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The Girl in the White House

Page 14

by Nick Harlow

  “Sure he did. You don’t know my dad. He’s a big fan of Captain Kirk. Doesn’t believe in a no-win scenario.”

  “What, you mean that Kobayashi Maru simulator test in Wrath of Khan where Kirk re-programmed the computer so he could win? I don’t think that’s possible here. There’s no computer and this isn’t science fiction.”

  “My father is also a good poker player. Just like Captain Kirk. He can bluff like you wouldn’t believe. And if he’s got a tell, no one has ever been able to figure it out.”

  Suddenly Vince grabbed a remote and paused the video as he stood up and moved closer to the monitor. “Whoa, hold on a minute. Did I see what I thought I saw...” He started to rewind the video.

  Sydney walked toward him. “What’s wrong, Vince?”

  “Maybe nothing. Maybe everything. But I need to check something on that video from overseas. The part about the media leaving.” He backed up the video several minutes, then rolled it forward in slow motion. “I think I saw something a while ago that doesn’t make any sense when they showed the clip with the media being evacuated— there! Yes!” He paused the video and pointed at the screen. “Right there! I knew it!”

  Scott moved closer to the monitor and studied it. “I don’t understand. What are you looking at?”

  “I’ll tell you what I’m not looking at. I’m not looking at video that was just shot a little while ago. There is no way this is going on right now.”

  Sydney furrowed her brow. “How can you tell?”

  Vince moved closer and touched the screen. “See this guy? The news photographer supposedly leaving the red line? The older one with the gray hair and the sunglasses.”

  She shrugged. “So? He’s one of the media people being evacuated. What’s the big deal?”

  Vince stood up straight and turned to face her. “The big deal is that he’s been one of my dad’s friends at the network for years. And he retired a month ago. He’s not overseas shooting video. He was at my house last night watching the football game with my father.”

  Scott’s eyes widened. “You mean to tell us—”

  “What you’re looking it is nothing more than file tape from some other military story,” said Vince, turning back to the monitor and rolling the video. “And judging from the equipment he’s carrying, it’s a couple of years old, because they phased out those particular cameras. My dad brought one home when they threw them out. And have you noticed the video is on only one network? Showing the withdrawal from some supposed cell phone video received from a soldier? And it’s the only network supportive of the President. Connect the dots. This is not really happening.”

  “Okay, fine, but why would they run that?” asked Scott.

  Suddenly Sydney stood up straight and smiled a bit. “I know why. Because they’re helping my dad trick the bad guys into believing we’re actually withdrawing. Somehow my father changed the game, just like Captain Kirk. And it’s not the Kobayashi Maru, it’s the Corbomite Maneuver.”


  “The episode in the original series where Kirk bluffs the alien by telling him the Enterprise has an incredibly powerful weapon. Except the weapon doesn’t exist. In the same way my father is bluffing and somehow got the help of the network. He didn’t have to change the game, he’s simply playing poker even though he doesn’t have any cards. And he doesn’t need a computer to do it, just TV news.”


  Gina Collins shook her head as she watched reporters from the other networks, but she still couldn’t believe the plan was actually working.

  The competition is actually buying this.

  She knew young reporters were lazy and didn’t like to check on those pesky things known as facts, but they’d picked up on her “exclusive” report about the media and troops being withdrawn.

  Without attribution, of course.

  They’d rather be first than right.

  She thought of the old newsroom joke. “Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.” Well, it used to be a joke, now it’s the industry standard.

  Didn’t matter. The “soldier’s wife cell phone video” was going viral. Every network, every website, every social media outlet had picked it up.

  No one bothered to verify if it was real.

  No one asked Gina about the identity of her “friend” married to a soldier.

  Meanwhile, nothing new from inside the White House. No shots fired anyway.

  The bad guys were obviously buying it as well.

  But right now something going on outside the White House demanded her attention.

  The FBI was getting ready to send a doctor and nurse inside to take care of a wounded hostage. She still didn’t have that person’s identity, even though Brett Lauria knew. She grabbed her microphone, stood in front of the camera, pulled out her cell phone and alerted the senior producer at the network. Within a few seconds after she ended the call she saw the anchor interrupt his story and tell the audience that something was happening. She watched as agents briefed the medical team, then stepped aside to let the photographer shoot them heading into the building.

  “Gina Collins is live at the White House where I understand we have some new developments on the hostage situation. Gina, I understand there’s some movement outside. What’s going on?”

  “Right now you’re seeing a surgical team heading toward the White House. As we told you earlier one of the hostages was wounded during that exchange of gunfire and the terrorists have agreed to allow a surgeon and nurse inside to treat that person. We have no idea who the victim is, as the FBI is not releasing that information, but I am told it is definitely not the President. There were negotiations in an effort to have the wounded hostage released, but the terrorists would not agree to that. Instead they are allowing medical personnel inside. Which of course, does give them more hostages but will hopefully save the life of the one who was shot. My source at the FBI says this is a positive step and perhaps an indicator of things to come. Hopefully we will have more information as to the medical status of the injured hostage after that person is treated, as we don’t know the extent or seriousness of the injury.”

