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Her Marine Next Door

Page 5

by Burke, Aliyah

  Parker vowed to find a way to keep him safe as long as he could. And when he was called back to service, he’d ensure this situation was handled, one way or the other. “I’m taking him over to meet Skylar and Alpin. While we’re doing that, you should go get some grocery shopping done for the two of you.”

  There was indecision all over her face, but eventually she nodded. She crouched before Cullen, gripping his upper arm.

  “I’m going shopping right now. You stay with him and be good. Remember what Mommy said.”

  “I remember.” He barely spoke above a whisper.

  “Good.” She got to her feet. “I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  “You do that,” he said. He wondered if she’d even return.

  Without a kiss to her son, she flounced to her car and got behind the wheel. Seconds later, she was driving out of the subdivision, and he was left with the child. He went in the house and gathered a few bags together and slung them over his shoulder.

  “Let’s go meet Alpin.” Shortening his stride for the boy, Parker led him over to Skylar’s place.

  He knocked on the door, then realized if he was supposed to be living there, he’d walk right in. Or should. But he wasn’t sure she was still going along with his plan.

  His temporary fiancée opened it, and he caught his breath once more. Skylar always did that to him. Everything about her was softness.

  “You must be Cullen. I’m Skylar.” She sank to her haunches. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you, as has Alpin. He says you give amazing scratches and that’s with the fence between you. He’s ready to get them without the fence. Would you like to meet him?”

  Parker watched her face and was shocked by the amount of love he saw there. She was so open with her expressions. Even so, there were tiny flashes of pain, and her smile had a tightness in the corners of her mouth. He wanted to know why.

  As long as it had taken Cullen to reach for Parker’s hand, it was immediate when Skylar stood and offered hers. He trailed behind them as they went through the house. Sure enough, Alpin was by the door.

  “I’ll go out first, then you come. Okay?”


  She paused and pursed her lips. “Are you sure your bear is brave enough? Maybe he’d like to wait inside and watch through the glass.”

  Cullen pushed some hair out of his eyes. “He’s Murray, and he’s scared.”

  She sank to her knees, nodding. “It happens. How about we have him put a chair here and Murray can sit on it, while the three of us go outside and sit with Alpin? That way, he’ll still be able to see you and learn to be braver when he sees how much fun you’re having with Alpin.”

  A smile.

  Skylar got him to smile. Even while he marveled over that fact, Parker got the chair and soon, Murray the Bear was sitting there and they were in the backyard, Cullen and Alpin moving about the fenced area.

  Skylar leaned against the post and he walked up behind her, wrapping her in his arms and settling his chin on the top of her head.

  “He likes you.” Parker curved one hand around the dip of her waist, bringing her closer to him still. “Are we okay?”

  She trembled but didn’t pull away. “You’re still welcome to stay, if you’re insisting on this charade. Where is she?”

  “Grocery shopping.” He caught her hand and narrowed his eyes. “You’re fucking bleeding again.”

  She smacked him in the arm. “Keep that potty mouth away from him.”

  “Potty mouth.” Cullen chortled as Alpin circled him, tail wagging gently. They ran off to another part of the yard.

  “Are you sure that dog is safe around him?”

  She hissed and drew back, stepping away from him. “Now you ask? If you’re so concerned, why don’t you take him back to your house and play there.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m out of my league.”

  “And what? Because I have ovaries instead of a dick, I’m supposed to make it better for you? He’s your son, according to the woman you just allowed to move into your house and according to you. That means you have to stay here. So while you don’t know yet if he’s yours for certain, I can tell you one thing. He is not a vandal, not a nuisance, but a blessing. Be with him. Learn about him. And yes, Alpin is fine. He was a therapy dog before he was turned over. I have work to do.”

  She stormed out of the yard and went inside, the not-so-hushed commentary flowing from her mouth, making him realize she wasn’t going to lie there and take it from him. Something he approved of.

  Well, there were some things he wanted her to lie there and take, but he needed to get his fucking mind out of the gutter.

  He pulled out his phone and hovered over the button to call his parents. He needed to let them know. Heaven forbid they’d show up to find he hadn’t informed them of a potential grandson. Chickening out, he didn’t call them, instead calling Gibson and Ioan, letting them know the situation. He scrubbed a hand down his face and turned to the yard.

  Cullen was gone.

  The bear no longer sat in the chair, either. He burst into the house. “Skylar?”

  “We’re in the garage.”

  Relief nearly took him to his knees, and he hurried to the garage, where he found Cullen up on a sawhorse, Murray on the wood before him, and Alpin lying on the floor in the sun. Skylar worked on a piece of wood, slow because her injury still hampered her, but she had Cullen’s full attention. Beside him was a tall cup of water.

  He nearly railed at the boy for running off without telling him anything but paused. The expression on his face was open and real. No fear or hesitation, only joy and interest as he listened to Skylar talk and work.

  Six hours later, after dropping Cullen, now going by C-Man, with the kid’s mother and wishing him good night, he made his way back to Skylar’s. This time he didn’t knock, just walked in and gently closed the door behind him.

