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NEBULAR Collection 7 - Guardians of the Continuum: Episodes 31 - 34

Page 10

by Thomas Rabenstein

  »Something’s wrong with this portal,« Takahashi explained. »We need to prepare ourselves for some surprises. Enola, please, you make a quick security check and try to contact the Nebular. I don’t want to be caught off guard.«

  Peshewa acknowledged and activated her comm-unit which she carried in her backpack.

  »As expected, the tachyon communication link to the Nebular is disrupted. Connection via normal radio should be possible, though. Our ship is parked in a far-out, stationary orbit above us. Please, give me a moment. It’ll take some time.«

  After three seconds, Ruby and Twinkle answered the call from the command central.

  »Everything is okay here,« Ruby reported. »We’re still attending the injured and forge ahead with the repairs. Most of the important systems are back online. Our second Hawk will require an overhaul in the spacedock. Unfortunately, our scanners are still being disrupted by the tachyon valve which continues circling the planet. It can be seen in about thirty minutes from your location when it rises over the western horizon. We were able to find your position by correlating your radio signals.«

  »Keep this channel open,« Takahashi commanded. »Enola Peshewa will transfer a data packet regarding a certain phenomenon which we encountered down here.«

  Takahashi signaled Peshewa to send the data about the forest circles.

  »Feed the data to our computer. Maybe you can detect a certain pattern, Ruby. We think that they’re some sort of directional signs.«

  Considering the signal propagation time, the answer came almost immediately.

  »The analysis is complete,« said Ruby pleased. »Apparently, this riddle wasn’t hard to crack.«

  Takahashi knit his eyebrows. He hadn’t expected a quick result.

  »Neglecting the scale on the x-axis, then these circles are an abstract model of the Solar System,« said Ruby surprised. »There’re only seven planets, which, however, are displayed exactly in proportion to their diameters. If we substitute the corresponding planets for the circles, then the planet Mercury is missing.«

  The surface team was speechless for a moment. It took a few seconds before Art Ultimus said, »This interpretation is complete nonsense! Did the computer make an error? Who drew a map of our solar system in the jungle, and why?«

  »I can’t answer that,« lamented Ruby. »But the fact is that the circles are a few millimeters within the corresponding diameters of your worlds, provided your radar scans were correct.«

  Takahashi was suddenly in a hurry.

  »We’re going faster and take a look at this portal. Then we return to the Hawk and fly back to the ship.«

  »For safety reasons, you should probably remain on the surface until the anomaly has moved across the sky and sets on the eastern horizon. You’re not far from the equator and close to the path the tachyon valve will take on its orbit.«

  »Got it,« Takahashi acknowledged hastily. »Let’s go!« he rushed his team.

  Portal out of control

  The portal seems like a foreign body on this planet, Takahashi thought startled when the plant walls opened before him, allowing a look at a circular clearing, surrounded by withered and burned plants and high overgrowth. Sober technology faced a lively and active flora, which seemed to push against the tachyon portal. Hectic flashes illuminated the scene, coming from the two crystalline portal projectors that resembled flaming obelisks. The actual transport field, surrounded by a circular platform, wafted and looked unsteady. It seemed extremely unstable and wasn’t very confidence-inspiring. Energetic discharges left the portal uncontrollably, hit the ground, charred plants, or burned themselves deep into the ground.

  It smells of burning flesh. Plants that smell like flesh? Takahashi thought stunned. The exotic plants suffer; I can taste it!

  »Look at the plants!« Peshewa shouted terrified, pointing to the surrounding giant grasses. »They wriggle as if in pain.«

  »Who built this portal and why in the middle of this jungle? What’s the meaning of this?« Sweeney said aloud, flinching as a bright blue flash of energy left one of the crystal obelisks. He was breathing hard and quickly added, »No matter who built it! I think, the thing is flying around our ears soon!«

  Horatio Takahashi tried to stay calm and fixed his eyes on the artifact.

  »The portals are part of an ancient transport system and still working. Presumably, it’s here for a million years. I may be wrong, but as the Genorantans built this portal, there was perhaps no jungle and the face of the planet looked very different.«

  A loud bang startled the team. A vertical discharge had formed between the two projectors, fizzling noisily after one second.