  “Does the FBI see this as a sign that the terrorists are willing to negotiate?”

  “Yes, but it’s a very small first step, most likely in response to the fact that the President has complied with their demands and the troop withdrawal is now underway. As to what the timeline is for the possible release of the President and the hostages, that’s anyone’s guess. Though common sense would tell you that once all the troops have left the region, the terrorists would have no reason to hold the hostages. As for what else the terrorists might want beyond that, they have not given the FBI any other demands to this point, but the feds say it seems logical that they will request some form of transportation out of the country in exchange for the hostages.” She saw the doctor and nurse reach the White House door. “And you can see the medical team now entering the White House. We pray for their safety and that of the injured hostage. I’ll be standing by and will update you as soon as we know anything.”

  “And Gina, I understand you have some new information about the withdrawal.”

  “Right. A high level government source tells me things are progressing ahead of schedule and they will have no problem meeting the deadline. The faster they leave, the sooner we hopefully get the hostages back.”

  “Are you still in touch with your friend who has been providing video of the withdrawal?”

  “Yes, and she promises to keep me updated. As soon as I hear anything from her, I’ll be sharing it with our viewers. By the way, she wishes to remain anonymous.”

  MAYFAIR FOLDED HIS arms as he studied the medical personnel, a gray haired doctor in his fifties and a brunette nurse who looked to be around forty. He directed one of his men to pat down the doctor while the female Capitol Police officer did the same to the nurse. He checked their ID badges and looked in the doctor’s medical bag, then turned to the nurse. “Okay
, out of the uniform.”

  Her face tightened as she backed up a step. “Excuse me?”

  Mayfair put up his hands. “Relax, we’re not those kind of terrorists. We’re not going to hurt you or even touch you. Just give your uniform to this nice young lady. As long as you cooperate, you’ll be fine.”

  The doctor turned to Mayfair. “What the hell is this? We need to get to the injured person right away.”

  “Don’t worry, this will just take a minute.”

  The nurse started to disrobe. “I can assure you I’m not hiding any weapons.”

  Mayfair shook his head. “That’s not why we need your clothes.” He turned to the doctor. “One of my people is going into the bunker with you.”

  “But I need the nurse to assist me in surgery.”

  Mayfair laughed and patted him on the shoulder. “Doc, haven’t you figured it out? You’re not going to perform any surgery. If anything, you’ll be performing several autopsies. Don’t worry, we’ll keep you and your nurse alive in case one of our people needs help. But she stays up here with us. So don’t try anything or I’ll put a bullet in her head.”

  The female Capitol Police officer finished putting on the nurse’s uniform, then put her gun in the pocket of the smock. “Time to give a few people a little medical attention.”

  Mayfair took her arm. “Remember, we need the Rusch kid. I don’t want him touched. Without him—”

  “I know, I know. Don’t worry, the little guy won’t have a scratch when I’m done.”

  SYDNEY PUT HER HANDS on Scott’s shoulders as she stood behind him, savoring the feel of his taught muscles as they watched the network coverage in the Situation Room. “So, I guess this is it. Time to go.”

  He nodded and turned to face her. “Yep. At least they’re keeping their word and we can save Ryan.”

  She locked eyes with him and took his face in her hands. “Promise me you’ll be careful.”

  “Of course I will, Syd. You’re the one who needs to be careful. Just keep reminding yourself that they need me to get out of here. They won’t hurt me.”

  She heard the elevator motor kick into gear. “Well, they’re on their way down.” She gave him one last hug and then turned to face the elevator.

  The elevator stopped and the door started to open.

  Scott caught a glimpse of the elevator monitor and his eyes went wide. “Oh no!”


  He grabbed the gun from her hand and shoved her behind him with his other hand as the medical team emerged from the elevator. “That’s not a nurse!”

  Sydney turned just in time to see the nurse pull a gun from her pocket.

  Then the loud noise her made her jump as Scott fired.

  The bullet hit the woman square in the chest. The gun dropped from her hand as she tumbled to the floor.

  Sydney ran toward her and grabbed her gun.

  Blood tricked out of the woman’s mouth as she gasped for air.

  Sydney turned and looked up at Scott. “How in the world did you know?”

  He stood over the woman with his gun pointed at her head. “I recognized her. I’ve seen her a dozen times. She’s one of the Capitol Police officers from my father’s security detail. She must have taken the uniform of the real nurse.”

  “She did,” said the doctor, white as a sheet, hand over his chest. He crouched down next to the woman whose breathing had stopped. “She was going to kill everyone. Except for you.”

  “Don’t you dare help her,” said Scott.

  “I wasn’t planning on it. Saving the agent who was shot is my first priority.” He took her wrist to check for a pulse. “Besides, she’s dead. Now, since I understand you have a patient who needs immediate medical attention I need to get started. And since they took my nurse, I’m going to need someone to assist. Who isn’t squeamish.”

  “Got that covered with a med student,” said Sydney. “She’s got the patient ready and prepped for surgery. Follow me.”



