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Fall For Me ((The Tate Chronicles #1))

Page 21

by Last, K. A.

  Seth came over and stood at Cain’s head. “Do you always play with them like this, Grace?”

  “Yep, she does,” Archer said.

  I ripped the stake from Cain’s shoulder, he screamed again and I laughed. Maybe I was having a little too much fun.

  “And this,” I said, aiming for his heart…

  “Is for what?” Cain grabbed my wrist in a sudden burst of strength and squeezed it until I dropped the stake. He threw me and I landed with a thud. Before I knew it he was gone, and I was very pissed off.

  “Is for being a bad boy,” I mumbled, getting up and brushing the grass off me. “Well, that was fun.”

  Archer raised his eyebrows and the others looked on in silence.

  “What? Why are you all looking at me like that?”

  “Did you not notice Cain running away?” Archer said, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

  “I don’t see any of you chasing him!” I cried.

  Absentmindedly, I rubbed my wrist where Cain had grabbed it. There was a faint bruise starting to form but nothing that wouldn’t heal just as quickly. Seth took my hand, inspecting the damage. I had cuts and bruises everywhere, we all did, but it was nothing to worry about. He brushed some grass from my hair, and without thinking I leant into him. Seth put his arm around me, and Josh made a deep growling sound, baring his fangs. Oh great, we were right back where we started.

  I knew Josh was about to take a swing at Seth, so I moved out of the way. They fought punch for punch for a few minutes, it was mildly amusing, and then I started to worry. Seth had the upper hand—Josh was strong but inexperienced—and it was getting rough.

  “Ok, stop!” I yelled, pushing between them. “I will hit you both if I have to.”

  “There you go, are you happy?” Josh yelled, making me flinch. “I killed a few vampires and helped you save the world, but you’re still with him.”

  “Leave her alone,” Ryan yelled. He came to my side, never taking his eyes off Josh. “I think it’s time for you to leave.”

  Archer and Charlotte moved closer, too, and it looked like all of us against Josh. I didn’t want it to be that way, I wanted the old Josh back, but he was gone and the new Josh scared me. He was someone I didn’t know. Maybe it was my fault, and maybe there was something I could’ve done differently, but I had to do what was best for everyone.

  Ryan is right, Josh, I pushed into his mind, maybe you should go.

  His brow furrowed. He wiped a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.

  “Josh…” I moved towards him.

  “No. Stay away from me. I can’t do this anymore. It was always going to be him or me. Looks like you got what you wanted.”

  I couldn’t respond. I didn’t know what I wanted. I certainly didn’t want him to leave, but I knew he couldn’t stay either. I stood in the clearing where so much had happened, where for a little while Josh and Seth weren’t enemies but had fought side by side, and even though I was surrounded by my friends, I felt completely alone. All I could do was watch the person who should have been the love of my life walk away until he was swallowed by the night.



  Monday Night

  My body felt completely numb. There was no other way to describe it. So numb that all I could do was stand and stare at the place where Josh disappeared, hoping he would come back. Time seemed to stand still, or go in circles, or do something it didn’t usually do.

  I retracted my wings and concentrated on breathing. I couldn’t believe Josh was gone. Shame washed over me. We’d deserted him at his greatest time of need. He never asked to be changed. We all played a part in what Josh had become; we were all guilty of betrayal.

  “What have we done?” I whispered.

  Seth wandered off to put out a small grass fire near the cottage, and Archer retrieved the weapons that were scattered across the clearing. No one spoke, and I didn’t move.

  I thought I’d been strong through everything that had happened, but I didn’t feel whole anymore. It was like I was cracking down the middle, waiting to fall apart. Why did I have to be the strong one? I was tired of being strong.

  Seth stood in front of me so I had no choice but to look at him. He tucked a lock of hair behind my ear then took my face in both his hands. He leant down and softly kissed me. It wasn’t a passionate kiss, but a comforting one, and it warmed my heart. It reminded me of how he used to be before he fell. I rested my head on his chest and he circled me with his arms. Seth’s touch no longer made me feel cold; his embrace was tender and warm, and safe.

