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The Pledge: Mafia Vows

Page 11

by SR Jones

  The times we were at the shooting range, and I was teaching her how to handle a gun and shoot turned me on more than the most fucked up things I’ve done between the sheets. The way she’d turn her big brown eyes up at me as I showed her something new, it was a rush. I want more of those rushes.

  I also want to keep her safe. She makes bad decisions when it comes to stuff like that. If she trusts me, is honest with me, then I can keep her safe. I can teach her how to defend herself. I can let her spread her wings as she learns the ropes of the big bad world, but under my protection.

  I’m so hard for her, but I made a promise. No touching, not unless she made the first move. It’s late, and I’m tired. Tired and horny, so I head to the shower.

  Afterward, with freshly washed skin and hair, and after a wank, which did nothing to take the edge off, I get into bed and stare at the ceiling. I should do something. Read, maybe. I grab my phone from the side and open my reading app. I scroll until I find the new Lee Childs novel, and curling onto my side, I start reading.

  I’m awake instantly. I must have fallen asleep because my phone is still in my hand, which is rested on the bed beside me, fingers still curled around the smooth metal. I don’t move. Years of training had me alert as soon as my eyes opened because there’s someone in the room.

  “I can’t sleep.”

  My heart rate slows as Stella’s words infiltrate my brain. No danger, only Stella.

  “Can I sleep with you?” she asks. “Just sleep, no funny business.”

  Who says funny business? She’s so sweet at times. If by funny business she means I can’t tie her to the bed, legs spread, and make her come three or four times before I take her from behind, hard? Then, okay, no funny business.

  “Of course,” I say. It will be torture having her in my bed and not doing any of the depraved things I want to do with her, but at least she will be in my bed.

  I pull the sheets back, and she slips in next to me, immediately turning to face away from me.

  “Thank you,” she says.

  I pull her into me, my arm around her tiny waist. She’s always been slim, but now she’s on the verge of too skinny. She needs to eat more and worry less.

  She stiffens, but when I don’t move my arm, or try any funny business, she slowly relaxes.

  “Go to sleep, Stella. I’ve got you,” I tell her.

  She does. She goes to sleep, and I lie awake next to her for the longest time.


  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  I groan and shuffle in closer to the delicious warmth next to me.

  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  What the fuck? Is there a garbage truck outside or something?

  I open my eyes reluctantly.

  In front of me is spiky, messy blonde hair. This new cut of Stella’s seems to give the phrase bed-head new meaning.

  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  I look beyond Stella and see her phone on the nightstand. She must have brought it in here with her last night. Reaching over, I grab the phone and try to turn the alarm off, but I can only snooze it without knowing her code to unlock the phone properly.

  I place the phone back down, figuring she can turn it off next time it goes off, and wanting her to have a bit longer to sleep. Before I can move back into position, Stella turns and faces me.

  I’m leaning right over her, as I’ve still got my arm extended toward the nightstand, and now she’s turned and is snuggling into me, her face pressed into the crook of my neck. She’s wearing a strappy cotton top and sleep shorts, and her smooth, long legs tangle with mine.

  Christ, this no touching rule I promised is going to make me explode.

  Her palm rests on my chest, right between my pecs, and she gives a small moan before she stiffens, and I know she’s woken.

  “Morning,” I say. Unable to keep the satisfaction out of my tone.

  She came to me last night. Now she’s the one snuggling into me.

  Glancing up at me with those gorgeous deep brown eyes, she frowns for a moment. “Oh, yeah. Corfu. I forgot where I was for a moment.”

  She glances down to where her hand is still rested on my chest. “I didn’t think you’d have chest hair,” she says almost absently.

  I glance down.

  “Not much, though. Do you manscape?” She smiles lazily and yawns.

  “Not my chest.”

  She frowns, and then her eyes widen.

  “I’ve never understood why men do that. The, ya know—the back, crack, and sack thing.”

  I watch her for a moment, not sure whether to shock her or take it easy on her. Being the asshole I am, I go for the former. “I like to have my balls sucked, and it’s no fun for the woman if they’re all hairy now, is it?”

