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The Mystery of Smugglers Cove

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by Paul Moxham

  The Mystery of the Crown Jewels

  The Mystery Series – Book No. 9

  By Paul Moxham

  Copyright 2018 Paul Moxham

  Version Updated: 4th July 2018

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  All rights reserved, without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means without the prior written permission of the copyright owner of this book. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


  This adventure series set in 1950’s Britain will delight children of all ages.


  Summer Holidays:

  The Mystery of Smugglers Cove

  The Mystery of the Missing Money

  The Mystery of the Missing Gnomes

  The Mystery of Adventure Island

  The Mystery of the Mysterious Man

  The Mystery of the Strange Notebook

  The Mystery of Hidden Valley


  Winter Holidays:

  The Mystery of Claw Mountain

  The Mystery of the Golden Elephant

  The Mystery of the Red Balloon

  The Mystery of the Golden Dragons

  The Mystery of the Howling Dog

  The Mystery of the Hidden Suitcase

  The Mystery of Treasure Island


  Easter Holidays:

  The Mystery of Four Towers

  The Mystery of the Burning Plane

  The Mystery of the Russian Spy

  The Mystery of Ghost Island

  The Mystery of the Perfect Thief

  The Mystery of the Underwater Car

  The Mystery of the Crown Jewels


  Summer Holidays:

  The Mystery of the Escaped Prisoner


  Box Set:

  The Mystery Series Collection (Short Stories 1-4)

  The Mystery Series Collection (Short Stories 5-8)

  The Mystery Series Collection (Short Stories 9-12)

  The Mystery Series Collection (Books 1-3)

  The Mystery Series Collection (Books 4-6)

  The Mystery Series Collection (Books 7-9)


  "I was drawn in by the fast-paced plot. I enjoyed reading the book and couldn't wait to see how things turned out." --- Smashwords Reviewer

  "Paul Moxham takes the reader on a whirlwind of chase scenarios that up the ante with each narrow escape." --- Amazon USA Reviewer

  "I love this book, could not put it down and I felt as if I was standing beside the characters." --- Shelfari Reviewer

  "This is an entertaining adventure story that would make pleasurable holiday reading for 7 to 10 year olds." --- Amazon UK Reviewer


  This can be read as a stand alone story, but if you want to have full knowledge of the characters, I suggest that you read The Mystery of Smugglers Cove, the first book in The Mystery Series.


  This story is set in 1950’s Britain and is written in British English - not American English - so bear this in mind regarding the spelling of some words.


  This story is set after the events in The Mystery of the Underwater Car.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1: The Birthday Celebration

  Chapter 2: The Crown Jewels

  Chapter 3: The Perfect Theft

  Chapter 4: On The Trail

  Chapter 5: Trapped!

  Chapter 6: Chang Returns

  Chapter 7: The Disappearing Act

  Chapter 8: Something Is Wrong

  Chapter 9: The Secret Room

  Chapter 10: Silence

  Chapter 11: The Green Windmill

  Chapter 12: Follow The Van!

  Chapter 13: Zakova

  Chapter 14: Eagle’s Nest

  Chapter 15: Disguise Time

  Chapter 16: Out Of Options

  Chapter 17: Icy Cold

  Chapter 18: Mounting Evidence

  Chapter 19: Unmasked

  Chapter 20: Chaos

  Chapter 21: Mountain Trek

  Chapter 22: Almost There

  Chapter 23: Barely Hanging On

  Chapter 1: The Birthday Celebration

  As the rain, which had been falling steadily for the past few hours, slowed to a drizzle, Joe Mitchell stood up and peered out of the window. Seeing the sun peeking out from behind the grey clouds, he turned to the three children who were sitting on the carpet in his bedroom. “It looks as though it’s finally clearing up.”

  “Good, we’ll be able to do something outside,” Amy said.

  “It’s a shame it’s still going to be cold,” Sarah pointed out, “otherwise we could have gone to the beach.”

  As Joe walked back to where the others were sitting around a board game, he was thinking about what they could do. He was so caught up in his thoughts he almost missed his turn. As he took the dice from Will, his best friend, he suddenly paused. He had heard something. Still clutching the dice, he hurried to the window and looked out.

  A woman was climbing out of a taxi that was parked outside Rose Cottage. Joe stared in disbelief. He recognised her. His blue eyes lit up and he spun around. “You won’t believe who just stepped out of a taxi.”

  “Who?” Sarah asked.

  “Quigley?” Will suggested.

  Joe shook his head. “It’s someone we haven’t seen for a while.”

  Amy thought for a moment. “Our grandparents?”

  Joe shook his head. “No. It’s Nadia.”

  “What?” Will exclaimed. “But she lives in Monrovia.”

  The red haired boy rushed over to the window, quickly followed by Amy and Sarah. All four of them gazed down at the garden path as a young woman with dark hair walked towards the house and knocked on the front door.

  “I wonder what she wants,” Amy said.

