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The Girl in the White House

Page 11

by Nick Harlow

  The Secretary’s eyes went wide as Mayfair put the barrel of his gun to Donovan’s temple. “Oh my God. Mister President—”

  “I’m okay for now. Harrison, please listen very carefully because as long as you do exactly what I ask no one will get hurt. Am I clear?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. I need you to withdraw our troops from the red line and have them out of the province as soon as possible.”

  “Sir, am I hearing you correctly?

  “I have no choice, Harrison. As you can see I have a gun to my head, and that is also the case with my daughter.”

  “I just saw a report that Sydney was safe.”

  “Unfortunately that report was false as I’ve seen video showing she is a hostage. So I need you to follow my orders to the letter or they will execute her. This is a direct order and I want it followed to the letter. I want you to contact General Tom Davidson right now and have him start the process. And make sure he evacuates all the media from the area first as we don’t want any of them hurt when the Russians arrive. I don’t care if they put up a fuss, all the embedded media people go now. My captors here also need to see video of our troops leaving the province as proof that we are complying with their demands. You’re to call General Tom Davidson right now and have him carry out this order immediately. Am I clear about my orders, Harrison?”

  The Secretary nodded. “Yes, Sir. I’ll get right on it.”

  “Thank you, Harrison. I know I can trust you to get things done exactly as I asked.”

  “I’m on it, Sir. Right now. Consider it done.”

  Mayfair pushed a button on the tablet and ended the video chat. “Now, Mister President, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  “You have no idea how hard that was. I just sent thousands of innocent people to their deaths. But you got what you wanted, so let my daughter go.”

  “Not so fast. Soon as I see what I need to see. Your daughter will not be released until then. The faster the troops leave, the sooner you get your precious Sydney back. But since you did what you were told, she will not be harmed.” He turned away from the President, realized he hadn’t heard from the bunker, grabbed the two-way radio and headed out of the room. “Klein, get your butt back up here, right now. We don’t need two people down there guarding a bunch of kids.”

  SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Harry Jakes leaned back in his chair and shook his head as he stared at the computer screen which was now dark. “That didn’t make any sense at all.”

  His assistant stood up and moved toward him. “What didn’t make sense? The President obviously had no choice, especially with his daughter under duress. His orders were very clear.”

  “That isn’t what I’m talking about.” The slender fifty year old Cabinet member ran his hands through his thinning brown hair. “Something’s not right.”

  “How so, Sir?”

  “What he said and the way he said it. Did you catch the fact that the President called me Harrison? He never does that and he knows I hate that name. Everybody calls me Harry and everyone knows never to call me by my given name. But he kept calling me Harrison and seemed to stress that.”

  “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean—”

  “But that’s not all. He also told me to get a General named Tom Davidson to take care of the withdrawal.”

  “Oh my God... I missed that. I was too busy looking at the gun pointed at the President’s head. Unless I’m mistaken, there is no General Davidson.”

  “You’re not mistaken. We have no such person in any branch of the military.”

  “You think he was simply under so much stress he got the name wrong?”

  “No. Not Frank Donovan. He’s a war veteran. He doesn’t get stressed. And he knows exactly which General is overseeing the situation at the red line.”

  “So who the hell is he talking about?”

  “Certainly not one of our generals. The only Tom Davidson I know is the guy who runs the conservative cable network—” The Secretary’s eyes went wide as he sat up straight. “Oh my God.”


  “I think I just figured it out. And if he was saying what I think he meant, I know what he wants me to do.”


  Sydney shook her head as she watched Gina Collins tell the world her father had backed down to the demands of the rogue agents and was going to withdraw the troops from the red line. “I can’t believe my father gave in so quickly. It’s not like him to do that. He knows how important that region is. He’s passionate about protecting those people.”

  Scott lightly took her forearm. “He’s passionate about protecting his daughter, as any father would be. Obviously he still thinks you’re a hostage. That’s the only explanation. Syd, any father would do the same. Well, except mine.”