  She squeaks, and her cheeks go bright pink. “I didn’t know that was even a thing. Wow. You’re a pervert, Alesso.”

  She giggles.

  “You think that’s perverted?” Oh, Lord. This girl.

  “Maybe not perverted, but… I’ve never heard of it before.”

  “Christ, you’d faint if you knew half the things I want to do to you.”

  Her eyes widen, but she licks her lips and swallows hard. She wants to know. She’s dying to know. Question is, will she have the guts to ask? And will I tell her if she does?

  “What things?” Her voice is unsure, shaky, but she asked.

  I hesitate for a moment. I don’t want to scare her off. If I want her to touch me, make the first move, then I ought to temper what I say.

  She scowls at me. “Don’t do that. Don’t think of a nice little lie to tell me. Something you think I’ll want to hear.”

  “Okay,” I bite. “I want to tie you to my bed, rip your panties off and stuff them in your mouth to keep you quiet, and then spread your legs while I eat you, and make you come so hard you cry. Then I’ll take those panties out of your mouth, and replace them with my dick, before I fuck you so hard you see stars. For starters.”

  She doesn’t say a word. My dick is so hard, I swear one brush of her hand over it and I’d come like some teenager.

  “You want … you want … you...” She clears her throat. “You want to stuff my underwear in my mouth?”

  “God, yes.”

  “And tie me up?”

  Her voice has risen to a squeak.



  Her chest is rising and falling rapidly. I don’t know whether from being turned on or being dismayed at my words. I do know that if I don’t get out of this bed, I’ll do something I might later regret. Like breaking my promise and touching her.

  “I’m going for a swim,” I tell her. “Best way to start the day. Feel free to lie in some more and rest. You need it. Oh, and your phone needs the snooze on your alarm turned off.”

  I climb out of bed, thanking God I have on loose sweatpants, and go to the bathroom, grabbing my swim shorts from a drawer on my way.

  It’s a cool morning when I step outside ten minutes later, and I welcome the spring breeze. My skin feels overheated and too tight for my body. I want to grab Stella and do every damned dirty thing to her I can. I want to show her how good I could make her feel, if she gave me the go ahead.

  I startle when I see a dark-haired woman sprawled on one of the loungers. Justina.

  “Oh my God! Hello, handsome!”

  She jumps up and runs around the pool to me.

  I hear a sound behind me and turn to see Stella. She must have followed me out here and not tried to get anymore sleep.

  Justina throws her arms around me and hugs me tight, before giving me a big kiss right on the lips.

  It’s Justina; it means nothing. She doesn’t do men, and she’s loved up, but Stella doesn’t know that. I hear her intake of breath. I go to turn around and introduce the two women because I might want Stella to make the first move, but I’m not the sort of dick who plays games or tries to use jealousy to get what I want, but Justina hugs me tighter.

  “It’s been too long
, oh-gorgeous-one.”

  “I thought you weren’t coming for a few days?”

  “I wasn’t, but Angela’s plans changed, and she set off earlier than scheduled, so I got a flight straight out. I haven’t seen these guys in ages, so it gives me a bit more time with them.”

  She’s pulled back, and her gaze flicks beyond my shoulder.

  “Justina, this is Stella. Stella, Justina.”

  “Hey, there. Nice to meet you.” Justina smiles.

  Stella holds her hand out, but Justina laughs and pulls her in for a hug.

  “Ah, is this a pool party?” Andrius steps out onto the flagstones and squints as bright light hits him.

  “Going for a swim, and then I think we need to get Stella some things. I thought I’d take her to Corfu town. Can I take a man with me?” I see Violet behind Andrius, but she stays in the house, out of the bright sun.

  “Take me,” Justina says. “I love shopping, and I have a gun, so win-win.”

  “You’re not trained,” I tell her.

  “She’s a good shot,” Andrius says. “And I have a gun Stella can take. I don’t have a spare man as there’s only one on duty right now. If you wait until tomorrow, you can take Spirakis.”