  She sat on the dark green sofa, legs curled beneath her as she worked on a crossword puzzle book. Skylar flickered a glance up to him, then back down to the puzzle. Soft violin music played, and Alpin was already snoring on his bed.

  “You said we needed to talk.”

  “I did.” She put her pen to paper and wrote something down.

  “Can you look at me, please?” He sat on the other sofa, facing her.

  Her actions were deliberate as she stopped working, put the pen in the book, and closed it. He lost his breath when she did finally look at him, those damn brown eyes ripping into his soul and taking it with her. Something that definitely wasn’t part of his plan when it came to his relationship with this woman. “Fling.” “Temporary.” Those words didn’t mesh with stealing his soul.

  “I know I put you on the spot today.”

  She lifted an eyebrow but didn’t say a word. He rubbed the back of his neck. This wasn’t fair. It sucked. Drop his ass behind enemy lines any day over this.

  Skylar sighed and rose. “Let’s postpone the talk until later. It’s been a very emotional day. I put your bags in the guest room.”

  He didn’t want her to go. “What about your hand?”

  Annoyance flashed before vanishing. “I’m fine. Hand is fine. Meds are taken. I put a stack of blankets in the room. If you need more than that, they’re in the hall closet. If that’s it, please just take it and go. I’m exhausted and really want to head to bed.”

  He herded her to the wall and braced her in his arms. Dipping his head until their mouths were tantalizingly close to each other, he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply of her scent. “Is that an offer?”

  She lifted her chin ever so slightly and blinked. He fell further beneath her spell, mesmerized by the thick, curved lashes framing those dark brown orbs. “What happens if I say yes? Because I think you’re simply trying to get a rise out of me and don’t actually mean what you’re saying. Or you’re scared s
ome of those women have something you can catch, and you think I’m a safer bet because no one will have wanted me for sex.”

  “Something has a rise in it for damn sure.” He pressed closer, allowing her to feel the hard ridge of his cock against her. “Say yes, Skylar.”

  It was in her eyes—he could see her desire to say yes to him. For a moment, he thought she might give in to the need riding her as hard as it was him. Parker knew he could coax it from her, but he refused. He wanted to make sure she was as ready as he was for this heat between them to go to the next level.

  She flicked her tongue along her lips, causing an answering jerk in his cock.

  “Good night, Mr. Jax.”

  She bent at the knees and ducked under his arms, walking up the short hallway without a look back. His head hit the wall, and a stream of curses flowed from his mouth, a mixture of berating himself for pushing her and not pushing enough to get what he wanted.

  “One night, Skylar. Tomorrow I will be in your bed.” He fisted a hand and took one final deep breath, imagining he could still smell her. He latched onto that and carried it with him as he got ready for a long, lonely night in the guest room.

  As he lay back on the queen mattress, he closed his eyes. The ringing of his phone snapped him up once more, and he answered on the second ring. “Jax.”

  “How’s things going with the fiancée and the son?”

  He groaned and flopped back. “Ioan. I don’t know if it’s my kid. I’ll be having a DNA test done to find out one way or the other.” There was no explaining away the draw he had to the boy, and it wasn’t going to be easy, keeping C-Man at a distance. Not at all. The way those incredible blue eyes watched him, craving to trust him, broke him. Already.

  The man grunted. “And the other?”

  “I’m sleeping in the guest room. What does that tell you?”

  “That she is a shit ton smarter than the other pussy you used to go after.”

  “Fuck you.”

  Ioan laughed. “You’re so used to pussy falling over in front of you. This is good for you. She isn’t someone who’ll fuck anything that moves. She’s not a woman who wants it known she did a man in Recon. She’s the real deal, and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you’ll understand what’s in front of you. What’s been this entire time.”

  “So says the man-whore.”

  “I’m not looking for my forever. You, on the other hand, have been thinking about this woman since you moved in there. And now it’s right there in your lap. Her. A child.”

  Instant family. He shook his head. “I’m not looking for that. I’m coming back to Recon, and once I fuck her, it’ll be out of my system. I’m not your nine-to-five kind of a guy. I love the adrenaline rush, the thrill of being with my guys.”

  “And your injury?”

  He clenched his jaw as he thought about the potential it had to ruin his life. “A minor setback.”

  Parker expected Ioan to make a snide comment or laugh. The man did neither, but held silent for a short time, then said, “Don’t hurt either one of them. Let me know how PT progresses.”

  Ioan ended the call before he could comment back.

  He swore and tossed his phone to the side. Fucker.

  He wasn’t sure if he was irritated more with his friend for calling him out or himself for having those exact same thoughts.

  Chapter Four

  Skylar woke slowly, still emotionally drained from yesterday. Her dreams had been less than pleasant, reminding her why having Parker here was an all-around bad idea. A good portion of the night she’d cried, missing what she no longer had and that which had been yanked from her.

  It wasn’t one of her best nights.

  Rolling from the bed, she walked to her master bath and got ready for the day. After making sure her mask of indifference was on, she straightened up her room and walked out to find Alpin standing by the door.