  It’s just a small portal, thought Takahashi nervously. Around ten meters in diameter, no more. Nevertheless, it causes immense damage to the nature of the planet. A miracle, that no brush fire has broken out so far.

  Strovol’s voice sounded nervous, »The tachyon portal is completely out of control. Its projectors and the power plant are overloaded. The built-in protection and control mechanisms have failed. Just as the anomaly has affected the FTL drives of our ship and higher technology, the vicinity of the tachyon valve also seems to affect the portal.«

  Sweeney’s eyes became bigger when he warned, »The dimensional tear will be directly over our heads in a few minutes! Am I the only person in the group, who fears that this portal will blow up?«

  »Look! There’s an object on the portal platform!« Art Ultimus drew attention to an observation he had made while briefly blinking his eyes after another, violent discharge. »There! Directly in front of the transport field!«

  A bright light illuminated the dense clouds of the planet and flooded, shortly afterward, the extraterrestrial forest. A second sun appeared over the horizon and rose quickly. The landing party couldn’t observe the phenomenon directly, but Crashpoint’s plants responded immediately and began to sway like performing a dance. A sound went through the forest, making Takahashi cringe.

  »It’s starting!« he remarked, covering his eyes with his hand to protect himself from the blinding effect. The transport energy field began to oscillate violently between the two poles of the portal as if it wanted to forcibly detach itself from the platform.

  »I can see nothing against the backlight,« Takahashi said with narrowed eyes. »But these violent activities begin to worry me. Maybe Sweeney’s right.«

  »It’s a small container or a box,« Ultimus insisted on his observation.

  An arm-thick, yellowish discharge struck the ground only a few meters away from Sweeney. He twitched and shouted, »That was damn close! Either someone has forgotten his jewelry box or a Genorantan his toolbox. I suggest, we stop exploring and go back to the Hawk. We wanted to visit the portal and we have seen it. This thing is totally fucked up! If it explodes, then I want to be far away from this place!«

  »Nebular to landing party!« Ruby’s alarming call came from the receiver. The comm-link to the Nebular was still working. »There is a dramatic change! The crack in the continuum seems to extend itself and forms an energetic jet beam that penetrates the atmosphere and touches the surface of the planet!«

  All team members looked up, however, the tall grasses prevented a clear view. A gloomy sheet lightning phenomenon appeared over the crowns. Above the portal platform, a protective energy dome suddenly established with a crackling sound. Seconds later, the energy dome popped like a soap bubble. The two crystal obelisks were turning red and shone even stronger.

  Then, suddenly the area around the team became brighter still. The tall grass plants fell sideways, tipped over, buckled or bent to such an extent that their tops touched the ground. This effect spread radially and rapidly from the center of the portal to all sides. Only the proximity to the platform kept the team from being buried under the falling giant stalks.

  »The entire flora around the platform is dying!« Peshewa yelled touched.

  »The plants behave like a single organism,« Ultimus whispered scared. »Something’s affecting
them. The stalks can no longer stand up.«

  The destruction radius widened further and further, a domino effect that affected more and more plants.

  Rak’Fler growled menacingly and opened his eyes wide when he got a clear view of the horizon. Everyone could see what frightened the Krolakan. A bright and standing energy beam came through the clouds, causing the atmosphere to glow while hitting the ground with elemental force. »What in the name of the snake-headed gods of Krolak …«

  Art Ultimus used his sensitive vision to observe the scenario. Despite his wavering voice, he seemed certain, »The jet moves along with the anomaly around the planet. Wherever the energy beam hits the ground, there will be devastating destruction. I can see how the jet beam just cuts through a small hillside, leaving a deep, burnt track behind. Plasma gas is rising along the jet into the atmosphere. Presumably, it’s highly heated, decomposed surface material. The Jet has all the characteristics of an ultra-hot plasma drill, racing across the surface like a tornado.«

  Sweeney looked through an instrument to check the distance to the jet stream. He paled.

