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The Girl in the White House

Page 16

by Nick Harlow

  Sydney shook her head in amazement. “You two should be working for NASA, you know that?”

  Kyle shrugged. “Hey, this is no different than Apollo Thirteen, making do with what we’re got. Those guys had to use socks to help filter the air. But like I said, there’s really no such thing as junk. My grandfather told me about growing up in the Great Depression, how they never threw anything out because you could always find a use for stuff. Just because we live in a disposable society doesn’t mean we have to throw things away because they’re old. And in this case, stuff that’s obsolete might just give us an advantage and save our lives.”

  PRESIDENT DONOVAN NOTED Mayfair’s look of frustration as his captor slowly walked into the room, head down. His slumped posture screamed a recent defeat.

  Mayfair stopped in front of them and looked up. “There, uh, has been a development. Since things have been going well overseas and you have been cooperating, I have agreed to release half of the hostages as a sign of good faith.”

  He sure doesn’t look like things are going well. And who the hell is he making deals with? He hasn’t picked up the phone to the FBI. Everyone perked up as the President studied his face. “Does this mean you are ready to negotiate with me to put an end to this madness? Immunity is still on the table if you’ll surrender, give up those involved and let everyone go.”

  Mayfair shook his head. “I’m not negotiating with you as far as my own future is concerned. And I will not. For one thing, I don’t believe you. You’d find some way to lock me away forever somewhere. Suffice it to say, I have made a deal to let some of you go.”

  “A deal with who?”

  “Doesn’t matter. I am releasing some of you. So don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”

  Donovan nodded. “That’s a good first step, Mayfair. How many people will you let go?”

  “Half. All the men except for you and the Secretary of State.”

  The President furrowed his brow. “Why only the men? You should let the women go.”

  “Because if you guys are planning anything along the lines of an attack on us, I want the strong men out of the picture. Easier to deal with a bunch of secretaries. Besides, the general public will sympathize more with female hostages.”

  “Sexist bastard,” said Gladys.

  Mayfair’s eyes widened a bit as he turned to her. “Excuse me?”

  “You think women can’t fight as well as men. Oh, wait, I forgot. You’re not married so you wouldn’t know.”

  Mayfair shook his head. “I had... I have a woman on my team.”

  “Maybe if you had more than one things would be going more smoothly. By the way, we’re not secretaries, we’re all executive assistants. But I can type fifty words a minute if I have to and writing your obituary would fall under one of my skill sets.”

  Mayfair turned to Donovan. “Does she practice being obnoxious, or is it a gift?”

  “It’s part of her charm,” said the President.

  “Whatever.” Mayfair pointed his gun at some of the men. “Okay, all you guys except the Secretary of State and the President. It’s your lucky day. Get up. Let’s go.”

  GINA COLLINS HEART rate kicked up a notch as she saw Unknown Number on her cell phone.


  The phone barely rang once as she took the call. “This is Gina.”

  “In a few minutes some of the hostages will be released. Your studio anchor will voice-over this event.”

  “That’s great. Whoa, hold on. You said our anchor will voice-over the release. Don’t you want me to do the live shot?”

  “No. I have something better for you. Leave your photographer in place and as soon as the hostages emerge quietly head over to the FBI van while everyone is watching the release. You will be granted an exclusive interview with one of the hostages.”

  “Do you know who is being released?”

  “I do not.”

  “Did the FBI have to give the terrorists anything in return?”

  “The release was not negotiated by our people.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “We did not initiate this action.”

  “Then who did?”

  “No idea. Suffice it to say, we are pleased.”

  “Care to make an educated guess as to how this happened?”

  “Honestly, it doesn’t make any sense but we’re not complaining.”

  “I would have assumed your guys have been negotiating all along—”

  “We have, but this came as a complete surprise to us, Gina. Our side had nothing to do with it and so far the negotiations between the terrorists and the FBI had not progressed to that level. I’m sure you’ll know more about why they were released and how it was negotiated once you talk to one of the hostages.”

  “What do I do for a photographer if I’m leaving my guy out here to handle the live shot? He’s not supposed to leave his position.”

  “I realize that and it has been arranged with your network. There is video equipment in the van and an agent who knows how to use it. He will shoot your interview, then send it directly to your network. As soon as you’re done, you are to return to your live shot position and intro the interview, which will run unedited in its entirety.”

  “Got it.”

  “Let me go over the questions you are to ask—”

  “Whoa, hold on a minute... I can’t ask my own questions?”

  “I’m sorry, but we must preserve the narrative, Gina. You’re one of those reporters who always asks the unexpected and we can’t take the chance the hostage will answer with something that tips our hand. The person you interview will be prepped with prepared answers. You will both be following a script, but I know you will use your skills to make it look natural. It is necessary if this scenario is to remain believable and your conversational skills make it so. I realize this goes against your journalistic standards, but we must proceed in this manner. And may I remind you that you did agree.”