  “Damn, I thought he’d figure it out. That I’m not a hostage.” She turned to Scott. “And if he didn’t... if that’s the case I think it’s time we stop pretending and let him somehow know I’m okay. Before things really get out of control overseas. Besides, it’s been too long since Klein came down here and Mayfair is going to get suspicious when he doesn’t come back. We can only stall for so long anyway. I can’t just sit by and let my dad take the fall for letting the Russians take over that province. And let all those innocent people die. They’ll kill everyone who’s in their way and the blood may as well be on my hands. I won’t let that be on my conscience knowing I could have stopped it. Or at least tried to stop it.”

  “I realize you’re concerned and so am I. But it sounds like your dad has already given the order. What else can we do?”

  “I think we need to start being pro-active. Maybe if we can help end this hostage situation my father will be able to rescind the order in time. Mayfair has put the ball in our court anyway by sending Klein down here. Let’s go talk to Agent Ryan.” They headed back toward the agent, then stopped short when they saw Andrea attending to him. “Oh, no.”

  Andrea looked up at them. “He passed out again. I’m not sure how long he can stay alive without getting him to a hospital. I’m doing the best I can, but he really needs a surgeon. If there’s damage to the femoral artery in his leg it’s serious... and we need to get the bullet out.”

  Sydney turned to Scott. “Well, I think our decision has just been made for us. I can’t let that man die. He’s been like a father to me. We have to find a way to save him. He’s already taken a bullet for us, it’s time to do the same for him.”

  “I understand, though we certainly don’t have his expertise. We’re a bunch of amateurs when it comes to warfare. Well, he left you in charge. What do you think we should do?”

  “Let Mayfair know we’re not going down without a fight.”

  “How do you propose we do that?”

  “We have two options. Show video of his two dead agents. Or send one up in the elevator.”

  “We can’t do that. Then they’ll control the elevator and can get down here to attack us or take us hostage.”

  “Not if someone’s in it to hit the down button.”

  His eyes went wide as he grabbed her forearm. “Whoa, hold on, Syd, you aren’t really considering going up there—”

  “Like I said, we’re not going down without a fight and maybe we can do some damage from the elevator. They’re expecting Klein to come back up, not an attack. We’ll catch them by surprise. Showing video and just sitting here is not an option while my dad has a gun to his head and Ryan is dying. We need to show them we’re not afraid of a fight. And maybe if we let them know they have to defend another front, it might help the good guys outside make some inroads. We can provide a diversion if nothing else.”

  Scott shook his head as his face tightened. “I don’t like this play, Syd. It’s too risky. And I don’t want you or anyone else going upstairs. These people play hardball and you heard Klein say the plan was to have you killed.”

  “It’s risky for Ryan if we do nothing.”

  Scott looked at Ryan, then back
at her. “I wish he would wake up, even for just a minute to talk you out of this.”

  “Well, he probably won’t and at this point I wouldn’t listen because he’s dying and needs help. Besides, you just told me I’m in charge. So I need you to back me up. And if I was there bleeding out instead of Ryan, I know for sure you’d do anything for me, regardless of the risk.”

  He slowly nodded. “Damn you and your logic. Okay. I’ve always got your back, you should know that. And if that’s what you want to do, I support your decision. Even though it scares the hell out of me. But you need to be very, very careful.”

  “I will be.”

  “Yeah, sure.” Then he gave her a look she’d never seen before, right into her soul. “I can’t lose you, Syd.”

  Scott folded his arms as Sydney and Jordan Reese pushed the wheelchair holding the dead agent into the elevator. “I’m going.”

  She shook her head. “No, you’re not. Jordan and I can do this. Since you’re the only other person who can handle a gun, I need you down here just in case. You’re the last line of defense.”

  “Then let Jordan stay here and I’ll go with you. She can handle a gun, better than I can, I’ll bet.”

