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Page 5

by C. M. Steele


  “Ah, Mr. Romano, welcome. Please come in,” Mr. D’Angelo greeted. “I see you haven’t brought your lovely wife.” He looked around. Probably wondering if she left me after our last meeting. I ticked her off that day.

  “She’s resting at home with our son,” I informed him with a little upbeat pep in my reply.

  “Ah, congratulations are in order,” he cheered, clapping his hand on my back. “A cigar?” I never picked up the habit. Some of the vampires did, but I liked the clean living.

  “No, thank you. But yes, we are thrilled with our boy.”

  “What fine name did you give him?”

  “Marco,” I told him while looking around his large office. There was a double wide window that looked down on his warehouse below. I swear I caught a glimpse of a body being dragged off.

  “Very nice, please sit. Let us discuss this extremely large order you called in for. I couldn’t believe my assistant when she came in to hand it to me.” He cocked his brow at me, wanting an explanation. This wasn’t the run of the mill order and this man wasn’t the run of the mill honest businessman. I was dealing with a kingpin.

  “Yes, well. Let’s say, someone betrayed us.” My tone came off hard as hell because even thinking about the De Rosas sent me on edge.

  “Wait, my people wouldn’t have said a word,” he argued; his face turning red in anger as if I was accusing him and his men.

  I shook my head. “I didn’t say them. As it is, they attacked destroying my friend’s castle.” That seemed to calm him down. He needed to relax because I could be over the table and break his neck before he knew what happened to him. I didn’t want to because then who would I get my shit from?

  “Castle? Wow, there aren’t that many of them around. Which one?” His curiosity was peaked.

  “Castle Lombardi.”

  “Oh, in Lombardy. I’ve never been there before. It’s not one people tour.” No one had. Falcon made sure it stayed off the radar. Mr. D’Angelo’s Italian background may have made him aware of its existence.

  “Yes, well now it’s in disarray. My friend would like it rebuilt as it was. Stone and all. We are able to acquire some, but I want the latest security tech added to it, plus the raw lumber and such from yourself.”

  He gave me a slight nod. “I understand. You know if you need any help disposing of bodies or anything you can always give me a call,” he offered. It was quite generous, but my orders were enough to pay for his operations for several years. His generosity was based on my usefulness. I liked the shady businessman, but I’d had more bodies fall than he could even imagine.

  “No, I don’t need any assistance. Trust me when I say my people are more than effective.” He smiled at me and I wonder if he thought I belonged to the Costa Nostra or something. All thugs were a dime a dozen to us. We had something they didn’t, supernatural abilities. Although, I feel like sometimes, some of our enemies belong to the mob.

  “Please have them delivered, yesterday,” I told him, standing up to make my exit.

  “Understood.” He walked me out, and I transferred the money as soon as I hopped into my rental. Now to see about that wife of mine.

  Chapter 11


  Now four days had passed since we gave birth. Draco had spent more time away from the Island than I cared for, but he wanted to be ready for the next attack. The castle would be more state of the art than the island. He wanted it to look as it did before, but with technological upgrades. They were even adding additional electricity to the area along with cellular towers and the like. He was taking a nap right now since he’d been working hard with Marco and the rebuild.

  I held Marco close, waiting for Draco to wake up. The dreams that plagued while I was pregnant were not only back, but more detailed. It scared me because the truth of it could cost me everything. My heart hurt because it could push Draco from me. I didn't have the ability to know everything, but I did know this. I could lose it all.

  "Charlotte, what's going on?" Falcon asked as he stood in the doorway of Marco’s nursery, which was off to the side of our room. I came in here to get some clothes for my baby and give him a bath to put him to sleep. I'd been so lost in the vision that I didn't hear him enter. Shit, and he was too keenly aware for his own good.

  "Um...nothing. I'm just thinking about what happens when we stop loving each other."

