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Haze (The Telorex Pact Book 2)

Page 6

by Phoebe Fawkes


  “Yes. An E3 Regulator, a Warynx Collector and a Farbide Husk. They’re completely fried. Even with those parts, we’ll be limping back to Barvah station until I can get the replacement Evan fuses that I have there.”

  Haze grimaced. “How far’d we make it before we were hit?”

  Oz returned to studying his data readings. “Pretty much there.”

  “So-” Haze’s face lightened. “Latora - that’s what you’re saying. We’re in range?”

  Oz shook his head. “Maybe. Maybe not.” He tapped his chin with a finger as he concentrated. “I can probably get you a boost on one shuttle by stealing parts from the other. It’ll get you there, but without a complete charge for the shuttle, you won’t be able to get back. I can manage to re-route things on Xeo, get us a slow limp to the settlement too, but it’ll take weeks. Maybe a month. We’ll survive, but…”

  “Oh my god,” Vi broke in, her hand going to her mouth in shock. “Are you kidding?”

  Oz glanced over and shook his head. “I know you only just got here.”

  “Wait, why can’t you use the portal? It brought me here. Can’t you just portal to get the parts you need?”

  “The warp core and the portal are linked together. They both use the E3 Regulator and Warynx Collector to traverse space in different ways, which allows both our warp drive and portal to work. Ordinarily, on a larger ship the systems would be separated, but in a ship our size, we have parts performing double duty.”

  Haze nodded. “Okay, I’ll need to change. I’ll need one of you.” He glanced at Vi, as though taking stock. “Probably you. Molly won’t hold up down there. I think I can prep something in your size. Oz, you can take care of the shuttle prep?”

  “Yes.” Oz stood up, grabbed a toolbox, and moved past the ladder and through some doors.

  Haze searched Vi's face, seeming to size up her reaction. “Let’s go tell the captain the fun news.”



  First Officer Fyn hovered off to the side, staring at the viewscreen. He glanced back. “How bad is it, Haze?

  Haze let them know about the parts needed.

  Captain Vren whistled. “And we’re really that far out of range of Latora?” he asked.

  The pilot, Xain, looked up from his console. “I can confirm Oz’s data. It’s just out of shuttle range. Unfortunately, the meteor seemed to push us back while it did damage. I can get some thrust once Oz re-routes things, but yes, at thruster speed it would be a long journey. A shuttle would be our best option at this point.”

  “It sounds like we have our plan then,” the captain broke in. “Haze will head to Latora while we find a suitable place to lie low so Oz can work on repairs.”

  “I’ll need to bring Vi as cover,” Haze said. “As it is, I’m going to get totally taken. It’s not the kind of place you go squeaky clean, unless you want the whole settlement to work together to cut your throat and steal your goods.”

  “So, what am I doing?” Vi asked. Haze admired the way she faced it head on, her eyes clear.

  Of course, he hadn’t let her know what she was in for yet.

  “I need a slave girl,” he said.

  “A what?” She laughed, skeptical-like. “Wait. You’re serious?”

  Haze nodded. “It’s the easiest cover. Slave traders are always running buckets of bolts, and it’s not surprising when stuff breaks down. They’re also respected for bringing in steady cash flow. They’re known to have plenty of backup and weapons on their ships, so they don’t usually get into many run-ins with the locals. Definitely, nothing I can’t handle, if someone gets drunk enough to try it.”

  “But you think this dive of theirs will have the parts you need for a ship like this?”

  “Either that or they can get them, yes. They steal them; we buy them. It’s a win-win. Captain, you’re with me on this?”

  “It seems like our best option. Vi, are you willing though? We can’t guarantee there won’t be risk.”

  “Okay, yes, but so help me Haze, you better not let me get taken and put on some auction block. I will kick your ass as soon as you buy me back.” She looked fierce in that moment.