  The petite brunette smiled at him. “You are correct, but I’m a smaller target and I fit behind the elevator door. I can hit the down button and not even be seen. Besides, I know I have more experience than you with a gun if things suddenly go sideways.”

  “You’ve fought terrorists?”

  She moved closer and looked up at him. “Don’t challenge Sydney’s decisions. She says I’m going, so I’m going. What, you got a problem taking orders from a girl?”

  Sydney walked back to Scott and took his shoulders. “Look, you said yourself I’m a great leader. So trust me when I tell you that I need your decision making abilities down here in case we don’t come back. Besides, you’re missing one critical point.”

  “What’s that?”

  “They can’t get away without you. You’re the only trump card we have right now, and you’re too valuable to turn over. You’re the one person who has to stay here and would be the last person I’d send up. If you go up in that elevator and they somehow capture you, it’s game over for everyone. They come down here and kill us all since they would no longer need us. The only possible way for us to save everyone is to keep Mayfair from getting his hands on you. He can’t get away without you, so I need to make sure you’re safe. So there’s my logic again that you cannot dispute.”

  “Yeah, but they also considered you to be collateral damage. Or have you conveniently forgotten that part?”

  “Scott, it doesn’t matter. Ryan will die if we don’t get him some help soon. At least upstairs I can do something and hopefully make a difference.”

  He shook his head. “Damn, you are one stubborn redhead.”

  She gave him a slight smile and patted him on the cheek. “As my dad would say, it’s part of my charm.”

  “I wish Ryan would wake up to talk you out of this. But promise me you won’t do anything stupid. Shove the wheelchair out of the car, throw the tear gas if you have to and get back down as fast as you can.”

  “That’s the plan. The minute we roll the dead guy out of the elevator we hit the down button.” She moved forward and whispered in his ear. “I’ll be all right. Trust me.”

  “Oh, I trust you. It’s your nature to go rogue I worry about. You’ve got that ready, fire, aim mentality.”

  “That’s why I’m the Spitfire. But I have no intention of starting anything we can’t finish. Be right back.”

  “I’ll be keeping an eye on the elevator camera monitor, so you’d better keep that promise.” He gave her that I’m watching you thing, pointing two fingers at his eyes, then at her. She locked eyes with him for a moment, feeling a connection right into her soul, then moved forward and gave him a strong hug, holding the embrace for a moment longer than normal. She finally let go, got into the elevator and crouched down behind the wheelchair while Jordan took her place on the side next to the control buttons, gun in one hand, a homemade tear gas bomb in the other. She pushed a button with the end of the gun and the doors began to close.

  Sydney felt her heart rate kick up as the elevator started going up. “You okay, Jordan?”

  “Fine.” She didn’t look at Sydney, eyes laser locked on the elevator door. One hand poised near the down button. Perfectly calm.

  “Anyone ever tell you that you’re a fearless little thing?”

  “I’m not little when I’m armed.” She held up her gun. “The great equalizer.” The elevator came to a stop. “Here we go.” Sydney tightened her grip on the wheelchair handles, muscles tense as she prepared to give it a shove, then pick up her gun from the floor.

  The door slowly started to open—

  Sydney found herself looking right into the back of a rogue agent a few feet away.

  She shoved the wheelchair with all her might as he turned to face her, his eyes going wide. “What the hell?” The rolling wheelchair hit him in the knees. It knocked him back for a moment but he didn’t fall.

  Jordan slammed the down button, then threw the jar of tear gas toward the man’s feet. It shattered and the gas started to spread.

  The man coughed, waved away the gas, shoved the wheelchair out of the way and headed toward the elevator.

  He raised his gun, aiming it at Sydney.

  The door began to close.

  Not fast enough.

  She pointed her gun at his head and fired.

  She missed.