  “What now?” Ryan asked.

  I didn’t want to know, I just wanted to stand there listening to Seth’s heartbeat. No more running or fighting, no more dying, just peace. But that would be asking too much. It’s like when you’re having a really great dream and you don’t want to wake up, all you want is to keep your eyes closed and keep dreaming.

  Seth’s arms tightened around me and I instantly knew something was wrong.

  Angelica landed in the middle of the clearing, her white wings sparkled like the stars. So much for peace, I thought.

  “I believe you have something I want,” she said. “The easy way, or the hard way, Grace?”

  “I think the easy way will do. In case you haven’t noticed, you’re outnumbered,” I said.

  “Nothing I can’t handle.”

  Grace, Seth pushed into my head, block her out and follow my move.

  Great, I thought. Here we go again.

  Seth waited, arms still around me, sizing Angelica up. He blocked her then showed me his plan. It seemed like a good idea. There was just enough time to warn Archer before Seth let go of me and misted, landing behind Angelica. Archer grabbed Ryan and Charlotte and they took cover beside the cottage.

  With both hands stretched out before me, I conjured my fire. Seth did the same, and we hurtled them towards Angelica in perfect unison. But she was quick, and she orbed a second before the fire balls collided; they exploded and rained fire into the clearing.

  “Nice try,” Angelica said.

  I spun to avoid her light as it raced towards me. It caught me on the shoulder and knocked me off balance, and I landed heavily on the grass. Seth walked towards Angelica, throwing his fire with every step, one after the other, but Angelica counter attacked and knocked each fiery sphere down with her orbs.

  I unfurled my wings for the second time that night and took to the sky. Before I could swoop down and make another move, Angelica orbed and materialised above me. There were two of us against her and it was taking too long.

  Take it easy, Grace, no mistakes, Seth said.

  Just nail her already, would you.

  I ducked and let Seth’s fire rush over my head. Angelica deflected it again with ease. This was getting annoying. Archer was getting fidgety, but I made it clear to stay out of the way. There was nothing they could do while she was in the air.

  I landed beside Seth and together we looked up at Angelica. The fact she found fighting so enjoyable made me sick. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good battle that ends with dust on my boots, but I would never hurt an innocent, and I fought for a purpose. That’s why her next move shocked me beyond belief.

  Angelica cast an orb in the direction of the cottage. It didn’t hit anyone, but it pulverised the corner of the small house and sent Archer and the others flying—so much for Angels of the Light protecting the innocent. Ryan copped the brunt and was knocked unconscious as he hit the ground. I misted to where he lay to make sure he was still alive.

  All the commotion was distracting. Archer and Charlotte readied themselves to fight, but by the time I’d accounted for everyone and made sure there were no life threatening injuries or missing limbs, Angelica had hit Seth. He lay still at her feet. His magnificent ebony wings sprawled out behind him on the grass.

  “Fighting dirty, Angelica,” I yelled. “So much for being righteous and holy; harming innocent people.”<
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  “You forget, I’m the good guy. You think I’m bad because you’re on that side of the fence.” She knelt beside Seth and slipped his ring from his right hand.

  No, I wanted to scream. Something inside me broke the second Seth was stripped of his wings. It was like having the wind knocked out of me and I was scrambling for my next breath. The beautiful feathery forms that flowed so elegantly from his back disintegrated, and turned to mist. Angelica smiled.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that,” she said.

  Angelica grasped Seth’s hand and flattened his palm, then formed a tiny orb on her fingertip. She used it to slice his skin and blood welled from the cut. My heart shattered when I understood what she intended to do.

  “Please, stop!” Charlotte cried. Her shape was a blur across the clearing and she came to a halt in front of Angelica. “Take me; I’m the one you want.”

  Archer went to move but I held him back. Part of me wanted Angelica to take Charlotte and end it, but part of me knew it was already too late for Seth.