  »I don’t want to scare anybody, but that jet is coming right for us!«

  »It’s that portal!« Rak’Fler shouted. »The jet is attracted by the portal!«

  »Strovol!« Takahashi called the Taslanan. »You’re the only one of us who can survive the storm’s energy around the portal unharmed. Do you dare to enter the portal platform to retrieve the object for us?«

  »I believe, I can,« he confirmed and floated toward the platform without further words.

  »Hurry up, Strovol! We have very little time!« Sweeney urged with a tense face.

  »Alarm!« the comm-link sounded in the team’s receivers. Ruby’s voice sounded slightly overdriven and distorted with brief interruptions. »Just now, an object appeared from the dimensional tear and takes an orbit around the planet. It now moves parallel to the anomaly! A precise location is not possible because the unknown object is enveloped by a strong protection field. Our sensors are completely blocked.«

  Takahashi’s face froze.

  »What kind of object is it? Can you provide more details? Is it a ship? Perhaps, another involuntary exit?«

  »If so, then the technology of the unknown ship is much superior,« Ruby said. »Unlike us, it has retained full maneuverability. I can’t detect any damages. The crack doesn’t seem to impress the crew of that object. As a precaution, do you want me to put the Nebular on full alert?«

  Takahashi exchanged a quick glance with Ultimus.

  »Remain on standby,« Takahashi commanded and looked over to Strovol, who had just arrived at the portal platform.

  I hope, he can withstand the forces and retrieve that box, he thought worriedly.

  »He’s going to make it,« Ultimus said.

  »But, maybe, we won’t!« Sweeney warned. »The energy beam is about a hundred meters thick and remains on track toward the portal. What I can see with the holo-visor, is extremely worrying! The jet leaves a deep burnt scar on the planet, a devastating trail of destruction, as deep as the Grand Canyon. It moves at around 5,000 kilometers per hour directly toward us. How are we going to avoid this energy monster? We’re stuck here and I have a feeling that our protective body fields won’t do diddly squat. The fallen giant grasses will hamper our retreat and block the way!«

  »Strovol picked up the container and is on his way back,« Peshewa announced while the others looked at the approaching jet beam.

  »He’ll be here again in a few minutes,« Sweeney said.

  »Double check what path the jet is taking!« Takahashi urged the Navigator. »I wait for your suggestion of which direction we have to take.«

  Takahashi scanned the edge of the clearing with his eyes. Everywhere fallen grass giants, piled up, blocking the escape route.

  »Commander, we won’t make it!« Sweeney predicted depressed.

  The message

  Strovol’s body pulsated and glowed in bright colors. He floated with uncontrolled, twitching tentacles before Takahashi, clutching a small container.

  »It … It …,« he struggled to articulate himself. »It wasn’t easy to cope with these forces, even for me. Don’t go into the immediate vicinity of the platform! Under no circumstances! You won’t survive it.«

  »What kind of box is that?« Takahashi asked hastily, watching the rapidly approaching jet beam.

  »A storage box for a holographic memory cube,« Strovol tried to explain with trembling voice. »It has a sensor pad. Probably, the content can be read through this. It’s a device used by many galactic nations.«

  »Commander!« urged Sweeney. »We have less than two minutes!«

  »Touch the sensor,« Ultimus shouted. When Strovol didn’t react quickly enough, Ultimus took the box away from him. Strovol had problems maintaining his hovering position. He seemed to be more adversely affected as presumed.

  Ultimus turned the cube in his hands and then gently touched the sensor surface.

  »How can you waste our last minute with this artifact. Our lives are at stake!« Rak’Fler growled in a fit of panic. The Krolakan looked at the onrushing energy wall while his body hair stood on end.

  At this distance, the destructive power of the jet beam was clearly visible. Enormous amounts of soil were simply evaporated or transformed into hot plasma. A straight, deep groove ran across the country. The resulting deep gash ranged as far the eye could see, to the horizon, and probably beyond.

  »Throw it away! We need to find shelter!« Sweeney yelled from the top of his lungs, trying to find an escape path.

  A crackling and rattling inferno came toward them, fast. The force of the jet was terrifying.

