment I grab an extra beer and go after Maverick.

  The afternoon Texas sun hides behind the red and orange of the changing fall trees. They provide the perfect shield as I try to find which direction Maverick went. I see a figure move down by the lake a few yards away and head down the steps to meet him. The entire time I am questioning my sanity as to why I’m going after him. This can go one of two ways; either I will end up a missing person, or he will actually tell me why the hell he blew up in there.

  Sunlight beats off his muscular arms showcasing him like a sculpture on display for my appreciation only. He’s leaned on the railing of the deck staring out onto the glistening lake. His sweats hang perfectly over his taut ass, as his shirt stretches against his protruding back muscles.

  “Hey Mav,” I say just above a whisper, so I don’t startle him.

  His back stiffens, but he doesn’t turn around. “If you’re here to start with me Lundy, then turn your ass around now. I ain’t in the mood,” he says with a clipped tone. I take two cautious steps toward him and plant myself beside him, mirroring his stance.

  “Brought you a peace offering,” I say holding the beer out to him. The tenseness leaves his body as he takes the beer from me, his fingers send a jolt of passion straight to my core as they linger on mine for just a moment.

  “Thank you.” His eyes are calm now, like the lake before us.


  We both take a drink and settle into silence while we stare out at the water. It’s really peaceful out here, the extreme opposite of where Maverick and I have ever been.

  “Hey,” we both start at the same time, causing us both to laugh.

  “You go first,” I tell him.

  He stands straight and rubs his hand on the back of his neck. The lake is no comparison to the gorgeousness that is Maverick Strong. “Sorry about that.” He jerks his head towards the house. “I know Finn was joking and all, but truth is…” His lips finish his sentence as they feverishly collide with mine. I tense at first, but it’s just a second until I fall into the steady rhythm with him. I grab the back of his hair, and he grabs mine pulling me closer.

  “Maverick… I…” Every time I try and break free to tell him why I came down here, he pulls me harder into him.

  ‘I know, Lundy, and it’s okay, I forgive you.”

  I pull my head back leaving some breathable space between us. “Wait, what? You forgive me?”

  He goes to kiss me again, but I lean back. “Yeah, for how you sabotaged my date,” he breathes out.

  “You can’t be serious Maverick? If anything, I saved you from that train wreck. You should be thanking me.”

  He growls, like full out grizzly bear growls as he takes a step back. My face grows hot with anger, and his goes red with frustration.

  “I should’ve known you wouldn’t take any fault, Lundy. So typical; just like when you attacked me and bit my ear off.”

  I inhale deeply, astonished by his accusations while I take a step back putting some much needed distance between us. “That was an accident, and you leaned in too close.” I want to ask him how…how the hell does he have me wanting to jump in his pants one moment and riled up the next.

  “Still holding on to that story, huh?”

  “Yeah, I guess like I am still holding on the notion that you will eventually be a decent human being!” I don’t wait for him to respond, I take a step to the right preparing to go up the stairs, but instead, I step right into the fucking lake with a huge splash followed by a loud scream, and a mouth full of water. When I break the surface, Maverick is staring down at me quizzically.

  “If you wanted to cool off you could’ve just said so.” He doesn’t offer aide. Instead, he takes a long drink of his beer, turns and walks off.

  I flail around splashing and yelling obscenities his way as I watch him climb the stairs back to the cabin.

  With my pride and me soaked with embarrassment, I finally reach the patio where Harlow and Finn are around the grill giggling and having a good time. Great, at least someone is enjoying this disastrous idea of a weekend.

  “Sorry to break up the party, but I just want you two to know that I hate both of you with every inch of my body,” I declare. They turn in my direction and when their eyes land on me, confusion skates over their faces.

  “Lundyn, didn’t you pack a swimsuit?” Harlow asks.

  I ball my fist and take four angry soggy steps toward them. Their eyes widen with uncertainty as I approach. “I fell in, I fucking fe
ll in. I tried to be nice to that monster brother of yours, and I end up in the freaking lake. And you and Finn are horrible people. I am surrounded by horrible people!” My shoes gush water when I stomp my foot.

  “So that’s a no on the swimsuit?” Finn mocks.

  I thrust my index finger towards him. “One more word Finn, and swear I will jab those tongs so far up your ass it will take days for the doctor to get them out!”

