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Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4)

Page 11

by Foster, Aimee-Louise

  Declan was busy making up bouquets, "Hi honey, do you feel better for taking some time out?" Declan asked looking up from his arrangement briefly.

  I walked further into the shop, "Yes, thanks for holding the fort. Did anything exciting happen?"

  "I've taken an order for a funeral next week, I've written everything down in the book." Declan continued with his bouquet that was looking fantastic using wild flowers.

  "Brilliant Dec," I nodded my head trying to keep my composure before I told him. "Erm...just to let you know I'm meeting a friend later for dinner."

  Declan ears pricked and he looked up from his arrangement, "Oh that's nice, anyone I know?"

  "No just a friend," I said trying not to rouse suspicion. "I'm just going to take a shower, then I'll come down to help."

  "Stop right there Keira O'Flaherty!" I stood still and slowly turned towards him, "Who?"

  "Just some fella I know."

  "Oh, just some fella I know!" Declan mimicked. "Well Keira O'Flaherty I've lived here now for twelve months and I've never known you to go out with 'just some fella.'" He said air quoting.

  I knew that he'd seen through me, I was never able to keep secrets from him. "It's no biggy. Do you remember those men we bumped into last night, erm what were their names?" I clicked my fingers trying to pretend that I couldn't remember.

  "CJ and Locke." Declan stated raising his brows as he observed my little show.

  I clicked my fingers in his direction, "Yes that's it, well I bumped into Locke at the gym and he asked me to go for a drink." I turned reaching out for the door handle.

  "Don't be playing the innocent with me!" He shouted as I left the building looking at my watch, I only had a couple of hours to make myself presentable.

  I arrived at the hotel and took a deep breath before I opened the doors. The receptionist looked up from her desk and smiled politely as she watched me walk past into the restaurant. I hoped not to draw attention to myself, I didn't want people to think that I was an escort turning up for my date.

  I was pleased that he was staying at a cheaper hotel as that way the evening would be more casual, I didn't do pretentious and although I didn't know Locke well, I assumed he didn't either.

  Walking into the restaurant I immediately noticed Locke sitting in the corner of the room looking at the menu. He glanced in my direction and stood as he saw me approach, which surprised me as the man had manners.

  "You look lovely," Locke stated as he leaned closer to give me a kiss on the cheek.

  I breathed in his scent, "Hugo?"

  Locke nodded as he took his seat, "Now should I be worried that you know the name of a man's aftershave?"

  I sniggered as I sat, "I used to work in the duty free at Stansted."

  Locke nodded and referred back to the menu as the waitress joined us. "Can I get you something to drink?"

  "Just a coke for me as I'm driving."

  The waitress wrote my order down, "Get us two Fosters, she ain't drinking coke tonight."

  "I am here." I waved my arms around quickly in front of him and glared.

  "Have a beer and if you drink too much then get a cab, or you could sleep it off here and drive home in the morning." Locke smirked and sat back in his chair.

  I glanced at the waitress who looked between us not knowing what the hell was going on.

  I nodded, "Could you please get us two bottles of Fosters."

  The waitress smiled and wrote down the order before turning on her heels.

  "How long have you lived in England?" Locke asked as he leaned forward to rest his arms on the table.

  I contemplated how much I actually wanted to tell him. If we were getting it on tonight which I hoped we would, did I also want to give him my life story? The chances were that I wouldn't see him again after tonight so why were we sitting here passing pleasantries?

  I stood and scraped my chair against the wooden floor, Locke looked at me panicked like he may have upset me.

  "What's up Irish?"

  I leaned forward, "Why are we just passing the time of day with idle chit chat when you clearly know why I came?"

  His face lit up as he stood, and he rummaged around in his pocket for his money. Locke pulled £10 from the wad and threw it onto the table as the waitress arrived with our drinks.

  "Sorry we won't be needing them." Locke made his way around the table and grabbed my hand before pulling me urgently through the restaurant.

