Book Read Free

Even Angels Fall

Page 16

by Fay Darbyshire

  “I am SO sorry babe, I was across town and the traffic was a nightmare, then there was nowhere to park…” He gasps for breath as he kisses Anna’s forehead, “Hey Abbey…”

  “Hi…” Abbey smiles as she rises to her feet, gesturing towards the chair.

  “Oh… no… it’s OK… you stay…” He pants.

  “Dom, you look like you’re about to collapse, maybe you should sit for a minute…” Abbey can’t keep from laughing as Anna rolls her eyes and shakes her head, affectionately. He gives her a grateful thumbs up as he slumps into the chair and tilts his head back, still wheezing.

  “Is everything alright?” He asks, with sudden concern, “The nurse said you were fine but then she mentioned something about bleeding…?”

  “Yeah, there was a bit of a scare but we’re all good… thanks to Abbey.”

  “I didn’t do much it’s just lucky I was there…” Abbey feels uncomfortable as she waits for Anna to explain the full story to Dom. It is two against one now, if they both start guilt tripping her she might give into them and she already wavered slightly before Dom unintentionally saved her by breaking up the conversation. This isn’t a decision she has made lightly, leaving home, but she truly feels that it is the right thing to do. She doesn’t need them making it any harder for her, “I should probably go…”

  “Oh no Abbey stay, please…”

  “Yeah you don’t have to go Abs, besides I might need you here, I have a feeling I’m going to be completely useless…!” Dom quips light heartedly, not fully understanding the situation and that Anna is trying to prevent her from leaving, not just the hospital but the family.

  “Please…” Anna stares at Abbey with beseeching eyes and again she falters. She still finds it so difficult to knowingly upset her sister. She is far too kind and loving, the last person on earth anyone would want to disappoint.

  After surrendering reluctantly to Anna’s request, Abbey escapes out into the corridor to phone Alex. She tells him about the drama that has unfolded throughout the afternoon and he of course encourages her to stay at the hospital. She agrees it is the right thing to do but hearing his voice makes her pine for him badly and she longs to be back at the flat, safely in his arms, with all her worries and troubles forgotten.

  A nurse sitting behind the admin desk eyes Abbey disapprovingly and she reluctantly finishes the call. She takes a seat in the waiting room, pausing for a moment to mentally prepare herself for the onslaught she is about to face as Anna will most definitely have filled Dom in during her momentary absence. After gathering all her inner strength ready for their emotional ambush, Abbey eventually makes her way back through the maternity ward and into the delivery room, freezing instantly as she opens the door and is unexpectedly confronted by her mum.

  Abbey quickly realises that Anna must have called Janet behind her back and she glares at her sister, feeling utterly betrayed. She smiles back apologetically as Janet takes a cautious step forward but Abbey edges away, like a cornered animal ready to bolt.

  “Abbey…?” Janet seems just a surprised.

  “She was with me when I collapsed, she called the ambulance…” Anna answers the question in her mum’s tone and she smiles.

  “You came home?”

  “Just to get some more stuff…”

  “We need to talk about this…”

  “We tried that remember…” Abbey snaps, “Only it didn’t work out so well because you were blind drunk…” Janet shifts defensively but still tries to remain reasonable.

  “We can’t leave things like this…”

  Abbey opens her mouth to respond but stops as Anna arches her back in pain, crying out. A nurse comes rushing in and straight over to her side, examining all her drips and monitors before finally checking under the bed sheet.

  “It won’t be long now…” She announces, “You’ll be ready to push soon…”

  A wave of panic washes over Anna and all the colour drains from her face as Dom and Janet hold her hands, soothing her gently. Abbey looks on, completely split in two and wrestling with her conscience as she tries to decide whether she should stay or go. After another brief moment of inner conflict she seizes the opportunity to escape, grabbing her bag and quickly hurrying out of the door.