  “Morning, handsome,” she whispered to him, cupping his face and kissing the top of his head. After ruffling his ears, she stretched and grabbed his food bowl. Then she let him out, filled his dish, and put it back in the stand. Leaving the sliding door open, she scrubbed a hand down her face and turned, only to freeze. Parker stood there, dressed only in his jeans, watching her like she was his last meal. She pushed her fingers through her hair and fought the urge to run over to him to touch and explore.

  She couldn’t help how much she wanted to stare at him. Trail her fingers along his tattoos. Find out the meaning of them. How long he’d had them.

  His gaze grew intense, and he didn’t look away from her, just stared.

  “What?” she finally asked, uncomfortable with the silence.

  “This,” he said, gesturing between them. “I know you wanted to talk this morning. It’s morning.”

  “Fine. We talk.” She crossed her arms, hating the way her body reacted just from a look alone. She was going to have to invest in much thicker shirts or learn to control herself around him, or her nipples would be poking out all damn day.

  “I meant what I said earlier. There’s something between us. You can’t deny it. It fucking sizzles.”

  He had a valid point. She chewed on the inside of her cheek and didn’t lower her arms. “Is that it? That’s all you have to say?”

  “Darlin’, I’m not sure what else there is to say. You’re helping me out, but while I’m here, I don’t see why we can’t both enjoy what’s so blatantly between us.” He held up a hand as she shook her head. “Don’t. Don’t lie to me about it, Skylar. It’s there. A living, breathing thing. Sizzle, spark, call it what you will, but it’s fucking volatile. We will be fucking amazing together.” He scratched at the scruff aligning his jaw. “I get that my putting you on the spot wasn’t the best way to handle it, but as my fiancée, if you need or want cock, you come to me. We have to show a united front. I can’t have my fiancée going off to get dick from another man.” He shook his head. “I won’t.”

  The proprietary tone of his words would have been panty-melting if she had any on. “You want me?”

  “I want to see where this will go for this short time. I’m home rehabbing. I’m here about a month. Are you okay with that?”

  She shook her head, instinctively needing to protect herself. “I don’t know if that’s a smart idea. Like you said, this is just a ruse. I’m not happy with you inserting yourself into my life. I have things to do. Plans. That kind of thing.”

  Yes, right there. Be mad again, find that, and hold on to it. It seemed to be one of the few things that didn’t lead her mind to sex with this man.

  “Because of the kid? Or is it the parties? The women are there for my friends. You’d be the first woman I’ve been with in over a year.”

  She drew back, brow furrowing at his admission. “What?”

  His half smile was sexy as fuck. He moved toward her and stopped just shy of touching her.

  “You heard me fine, Skylar. I’ve wanted you.” He skimmed his thumb along her cheek.

  She closed her eyes, remembering his large, strong hands in her hair last night, holding her where he wanted her. Holding her as if she meant something to him more than just sex. As if this wasn’t more than just a ploy to be a pussyblocker.

  Was that even a term? What was that called? Was she still a cockblocker?

  “You’re an ass to me.” She scrambled to find a reason this wouldn’t work. A reason to keep up all her walls and do what she could to protect her heart. After what Reggie had done to her, she had to stay strong.

  He dragged a knuckle up her cheek with a shrug. “School ground mentality. Pick on the girl who you want.”

  Panic began to sink in. She couldn’t do this again. She couldn’t be in a relationship, especially one that would only last a month. She couldn’t handle the pain at the end.

  “Just sex? And we stay out of each other
’s way unless your baby momma is around.” Damn. She was supposed to tell him they shouldn’t let it happen.

  “Is this your way of saying you don’t want to go out on dates with me, Skylar Radford? Because as my fiancée, you’re going to be going out with me a lot.”

  “I’m not one who is all for going out a lot.” Not sure she ever would be again.

  A muscle flexed in his jaw. “You will be faithful to me. And we’ll have to go out a few times.”

  “Yes, as you will be.” This she had no problem with, because it gnawed at her like a dog on a bone to think of those other women being able to touch him.

  “Fuck, yes.” He drew her close to his chest.

  She loved the scent of his skin and how warm he was. She closed her eyes and breathed deep. But in the back of her mind, she couldn’t help but think this was a colossal mistake.

  “Why don’t you go lie down. I know you didn’t get much sleep. I’ll bring Alpin in.”

  “No, thank you. The door’s open and he’ll be in when he wants. I should be getting to my work.”

  “Is this your way of telling me I should get lost?”

  She thought about the best way to word what she needed to convey. “This is me telling you to go home to your…erm…guests.” She pasted on a smile. “You should at least go see Cullen.”

  He chucked her under the chin. “I need you to trust me that I don’t want her.”

  “You’re a grown man, Parker.”

  He flashed a grin. “Glad you noticed.”

  And the arrogant male was back. Hard not to notice. “Go.”

  He kissed her, and she sank into him again. Slightly dazed and a bit confused when he stepped away, she touched her lips as he walked out the front door without a glance back. The moment he was gone, she ran for her phone and called Lesli, her sister-in-law. Ex sister-in-law. Late sister-in-law? Hell, she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to be called, other than friend.


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