  As we walked up the corridor towards his room Locke's grip tightened and I felt his urgency which made my stomach flip with excitement. Locke glanced at me and for all my bravado I gave him a shy smile in anticipation of what may happen. "Come here," he let go of my hand and placed his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close as we continued down the corridor.

  We arrived outside his room, Locke lowered his arm to rummage around in his jean pocket, eventually pulling out his key card. The burning anticipation buzzed around us and I noticed Locke's hands shake as he fumbled with the card trying to get the door open with urgency.

  Once the light turned green Locke pushed the door open and strolled inside, I hesitantly followed closely behind him and was taken by surprise when he grabbed my arm roughly and swung me around so that my back was against the closed door.

  A thrill of excitement ran through my body as he placed his hands behind my head and inched his face closer, "Are you sure you want this babe?" he asked hoarsely.

  I nodded and moved my head closing the small distance to claim his mouth. This was like a green light to Locke's libido as he pushed his body against mine pinning me to the door. He grabbed both of my hands and raised them above my head so that he could take full control of the situation as he rubbed his body against mine.

  Locke clasped both my wrists with one hand freeing the other so he could roam my body. The tingling sensation this sent through my body heightened my senses and I wanted to move to try and get some release but my body was powerless under his shear weight. Locke slowly moved his hand up my side until he cupped my breast through the material of my dress. I moaned into his mouth and instantly felt his smile against my lips as he roughly groped my breast, I arched my back slightly making sure that he held my mound fully in his large hand.

  The sensation was too much, he had me building higher and higher. I moved my leg so that I wrapped it around the back of his thigh trying to pull him closer. I felt his erection press against my stomach and squirmed, rubbing myself against him knowing that I needed Locke inside me.

  Locke moved from my lips and laid hungry kisses along my jaw making his way down to my neck. He nipped my sensitive skin and released my wrists so that I could finally touch him and carefully run my fingers through his short hair as I pulled his head closer to my neck encouraging him to use more force. Locke bit me and I couldn't help but moan loudly, he returned his mouth to mine and took me forcefully, our tongues whipped each other and our teeth clashed as we franticly came together.

  Locke positioned his hand so that it was placed under my thigh and kneaded my skin forcefully holding some of my body weight. He used his knee to move my other leg slightly, spreading my legs further apart. With his free hand he found my mound and cupped my pussy tightly before expertly moving my panties to run a finger along my slit. My lips spread apart and Locke pushed a finger deep inside as I broke the kiss to let out a deep throaty moan of ecstasy. Locke removed his finger and my eyes flickered open worried as to why he'd stopped. His cocky smile reassured me and I glanced down to where his hand was as he fumbled to try and open his jeans.

  Locke removed his length and quickly let it go to shove my panties to one side excitedly, he grasped it again to position his head at the entrance to my slick hole before I felt the fullness as he pushed his cock easily inside me helped by my own juices. Locke closed his eyes almost savouring the sensation as he held firm before he pulled back and slammed deep inside me again. I let out a satisfying whimper at being filled before he quickly took my mouth again.

/>   Locke grasped my arse and lifted me so that I could wrap both legs around him, cupping my cheeks so that he could support my weight as he pounded me against the door. The handle dug into my back causing discomfort but the overwhelming sensation of Locke inside me heightened all of my senses and the pain was long forgotten.

  I moved my hands to the back of his head again as I franticly kissed him, I couldn't get enough of his touch. The force that Locke was using to take me against the door made it rattle with every push and the security chain swung from the momentum. I faintly heard people talking along the corridor outside but this didn't stop Locke's onslaught in taking my body. I broke the kiss, I needed to get some oxygen into my lungs and took this opportunity to see Locke's concentration and ignorance to the noise outside.

