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The Pastor

Page 4

by Matilda Martel

  “We don’t need an evening. This man violated my trust. He’s too old for Sadie. Little girl, you need to get upstairs this instant. You are not allowed to see him again. Pastor, please leave and do not grace my doorstep again!” Mama tries to summon some fake tears but she’s no good at crying on cue. Her attempt only confuses us more and worries Daddy he may need to call the paramedics.

  “Just go! My Sadie is too good for you.”

  Now I know she’s lost her damn mind.

  “Honey, you had no problem with Royce Garrity’s age. You said...” Mom hushes him, swatting him with her newspaper, but Daddy inadvertently spills the beans on my social-climbing, gold-digging mother. Apparently, her regard for my worth skyrocketed the moment a bona fide millionaire took an interest in me.

  Troy reaches for my hand, unwilling to give up so easily, but I know this will prove more difficult if I challenge her now. Brushing it away, I nod and pretend to agree with my mother.

  “I’m sorry, Troy. I can’t go against my mother’s wishes.” He glares at me, jaw slacked, dumbfounded, heartbroken, but I need to pacify my mother enough to get a moment alone with him.

  “Sadie! What are you saying?” He fights back tears.

  “Sadie, you don’t have to do this, sugar. I’ll speak to your mother.” Daddy takes pity on us, but I shake my head and steel my resolve.

  “Thank you, Daddy. But Mama is right. I’m too young. I let myself get carried away. Allow me to say goodbye to Troy, briefly and I’ll go to my room.” I push him towards the porch, nudging his defiant, confused body out, hoping he’ll understand what I’m doing.

  Mama tries to stop me, but Daddy stands in her way.

  “She can say goodbye to him, Mary Alice. He’s a good man. We’ll be talking about this after he leaves.” Daddy studies Mama’s fake tears and shakes his head with disgust.

  Taking Troy’s trembling arm, I walk him out to the porch, prepared for a tongue-lashing. I hate putting him through this, but I know my stubborn, hateful, spiteful mother more than anyone. I’ll never be given any freedom to make a break for it, if she suspects we’re still seeing one another. As soon as the door closes, a shattered Troy takes me by the arms and holds me firm, forcing me to listen to him.

  “Sadie, what are you doing? Don’t you love me? Was this a game to you?” His voice shakes as he tries to hold in the tears welling in his beautiful eyes.

  My sweetheart.

  “Troy, I had to say that! She’ll make my life hell. Baby, I didn’t mean it. How could you think I was being sincere? You know how I feel about my mother! Of course, we’re still getting married. If I threw a fit, she’d never let me out of her sight, and I need her to leave me alone. How else will we be able to run away?” I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his chest repeatedly, hoping to will the pain in heart away.

  “Angel! You scared the hell out of me! Do we leave now?” He clasps my hand and tries to lead me down the porch stairs.

  “Troy, I don’t have any clothes. I need things. And I won’t have you compromise your position in New England. Find someone who will marry us tomorrow evening and come get me at 5pm. Park two houses down. If I need to jump out of the second story window, I’m marrying you, Troy Donovan. Do I make myself clear?”

  “You do, indeed, ma’am. I love you, Sadie. I’ll get everything ready. We’re marrying tomorrow no matter what.” He hugs me, holding me tighter than he’s ever held me before.

  “I love you, Troy. I love you. I love you.” Blowing him a kiss, I muster up some tears and head back into the house.

  Crying hysterically, face red, tears flowing, primal howls on full display, I push past my father, who has already begun berating my mother and rush up to my room, slamming the door behind me.

  Now, that’s the way you cry on cue, you witch!

  Chapter 11


  Tonight, I marry my Sadie.

  Nothing is stopping us. I’ve managed to set a time for 6:15pm. The church is a few towns over, but the minister’s promised to wait, if we’re running a bit late. I’ve picked up the white dress Sadie’s been eyeing at the local boutique and ordered a bouquet of flowers to be ready later today. I really wish she could have had a nice wedding. She deserves everything her heart desires. But I’ll make it up to her. From this day forward, everything we do is for us and our family.