  Joe hurried to the bedroom door. “Let’s go and see.”

  The four children raced out of the bedroom and bounded down the stairs. They found their mother and Nadia in the living room.

  “Nadia! What a lovely surprise to see you here,” Amy exclaimed.

  “What are you dong in Smugglers Cove?” Will asked.

  “I thought I’d see if you wanted to come back to Monrovia for a little holiday,” Nadia replied.

  Sarah’s green eyes lit up. “Really?”

  Nadia nodded. “I’ve been meaning to invite you over for a while, but then I got a new job and things have been really hectic—”

  “What sort of a job?” Will questioned.

  “Working with the king of Monrovia,” Nadia replied. “My official title is long and complicated, so I won’t bother telling you that, but basically, one of the things I do is plan events. Which, in fact, is why I’m here.”

  “What’s Smugglers Cove got to do with your job?” Joe asked.

  “Well, King Otto is celebrating his birthday this weekend and someone that he wants to be there is currently visiting his sick brother in Rockford,” Nadia explained. “So,
since the celebrations start tonight, the only way he would be able to get to Monrovia in time would be in a private plane. So, since I was already going to London to pick up some important documents, the king asked me to fly to Rockford. Just as we were about to land, the plane experienced engine trouble so, while the airport staff are working on it, I decided to pay you children a visit. Then, on the way over here, I thought I’d ask you if you’d like to come back with me to Monrovia and spend a week with Christo and me. I know it’s really short notice, but—”

  “We’d love to come!” Joe interrupted.

  As the others chimed in, agreeing with Joe, Nadia turned to Mrs Mitchell. “What do you say?”

  Mrs Mitchell hesitated for a moment before she replied. “Are you sure you’re willing to have the children for a whole week?”

  Nadia nodded. “I suggested a week because I’ve got an appointment with Lord Thistlewaite in London next week, so the children can fly back with me then. All you’ll have to do is drop them off at Rockford airport and pick them up.”

  Mrs Mitchell smiled. “I can’t say no to the children having a free trip away.”

  Nadia glanced at her watch. “I’m going to return to Rockford now, but the plane isn’t scheduled to leave for another two hours, presuming of course that the engine trouble is fixed by then. Either way, make sure you get to the airport within two hours.”

  “We’ll make sure we’re early,” Mrs Mitchell replied.

  “Okay, see you then.” Nadia waved goodbye and made her way to the front door.

  As the woman hurried down the path, Will turned to Mrs Mitchell. “I’d better see if my father will let me go. Can I please use your telephone?”

  “Of course,” Mrs Mitchell replied.

  While Joe and his sisters went upstairs to quickly pack, Will spoke to his father. It didn’t take long to get his permission to go and he was soon hurrying home to pack his bag too.


  Before the four children knew it, the small government plane was taxiing down the runway of the rural airport at Rockford.

  Everyone waved to Will’s father who had driven them to the airport. As the aeroplane’s wheels left the runaway, Joe turned to Will who was sitting beside him. “I never would have imagined I’d be travelling to Monrovia so soon after our last adventure.”

  Will grinned. “Me neither. It was only last summer we went there. Though, the circumstances were a lot different then since we were kidnapped and forced to go there.”

  Sarah, who was sitting nearby, smiled. “This time we can have a normal holiday and have fun. Taste new food, see the sights and relax.”

  Amy laughed. “You can be sure that Joe is going to find some mystery to solve.”

  “It’s not only me who solves mysteries,” Joe pointed out. “It’s the four of us. The Mystery Kids. Complain all you want, but I know you like mysteries as much as I do.”

  “But that doesn’t mean that we want to solve a mystery every time we go away somewhere,” Sarah said.

  “Well, I’m sure Christo and Nadia will have something planned for us to do,” Will said.

  Joe gazed towards the front of the plane where Nadia was engaged in conversation with a man dressed in an orange suit. “I wonder who that man is.”

  “He’s the man who Nadia came to Rockford to pick up,” Will said.

  “I already know that. But that doesn’t explain who he…” Joe paused as the two adults got up from their seats and walked over to them.

  “I’d like you to meet Mango the Magnificent,” Nadia stated, introducing the man in the bright orange suit. Now that he was closer and facing directly towards them, they could see he was middle aged, had a moustache that twirled up at the ends, and dark piercing eyes.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Amy said.

  Mango bowed. “The pleasure is all mine.” He whipped out a pack of playing cards from his right pocket. “Pick a card, any card.”

  Amy waited a moment as the man took the cards out of their packet and fanned them in front of her. She then reached forward and took a card. She quickly peeked at it. It was the seven of hearts.

  “Now, after you’ve memorized your card, put it back in the pack,” Mango said.

  Amy did as she was told. She and the others watched on as the magician spent the next few moments shuffling the pack. He then put the pack of cards into his left hand.

  “Now, think of a number between one and fifty two,” Mango instructed.

  Amy nodded. “Do I tell you?”