  I hesitate, not sure whether to wait or risk it and go without another man. I doubt there’s much of a risk, and with all three of us carrying, and the fact I am a damned good shot, we should be safe.

  “Can we go today?” Stella pleads. “I’ve always wanted to see Corfu town, and it’s a nice day. It might be raining tomorrow, or too cold to enjoy. You know what the weather can be like at this time of year.”

  “Okay,” I relent.

  “Oooh, goody, a shopping trip.” Justina claps her hands together. “Violet isn’t as up for it now she’s carrying a whole other human around inside her, are you, doll?” She grins at Violet who smiles back serenely and pats her stomach absentmindedly.

  “Have your swim,” Violet says. “I’ll sort breakfast for everyone.”

  “One of the maids can do that, you know,” Andrius says.

  She shakes her head. “They already do plenty, and I like to sort the food; you know that.”

  “I’ll help,” Andrius says, and gives me a slap on the back as he heads inside.

  I walk to the edge of the pool, stare down at what I am sure will be pretty damned cold water, and dive in.

  Alesso swims for a while, and he’s not doing lazy laps or anything, but powering up and down the pool.

  I hesitate, unsure what to do, but Justina motions at one of the loungers next to hers. I hesitate. It’s sunny, but pretty cool. There’s a blanket on there, though. And there is what looks like a carafe of coffee and some cups by it.

  “Is that coffee?” I ask.

  “Yes, want a cup?”

  “Love one, thank you.”

  She’s stunning. I’m more than a little jealous. Violet is beautiful, but she’s the sort of beautiful you might not notice immediately. She’s petite and wears very little makeup, and has a self-deprecating air about her. Whereas Justina is Amazonian, strong but curvy, and with her confident air and tight-fitting clothing, she’s the sort of woman who probably turns heads wherever she goes.

  She pours me a coffee and sips at hers as she watches Alesso slice through the water for a moment. Then she says something I don’t understand. “So, he’s the latest domino to fall, eh?”


  “I don’t understand.”

  “First Andrius. Then Damen, and I did not expect him to settle down. Now Alesso … with you.”

  I shake my head. “Oh, no. We’re not together.”

  “Hhhmmm,” is all she says in response.

  “We’re not, honestly.”

  “Yet, he’s here, risking his life, guarding you. Keeping you safe.”

  “How much do you know?” I squeak.

  “As much as Andrius knows. He filled me in this morning when I arrived. Violet was still sleeping, so we had a good long talk.”

  It strikes me as odd that Violet doesn’t mind Andrius having such a sexy ex-housekeeper that he now spends the early mornings having long chats with while she’s sleeping. I decide to be bold, despite Justina scaring me.

  “Doesn’t Violet get a bit … jealous, ever?”

  She laughs, tipping her head back a little as she does. “Oh, no, not at all. Andrius is like my brother, so no worries for her there. Besides, he’s not my type.”

  Oh, crap. Is Alesso her type?

  “What is your type?”

  “I like pussy, babe.”

  At her words, I splutter on the coffee in my mouth, choking as some of it goes down the wrong way. When I’m done coughing, I’m sure I must be bright red.

  “You’re fun,” she says.

  I feel like making a sharp retort along the lines of, ‘glad I amuse you,’ but she scares me, so I don’t.

  “Do you like shopping?” she asks me.

  “I don’t mind it, but I’m not that into clothes.”

  “Oh, God. Violet too. Why are all the women these mafia boys fall for so … puritanical in your ways?”

  “We aren’t all. Maya, Damen’s wife, she loves to shop. I have spent hours trailing around the stores after her. I don’t mind it, don’t get me wrong. I just… I don’t know what to buy to suit me. I’m a bit gangly and awkward, and a lot of clothes don’t fit.”

  She smiles at me. “If by gangly and awkward you mean, ‘I look like I just fell off a catwalk,’ then yes. You could wear anything.”

  I turn to her, intrigued. “Really?”

  “Yeah, you’re lucky. Most of us have to dress a certain way. So Violet, she’s stunning, but she’s tiny, so she has to avoid certain things. She’d look wrong in a pleated maxi dress for example; it would drown her. Me, I have to be careful of things that make the girls look too big.”