  The door seemed to be closing in slow motion. He kept coming, fast, eyes filled with rage as the gas spread. She fired and missed again. The door was almost closed when his hand reached inside and started to pull it back open. He stuck the gun into the elevator with his other hand and pointed it at her head—

  Jordan jumped in front and fired several shots into the man’s head as his own gun went off, striking her in the chest. The force of the bullet knocked her back on top of Sydney while the rogue agent fell back and slumped to the ground, dead eyes staring into space. The elevator door finally closed as Sydney saw blood gushing from Jordan’s chest. “Oh my God!” She put her hand over the wound but the blood wouldn’t stop. The dark red spread quickly across Jordan’s white blouse. “No! No!”

  Jordan’s head lay on Sydney’s lap as the elevator headed down. She looked up at Sydney. “Did I get him?”

  Sydney bit her lower lip as she pressed harder on the wound. “Yeah. You saved me. Dammit, Jordan, why did you jump in front of me?”

  Jordan coughed up some blood. “You... kept missing.” She sounded like she was underwater. “Told you... I was a good shot.” Her body started to twitch as more blood trickled out the side of her mouth.

  Sydney pressed harder on the wound, her hands now completely covered in blood. “Jordan, hang on! Stay with me!”

  Her eyes began to flicker.

  The elevator came to a stop just as Jordan’s breathing did the same.

  MAYFAIR QUICKLY HEADED toward the sound of gunshots, his own weapon drawn. His pulse skyrocketed as he saw the dead agent on the floor surrounded by a quickly expanding pool of blood around his head.

  And Agent Klein’s dead body slumped in a wheelchair.

  His eyes narrowed. “What the hell is this?” Two of his best agents dead, and what about Brooks? He stormed back toward the room with the hostages, pulling some of his key remaining partners into the hallway out of earshot of the hostages.

  “What’s going on?” asked one.

  “Klein and Randall are dead.”

  “What? How—”

  Mayfair shook his head. “Don’t know. But obviously we have a very serious problem down in the bunker.” He clenched his jaw and spit out the name. “Ryan.”

  “I though Brooks and Klein had things under control.”

  “Obviously not. One of you guard that elevator door and fire everything you’ve got if it opens. Unless it’s the Rusch kid. Things are g
etting out of control and it stops now.”

  ANDREA STOPPED ADMINISTERING CPR on Jordan and leaned back up, her hands covered in blood. She shook her head and bit her lower lip. “I’m sorry. There’s nothing more I can do. She’s gone.”

  Sydney’s eyes welled up. “Dammit, it should have been me. He was going to shoot me. Jordan... stepped in front of me and... it should have been me. It was going to be me.” Her voice cracked and she began to cry.

  Scott leaned over, pulled her head onto his shoulder and slowly stroked her hair.

  Andrea closed Jordan’s eyes, then took off her jacket and used it to cover the dead girl’s face.

  “She died a hero,” said Scott.

  Sydney looked up at him. “A female hero is a heroine.”


  “She gave her life to save me. And I hardly knew her. Why the hell did she do that? It was my turn to die and she...”

  “She had the heart of a soldier. And you would have done the same for her.”

  “Scott, you don’t know that.”

  “Yeah, I do. You’d do it for a complete stranger. You’re just like Ryan. You’d take a bullet for someone else. You’re both wired the same. Apparently so was Jordan.”

  Sydney started to wipe the tears from her cheeks then stopped as she her hands were covered in Jordan’s blood.

  Scott reached over and brushed her tears with his thumb. “Go ahead. Let it out.”

  “I’m not sure I can stop if I do that.” She turned to Andrea. “How’s Ryan? Any change?”

  Andrea stood up. “Same. Still unconscious. And I’d better get back to him.”

  “Sure, go ahead.” She stared at the lifeless body. “Damn, this is my fault. Scott, I should have listened to you. We should have just showed the video. And now Jordan’s dead because of me and my stupid decision.”

  “Hey, you can’t beat yourself up. She was a very brave girl and you said she took out one of the agents. She didn’t die in vain, Syd. You said you wanted to take the fight to them. Thanks to her there’s one less bad guy. ”


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