  Everything I do starts with making Sadie happy.

  Glancing up at the clock, I grab boxes and head to my car. I don’t want to get behind. My apartment is packed, my suit is ironed, I’ve paid everything I owe, made hotel reservations for two nights and called my new parish to tell them to expect me a bit early.

  Our house won’t be ready until next week, but that gives us time to drive up and see some sights on the way. I think she’ll like that. She’s never been outside of Texas, except for that retreat she took to Louisiana with her mother last year and as she often says, that doesn’t count. We can make a nice honeymoon out of this. Just because things are simple doesn’t mean we can’t make them romantic. I’ll be honeymooning with my Sadie, there’s nothing more romantic than that.

  I’m going to have that girl pregnant before we reach New Hampshire.

  Before I head out to Sadie’s, I drive to the church to speak to Pastor Reynolds. I’ve waited until the last minute to resign my position for fear he’ll warn her parents or tip off Royce Garrity. I can’t afford to make any mistakes or cause us any delays.

  We’re marrying today, no matter what.

  “What do you mean you’re leaving? Don’t you have another two weeks?” Reynolds is shocked by this turn of events. It’s unlike me to be so irresponsible. Although, this is a temporary position, I do technically have two weeks left. But there is a string of junior pastors here, all dying to take my place.

  “I’ve got a family emergency I need to tend to before I head north. You understand, of course.”

  That isn’t technically untrue. Sadie is my family now and our wedding constitutes as an emergency in my book.

  Unsure if he’s able to complain, he nods and wishes me well. “Thank you for everything, Troy. Good luck in New England.”

  Reaching for the door, I’ve almost left his office, when he makes one last remark. Walking me out, he pats me on the back and chuckles.

  “This might interest you. You were right to stand firm on my request a few weeks ago. After I told him about your discomfort with playing matchmaker, Royce Garrity agreed with you, asked me not to intercede and went about it the old- fashioned way. He was able to secure Sadie’s mother’s permission to court her yesterday at the Ladies Luncheon. He’s a great guy, always has been. I believe he’s taking Sadie out tonight.”

  The mounting rage that consumes me with every single word he speaks finds its peak by the time he mentions Sadie’s name. I haven’t heard from her all day. Was yesterday evening a lie within a lie?

  Has she made a fool out of me?

  No, not my Sadie. These people aren’t going to make me doubt my Sadie. I know she loves me.

  But why hasn’t she called? Or sent a text? Why not an email?

  Checking all three on my phone for anything I’ve missed, I walk as fast as I can towards the parking lot. I need to get to her. If I need to drag her out of that house myself, I will. She’s an adult. They can’t hold her hostage.

  When I get to my car, I hear a familiar voice call out to me.

  “Troy!” It’s Royce. Fucking, Royce.

  “Troy! I need to speak to you, it’s about Sadie.”

  He rushes over and I fear my anger will boil over the second he mentions my angel. Clenching my fists as he approaches, I wait for him to mention my girl. That dirty dog. Look at him. He’s beaming with pride having secured a date with the woman I’m marrying in three hours. The joke’s on him, he’s not getting his hands on my girl.

  Just give me a reason to punch you, jackass.

  “Sadie asked me to get a message to you.”

  I freeze. His expres
sion is kind. He hasn’t come to gloat. But why is Sadie giving him messages?

  “What? How do--” He cuts me off.

  “I know about you two. I went to visit with her this morning. Mrs. Quinn invited me over. She and I spoke, and she told me, you and she are planning to elope today. I feel terrible that I ruined your plans.” His voice is filled with remorse. He seems genuinely sincere.

  “Why did Sadie tell you?”

  “Her mother has taken her cell phone and computer. She doesn’t have any way of contacting you. Look man, I like Sadie. She’s gorgeous and sweet, but I don’t want someone who is clearly in love with someone else. That’s not my style. This date we have tonight is just pretense. I’m picking her up at 5:00 and I’ll take her to the edge of the street. She’s going to toss her bags out her side window. If you can’t manage to grab them without being detected, I’ll make sure to throw them in my truck when I get there. She told me to tell you, don’t be late.” He shakes my hand and winks.