  Gina rolled her eyes, wondering how far over the line she would have to go even though it was worth it. What the hell... being ethical never got me anywhere anyway. “Fine. You don’t have to remind me. I’ll do whatever you need. What do you need me to ask?” She listened and took notes for the next few minutes as her source went over the prepared questions and even a few of the answers she would shortly receive.

  Easiest. Interview. Ever.

  The only tough thing would be making it look unscripted.

  “That’s it, Gina. Anything we need to go over?”

  “No, your instructions are very clear and it won’t be a problem. I’ll do my best.”

  “Thank you, Gina, for your help. I’m sure you’ve noticed it’s working.” The voice had turned softer, less businesslike.

  “I have. And... thank you for the opportunity to serve my country.”

  “You’re a true patriot, Gina. Talk soon. Stand by, the hostages are on their way. Get ready to move.” The call ended.

  Gina walked over to her photographer who was sipping a soda while standing next to his camera. “Here we go.”

  “We got another live shot?”

  “You do. I don’t. They’re about to release some hostages.”


  “Yep.” She started to walk away.

  “Hey, if we’re doing a live shot, where the hell are you going?”

  “You’ll find out shortly. They’ll voice it over from the studio. But don’t power down, I’ll be back soon with another exclusive.”


  She shot him a wink. “Trust me.” She then used her best impression of The Terminator. “I’ll be back.”

  SYDNEY STOOD UP AS the television showed one of the White House doors opening. She patted Scott on the shoulder, then pointed at the TV. “Check it out. Something’s happening.”

  He turned up the sound as the camera zoomed in on the door and showed some of the hostages being released. “All right! I can’t believe Mayfair went for it. And you thought I was
the one with the negotiating skills. You did great, Syd. All those people are free because of you. I told you that you’re a great leader.”

  “I don’t know about that, but I play a lot of poker with my dad and Agent Ryan on long plane trips. Of course, Mayfair’s never been part of the game so he doesn’t know my strategy. But in this case I held the high card. You. And I still haven’t had to play it.”

  Scott furrowed his brow as he moved toward the television. “Hey, all the hostages they’re letting go are men. What’s the deal?”

  Sydney shook her head. “Well, I didn’t specify which hostages should be released.” She studied the faces of those being released. “If I remember who the original hostages were, this leaves my dad, the Secretary of State, Gladys, and a few executive assistants.”

  “Kind of odd that he let most of the men go.”

  “Maybe he figures the women would be easier to handle.”

  “I wouldn’t make that assumption if the women are as tough as you are.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “Why, thank you. But that’s the only kind my dad wants on his staff, strong and independent. And I’d want Gladys in a foxhole with me. She’s tough as nails and wouldn’t fight fair.”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t want to be on her bad side.”

  “For what it’s worth, Scott, you’re not. And by the way, I don’t plan to fight fair when it comes to getting you back.”

  DONOVAN WATCHED AS Mayfair turned up the sound on the television. He saw Gina Collins in front of the White House with the words Exclusive! First hostage interview across the bottom of the screen.

  “Gina Collins is standing by live at the White House. She has the first exclusive interview with one of the hostages who has just been released. Gina...”

  “Right. Shortly after the hostages were all checked out by medical personnel, I was able to talk with Jason Cruz, the White House Communications Director who had been held captive since eleven this morning. Here’s the unedited interview in its entirety. Take a look.”

  Donovan leaned forward, knowing that one of his smartest staff members would keep the narrative going in the right direction.

  “Jason, first tell us if all the hostages inside the White House are okay.”

  “Gina, those who were with the President, myself included, are unharmed. I do understand that one of the hostages who was in another part of the building has been shot, and is now being attended to by the doctor who was allowed in. But I do not know who that person is or the condition.”

  “Can you tell us what was involved in that shooting?”

  “Sorry, I have no idea. We just heard a lot of shots all of a sudden. But all has been quiet since.”

  “How is the President doing?”

  “He’s unharmed, and monitoring the situation overseas as our captors allowed us to watch some of your coverage. He is confident that all the hostages will be released as soon as the troops are withdrawn. By the time the Russian troops get through the demilitarized zone and arrive at the red line, the American troops should be gone from the province.”

  “Do you know if that’s all the terrorists want?”

  “We don’t know but I have to assume it seems likely. They’ve been pretty tight lipped about their plans. President Donovan has tried to engage the one in charge without success.”

  “So he didn’t negotiate this release?”


  “Do you know why were some hostages released?”

  “We have no idea, though it might be connected to the removal of the troops. But we think it’s a good first step and hope the situation will be resolved soon.”

  “Who is still left inside?”

  “Along with the President, the Secretary of State and a few members of the White House administrative staff.”

  “Is there some reason they only released male hostages?”

  “They implied the women would be easier to handle. Considering who’s still in there, I wouldn’t make that assumption. We don’t have any shrinking violets working in the White House.”

  “Anything you’d like to add?”