  He continued to knead my skin and pulled my arse cheeks to expose my sensitive areas to the cold air. The position in which he was taking me put pressure on my clit sending shockwaves through my body and I came hard, screaming his name as I came apart in his arms. I squirmed flexing my muscles around his cock to make the sensation last longer before I was totally spent and rested my head in the crook of his neck as I tried to get my breathing under control. Locke continued to pump harder inside my sensitive hole finishing himself off with a satisfying grunt.

  I held Locke tightly, breathing him in as he turned his head to kiss my temple. He slowly moved holding me firmly in his arms with his cock still inside me, shuffling towards the bed as his movements were restricted by his jeans around his ankles.

  I unwrapped my legs from his waist and moved slowly as to not hurt his manhood.

  "It's been years since I've had sex with my clothes on." He sniggered as he repositioned his cock inside his boxers before bending down to pull up his jeans.

  I took this opportunity to adjust my dress and perched on the bed, watching Locke dress himself and fasten the top button of his jeans.

  Locke's phone vibrated, he delved into his pocket and pulled out his mobile to look at the screen. "I've gotta get this babe."

  "That's fine, can I use your bathroom?"

  Locke nodded, "Of course."

  I smiled and pushed off the bed noticing Locke watch me until I was out of sight before he answered his phone.

  I entered the bathroom and closed the door behind me, leaning against it to take in what had just happened. I wasn't in the habit of having casual sex but Locke had something about him that had intrigued me. He was hot and had a direct manner about him letting me know exactly what he wanted this evening but I think I liked the fact that he wasn't sticking around. I wasn't looking for a relationship, and it pleased me to know that I wouldn't be bumping into him any time soon because it may become awkward and embarrassing. It had been six months since my last sexual encounter and Jackson had been my boyfriend for a year so sex with him was a little different to what I'd just encountered.

  I pushed off the door and walked over to the sink, resting my hands on the vanity unit. I leaned forward to see the marks on my neck and visible rash from Locke's light stubble. I ran my fingers over the marks which made me snigger, at least that would give Declan something to laugh about when I got home.

  Shit Declan! I pulled my phone from my handbag and sent a quick text.

  All is good. Sex was hot. Gonna take a quick shower and come home.

  Already? You work fast you slut!

  Ha-ha! I'll keep you posted x

  Love you. Stay safe x

  He was a sweetheart, we'd grown so close over the past year and I truly didn't know what I'd do without him in my life.

  I moved the shower curtain and turned the taps so that the spray came from the shower head and into the bath. I'm sure Locke wouldn't mind me taking a shower before I left as I needed to refresh myself. If I didn't get my hair wet then I could be ready within ten minutes and leave with my dignity intact rather than him asking me to go after I outstayed my welcome.

  I reached over and felt the water making sure it was the correct temperature before I slipped out of my clothes. I folded my dress and placed it onto the vanity unit along with my panties and bra, and stepped under the spray of the warm water. I let out a sigh as the water washed over me like tiny pinpricks on my sensitive skin. I found Locke's body wash and released the cap to smell the aroma. Pouring some on to my hand I lathered it between my palms before applying it to my body making sure that I covered everywhere to clean myself off.

  "Let me help you." I turned quickly, startled that Locke had joined me and ran my eyes down his naked body. He was of an athletic build with tattoos covering both arms that incorporated a variety of different things but included a portrait of a small child. Shit! Did he have kids?

  "Sorry I won't be long, then I'll get out of your hair." I stuttered trying to get the sentence out but mentally kicking myself at how my nipples hardened by his close proximity.

  Locke frowned, "Why you rushing off?"

  "I just thought that..."

  Locke slowly reached behind me to take the bottle of body wash from the rack and brushed my arm in the process heightening my senses.

  He squirted the liquid onto his palm, "You obviously think too much, turn around." He ordered, and I obliged feeling my stomach somersault at the anticipation.

  Locke worked the soap into my shoulders and made his way down my back, I let out a moan as he hit all of the right places and put my hands out to rest them on the tiled wall to support myself.

  Locke sniggered as he continued to caress my body, I glanced behind me, "What you laughing at?" I asked confused.

