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Say Something: Second Chances, Book 6

Page 14

by Mari Carr

  He reached down and picked her up, spinning her around. “Then I think it’s time the two of us got married.”

  Georgie heard the cheers from her friends, but she couldn’t take her eyes off Nick. Her fiancé. Soon-to-be husband.

  When he set her on her feet again, he took the pen Jason proffered and signed the license, then he pointed to Lance and Christian standing by the locked door.

  “Is that necessary?” he asked.

  “Oh, they’re not there for me. They’re for you. Because I’m not an idiot. Jason said he told you to lock the church doors and nail the windows shut last time. I can’t help but think we could have avoided a lot of heartache if you’d only taken those simple precautions. But I guess you’re just not at good at thinking things out and planning ahead as I am.”

  Nick laughed loudly. “George,” he said when he finally managed to pull himself together.


  He gestured to the bouquet in her hands. “What do the flowers mean?”

  “They mean you’re the only one. Past, present and future.”

  Nick took her hand and together they stood before the Justice of the Peace. Georgie glanced over her shoulder when the man asked if anyone had any objections to the marriage. She winked at Kristen, who snickered.

  Once the vows were said and the kiss exchanged, everyone climbed into their cars and headed to Blue Moon. Georgie sat next to Nick as he drove, facing him and grinning her fool head off. She would have tried to temper her happiness if not for the fact Nick’s smile was bigger than hers.

  “I can’t believe we’re married,” he murmured. While she’d had several weeks to get used to the idea of the wedding, she’d definitely taken Nick by surprise.

  “No regrets?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “Not a single one.”

  She giggled. “Oh, I think you’re going to have one eventually.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re going to have to call your mother and tell her you married me.”

  “Fuck. Way to kill my buzz.”

  Georgie reached across the console and ran her fingers through his hair. She glanced over her shoulder. “You know, this car is huge.”

  “I’m a big guy. Can’t fit in any of those little sporty things.”

  “Have you ever had sex in the backseat?”

  Nick looked at her for one heated second and then the next thing she knew, he’d taken a left that was not part of the route to the bar.

  “Oh my, Mr. Hammel. So spontaneous,” she said when he turned down an alley that ran behind some abandoned warehouses.

  He pulled into a dark lot and put the car in park. “Get in the back, Mrs. Hammel.”

  Georgie went wet instantly when he used that voice. And her new name.

  She twisted and crawled over the seat with ease. Nick laughed as he opened his door, moved the driver’s seat as far forward as he could, then climbed in via the backdoor. “I’d get stuck if I tried that.”

  Nick reached over the seat and flicked the locks. He’d left the car running, the heater blowing hot air to combat the winter chill. Something told her they’d be making their own heat soon enough.

  He lifted her until she straddled his lap.

  She’d chosen her dress with care, treating herself to a new one. It was the most adorable white coatdress with oversized ties and black ribbon pleating trim. It came to mid-thigh. She’d taken one look at it in the store and had known it was the dress she wanted to get married in.

  “Have I ever told you how sexy you are in those tall boots?”

  Georgie had paired her new dress with the knee-high black boots she knew Nick loved. She ran her hand along his chest, and then tugged his tie loose. She loved the way Nick filled out his suits. He was her sexy lawyer and she’d jumped him on more than one occasion on afternoons when he’d returned from court looking all professional and grown up and shit. There were times when she swore she could eat the man with a spoon he was so yummy.

  “Where do you want to go for a honeymoon?” he asked.

  “Mexico is nice this time of year,” she teased.

  Nick lifted the back of her dress and swatted her ass playfully. “Minx.”

  She laughed. “Anywhere is good.”

  “What about Amsterdam? We could go see the tulips in the Netherlands.”

  Georgie’s eyes widened. “Are you serious?”

  Nick nodded. “Didn’t you tell me that was your dream trip?”

  “Oh my God, yeah. But that’s my dream. The honeymoon should be for both of us.”

  “George, I’ve never been anywhere with you that wasn’t fun. If you’re there, I’m happy.”

  “You’re the best husband ever.”

  He laughed. “We’ve been married less than an hour. You sure you don’t want to take a little more time before making that call?”

  “I’m sure.” Georgie kissed him, her tongue touching his. Despite her position on top, Georgie didn’t bother to fool herself, imagining she was in control. The second her lips touched his, Nick claimed the power, gripping her head and twisting it in all the right ways. He had a way of taking the simple act of kissing and turning it into a work of art.

  As they continued to kiss, his hands slowly drifted down her back, lifting her dress. “Garters,” he said reverently as he stroked the outline of the belt holding her stockings up, his mouth never leaving hers as he spoke. “I love garters.”

  “Easy access.”

  They continued to kiss as Georgie unbuckled his belt and unfastened his pants. Reaching in, she pulled his cock free. It was hard, thick, ready to play.

  “What have we here?” she teased as she ran her hand along his pulsing flesh.

  “I’m afraid my detour had less to do with spontaneity and more to do with pain. Nothing worse than a hard-on constricted by pants.”