  Anna isn’t alone; she is with Dom and her Mum, in hospital, surrounded by professionals. She will be fine, more than fine, in a short time she will have a brand new baby girl and she doesn’t need the added stress of worrying about Abbey and watching her fight with Janet - and no doubt Peter too - once he arrives. It is for the best that she gets out of the way while she still can.

  As she runs down the stairs, through the main entrance and out of the automatic doors, Abbey repeats her reasons over and over in her head, trying hard to convince herself that she is doing the right thing. It is so hard. Hard knowing that Anna is in pain and hard knowing that this should be a happy, joyful occasion. Her baby niece is been born and she can’t stay and be a part of it. It makes her feel utterly helpless.

  Abbey’s mood only marginally improves once she is back at the flat. Even Lucy is struggling to cheer her up and it’s something she can usually do with ease. She sits cross legged on the bed, sipping a glass of wine while watching Abbey carefully hang the last of her clothes in the limited space in Alex’s wardrobe.

  “You did the right thing you know. It would have gotten out of hand again and it really wasn’t the time or place for another glass to be dramatically smashed against a wall…” Lucy winks and Abbey smiles at her sarcastically, shaking her head as she slides the wardrobe door shut.

  “I know. It doesn’t make me feel any better though, abandoning my sister in her hour of need…” She moves into the en suite with her toilet bag, finding space for her things wherever she can.

  “You’re unbelievable!” Lucy laughs scathingly, “I know Anna isn’t as much of a villain as your mum and Pete in all this but she is right to feel guilty about not supporting you. She hasn’t been there for you as much as she should have been, none of them have, yet you’re the one who still feels guilty…!”

  “I suppose so…” Abbey sighs as she joins Lucy on the bed, picking up her glass and taking a sip of wine, “Just when I think things can’t possibly get any worse…”

  “I’ve learnt that there’s no such thing as ‘can’t get any worse’, but it isn’t all bad. You have us, and Alex…at least you’re not on your own…”

  “That’s true…”

  “You have an awesome group of friends, a super-hot boyfriend and a new glamorous, city centre flat. Life is actually pretty great if you think about it that way…” Lucy gestures, enthusiastically.

  “It isn’t my flat, and I’m not really sure what me and Alex are defining ourselves as yet…”

  “Jesus you’re determined to sulk aren’t you Miller?”

  “Sorry…” Abbey laughs, “You’re right about the friends though…” Lucy smiles broadly and raises her glass, but Abbey’s answering smile doesn’t quite reach her eyes.

  Lucy finally gives in trying to cheer her up and for once she stops cracking jokes in an attempt to lighten the mood. Instead, placing her wine on the bedside table, she reaches behind her neck and gently unfastens one of the many necklaces she is wearing before passing it to Abbey. It is a delicate silver chain with a small, teardrop shaped amber stone bound on the end.

  “Here, you need this more than I do…” Abbey takes it, turning it around in her hand as she studies the gemstone closely, “It’s Amber… it promotes good luck, happiness, inner peace… and… loads of other stuff, apparently! It probably doesn’t work for shit seen as it was about a quid from the Market, but it’s the thought that counts… or something…” Abbey leans forward and hugs Lucy. She is always so understanding, supporting her through drama after drama and listening to her endless problems, no matter what. She knows how lucky she is to have her, and the necklace - whether a cheap bit of market tat or not – is a reminder of that and she is deeply touched by the ge

  “Thanks Luc, for everything. I don’t know what I’d do without you…”

  “I honestly don’t know either…!” She grins, “Come on…” Lucy jumps up, grabbing her glass and the half empty bottle of Pinto Grigio as she skips towards the door, “Let’s go put some music on and have a little pick me up, I think we both need it…”

  “I think you’re right…” Abbey agrees, as she follows Lucy into the hallway.

  “Things have got a little too serious around here for my liking…” Lucy adds, and they both glance instinctively down the hall towards the kitchen. Abbey can hear the low, steady murmur of voices but they are too muffled for her to make out exactly what is being said.