  “The President is absolutely not compromised. I realize that with the Vice President unconscious after having surgery this morning that the Speaker of the House is chomping at the bit to run the country, even for a short time, but that’s not going to happen. You have to consider the motivation of someone who ran three failed presidential campaigns. Even if he does have the opinion of a Supreme Court Justice, he is not in any legal position to assume the presidency. Any constitutional scholar will tell you that this is definitely not a twenty-fifth amendment situation, as we hope things should be resolved shortly. Again, President Frank Donovan is unharmed and not compromised. He is still the Commander-in-Chief.”

  The interview ended and Mayfair muted the sound on the television, then turned toward the President. “So, apparently your Communications Director thinks you’re not compromised.”

  “You’ve been on White House detail for a couple of years. Do I look compromised to you?”

  “Unfortunately, no. But I can fix that.” Mayfair moved forward and punched the President hard in the face.

  Donovan’s head snapped back. Then he sat up straight and wiped a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth. “That make you feel better, Mayfair?”

  “I think the country needs to actually see the President might be compromised.”

  Then Mayfair hit him again.

  And again.

  SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Rusch flipped open his burner phone, hit a button and smiled at the photo of the beaten, bloodied President. “Time to show the world who’s compromised. And who’s in charge right now.”


  Sydney and Scott quickly stood up as the doctor headed in their direction, pulling his surgical mask from his face. He nodded with a slight smile. “Agent Ryan is going to be okay.”

  Sydney put her hand over her heart and exhaled. “Whew. Thank God. How bad was it?”

  “Pretty bad. The bullet was a hollow point and did a lot of damage to his leg. Another half inch to the right and it would have blown up his femoral artery and Ryan would have bled out. Actually, another hour or two and he probably would have died as he had lost a lot of blood anyway. Andrea did a great job keeping him alive until I got here and was very helpful assisting me. She’ll make a great doctor someday. You’re really lucky she was here. Anyway, the bullet is out, Agent Ryan is stitched up and resting comfortably. He’ll be back to normal eventually but will be in a wheelchair and on crutches for a while, then need physical therapy. But he’ll be able to walk just fine. Right now he needs several days of bed rest. It would be best if we could get him out of here as soon as possible into a hospital, but I know that’s out of our control right now. He’ll be fine here for the time being. There are a ton of medical supplies here and the best equipment. If you’re going to do an operation away from a hospital, this was the best possible place to do it.”

  “Is he awake?” asked Scott.

  The doctor shook his head. “No. And he won’t be for a while. But I know you want to talk with him and I’ll let you know as soon as he comes around. Until this is over, I’ll stay with him to monitor his situation, but the good news is that he’s stable for the moment. Agent Ryan is a strong guy, but he’s not completely out of danger. So let me get back to him. Between Andrea and myself, he won’t be alone for a moment.”

  Sydney took his hands for a moment. “Thank you so much, Doctor Hardy. For saving his life. He’s very special to me.” The physician nodded, turned and headed back to his patient.

  Scott wrapped one arm around her shoulders. “Well, that’s a relief. Thank God we had Andrea down here with us.”

  “No kidding. He’d be gone without her. And without you making the original deal to give yourself up. So you’re responsible for saving him as well.”

  He shrugged. “Hey, we’re all a team down here.”

  “Sure hope he wakes up soon
‘cause I could use his advice.”

  “Stop second guessing yourself, you’re doing fine. You got half the hostages released so you’re saving lives as well. That’s huge. And Mayfair is now down four members of his team. When Agent Ryan does wake up he’ll be very proud of what you did.”

  She shook her head as her eyes got a bit misty. “It still doesn’t outweigh losing Jordan. I can’t get that out of my head. The guilt is off the charts. I keep seeing her in my arms, looking up at me. I’ve never had anyone look at me that way. I think she knew she was going to die.”

  “Syd, we’ll mourn her later in an appropriate manner and find a way to honor what she did. Right now, you need to focus on the problems at hand. We can’t count on Ryan waking up to give us advice. He just had major surgery and even if he does wake up his mind will probably be cloudy from whatever drugs the doctor is giving him. So let’s move forward assuming he won’t be available to guide us.”

  “Still, simply knowing he’s there for me would help. If just as the adult in the room.”

  “I think you’ve been filling that role quite well. We’ve all had to grow up pretty fast today.”

  “Funny, I considered you the adult in the room.”

  Vince interrupted them as he came running up to them. “Hey guys, we got it!”

  Sydney furrowed her brow. “Huh? Got what?”

  “The radios! We got them up in the ceiling. Under the trap door. Our slingshot actually worked. It took about fifty tries, and my arms are killing me, but we finally looped some cable over a water pipe and hoisted the radios up there. They’re right under your father’s desk and I can see the little red light on the analog radio so it’s still hot for the moment. Kyle sent the frequency to the FBI, so if you want them to hear anything before the batteries go dead, I’d get on the radio right now and try to engage Mayfair in some conversation. Get him to reveal some information or plans.”


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