  "You're a bit of a moaner, I've never been with such a noisy bird."

  I blushed feeling embarrassed at our earlier encounter, "Sorry!" I said in a small voice.

  Locke stopped caressing me and grabbed my shoulders to turn me around. "Don't be sorry babe, it lets me know that you're enjoying yourself. It's just that we've had a note."

  I looked at him confused, "A note, I don't understand."

  "From the management. It seems that our earlier encounter upset some of the guests and we've been asked to keep our lovemaking noises down to a minimum."

  I snorted, "Really?"

  Locke nodded his head slowly, "So I've been trying to think of a way to keep you quiet."

  Locke moved his hands from my shoulders and groped my breasts as I arched my back from the sensation. "So did you think of a way to keep me quiet?" I asked breathlessly.

  He pursed his lips as if contemplating my question, "I could gag you."

  My eyes enlarged panicked that he would suggest such a thing but he sniggered and rolled my nipples between his thumb and forefinger, releasing another moan from my lips.

  "But the thing is Irish, it turns me on to hear you moan." Locke moved his head so that he could take my nipple into his mouth, as he squeezed my mounds.

  I wondered if Locke liked it rough, I wanted him to take me any way he wanted. If this was the only night we were going to be together I was prepared to drop all of my inhibitions and live dangerously for one night.

  Locke moved from my breast and kissed down my body until he knelt in front of me. He lifted my leg spreading my wide as he rested my foot on the edge of the bath. Locke palmed my pussy rubbing it roughly, "I love your bald cunt." My eyes flew open at his words to see his tongue ready to lick the most intimate parts of my body. The sensation was electric and my hips bucked forward at the contact, he smiled and flicked his tongue again teasing, tasting, and exploring to see what turned me on.

  "Lean on the wall or use my shoulders for support." Locke could see my legs trembling and wanted me to be comfortable, I rested one hand on the cold tiled wall and the other on his shoulder for support as he licked my sensitive nub. Locke was obviously skilled, he knew how to pleasure a woman and it wouldn't be long before he made me come. He pulled my flaps apart and massaged them slowly before inserting a finger deep inside me.

  "Aggggghhh," I moaned as my breathing became shallow. I moved my hand from his shoulder to the b
ack of his head to pull him in closer.

  Locke's finger left my pussy and slid it back towards my puckered hole, moving it in tiny circles around my opening. I moved my head from side to side trying to control my emotions as he flicked my clit with his tongue. Locke saw my enjoyment and slowly inserted his finger into my forbidden hole moving it around in a circular motion creating the same sensation as his tongue.

  "Locke!" I screamed, "I'm gonna come!" I could see stars before my eyes as I exploded and shuddered from the euphoria.

  My legs became weak and seeing my discomfort Locke stood and held me close to his muscular body.

  I was still convulsing, coming down from my high as Locke held me tight and placed a gentle kiss on my temple. The room was silent apart from the sound of the running water but he pulled me from my thoughts as he leaned behind me and turned off the spray.

  I instantly felt cold which made me shiver. "Come on, let's get you warm." Locke stepped from the bath and reached out to take my hand to help me.

  Taking one of the hotel dressing gowns from the back of the hotel door, he gently wrapped it around me and fastened it tightly around my waist. The tenderness of these actions was truly a surreal moment.

  We both froze by a series of heavy bangs on the door of the hotel room. Locke knelt on the floor and opened the vanity unit under the sink to take out a sports bag. He unzipped the side pocket and I was surprised that he removed a small hand gun.

  "Stay in here, if the shit hits the fan just keep quiet until they've gone." He must have seen the panic on my face and grabbed me on either side of my head pulling me down so that he could place a kiss on top of my head.

  Another series of bangs echoed through the room. Locke left the bathroom and pulled the door to but curiosity got the better of me and I moved so that I could peer through the gap.

  I could see Locke peer through the spy hole and then put the safety chain on before opening the door.


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