  When she held his gaze with that warning look in her eyes, Haze had to restrain himself from walking over and pulling her into a kiss, just to see the look of surprise on her face… just to see any expression on her face he might manage to provoke in her.

  His loins tightened, and he lowered his hands in front of his crotch, as nonchalantly as possible, trying to hide his reaction.

  He cleared his throat with a smile. “No worries there. I’ll be with you the whole time.”

  “Well, all right. What’s next?” Vi asked.

  “I’ll need some time to hook up our disguise. Did Oz get you a crew band yet?”

  “Crew band?”

  “Never mind, it’s one of the communicators. He’s way too busy now. Besides, it’d look suspicious for a slave to have one. I’ll come by your quarters once your getup is ready.”



  Traditional slave garb turned out to be a white flowy dress, cinched tight at the waist and the top was a crosspiece that tied behind her neck. It highlighted the mounds of her breasts while making her waist look small and emphasizing her hips. She felt almost naked with all her assets on display, but yet feminine too.

  She’d piled her dark brown hair on top of her head, doing her best to bring out a few wispy pieces to soften her face. It was the best she could do. Her suspicion had been right: there were no converters on the ship and hence nothing to plug her hair gadgets into. There wasn’t much she could do about shoes, but she’d used her strappy sandals and called it good.

  Vi hesitated at the bathroom door, feeling trepidation run through her. What the hell was up with her? She’d worn bathing suits that were more revealing than this, right?

  Still, she hadn’t worn her bathing suit for Haze yet and she wasn’t sure she could handle it.

  Haze and the doctor were waiting in her room.

  “Woah,” Haze said. “I guess it fit.”

  Seban laughed. “I’ll say that, yes. Vi, you look very beautiful. Haze, I’ll check on everything. Make sure your shuttle is stocked with supplies that Vi’s human anatomy can process properly.”

  As Seban left, Vi turned to Haze suspiciously. “And how exactly did you have this on board?”

  “Trade secret,” he said, a smile on his face.


  “Okay. I may have had the cloth handy and crafted it. I have a gift for blending in and being prepared.” He shrugged his shoulders.

  Vi’s mouth dropped open. “You sew?”

  “I’m a man of many talents.”

  “I just can’t picture it.”

  “Merking ain’t all glory days and killing, that’s for sure.”

  “Uh. Well, I hope not,” she said as easily as she could.

  Haze came closer to look at her. “You have tattoos?”

  “Yes.” Vi touched the one on her collarbone self-consciously, not that he could see it, but she felt exposed.

  “They’re beautiful.” He glanced at her. “Do all humans have them?” He reached out and lightly touched the small leaf on her inner wrist, making goosebumps rise on her arm. “I’ve never noticed any on Molly.”

  “No, I had them… uh, added.”


  “I drew them,” she explained. “They use a special ink to put it into your skin.”

  “What is this one of?” He touched the simple black abstract one she’d put on the edge of her shoulder.

  “It’s of a feeling, I guess. This one is the first tattoo I ever got myself, when I first left home and moved as far away as possible. It’s like freedom, I guess.” Vi traced the outer half circles, their openings pointing away from the center. Then she slid her finger down the center line - “and new beginnings.” She swooshed her hand away from her body.

  “It’s pre
tty.” He smiled at her.

  “Thank you. I-” She shook her head quickly. “Never mind.”


  “I was thinking - I could show you my painting, if you want. I brought one with me from home.” She turned to her desk and picked up the painting.

  It was all reds and golds and bits of green, streaky lines like the trees whooshing by the car window as her family traveled up the coast on their one long vacation from North Carolina.

  She held it out to him, one hand going to her hair to conceal her nervousness.

  He took it from her gently. “I like how wild it is, how all your colors race about.” He handed it back to her. “Pretty.”

  “Thank you.” Now, she felt awkward. Maybe he was just saying it. She usually didn’t show her paintings to anyone… not until she knew them better.