  Nick started to lift her, clearly intent on getting right down to business. After all, their friends were probably waiting for them at the bar by now.

  However, the backseat afforded her a luxury she didn’t usually get. Control. She had plenty of room to move. Nick—not so much. “Not so fast, cowboy,” she said, shaking off his grip.

  Nick’s eyes narrowed. “George.” His tone was rife with warning, but she ignored it.

  Twisting around to face the front seat, she lifted the back of her dress to offer him a quick glimpse of her ass and thong, then she slowly lowered herself until his cock was trapped in the valley between her legs, the head stroking her clit.

  She was wet and hot.

  “Jesus.” Nick’s hands gripped her hips, but he didn’t seek to move her. “Baby, have mercy.”

  She laughed. “Oh I’ll show you the same mercy you show me.”

  He groaned. “We’re not always going to be in this car, you know. When I get you to the bedroom tonight, I’m going to—”

  His threat ended abruptly when Georgie ran her hand along the underside of his cock, her fingers toying with the precome at the tip. “Yes?” she taunted.

  “Ride me, George. Please.”

  She looked over her shoulder and grinned. “Oh, I do like the sound of a begging man.”

  Nick’s grip on her hips tightened, but to his credit, he didn’t try to take over. He was actually letting her run the show.

  She wished she had even a quarter of the man’s patience and talent for foreplay, but the truth was she sucked at depriving herself of her treat.

  She slowly rose, tugging the strap of the thong to one side before guiding the head of his cock into place.

  Nick held still though she could hear his breathing accelerate as she started to push down. This position had his erection stroking new places inside her, the different angle introducing her to whole host of previously undiscovered hot spots.

ie gripped the headrest of the driver’s seat, using that hold to help her maintain control of her pace. It was so tempting to simply sink down hard, but she liked exploring these unfamiliar sensations.

  Nick seemed to agree. His hands remained on her hips, but he let her determine the speed and the depth. But that didn’t mean he was passive. Her new husband was the master of dirty talk.

  “That’s it, George. Slide down, nice and slow. God, I love how tight your pussy feels like this. Lean forward, just a little more. Right there.”

  Georgie followed his command, groaning when Nick shifted as well. He always knew how to find the positions that would get them the most bang for their…well…bang.

  Once he was fully seated, Georgie paused for just a second to catch her breath. This wasn’t going to take long. She fought like the devil to find some semblance of control, but it simply wasn’t there.

  She stopped trying when Nick wrapped his arms around her, his fingers finding her clit.

  “You’ve always wanted a quickie, George. Consider this a wedding present. I’ll fuck you for hours on end later.”

  He stroked her clit, the touch the equivalent of opening the gates for the horses at the track. She began to thrust, treating herself to that hard, fast pounding beat that she loved.

  She would have felt greedy for that if it weren’t so obvious Nick was just as crazy about it as she was.

  One of his hands continued to pinch and play with her clit, while the other gripped her hip, adding his own strength to her ride. Georgie clung to the seat in front of her, using it to help her move.

  Less than five minutes had passed, but Georgie was there. “Nick. I’m ready.”

  “Me too, gorgeous.”

  She took him at his word and gave up all restraint. She cried out loudly as she came, pleased when Nick followed her only a few seconds later.

  She wasn’t sure how long she sat with her forehead pressed against the front seat. She could have stayed there quite happily for hours, her body sated, content. As always, Nick found his strength first.

  He tugged her toward him, embracing her as her back rested against his chest. His soft cock was still nestled inside her.

  “We really should go. Tonight isn’t just a New Year’s party. It’s our wedding reception.”

  Georgie sighed. “Our friends won’t mind.”

  Nick chuckled. “We’re going, George. We can’t let Jason and Kristen down.”

  He was right. She knew it. And as soon as her head stopped swimming in a pool of estrogen, she’d find a way to move. Maybe.

  After a few more quiet minutes, she stirred.

  Nick helped her return her clothing to rights, then he refastened his pants. “I was starting to worry there,” he teased. “Not sure I’ve ever seen you sit still and be quiet for so long.”

  “Very funny.” She started for the door, but Nick tugged her back into his lap, holding her close.

  “I love you.”

  Georgie wasn’t sure how three little words could cause such a surfeit of emotions inside her, but hearing them from Nick never failed to overwhelm her with joy, giddiness, excitement and her own overflowing feelings of love.

  “I love you too.”


  Georgie nodded her thanks to Jake as she grabbed the bottle of champagne she’d ordered from the end of the bar.

  “Grab a glass,” she called over her shoulder as the wine girls followed her down a narrow hallway and out into the alley behind Blue Moon.

  “I have fond memories of this place,” Josie said, when the door closed behind them.

  Georgie laughed. “No more sex stories from you. It’s a new year.”

  Shelly glanced at her watch. “Is this going to take long, Georgie? For the first time in my life, I’m getting kissed at midnight. I really don’t want to miss it.”

  “Five minutes. I promise. It’s too cold to stand out here any longer than that anyway.”