  Sydney quickened her pace and moved to the side of the bed. “Agent Ryan, I brought a surgeon to fix you up. This is Doctor Hardy.”

  His eyes flickered. He grabbed her hand.

  “Trap...” His voice barely a whisper.

  Syd nodded. “We know it was a trap. Scott took out the fake nurse. She’s dead. We’re all safe thanks to him.”

  He shook his head, ever so slightly. “No. Access... the trap...”

  His eyes closed and he passed out.

  She squeezed his hand. “Agent Ryan?”

  The doctor shoved her out of the way. “Okay, Miss Donovan, let me get to work. Wait outside.”

  “But he was trying to tell me something. Can you wake him up?”

  The doctor looked at Ryan’s leg. “No way. If I don’t take care of this right now he may never wake up.” He looked up at Andrea. “I assume you’re my nurse.”

  She nodded. “I’m Andrea. Pre-med. My dad’s a surgeon. I’ve been in the operating room several times with him. Observing, of course. But I’ve got an IV started and have sterilized the area around the wound. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” She briefed the doctor on Ryan’s condition.

  “Okay. Now get ready for some real hands-on experience.”

  “How long till he’s awake again?” asked Sydney.

  The doctor opened his bag. “Don’t know. But the sooner you get out of my way, the sooner he’ll be awake.” He cocked his head toward the door. “Out. Now. I’ll come get you when we’re done. And keep everyone else out of here.”

  Sydney nodded as she turned to leave. “Take good care of him, Doctor. He’s very special to me. And thank you for being brave enough to walk into a hostage situation.” She headed back to the Situation Room, finding Scott slumped in a chair, gun in his lap, staring at the woman he’d shot. “You okay?”

  He shrugged. “I think so. Maybe not. Hell, I don’t know.”

  “Thank God you recognized her. We’d all be dead if you hadn’t. Second time today someone has saved my life.” She sat down next to him, wrapped her arm around his shoulders and pulled him toward her. He was still staring at the dead woman. “Sure you’re okay?”

  “I will be. But I’ll probably have nightmares for a while. Damn, it all happened so fast. I didn’t really have time to think about killing someone. I...”

  “Ryan told me it was like this. You instinctively react to save yourself and then later it hits you. Although in this case you saved us all. So I hope you’re not feeling any guilt.”

  “That part is not a problem.” He finally turned to look at her. “Meanwhile, we have another decision to make. I was supposed to be heading upstairs.”

  “The hell with that. Mayfair broke his word and we obviously can’t trust him. You’re staying right here.”

  “He’ll be expecting me.”

  “I know. Doesn’t matter. Let him worry for a change.”


  “By the way, Ryan was awake again and tried to tell me something before he passed out again.”

  “What did he say?”

  “Didn’t make any sense. Trap, and access.”

  “You think he was warning us this was a trap?”

  “I thought so at first, but he was out cold when we made the deal, remember? He couldn’t possibly know. It doesn’t make any sense. Anyway, with him undergoing surgery it might be awhile before he wakes up. So we might not know for a while.”

  “Trap. And access. What the hell does that mean?”

  Suddenly she sat up straight, eyes wide. “Oh my God.”


  “There might be another way for them to get down here. Or us to get up there.”


  Speaker of the House Sterling Rusch’s jaw remained tightened.

  He hadn’t heard from Mayfair since the shooting at the White House.

  He watched the network coverage as he paced back and forth in his office. Fi
nally, the phone rang. He kept an eye on the television as he yanked the burner phone from his pocket. He flipped it open to answer the call from Mayfair, practically spitting out his words. “What the hell is going on over there? And why haven’t you answered my calls?”

  “Things got hectic for a little while, but everything is back on schedule.”

  His jugular vein stuck out. “On schedule? Maybe overseas things are on schedule but all they’re talking about at the White House is shots being fired, a wounded hostage, a doctor going into the building—”

  “It was unavoidable. They launched an attack from the bunker. We, uh, lost two members of the team but took out one of theirs. But you’re getting what you wanted overseas, so what the hell are you complaining about?”

  “That part is fine, but this isn’t supposed to be a shootout. I thought you had things under control. Who launched an attack?”

  “Ryan apparently got the drop on Brooks down in the bunker, took out Klein and then one more of our people from the elevator. But that’s been taken care of by the medical crew we just sent down. The nurse is being played by a certain tall brunette from your personal security detail.”

  The Speaker couldn’t help but smile at the image of the attractive woman who was often by his side, both as a bodyguard and a mistress. He exhaled some tension and relaxed a bit. “I was wondering why you were letting a doctor and nurse into the building.”

  “Yeah, can’t believe they fell for it. I put your girl in the nurses uniform and sent her down to the bunker. She’s taking out the hostages in the bunker as we speak. Including your least favorite redhead. She’s served her purpose as far as getting leverage on the President and is nothing but a pain in the ass, so best to eliminate her now since we don’t need her any longer. Those shots everyone heard will be a good cover to explain her death.”

  “Agreed. My son will be upset for a time but he’ll get over it. I have some stunning replacements waiting in the wings to take his mind off of her. Her father won’t ever get over it, though.”


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