  He throws his hands up in surrender. “On behalf of me and the tongs, we apologize.”

  “Sit down Lundyn,” Harlow insists.

  “No, I’m wet and want to get out of these clothes.”

  “No, you are going to quit acting like a brat and sit the fuck down,” she sternly says without an ounce of sarcasm. I have no energy in me to protest, so I lower myself into the nearest patio chair.

  “Finn, get Maverick. Desperate times call for desperate measures,” she instructs. “Now,” she barks when he doesn’t move. He flinches, fumbling with the tongs and damn near drops them before scurrying off.

  “Why are you bringing him out, Lo?” She puts up a finger silencing me.

  A few seconds later Finn and Maverick join us. Maverick looks between all of us, the frustration from earlier cleared from his face.

  “Have a seat Maverick,” Harlow tells him.

  “You brought me out here for this? I’m already pissed at you two.” he says. Well, that’s one thing we can agree on. He turns to go back into the house when Finn blocks his way and cocks a brow.

  “No bro, you need to have a seat, this is serious.”

  “Get out my way, Finn.”

  “Maverick sit your ass down,” Harlow yells. “Or I will be forced to tell Finn and Lundy what happened to you in the fourth grade. His neck stiffens, and he turns around slowly. The color drains from Maverick’s face as he stares in horror at his sister. She raises his stare five points with an equally scary one. He grumbles something under his breath and plops down in the chair next to me.

  Harlow straightens out the hair around her face, then clasps her fingers in front of her. “Ok,” she begins. “Now that I have your attention, this is the part of the love-vention where we...” She moves her fingers back and forth between her and Finn. “Read you letters that we have written.”

  “I don’t have time for this shit Lo,” Maverick begins.

  “Fourth grade, Mrs. Wallace’s class!” Harlow angrily reminds Maverick, prompting this angry huge vein to pop out of her forehead. He shrinks back in his chair, and I make a mental note to find out what happened in fourth grade and never piss off Lo again.

  Harlow retrieves a piece of notebook paper from her back pocket. She throws her hair over her shoulder and clears her throat.

  “Lundyn, You have been my best friend since the time you threw dirt in Maverick’s face for calling me numb nuts when we were only seven. I have loved you ever since, but unfortunately Maverick began to hate you.”

  My patience is waning at an exponential pace. “Where’s this going, Lo?”

  “You will be wise to sit there and listen,” Finn interjects. I go to lay into him, but the ‘bitch, please’ look Harlow and the angry vein thrown my way makes me swallow my rebuttal.

  “Thank you, Finn. As I was saying.”

  “I have watched you grow into a beautiful woman, taking whatever life has thrown at you and making it your bitch. However, one thing that you refuse to acknowledge and for some reason you’ve fought tooth and nail on recently, is your feelings for my brother Maverick. I’ve seen the way you look at him even when you are furious at him. I’ve heard the way your voice changes an octave when you are usually describing something horrible he’s done to you, but you don’t seem that angry. So this letter is to you Lundyn. Giving you permission to take down your battle shield and let Maverick in and finally allow yourself to be happy with him instead of angry. I know he’s my big bro, and I am kinda biased, but he is pretty bad ass. And you don’t want your Brazilian wax to go to waste.”

  I sit there with my gaze fixated on my best friend, which at this moment I don’t know if I want to hug her, or punch her in the tit. My face heats up, and I’m sure it’s bright red from embarrassment. She smiles sweetly at me, then nudges Finn with her shoulder prompting him to read his letter.

  Finn’s eyes are apologetic as he looks at Maverick. “Ok bro, before I start I just want you to know I was against this part.” Harlow nudges him a tad bit harder, again.

  “Thanks for the disclaimer,” Maverick whispers confused.

  Finn nods, shifting his weight from one foot to the other before beginning.

  “Maverick, my brother from another mother. My paht-nuh. My wingman. I am going to be real with you for a moment. Get your shit together and get with Lundy already. She’s hot as fuck and has nice elbows.” Finn makes like he just dropped a mic and mouths the words “boom.”

  Harlow looks at us like she deserves a standing ovation for delivering a bomb ass Oscar acceptance speech. Maverick and I, on the other hand, are frozen in place, too scared to speak or move. I can’t believe they just did this. Well, yes, I can. We are talking about Harlow and Finn. My thoughts are a jumbled maze of emotions as I desperately attempt to figure out which one I am feeling now.