  “You can say that again,” Kristen said as she and Laura huddled close to each other in search of warmth.

  Georgie began to fill each of their champagne glasses. She upended the bottle, pouring the last of the bubbly into her own glass before setting it down.

  Zoey looked around the circle. “This is a far cry from last year’s celebration.”

  Laura laughed. “Yeah. It really is.”

  “That’s why I asked you girls to come out here. I just wanted to say thank you. For the wine, the laughter, the advice—”

  “The mimosas at six a.m.,” Laura added.

  “The pizza and movie nights,” Kristen said.

  “The wigs and the tissues,” Zoey included.

  Shelly grinned. “The support and encouragement.”

  Josie grabbed Shelly’s hand and squeezed it. “The babysitting.”

  Georgie laughed as their list grew.

  “So should we pick our resolutions for this year?” Zoey joked.

  Georgie groaned and Kristen answered for them all. “Let’s all just resolve to stay friends.”

  “Hear hear!” Laura said.

  Kristen lifted her glass. “To friends. Now and forever.”

  They clinked their glasses together and drank.

  Then Georgie put a very impatient Shelly out of her misery. “Now let’s go get those New Year’s kisses.”

  About the Author

  Writing a book was number one on Mari’s bucket list and on her thirty-fourth birthday, she set out to see that goal achieved. Now her computer is jammed full of stories—novels, novellas, short stories and dead-ends. A New York Times and USA TODAY bestseller as well as winner of the Passionate Plume, Mari finds time for writing by squeezing it into the hours between 3 a.m. and daybreak when her family is asleep and the house is quiet.

  You can visit Mari’s website at

  She is also on Facebook ( and Twitter (

  She blogs at International Heat (

  Look for these titles by Mari Carr

  Now Available:

  Just Because

  Because of You

  Because You Love Me

  Because It’s True

  Just Because

  Second Chances

  Fix You

  Full Moon

  Status Update

  The Back-Up Plan

  Never Been Kissed

  Wine & Moonlight

  Friends & Lovers

  Black and White Collection

  Erotic Research

  Tequila Truth

  Rough Cut

  Happy Hour

  Power Play

  Slam Dunk

  Learning Curves

  Dangerous Curves

  Wicked Curves

  Compass Brothers

  Northern Exposure

  Southern Comfort

  Eastern Ambitions

  Western Ties

  Love’s Compass

  Compass Girls

  Winter’s Thaw

  Hope Springs

  Summer Fling

  Falling Softly

  Don’t miss the other titles in Mari Carr’s Second Chances Series!

  Two’s company. Three is perfection.

  Second Chances, Book 5

  Shelly MacIsaac has pretty much given up all hope. Hope that she’ll lose weight, that she’ll find any excitement in life, that there will ever be any man in her bed besides Barney, her cat.

  When her friend Zoey suggests the wine girls come up with resolutions for the New Year, Shelly latches onto the one everyone expects her to choose—the tried-and-true commitment to go on a diet and get into shape. Deep inside, however, Shelly knows she needs to change a lot more than just he
r physical appearance.

  After a year licking his wounds over a broken romance, Christian is through. He’s been quietly lusting after Shelly at work, and he’s not wasting any more time. There’s something about her that makes him believe she’s the one. Unfortunately, Shelly’s kickboxing instructor, Lance—Christian’s best friend—has set his sights on the sweet blonde as well.

  Instead of pistols at dawn, the two friends come up with a deliciously erotic answer to their shared dilemma—if the shy beauty will accept their racy proposal.

  Warning: There is a chance this story will encourage you to go on a diet and begin an intense exercise regime. After all, flavored body lube is low cal, right? And sex is a great way to burn calories.

  What if love can’t heal all wounds?

  Second Chances, Book 1

  After too many years of secretly loving her best friend, Zoey realizes she’s been shortchanging herself. It’s time to take action. This New Year’s Eve heralds the year she’s going to tell Rob the truth. Even if he is on the road, reaching for musical stardom with his band.

  Her plan is derailed when she discovers a lump in her breast—and it’s not “nothing to worry about”. How can she ask Rob to take a chance on love when her future is so uncertain?

  Rob has spent his entire life chasing his dream, but the moment he hears Zoey’s voice on the phone, he realizes he’s been running the wrong race. Zoey never sounds like she’s been crying. Ever. Without a second thought, he books a flight for home, determined to give her everything she needs. A shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold…and nights of intensely emotional, passionate sex.

  His biggest challenge, though, is convincing his best friend that he’s in it for the long haul. Because he finally knows what he wants, and it’s not fame and fortune. It’s her—and her love.

  Warning: This book runs the emotional gamut between scorching-hot passion and the pain and fear associated with cancer. Keep a box of tissues next to your glass of ice water.

  Sometimes it’s not just the tide that rises…

  Second Chances, Book 2

  In the two years since her divorce was finalized, Josie Jacobson’s life has become one long, boring routine. Work, home, repeat. She has her hands full as a single parent, and while she’s not looking for a serious relationship, she sure wouldn’t mind getting laid.


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