  "That's impossible. I've lived for centuries and I have never met a couple who fell out of love. It's been less than a week since the babies were born. Perhaps Draco wants you to heal well enough." He hasn't touched me and that was to be somewhat normal. It wasn't his lack of desire for me now that had my heart hurting, it was the possible hatred in the future.

  "Thank you, Falcon. It helps."

  “He’s been working hard with rebuilding the castle and preparing for the next possible attack. I think he wasn’t recovering as fast as he claimed. Give it time.” Marco cried out just then, saving me from having to reply. "How's my nephew? He looks like he's much older than four days."

  "Yes, he does. I weighed him this morning and he was sixteen pounds. Four pounds in four days. That's a lot for a human baby. I don't know about a vampire.”

  "It’s a lot, but I’m not sure. That’s something you’d have to ask Mary or one of the other females. My little girl is only seven pounds.”

  “How are you feeling about it?” He’s been very private since their births. Although he met with our people many times over the week and dealt with the police back in Washington, he was still being quiet around here.

  “About what?” he asked.

  “About all of it? How do you feel now that you’re the leader of all of us? And have a daughter?” Draco and I would never have our own daughter. The thought of that stings a little, but then again, the world wasn’t meant for more than one of her. Speranza was special, a gift and a one of a kind.

  He sighed, rubbing his neck then said, “It’s scary, but I’m trying to take it one day at a time. I was leading the armies before she was born, so it shouldn’t be any different. But the threat to her and Nora are constantly on my mind.”

  “That’s natural. If there’s anything I need to tell you I will. So far so good. I think Stavros must not have a plan yet,” I said. The visions hadn’t been there. If they were Falcon would be the first to know.

  “I’m sure he already knows the truth about Speranza,” he remarked, looking around the room. The tension in his shoulders noticeable when he mentioned his daughter.

  I sighed, “No doubt. All it takes is for one of them to find a cell phone and make a call to their friends and then it spreads like wildfire. He is probably wondering what to do next.”

  “I hope he’s panicking and we can find that rat. He has lived long enough. I want to see him die. I’m not even concerned about who tears his head off. As long as it happens soon.” The rage was visible in Falcon’s eyes as he talked about his lifelong enemy. It was quite astonishing to see. His eyes were a dead giveaway to his emotions.

  I saw movement by the doorway, then Nora walked in.

  “Hey, there you are,” Nora said, looking at Falcon with a smile on her face.

  “How was the lab?” I asked my best friend. I missed our long girl talks. Life was so much harder now. This was Nora’s second day in the lab. Most of her time was spent with Falcon and the baby.

  “It’s not the same without Vigo,” she lamented. She didn’t want to work on it by herself, but time was of the essence. We couldn’t let Stavros torture Vigo and risk hurting him. Or even worse Stavros getting the cure first.

  “We’ll figure out where he is and rescue him. There’s no way Stavros will kill him. He wants him to find a cure. That would be his only leverage,” Falcon promised, squeezing Nora a little tighter.

  “That’s true. He probably doesn’t have quality scientists on his side, that’s why he took my lab partner,” she grumbled.

  “Yes, and how he’s been getting around in disgui
se is driving me crazy.”

  “Did you contact the wolves again?” Nora asked him, brushing his facial hair. I blanched, but glad that they were too busy staring at each other. I returned my attention to Marco and avoided looking up.

  “Yes, they would like to meet tomorrow in Wolfe Creek. Apparently, they don’t trust me, and Redding, where Kane lives, isn’t populated enough. They will be bringing their own pack of wolves for insurance purposes.” He scoffed at the idea.

  “I’m sure they are apprehensive but aren’t they tough?” Nora asked, clinging on Falcon’s arm. He rubbed her back, calming her nerves.

  “Yes and no. In large numbers, they can take us on, but they can’t do it with a few,” Falcon informed us, then stole a kiss from Nora.

  “That’s fine with me. Are all four of us going plus the babies?” Nora questioned, smiling at Falcon.