  The tension in the room is palpable and there is no way Alex can dispel it. He can’t make light of the situation or what he is asking his friends to do for him, because what he is asking is huge, and he knows it. He has exhausted every avenue he can think of in order to get hold of the money he owes Marcus. Contacts, dealers, friends, all the people that owe him a favour… but he has come away with nothing. Time is running out. If he doesn’t pay up, Marcus will kill him, or at the very least break his legs so that he never walks again. There is no doubting his threats.

  One contact did have a semi-helpful suggestion but Alex had laughed it off at the time. Now, however, it seems like it might be the only option left and he is genuinely considering the idea. The only catch is he can’t do it alone.

  This person moves in dangerous circles and is heavily involved in crime - much more serious crime than he or any of his friends have ever been involved in - and in order to square a long standing debt with Alex he had promised to get him information about various businesses that are an easy target, for armed robbery.

  Alex doesn’t like it. He deals drugs, but other than that he keeps himself clean and has absolutely no desire to get dragged further into the criminal underworld. But it seems as though the choice is slipping away from him and the walls are closing in. He has to make a decision, which is why he has called the lads together to discuss the idea. So he can explain to them the general plan and ask, very reluctantly, if they will put themselves in a position that he doesn’t even want to be in himself.

  “That’s pretty extreme mate…” Nathan is the first to break the stunned silence.

  “I know, but it’s the only choice I have. Believe me; I wouldn’t be standing here asking you this if there was any other way… any fucking way at all…”

  “What about Moorland, surely he’d want to help you out, this whole Marcus situation could damage the business you two have together?” Darren asks, confused.

  “Exactly. It’s far too early in the relationship to lose face with Moorland and bring trouble to his door, I can’t risk upsetting him by bringing him into this. It might cause more problems than it solves.” It is an option that Alex has thought about numerous times. He doesn’t know Moorland well enough yet to be able to accurately predict his reaction. He might help, but it might go the other way and Alex can’t afford to take that chance.

  Liam leans back in his chair and locks his hands behind his head as Nathan rests his elbows on the glass table, both of them deep in thought. Darren perches on the kitchen counter, staring at the floor, while Tom stands directly opposite Alex on the other side of the room.

  “What exactly are we talking?” Tom hasn’t spoken a word since Alex put his plan across to them, but that isn’t exactly surprising. He always takes a decent amount of time to think things through; if something is troubling him or there is something he needs to process, he works through it internally in his own way before he acts on it or voices his opinion. At least when he finally speaks it isn’t a complete rebuff or a straight forward ‘no’. Alex is grateful for that, as deep down, it is Tom’s decision that means the most to him and the one that holds the biggest influence with the others.

  “My guy says the shop we’re looking to target has a collection from the safe the last Saturday of every month. So we’d hit it on the Friday night just before close. I have a warehouse space we can use before and after…”

  “Armed?” Tom raises an eyebrow.

  “Yeah. Not to use, obviously. Just to scare. We’ll be in and out, no mess… just keeping it as quick and simple as possible…” There is silence again as Tom takes it all in, shaking his head.

  “This is a lot mate… dealing drugs and boosting a couple of cars here and there is one thing, but it’s a hell of a fucking jump to armed robbery…”

  Alex sighs, running his hands though his hair as he leans back against the wall in anguish, struggling with his conscience at what he is asking his friends to sacrifice for him.

  “I know. I’m sorry boys… I don’t like this either and I fucking hate myself for having to ask. I know it’s a massive risk and I understand if it’s one you aren’t willing to take. I just had to run it by you as a last resort, tell you where I’m at…”

  “A one off?” Tom asks.

  “Of course. I have about five grand, I just need to get the rest of it to pay off Holt and get him the fuck out of my life for good…”

  “Alright…” Alex blinks twice as Tom’s answer slowly registers. A huge part of him is beyond grateful but there is still another part of him that is incredibly apprehensive. He is reluctant for his friends to agree to this. He doesn’t want trouble for them and he hates putting them in this situation.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Like you said there’s no other way out of this fucking mess and I can’t exactly stand back and do nothing while Marcus comes after you can I? You’re my best mate…” Alex crosses the room in three quick strides and slaps hands with Tom, pulling him into a hug.