  “That is noble of you,” Angelica drawled in her sweet voice, “but I think I’d prefer this one, I can always come back for you. It might give you a bit of time to actually tell Grace the truth.”

  “Truth?” I looked at Charlotte, and in a single blinding moment I saw everything in her eyes. The box inside her head cracked open, and the revelation froze me in place. What I learned in those few seconds was enough for me to doubt and question everything I knew about myself. And enough for me to realise I couldn’t trust anyone. I was so shocked I felt completely empty.

  Angelica laughed and the sound brought my attention back to Seth. I misted to try and save him, but I wasn’t fast enough. I watched in horror as Angelica smeared the stone in Seth’s ring with his blood, then rose to her feet and held it out before her.

  I took in the colour of Seth’s hair, like straw, the shape of his face, the perfect curve of his chin, he looked so peaceful and I shook my head in denial. This wasn’t happening; I’d lost too much already. I could barely see the shape of his body as a cloud of his own essence engulfed it. The blackness swirled around itself, up into the air, and into the onyx in his ring. Angelica’s arm shook with the force of the mist flooding into the stone, sucked in until there was nothing left. The ring’s silver band glinted brightly in the moonlight, and the beautiful dark onyx surrounded by one sweeping angel’s wing reflected Seth’s imprisoned soul.

  The moment Angelica left, I collapsed to the ground. The others came running to my side and I glared up into Charlotte’s dark eyes.

  “How could you do something like this? How could you let a filthy creature violate you like that? An angel’s soul is the purest that can be, I don’t understand…”

  “What are you talking about, Grace,” Archer asked.

  “Charlotte isn’t what or who she says she is. She may have made a fancy name for herself, but she’s been lying all this time. I was just too stupid to see it.”

  “I never wanted to hurt any of you,” Charlotte said.

  “Well, it’s too late for that. I gave up everything to protect you. How could you let me do that, knowing what I am and what I’d be losing?”

  “Because I lost it, too.”

  “By choice! You didn’t give me a choice!

  “We all have choices…”

  “You made me believe I had no choice,” I said, getting to my feet. “How many more have you created like Josh, what is he anyway?”

  “I don’t know. That part I didn’t lie about. He was the first human I’ve turned.”

  “I think you should leave,” I said.

  “Grace, no!” Archer said. “She can’t leave.”

  “She has to; she’s betrayed us and kept the truth from me.” I shook my head. “How an angel can behave like this is beyond me.”

  “Angel, what do you mean angel? Grace, have you gone mad?”

  “Lucas didn’t seek out an innocent girl and change her, Arch. Charlotte made all of it up. She found him and made him bite her. Charlotte was an Angel of the Light, and now she’s a vampire with a white soul.”

  Archer folded his arms over his chest and moved a little closer to me. He was smart enough to know I’d never lie.

  “I’m sorry,” Charlotte said. “But I needed your protection. I knew once the angels were after me, you were the only ones that could keep me safe.”

  “So you lied?” Archer asked. “You know Grace would have helped you anyway, if you’d just told us the truth.”

  I looked deep into Charlotte’s eyes and found the box again. There was something she wasn’t telling me.

  “Did you let the vamps take your blood on purpose?” I asked.

  “No, I would never do that. Grace, you have to believe that my reasons for becoming what I am were good…”

  Archer coughed and mumbled some rude words under his breath.

  “Right now I don’t believe anything you say,” I said.

  “Lucas knew what my blood could do,” Charlotte continued. “He discovered its power after he turned me. Word got out and the rest is history.”

  “He’s still alive, isn’t he?”

  Charlotte didn’t reply. She didn’t have to. Finally, her mind completely opened and she showed me the rest of what she’d been hiding. I relayed everything to Archer, and I could feel the anger growing inside him.

  “Who are you? Just … go,” he said, turning his back and walking towards the shed.

  A crimson tear slid slowly down Charlotte’s cheek. Then she ran, leaving nothing but the bitter taste of betrayal behind.