  “Well, I—” She held her hand up to her forehead, looking around, trying not to look at Haze. “I guess I should get changed for the trip.” She glanced down at herself.

  When she looked up, he’d taken a step closer. She took in a deep, nervous breath. It felt like waves of energy were pouring off the guy and leaping across to electrify her skin.

  “Need any help with that?” he asked, stopping before he got too close, leaving her the choice.

  As she glanced up, his gaze scorched her.

  She took a step back to be safe. “Hah. No, I do not need help with that. You just git yourself outside, mister.” She pointed to the door.

  “Sure. Sure.” He held his hands up. “Had to check. Wouldn’t want you to get into trouble without me.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” She waved her hands in the direction of the door, shooing him out.

  When the doors closed, Vi released a deep sigh of relief.

  That had almost been trouble, and she was not having that handsome ass loafing on her couch already. …Er, if she had a couch that was.



  The landing was bumpy, but he stuck it.

  “All right, so where’s my weapon?” Vi asked.

  “Your weapon? I don’t think so. I don’t hand weapons to the untrained.”

  “Who said I’m not trained?”

  Haze looked at her sideways.

  “My dad was military. He trained me when I was still young. He thought my sister and I were safer knowing how to use one.”

  Haze was fascinated by the idea of seeing Vi with a large gun at her hip, but he shook his head. Maybe next mission. He had to admit: he straight out liked the idea of her coming along next time. Hopefully, never to this depth of a dive again though.

  He looked through the viewscreen, verifying the trees around these parts gave good cover from the dumpy, dusty town a couple clicks over. Luckily, this planet had only rudimentary off-world surveillance, easy for the shuttle to camouflage against. For obvious reasons, the criminals in these parts didn’t want a record of their comings and goings, if the law ever took an interest.

  “Can’t do it,” Haze said out loud, glancing back. “Ain’t no way anyone is giving a slave a weapon. Just stick close to me, and I’ll keep you safe.”

  “What a gentleman,” she said dryly.

  Haze climbed out first. Dry, dusty air. Even the trees here looked wilted. It was nothing like his maternal planet Vargys with it’s heavy, humid air, so thick you could almost swim through.

  No. Nothing but dust, dirt, and scraggly vegetation on the outskirts.

  Vi climbed out after him. “Wow, it’s hot out here.” She coughed slightly. “You didn’t happen to bring water, did you?”

  “Course.” He slung his pack down and dug out a bottle for her.

  She took a few large gulps and handed the bottle back to him. He downed the rest and tossed the bottle back onto the Xeo.

  He locked up the shuttle and hoisted his pack onto his back, followed by his trusty V10, which he affectionately called Tiny for ironical reasons. With good old Tiny on his shoulder, he’d be getting into most places with no questions.

  Now, time for the ‘fun’ part…

  After a solid twenty minutes of hoofing through the dusty, miserable air — during which time, he noted that the human did not complain once — they approached the edge of town.

  The town was down the hill and across a steep causeway where the main gate stood.

  “This is probably close enough.” He swung his pack down and placed Tiny on the ground.

  “Water?” he asked, noting that the girl looked a little flushed.

  She nodded, gratefully. This time she held onto the bottle and downed the whole thing.

  While she drank, he dug out her outfit.

  “Right. Okay.” She took it from him. “I saw a spot. I’ll be right back. Now, you just keep surveying the town that way, got it?” She pointed with a smile, walking in the opposite direction.

  “Got it,” he said with a wink.

  After a few minutes, Haze heard her approach.

  “I just need the sandals, then I should be good,” she said.

  Haze turned around and caught his breath. He didn’t think he’d ever get completely used to the sight.

  The white material flowed around her and hugged her curves in all the right ways. It almost hurt him to look at her. His tail perked back up, for the first time since they’d gotten here.

  Awkwardly, he remembered her request and stooped down to dig into the pack for her sandals.