  “Yes,” Mango replied.

  “Thirty one,” Amy said.

  Mango counted out the cards in his hand, stopping when he reached number thirty one. “Unless I’m mistaken, this is your card.” He picked up the card and slowly revealed it to Amy.

  It was the seven of hearts.

  Amy’s expression was one of shock. “How did you do that?”

  Mango smiled as he put the playing cards back into the pack and back into his pocket. “Magic.”

  As the man walked away, Joe shook his head. “There’s no such thing as magic.”

  “But how did he find my card?” Amy asked.

  “I’m not sure. But it was a trick, not magic.” Joe glanced at Nadia who had sat down in the row in front of them. “Do you know how he did it?”

  Nadia shook her head. “No, but don’t bother trying to work out any of his tricks. He’s one of the very best magicians Monrovia has ever had. And he never divulges any of his secrets.”

  “So is that why the king wanted him for the celebration?” Will asked.

  Nadia nodded. “Yes, but also because he’s the star attraction of Gringo’s Circus, the circus that King Otto has invited to perform for his special guests tonight.”

  “It’s a pity we can’t see him in action,” Amy said. “If that one card trick is anything to go by, his act, as well as Gringo’s Circus, must be spectacular.”

  Nadia smiled. “Well, I was keeping it a surprise, but—”

  “What?” Will interrupted.

  “I asked the king if you four could come as my special guests and he was more than happy to oblige,” Nadia replied. “In fact, he regretted not thinking about you earlier and personally inviting you himself. After all, it was because of you four that the Golden Dragons are no longer causing trouble in Monrovia.”

  “This trip is getting better and better,” Sarah said. “Not only do we go to Monrovia, but we get to be the kings special guests to see Gringo’s Circus. I can’t wait.”

  Chapter 2: The Crown Jewels

  It was early evening when the children, along with Christo and Nadia, climbed into a long black limousine. Moments later, the vehicle cruised down the driveway of the farmhouse and out onto the main road.

  “I can’t believe we’re travelling to the palace in this,” Amy exclaimed.

  Joe shook his head. “Me either. I just hope we don’t look out of place the way we’re dressed.”

  “You look perfectly lovely,” Nadia said. “You’re only children anyway.”

  “You look lovely too, by the way,” Sarah said, complimenting the woman. She was dressed in a purple satin dress and wore a gold necklace. Christo was also dressed up, complete in a black tuxedo.

  “I’m just glad it’s not summer,” Christo said. “It’s hot enough in these clothes as it is.”

  Before they knew it, they were at the palace. Even though they were early, there were people everywhere. After navigating his way through the crowd, the chauffer entered the palace garage and came to a stop.

  He opened the door for everyone and then led the way outside. As he disappeared into the palace, Christo turned to the children. “There are lots of interesting things for you to see around here so, if you want to explore by yourselves, we could split up and meet back here in one hour. That should give us plenty of time to find good seats for the performance.”

  Joe nodded. “Sounds good. See you then.”

  As the two adults walked away, the children explored th
e gardens. They were massive and there were all sorts of exotic looking plants and trees that the children had never even seen before. They saw a stable where a young lad was grooming horses and they spent some time talking to him. They even helped feed one of the horses.

  After this they caught sight of a large hedge maze and spent a fun half an hour walking around and trying to find their way to the other side.

  When the one hour was almost up, they made their way back to the garage. As they approached, they caught sight of Nadia and Christo talking to a man dressed like royalty.

  As the man turned around, the children recognised the broad, shouldered man with a grey moustache and short hair from the newspaper article that Nadia had shown them that afternoon. It was King Otto!

  They hurried up as the man smiled at them. “Are you enjoying yourselves?”

  Will nodded. “Yes. I can’t wait for the performance to start.”

  King Otto glanced at his watch. “We have fifteen minutes to spare, so I thought you might like to have a look at the crown jewels.”

  “That would be amazing,” Sarah piped up.

  “Even I wouldn’t mind seeing them,” Christo said.

  “Then let’s take a walk over to that tower,” King Otto replied.

  Everyone followed the king to a tall, stone tower that was set apart from the palace. “I thought this was the perfect place to display the crown jewels for this one week of celebration.”

  “So where are they usually stored?” Christo asked.

  King Otto smiled. “That’s a guarded secret which only a few people know. Not that I think anyone will steal the jewels, but they are priceless. Which is why this tower is the perfect place to display them.” He indicated towards the guard who was standing at the base of the tower. “I needed a place that was easy for invited guests to enter, but didn’t require a large number of guards to keep the jewels safe.”

  Joe nodded. “Yes, it seems like the ideal place.”

  The king smiled at the guard. “Everything going fine?”

  “Yes, your majesty. Do you want to inspect the jewels?” As the king nodded, the guard took a key from his pocket and slid it into the keyhole. After he had opened the door, he waited for everyone to enter then he closed the door and led the way up the spiral staircase.


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