  “No, how about you and Falcon go, and I’ll take care of my little beauty,” I offered.

  “Are you going to ask them if they know anything about Thor?” Nora asked, brushing his chest.

  “I am going to mention it. Something made him change, and it has to do with our baby,” Falcon grumbled. “As a father, I want to know what he has to do with my daughter.”

  Chapter 12


  Morning came fast, and we were already kissing our baby goodbye before we knew it. Nora was having a bit of a panic attack as we left, but who better to trust Speranza with than her best friend and our seer.

  I could sense something was bothering Charlotte. She was acting different lately, and it was from more than just the lack of passion between her and Draco. I already had a talk with my friend about it.

  Draco missed her but was afraid to touch her. Seeing her in pain had to gut him since he couldn’t do a thing about it. I told him that the whole process was normal and that he would cave soon enough. I knew I couldn’t wait to possess my wife and did the first chance I could.

  We teleported just outside the hotel in the woods. “Ready, my queen?”

  “Yes, my king. Lead the way.” I brushed the edge of her jaw, stealing a kiss. I pulled back before I took her on the forest floor. We walked out onto the path onto the main road that led straight to the main entrance. It wasn’t too busy as we approached, but then a group of six wolves came out and stood on the steps. All of the males were large and fierce looking, standing in front of their obvious mates as a defensive move. I held my mate tighter, leading her up the steps to the group like the ruler I am.

  “Hello, I’m Falcon Lombardi and this is my lovely wife Leonora,” I greeted, holding out my free hand to shake the hand of Kane. It had to be him because he was with the twin of Charles’s wife.

  He took my hand and shook it. He was as large as me with a lot of facial scruffs. “I’m Kane Holt and this my wife, Carolyn.”

  “Yes, we met your sister Evelyn in London recently,” Nora said, directing her smile to Carolyn who was being held close as if I was going to steal her away. I wanted to roll my eyes, but I was the same way. Nora was practically glued to me.

  “Can we go somewhere private to talk?” I asked, wanting to get down to business as soon as possible. I wasn’t in a hurry to go, but I wanted the information. My blood was itching for a way to catch Stavros before he could slither away like the snake he was.

  “Sure, we can use the conference room. I’m Hunter Wolfe and this is my wife Catherine.” I shook his hand too before the next two came forward.

  “I’m Gage Wolfe and my wife Arabella. We will be joining you as well.” I shrugged.

  “The more the merrier,” I exclaimed. It was clear that they were trying to show rank and solidarity.

  Nora and I were flanked with Hunter and Catherine in front and the other four behind us. They weren’t taking any risks. I wasn’t scared. What they didn’t know was I could take them all out easily, but I had no reason for it.

  “Wow, Dr. Lombardi, Leonora, it’s so good to see you both again,” my old security guard exclaimed, approaching us with a pleasant countenance. He was sporting a Hawaiian shirt looking like he was vacationing it up.

  “Hello, Henry, are you here with your wife?” I asked, surprised at the coincidence. Wow, he knows every massive person in the Northwest. Mentally, both Nora and I laughed.

  “Yes, she had some time off and wanted a small getaway. I hope that things are doing better now,” he said with concern. If any man could be trusted, Henry was the one.

  “They will be. Looking into better investment options for the future.” Seeing that we were in the middle of something he decided to make his exit.

  “It’s great seeing you, sir.”

  “Have a great holiday,” I told him, shaking his hand. He waved and walked away with a pep in his step.

  We continued walking towards the conference room that was far down a hall. Reading their obvious interest on their faces, I said. “He was my security at the lab. He’s a good honest human. One of my favorites.” I saw Hunter give Gage a curious look as we stepped into the room.

  I helped my wife to a seat, then I added, “Listen, I’m not here to cause trouble. I have more than enough of my own. I’ve had two of my homes and my medical lab blown up by the Lamian army.”