  I snort. “I wish I had that problem.”

  “Yeah, but you’ve got lovely tits.” She eyes me speculatively, and I try not to flush at her words or her gaze on me.

  “Small, but pert. You could wear anything, and it would look good. Don’t put yourself down. There’s a reason most models look the way they do. They’re a blank canvas on which most clothes look good.”

  I get what she’s saying, but I’ve never felt sexy.

  “I know,” I say as I lean in closer to her and lower my voice, so there’s no risk of Alesso hearing. “I know a lot of women would kill for my body, but I want the sort of body men look at, not that women want. Maya, my friend, she’s all boobs and bum, and men literally drool over her.”

  “There’s not only one way to be sexy, dear,” Justina says. “Some men like tits and ass. Some men like women who are bold and confident. Other men like curvy girls with thick thighs and a stomach. Some guys like skinny girls. Petite girls. Hell, there’s probably not a shape women come in that there aren’t men out there to appreciate it. Own your thing. Do you. Don’t try to be some curvy goddess, be … delicate. Wear things that show off your long neck, your legs. That sort of thing.”

  “Are you a personal shopper or something?”

  “No, but I so should have been. It would have been my ideal role in life. Although, I’m not as bad with the shopping now as I was. Not now that I have Angela. She keeps me calm, so I don’t need to spend as much time or money drowning out the demons the ways I used to.”

  This confident, stunning woman has demons?

  I can’t ask as I don’t know her well enough, so I sip at my coffee as we lapse into silence. I turn to her and say quietly, “Will you help me pick some clothes that I can look sexier in?”

  “Of course!” She nods vigorously, and I smile.

  There’s a splash, and Alesso hauls himself out of the water. I can’t help but stare.

  His body is perfect. Totally perfect. He reminds me of that model, David Gandy, with the way his legs, arms, chest, shoulders, are all in perfect proportion. He’s muscular and bigger than most men, but also lean. A smattering of d
ark hair on his chest narrows into a trail that disappears into his swim shorts.

  I want to lick the droplets of water from his tan skin, I think.

  Wait, what? Where the hell did that thought come from?

  “Coffee?” Justina asks him.

  “Yeah, please.”

  His voice is deep, but with a slight roughness to it that I like. His blue eyes look lighter than usual in the bright morning sun. His hair is almost blue-black, wet like this. His straight nose and strong jaw, highlighted by a days’ worth of stubble, are impossibly masculine. His sooty eyelashes and full mouth, impossibly pretty. Add in his killer body and he might as well have a neon sign flashing above his head that reads: Dangerous to female-kind.

  He takes the coffee Justina holds out for him and sips at it. It’s black, I notice. She didn’t put milk in his like she did mine, and I wonder how well they all know one another.

  “I’ve told Stella I’ll help her choose some sexy clothes today.”

  “Not too sexy,” Alesso says with a scowl, but his lips twitch.

  “Thank God you’re joking. Never did take you for the same level of controlling asshole that Andrius is.” She shakes her head.

  I thought she loved Andrius. And didn’t Alesso only tell me last night he wanted control of me?

  I’m confused. I sit back, sip at my coffee, and try to figure these people out.

  After breakfast, I showered and changed into some linen trousers and a t-shirt. The trousers are a bit creased, but they’ll do. I’ve dried my hair sleek today. It looks totally different when I do it this way. I have on a deep red lipstick and just a sweep of bronzer on my cheeks, no other makeup.

  I head downstairs and meet Justina in the hallway.

  “Your hair is rad,” she says.

  I smile at her. “Thanks, I only did it to disguise myself, though.”

  “Okay,” Alesso says, joining us, swinging some car keys around his pointer finger. “Ready?”

  I nod, and after he enters a code, we file outside.

  “How will we get back in?” I ask, remembering the face camera thingy, the thumb pad, and the other deeply paranoid stuff Andrius has going on here.

  “I have my face and thumbprint programmed in,” Justina says.


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