  Two Weeks Later

  The afternoon summer sun dipped below the horizon turning the sky a beautiful peachy pink. I was sitting in my favourite place with my knees drawn up to my chest.

  There had been no sign of Josh since the night of my birthday almost two weeks ago. I’d been coming to the outcrop at Hopetown Valley High every day in the hope that he might come, too, and that we could fix things. How would we fix things? There were so many questions, and each and every answer eluded me.

  A gentle breeze danced around me and my hair tickled my face. I tucked a strand behind my ear and remembered how Josh did that so many times in the week we were together. Was it really just a week? I felt like we’d belonged to one another for an eternity. The past two weeks had been my living hell. Nothing compares to a broken heart.

  I crossed my legs and put my hands in my lap, gazing out across the valley. I loved the peacefulness. A magpie cawed and took to the sky silhouetted against the sunset, and I smiled. I knew the feeling of freedom that came with flight.

  With a deep breath I unclenched my right fist. My nails left little moon shapes on my skin. Gently, I moved the ring that lay on my palm until the tiger’s eye stone faced me. The little white cloud that was Annie’s soul moved slowly around inside it. I wasn’t sure if she could hear me, but I’d been talking to her on my visits to the outcrop. Maybe she did know what I was saying and if so, at least I’d had a chance to tell someone my side of the story.

  Archer thought my coming to the outcrop was a waste of time, he chose to wallow back at the shed. We hadn’t seen Charlotte either since we’d told her to leave.

  I think we’re all responsible for everything that happened, but I still can’t help shouldering the blame. Ryan says he doesn’t care, but I know otherwise. I think it’s just a front for his anger.

  With a sigh I picked up the little red velvet pouch that sat on the rock beside me and got to my feet. After popping Annie’s ring inside I pulled the strings tight and shoved it deep into the pocket of my denim shorts.

  I knew he was standing behind me before I turned around, but at first I thought I was imagining it. When I did turn to face Josh he took a step towards me. I felt I needed to pinch myself, to wake up from my dream, it seemed impossible that what I’d been waiting for had finally come. He was real, and being in our place wher
e we first kissed, where I showed him my true self, was like two magnets pulling each other together.

  He stood at the mouth of the trail and stared, his expression stony. The breeze whipped his dark hair across his forehead and I drank him in—his face, his dark eyes, and the way his black T-shirt accentuated his broad chest. I forgot he was a vampire, for a moment he was just my Josh, and things were how they’d been before that terrible night.

  The silence stretched out between us and we stayed like that long enough for our shadows to disappear with the sun. The near full moon rose in the sky and Josh’s pale skin glowed in its light. I’d almost forgotten how beautiful he was. The spark between us was still there, despite all that had happened.

  “Do you feel it?” I finally whispered.

  He took another step and nodded, but didn’t speak. I longed to go to him, to wrap myself in his arms and drown myself with his kisses, but it wouldn’t change anything. I knew Josh saw the hesitation in my eyes, but he came closer until we were near enough to touch.

  “Do you remember what I asked you,” Josh said quietly, “when we came here after you fell?”

  I nodded. “After my change you asked me if I felt any different up here…” I brushed the hair back from his forehead. “Or in here…” I gently laid my palm across his heart. I couldn’t feel it beating but I knew it was in there. Josh stared deep into my eyes. “And I said no. Then you told me everything would be alright.”

  Josh covered my hand with his. On his middle finger was a simple silver band I couldn’t remember seeing before. The familiar sparks prickled my skin when we touched, and although his skin was cool I could still feel the warmth of the love between us. With his other hand he tucked my hair behind my ear and brushed a tear from my cheek with his thumb. Ever so slowly he leant in and kissed me, forcing my mouth open with his tongue. I ran my hands up his neck and twisted my fingers into his hair. He pressed his palms into my back, and it was like neither of us could get enough. When Josh finally pulled away I could taste the blood in my mouth.


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