  “Wow, that shit sucks,” Gage added, rubbing his jaw. I stood there, observing him. He looked no different than the others, but he seemed to have a less intimidating presence. He’d been holding a book in his hand, giving the appearance that he was the bookworm type. I couldn’t make out what it said, but then again, I knew absolutely nothing about their people. I wish Charlotte had come with us. At least, she had some insight into the future.

  “Yes, it sure does. I’m just searching for answers. I’m looking forward to hearing what you can tell me.” I looked at all of them, hoping one of them was going to be useful and this trip wasn’t a waste of our time or a false lead.

  “Now that you have us here what questions do you have?” Kane asked us, giving me a stern face. Calm down, my King. They need to show force, but I can see they’re curious.

  That they are, my sweet. That they are.

  “Have you ever heard of a wolf shifter mating with a vampire?” I inquired. It was the best way to phrase it. So far that was the only running theory we had going for us.

  “I haven’t,” Kane answered, “So that’s why Gage is here.” Gage placed the book down on the table, before taking a seat. His mate already had been seated but he’d been standing guard over her. The book wasn’t any language, I’d ever seen before. The intellectual in me brought out my own curiosity.

  “You have a special language?” I asked, tilting my head toward the large old looking book. Gage rubbed his hand over the cover in reverence.

  “Only the librarians,” Kane informed me. “We can’t read that shit either.”

  “I’m the main librarian for our Pacific Northwest Region, and as it is, I had to do a lot of research to find what I did on vampires. It’s amazing that I found anything on the matter. This is one of the few vampire tales. I found it while looking up what if any relationships to vampires we had. And I believe it may be just what you’re looking for.” He flipped it open to where he bookmarked the page.

  Scrolling his finger along the paper, he read it to himself before looking up at us. “There had been a serious incident that happened five centuries ago. We were at war with a small group of vampires eager to take over the area and wipe all threat of supernatural life away, so they would remain supreme around the world. With travel limited to ships at the time, once they were here they looked for dominance.” He ducked his head to read some more.

  “We have natural laws that govern our being. One has to do with mating. Once a mate has been found and mating maturity has been reached, nothing can be done to stop the mating process.” We had almost the same process. Our mating process could take forever where they had a mating period and we weren’t likely to have babies. From what I learned about the Wolfe family they were all producing babies
like humans did.

  “One day while hunting in the woods, a young female wolf shifter ran into a vampire. The beast lurched towards her ready to attack, then something unnatural happened. They were fated.” Everyone’s eyes widened in surprise, but in truth, I felt the rumors about Stavros had validity to them.

  “Did they have any children?” I asked.

  “Let me finish the rest. It says that the mates bore several children with abilities and others with none. The family name was Cross.”

  “Bloody fucking shit,” I interrupted. That was the key to his ability to slink away undetected. Stavros was a mixed breed, an oddity. I wished I killed the fucker centuries ago when I had the chance. “The bastard we’re looking for is named Stavros. That explains how he gets away. He must be shifting.”

  “How do you know that he’s a part of this family?” Carolyn asked.

  I looked around the room and then to her. “Because Cross is Stavros in Greek. He probably changed his name when his family came here in case the truth was revealed. It wouldn’t be beyond the realm of reason.”

  “Wow. That’s nuts. It’s going to make it impossible to defeat him,” Catherine added.

  “Does that answer your question? Or do you have more?” Kane asked, seemingly curious to know more about it all.

  “Is there more to the family?” I wondered how many others were there out there ready to take Stavros’s place once I tore him to shreds.

  “We don’t know. The thing is, we lost a lot of our information in a huge fire and many things were lost including the book that followed this one. Sorry I can’t be of more help.”

  “Perhaps you can. We came across a dog.” They narrowed their eyes at me, wondering if I was going to call them dogs or something. “And he has been rumored to have been alive for hundreds of years. I don’t know if it’s true, but there is definitely something different about him. Do you know anything about witches or curses?” I didn’t let on that he transferred back into a human form. He had definitely been not human before meeting Speranza.


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