  “Thank you brother…”

  “I’m in…” Darren jumps down from the counter top, “But if were doing this it needs to be done right. I have a mate who can get us some wheels, blacked out, fake licence plates, untraceable…”

  “That would be a big help man, get on to him…” Darren squeezes Alex’s shoulder reassuringly, as he leaves the room with his phone in his hand.

  “Were in as well, if this is what you need mate, we’re there…” Liam and Nathan both stand and Alex nods, gratefully.

  “You can drive us to the warehouse and wait for us to get back; we’ll need to get away fast so you’ll have to be ready…”

  “What about the bust, you’ll need back up?” Liam argues.

  “No… I have Darren and Tom for that, any more than three of us will be too difficult to co-ordinate. It’s not that I don’t trust you mate, of course I do, but you’re not even out of fucking high school yet. How about you finish sixth form before you add armed robbery to your C.V…”

  “Agreed…” Tom nods and Liam looks more than a little put out, but Nathan relaxes slightly. He doesn’t feel right about any of this, so the less he is involved the better. Liam is obviously disgruntled that he will be missing out on the excitement but that is his impulsive, hot-headedness coming into play. Once he has thought it through and Nathan has talked him down he will understand that it’s for the best.

  “Don’t worry mate…” Nathan jokes, “If you’re really that keen to break the law we’ll still be accessories, driving the getaway car…”

  “Nate…” Alex approaches him solemnly and holds out his hand, “Thank you for doing this mate; It means a lot… and you know I really am sorry…”

  “Don’t worry about it man; I’m only messing. I can’t say I’m thrilled with the idea but I know you wouldn’t ask and it’s what we do isn’t it. We’re family….”

  There are no words that can express how much Alex appreciates his friends and the lengths they are willing to go to in order to help him. If they had said no he would be well and truly stuck and in deep trouble, with absolutely no way out. It is hard to believe how everything has got so complicated and out of hand with Marcus, but at least now there is a slight hope that he may be able to pay him off and cut all ties with him once and for a
ll. If everything goes to plan he will never have to see Holt again, and Alex is praying to god that it does go right, because if they fail, there will be consequences. Not just for him, but for all of them.

  Abbey rolls over in the large, double bed and stretches her arm out, searching for Alex. Her eyes flicker open in confusion when she is met by a cold, empty space where he should be sleeping and she sits up, feeling a little disorientated. It is obviously still early as it is pitch black outside and she can hear nothing but the soft hum of the occasional passing car from the road below. She flicks on the lamp and rubs her eyes, gathering one of Alex’s shirts from the floor and hastily throwing it over her shoulders. She fastens the middle three buttons and tiptoes across the hallway, mindful of Tom asleep in the next room as she carefully opens the living room door.

  Bursts of colour illuminate the darkness, as scenes from an old martial arts film flash across the TV screen. Alex sits alone, resting a bottle of beer in his lap as he stares at the muted movie, unable to switch off and stop himself from thinking about the earlier conversation and the impending raid. It had broken his heart to ask his friends to stoop so low, and the feelings of guilt and self-loathing are beginning to surface. Abbey stifles a yawn as she approaches the back of the sofa and gently runs her fingers through Alex’s hair.

  “What time is it?” She asks.

  “A little after 3am…” He takes a sip of his drink and looks down at the floor. It isn’t unusual for Alex to be up so late but Abbey can see that something is clearly troubling him and after the events of earlier that day, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what. She moves round to the front of the sofa and sits down by his side, tucking her legs beneath her as she strokes his face lightly. He closes his eyes at her touch and sighs.

  “You’re worried…”

  “There’d be something seriously wrong if I wasn’t…” He states, leaning his head back and staring up at the ceiling, “I just don’t know if this is right, dragging them into my fucking problems, asking them to get involved… what kind of friend does that make me?”


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