  “Now we are going to leave you two out here to enjoy your dinner and hash this shit out once and for all,” Harlow states. Finn removes the chicken from the grill and puts two of them on plates that are already filled with baked potatoes and salad. He casually walks over and sets them down behind us. The dynamic duo enters the house and close the door behind them with a click.

  “Well, that was interesting,” Maverick says breaking free of the stunned silence, turning toward me.

  “Interesting is an understatement,” I retort as a cold shiver racks through my body.

  “You should go change.”

  “Am I allowed to?” I grin. We both start laughing which immediately lifts some of the awkward tension. The sliding door opens, and a pair of fresh clothes are thrown my way by Harlow just before the door slams again.

  “Guess that’s your answer,” he replies, eyeing me with curiosity.

  I take the clothes and run around the corner, quickly stripping off my wet ones and putting on my fresh ones. I shake my head and smile at the black V-neck t-shirt that showcases my boobs, and cut off denim shorts that Harlow gave me. Leaving the wet pile there I return to Maverick, barefoot and dry. He’s completely turned around facing the food, which might I add, looks absolutely delicious.

  My steps are silent until a loose piece of wood creaks, causing Mav to turn my way. His face lights up when he notices me. “Come on, let’s enjoy our first dinner together.” The feeling of giddiness reappears. “As long as we can call a truce,” he regards me for a moment.

  “Truce it is.”

  I take my seat next to him and cut into the meat. “So, you talk about me a lot huh?” he asks with cockiness as my bite is suspended in air.

  I place my fork down on the plate and raise a brow. “So forth grade, huh?”

  “Story for another time, Blue?”

  “Story for another time, Mav.”

  “I hope they know we can see them.” I've moved to sit beside Lundyn at the table, and now we both face the cabin, where the blinds keep moving that are attached to the patio door.

  “They're probably waiting for one of us to flip out.” The side of her lips tip up before she says, “I almost want to fake fight and freak them out. It'd serve them right for tricking us.”

  The blinds move again.

  “What're we going to do with those two?” I ask my eyes glancing to the movement again.

  “Nothing,” A wide grin covers her face. “They're a lost cause.” My gaze lands on hers, her face lit by the string of patio lights.

  “Blue,” her breath hitches at the timber in my voice. “When it comes to you, my emotions are one extreme or the other,” she nods in understanding and then looks down at her bare feet. I lift her chin with my in
dex finger. “I’d much rather that extreme be the high only you can give me, and not the low.”

  “I want that too.” She whispers. “More than anything.” Her eyes are so soft and understanding. “You make me crazy.” She laughs lightly into the night air.

  My brow rises. “Nah, you were crazy when I met you. That's one of the things that hooked me.” Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink. “It's a good thing, as long as you don't try to murder me,” I joke. Kind of.

  “There have been a few close calls,” she wets her lips. “Sometimes, it's easier to hate you when you're being an ass, otherwise…”

  “Otherwise?” I lean into her space captivating her stare in mine.

  Lundyn’s breath hitches again. “I never knew someone could piss me off and turn me on all at the same time, until I started hating you. It was supposed to reverse the feelings I have for you, not fuel them.”

  “So you wanted to, what…I tilt my head. Hate fuck me?” She's moved closer toward me and my breath filters across her face as her top teeth bite her lower lip. I notice her pupils dilate, and she swallows nervously. “Do you want to hate fuck me right now, Blue?”

  I dip down and take her bottom lip between my teeth while my hands cup her chin pulling her in closer to me. The urge to rush overwhelms me, but I remind myself to take my time as my blood buzzes through my body at a ramped speed. Releasing my bite, I nibble across her mouth between soft kisses and slide my hand into the hair at the base of her neck. Lacing my fingers through her locks, I tug her head back, opening her mouth further to me.

  When we hear Harlow and Finn tumble out of the doorway we jump apart like two teenagers, panting and lust filled.

  “I told you!” Finn jumps up off the ground, dusting his knees off before standing.

  “Well, looky there, my contact!” Harlow jumps up quickly waving what looks to be a wood chip. “You were right, Finn. It was outside.”

  “You don't even wear contacts.” I point out to my lunatic little sister while still trying to settle my heart rate to an acceptable speed. It’s hard since my body is pumping all of my blood to my cock at a record pace.


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