  Sweeney ignored Art Ultimus’ startled call at first. When he looked again, he stopped in his tracks. Directly in front of Ultimus, a holographic projection established, showing a man. Sweeney couldn’t believe his eyes, Takahashi’s face expressed confusion, then disbelief.

  They saw a life-size representation of a man who smiled at them friendly.

  Takahashi’s panted, only seconds remained. Only the fact that he knew this man, and that he received a message, here, far away from Earth, seemed so strange that he hesitated a moment, thinking about whether this was just a bad dream.

  »That’s … not … poss … ible …,« Takahashi stuttered, looking at Ultimus with burning eyes.

  »My name is Toiber Arkroid,« the message began while the man inside the holo slowly raised his hands in a conciliatory movement. »This might look strange to you, but listen to me and remain inside the portal circle. Do not try to avoid the jet. It’s not necessary, you would just risk your lives.«

  Rak’Fler drew his weapon.

  »What’s that spell? Someone wants to confuse us! No one could know of the origin of the anomaly and its manifestation! We should not listen to this message …«

  »All of you, remain inside the circle!« sounded the insistent recommendation again, interrupting Rak’Fler. Arkroid’s glance seemed other-worldly. Suddenly, his voice sounded brittle and insecure, almost helpless. »Do I violate the laws of the time when I warn you? Or do I initiate the timeline as it was already exactly predicted eons ago? Is there fate? Since I can see the future, I’m a part of it …«

  »What’s that man driveling there?« Sweeney shouted in horror, looking at the towering energy column.

  »Do not fight him! Do not challenge the Guardian of the Continuum! Just let it happen! If you follow my directions, then all will be well,« Arkroid said before the holographic message collapsed. The cube burned up, leaving only a pile of white ash, which was blown away by the increasing, strong winds.

  Sweeney did no longer look at the jet and closed his eyes. He didn’t want to see how the energy beam evaporated the first team member. With wide eyes, he looked at Enola Peshewa, which, for the first time, didn’t earn him a mocking remark. »Ten more seconds and the jet is here. It’s over!«

  At the moment of certain death, suddenly, you see everything much
clearer, thought Takahashi stunned. What sense did all of this make, our test flight, the averted disaster on board of our cruiser, even this enigmatic message of Toiber Arkroid, if we now simply lose our lives and our ashes spread out over this unexplored planet? Some indigenous people on Earth believe that you can feel it when the end is near. Why do I not feel anything?

  Takahashi’s thoughts acted on his mind as self-hypnosis. He felt, at this moment, to be at a different place. He felt safe while his body already sensed the heat of the approaching jet.

  Am I burning up now? wondered Takahashi and held his breath.

  As nothing happened for several seconds, Enola Peshewa yelled, »We’re still alive!«

  Cautiously, she was looking over her shoulder. She had previously turned away in horror. »Where … where is it …? What happened?«

  »It dissolved,« Sweeney yelled thrilled and took Enola Peshewa in his arms, which made her visibly uncomfortable.

  »The jet was right in front of our clearing, right before my eyes! It was there a moment ago, the next moment the jet beam broke up!«

  All eyes were directed toward the trail of destruction left by the phenomenon. A scar in the landscape that would not heal quickly.

  »Ruby to landing team,« the Conceptor’s excited voice sounded from the receivers. »We have a serious problem. You’ll see it yourselves in a moment. The unknown object is actually something like a spaceship. It sealed the dimensional crack with powers unknown to us and now flies down to the planet’s surface, exactly toward you.«"

  »Something’s coming through the clouds,« warned Ultimus, who saw the approaching danger sooner than the other crew members.

  »The Nebular is no longer inhibited, and could fly an intercept course. Do we have the permission to activate the weapon systems?« Ruby inquired urgently.

  Takahashi followed the vanishing ash particles of the destroyed holographic memory with wide eyes, then he looked up to the sky and commanded, »By no means will the Nebular attack! Did I make myself clear, Ruby? The cruiser maintains its position! Should the alien ship attack the Nebular, then execute an emergency jump. Repeat my orders!«


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