  She put them on and handed him her sneakers and clothes.

  For the first time, he noticed she’d painted her toe tips a pale blue color.

  This caught him by surprise.

  He reached out to touch one of them. “This custom is so funny to me,” he said.

  She looked down at her toes with a smile and shrugged. “A girl’s gotta have a bit of color. We aren’t all so lucky to come in one, you know?”

  He grinned at that. Obviously, she had grown to appreciate his rich, green skin color, the color of fertile fields and many babies.

  They approached the little dive town and stood by the main gate. Haze looked around, gathered his thoughts, and took stock of the general layout.

  It was pretty barren here. Lots of dirt. Everywhere dirt. A few scraggly bushes by the gate that drooped in the heat.

  There were lots of shops in this part of town, lined against the edges. While these shops were run down and poorly cared for, they at least had protection from the elements.

  In the central area of the marketplace, however, there was more of a desperate atmosphere. Lower status merchants displayed their wares here, exposed to the dust, with nothing but a tent over their heads to block the sun. They were too poor to afford the rent of an actual shop, which kept their prices low and attractive for Haze’s purposes. That was, assuming anyone in the shops or the central tables sold engine parts.

  Piles of garbage lined the streets; some spilled out onto the path. …Still the same old shithole. He shook his head, sadly. They should be on the other end of the galaxy, as far from here as possible, but no one ever listened.

  The merchants heckled each other, yelled at customers, and their voices added to the depressing din. A few peasants sat at the edge, holding out their hands, begging for scraps.

  Vi reached over and touched Haze’s arm, her eyes wide as she glanced around.

  “I just stand beside you?” she asked.

  “Yes. Normally, you’d have a brand, but since I’ll pass you off as my personal slave, they’ll assume you’re branded in a more personal location.”

  Vi grimaced. “What a bunch of freaks.”

  “Just don’t talk unless you’re spoken to, and I’ll try to get this over with quickly.”

  “Definitely. Not a problem at all.” She moved to stand next to him. “Actually, do I walk beside you, behind? …I don’t know what’s typical.”

  “Good point. Just stay slightly off to the side and keep your eye on me. I’ll signal you as best I can.”

  “You’ve never actually done this before, hav
e you?”

  “I hate the scum. I’m certainly not taking notes. We’ll wing it.” He looked at her, critically. “Just look beat down, that should be good enough.”

  They crossed the main gate with her walking a half-step behind, like some beautiful, ethereal shadow.

  This had been a mistake. Now, they were going to draw too much attention to themselves. Vi would have been sold at a high price. He was supposed to be some rep for the slave owners on the ship. What had he been thinking?

  No matter. He’d make it work.

  “Try not to look so attractive,” he said out of the side of his mouth to her.

  “Uhm. I’m just walking.”

  “Well, just… just figure something out.”

  “Shouldn’t I have a chain on or something?”

  He looked back at her, trying to picture it, but realized they were close enough now to be overheard.

  “Just keep it quiet, Vi,” he murmured as they approached the first vendor. Haze took a cursory look at the guy’s wares. Small fish.

  He moved on. The worthwhile wares would be past these poor souls.

  They walked by a pile of something on the ground, and Vi gasped.

  “I think that’s a person,” she whispered.

  When Haze glanced over, he glimpsed a few limbs sticking out. Either they belonged to a person sleeping - partially hidden from the unforgiving sun - or more gruesome, someone dead and left to decompose.

  “Don’t look,” he said out of the corner of his mouth as he glanced around, meeting eyes with the merchant at the first promising table he’d seen.

  The merchant appeared to be a native Latoran: a squat, plump, purple-skinned fellow with beedy eyes. His small eyes and dark skin partially protected him from the glare of the sun. Although not the only humanoid species found on Latora, they were certainly one of the most common.

  “Ah, here we are. You, sir, what have you got for warp drives. We’re looking to pick up a few spare parts.”


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