  I’m such an unbelievable asshole.

  Calling him back, I shake his hand again. “Thank you, so much. Why are you helping us?”

  “Like I said, I like Sadie. I want her to be happy. She told me you make her happier than she’s ever been. That’s enough for me. And it’s kind of nice being a part of something this romantic. After my divorce, I needed a reminder that there are some people out there who still fall in love.”

  Chapter 12


  My heart doesn’t feel like it’s beating, until I see my Troy waiting for me at the end of the street. Jumping into his arms, smelling his cologne, feeling the warmth of his skin against mine and his hands clutching me tightly send waves of anticipation rushing through me. We’ll be together tonight.

  I’ll be completely his. I can’t wait!

  Royce was such a sweetheart to help, and later tonight he’s taking my note to my parents to tell them I am a married woman, a pastor’s wife and on my way to New Hampshire. We’ve invited him to come visit us whenever he’s in New England and he promises to take us up on our offer one day. I hope he finds a nice girl.

  When we reach the church, Troy surprises me with a new dress, shoes and the biggest pink rose bouquet I’ve ever seen. With just enough time, he changes into his suit, and the minister’s eldest daughter volunteers to help strap me into my corset and dress, attach my veil and touch up my makeup after I ruined it crying tears of joy more than once.

  We’re alone. But everything is perfect.

  I’m such a baby. I never thought I would cry at my own wedding, but the church is lovely, and when my Troy looks at me, his eyes sparkling with adoration and promises to love me until we are parted by death, I catch my breath, pout and start to whimper like a toddler who’s just lost her binky. Fortunately, I’m able to compose myself long enough to get through my own vows and when we kiss, my heart stops and starts again, now forever in tune with his.

  This is the happiest day of my life...up to now.

  “Mrs. Donovan, I’m not waiting for you any longer. I’m breaking down this door, if you don’t hurry.” Troy’s seductive voice calls to me from the other side of the bathroom door and I promise him I’m not stalling.

  “You, impatient man. I’ve been in here five minutes. I have a surprise for you.”

  It’s not easy getting out of a wedding dress by yourself. I hang it up and secure it in its bag for safe keeping, just in a case we have a daughter who wants to wear it one day. I’ve made a quick lingerie change. It’s a white baby-doll teddy, practically transparent, but not quite. I bought it weeks ago especially for tonight. The saleslady assured me he would like it. Gazing at myself in the full-length mirror, I unpin my hair, spritz on some perfume, adjust my boobs so they’re nice and perky, then creep out, slowly.

  With my heart hammering in my chest, hoping the lights are off, I slink out one leg at a time. Troy is standing directly in front of the door, in his boxers, waiting for me, eager to take what’s his. As he takes in the sight of me, roaming my figure from my legs to my chest, to my face, a smile of contentment creeps over his lips.

  “Good lord, is all this for me?”

  “Yes, sir. I believe it is.” I giggle, looking away, shyly.

  My sweet Troy does not hesitate. He curls his arm around my waist and pulls me tightly to him, capturing my lips, crushing my breasts against his hard chest and digging his hands into my ass to lift me off the ground. I spring into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and pray this prolonged sense of anticipation that have driven us to the point of madness can finally be sated.

  “Sadie, you’re so beautiful. I can’t believe your finally mine.”

  “I’m yours, all yours.” I kiss him, hoping to entice him to take me to the bed. I need him. I need to feel his weight on me, wrapped in his scent, caressed by his warmth and filled completely by that huge cock that is tenting his boxers, taunting me, unkindly.

  “First do something for me, angel.” I’m stunned when he places me on the ground and walks to his phone, pressing a button.

  What in the world? You tease.

  A song comes on. It’s a soft guitar. No, it’s an old song, something from the ‘40s, I think. My grandparents listened to this.

  “Dance with me, Sadie. Dance with your husband before we make love.”

  Extending his arm, he takes my hand and I almost swoon when he envelops me in his warm chest and we start to move, gently, rocking back and forth to the voice of Bing Crosby. With my head against him, listening to his beating heart, I cry happy tears once again in the arms of the man I love, never dreaming I could feel so happy.

  He kisses the top of my head and whispers sweetly, “I love you, Sadie.”

  The sound of his deep voice gives me gooseflesh and I shiver as I look up at my beautiful man and sigh. “I love you, Troy.”



  Chapter 13


  Dimming the lights, I bring her closer to the bed and slowly pull the teddy over her head, casting my eyes on her beautiful, flawless, naked body for the first time.

  Sweet Jesus. I don’t deserve this.

  “I’ve thought about this moment for so long.” I inch closer, lowering my head to kiss her, trailing off to her neck and shoulders, taking my time before I explore the rest. Before the night is through, I’ll touch everything, but there’s no sense in rushing this. I want to relish every second of our first time together.

  “You have?” She’s tempted to cover herself from my penetrating gaze, but I hold her hands making it impossible. I empathize, but I don’t ever want her to hide from me.

  “Every single night since the day we met. I knew we would marry, Sadie. I knew we’d share this night, my love. Everything starts today. We could start our family tonight.” She smiles at the mention of our family and I brush some hair off her shoulders, kissing down to her arm and finally caress her breasts.

  Lifting her with ease, I bring her on the bed and lie next to her. Her big, blue eyes gaze up at me, so trusting, so full of love, my heart aches to give her everything she wants. It’s been so long since I’ve been with a woman, I’m afraid I won’t last very long. I need to make sure my lady has the time of her life before I take my own pleasure.

  Bringing my lips to hers, I start slow, kissing her gently, licking her full lips and drawing her out while my hands begin to search her body, following every line and curve of her magnificence. Her skin is so soft, her flesh is supple and warm. When I reach the apex of her thighs, I feel my fingers melt into her, sinking into her wetness as she moans cries of desire against my mouth.

  “My love, you, naughty girl.”

  She nods and bites her lip, panting and whimpering when my hand explores her slit, gathering the wetness in my fingers and twirling it around her swollen clit. Her breath catches, she gasps and her hips rock in my hand so deliciously, I need to calm myself down or this will end before it starts.

  As in all my fantasi
es, I bring my fingers to my mouth, and savor her arousal. She tastes so sweet and fresh, I need more. I need to feast on my lovely girl until she explodes on my tongue. Like a wild animal, who’s just had a first taste of its prey, the taste of her drives my desire to the point of insanity. I need her and I need her now.

  Showering her with blistering kisses, I smother her lips with a savage intensity that almost steals her breath. She answers each kiss with her own, wrapping her arms around me, moaning and whimpering, when I growl and pin her arms down pressing my mouth to her neck, devouring her sensitive skin with punishing kisses that leave her writhing in my grasp.

  “Troy! I want you.”

  “Not yet, my love.” I work my way to her breasts, these divine breasts that have long been the objects of my sacrilegious devotion, and inhale a taut nipple into my mouth, suckling, licking, tugging on her sensitive flesh until she whimpers for mercy, begging me to put her out of her misery.

  Shaking my head, I lick my way down her tight abdomen, smelling her skin, nibbling on it, grazing my teeth on her pelvic bone while I hold her rocking body still in my hands, my poor girl is going mad with lust.

  So close to her gushing pussy, I lose control. The smell, the taste sends me over the edge. Spreading her thighs, I push her legs forward and sink my mouth into her folds, tracing my tongue, stabbing it deep into her drenched canal overflowing with honey.

  “Oh, Troy! I can't’re going to make me come.” Sadie goes wild, thrashing, trembling with need and wailing uncontrollably when I stroke her clit with my tongue, licking and suckling it, drowning in her taste, until she can’t help but grind salaciously into my face, giving me everything, shaking, convulsing, howling with such unrestrained ecstasy, I fear hotel management will come and knock on our door.


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