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[Pack 01.0] Defying Pack Law

Page 9

by Eve Langlais

  “I’d rather you thanked me a different way.” He left no doubt as to his meaning.

  Isn’t that just like a man to assume he should get payment for doing the right thing?

  “God. You men are all such pigs. Me! Me! Me!” she yelled, sitting up so she could properly glare at him. “Did it ever occur to you for one freaking second that maybe I should get a say in this? What about what I want? Doesn’t that count?”

  “Of course it does, but—”

  “See, there you go again. There is no ‘but.’ I want the freedom to make my own choices.”

  “So you can choose John,” he said in a nasty tone.

  “No. So I can do what’s right for me. If John is right, then yes.” At Nathan’s snarl, she tempered her words. “If you’re what I need, then I’ll choose you. If it turns out I need both, or even three of you, then that’s fine, but I want to make that choice. Me. Not you, your dick, and your stupid pack laws.”

  She expected him to yell at her, argue, maybe even hit her, given she didn’t fully know the man he’d grown into. But he surprised her.

  “I love you, Dana.” He said the words quietly, and she could read the sincerity in his tone.

  She laid her hand on his chest, the heat of his bare skin scorching, the steady thumping of his heart reverberating against her hand. “I know you do. And truthfully, I still love you too, or at least my memory of the boy I once knew. But”—she held up a hand to forestall him—“a teenage infatuation isn’t a reason to join myself to you for the rest of my life. And neither are hormones. I need time to come to grips with everything that’s happened. Time to figure out what’s best for me. Please, can you do that for me?”

  “I’d do anything for you.”

  Dana smiled, if tremulously. Tears clung to her lashes, and for a moment, she almost forgot her own plea, the urge to throw herself into his arms almost overwhelming. But that would be a mistake, and this time, she wanted to do things right.

  “Thank you for understanding, Nathan. I really appreciate that. I guess I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Night, Dana.” Nathan rolled onto his side and pulled the sheet up over his shoulder.

  Dana gaped at his back. “Um, Nathan?”


  “What are you doing?”

  “Trying to sleep. It is my bed, after all.”

  Dana’s ire exploded. Stupid fucking jerk. He just doesn’t get it. Grabbing her pillow, she hopped out of the bed.

  “Where are you going?” he asked, sitting up.

  “To find another bed,” she snarled.

  “There aren’t any empty ones,” he warned.

  Dana whipped her pillow to the floor and lay down on the carpet, curling her legs up to her chest and hugging them.

  Nathan sighed. She heard the mattress springs squeak a moment before strong hands scooped her up and deposited her back on the bed.

  “Stubborn little minx. Take the bed. I’ll sleep elsewhere.”

  He tucked the blanket around her, and Dana, feeling contrite, said, “Kiss me good night.”

  He did so quickly, as if afraid she’d change her mind. His hard lips clung to hers for a heart-stopping moment.

  “I don’t suppose you’d change your mind?” he asked gruffly.

  “Nice try,” she sassed with a smile.

  “See you in the morning.”

  Nathan left, and Dana snuggled into her sheets. His good-night embrace had reawakened some of her desire, and she wrapped the warmth of it around her as she allowed herself to imagine experiencing it every night. To give Nathan what he wanted—her. To sleep spooned in his arms, taking the love he had to give, and finally returning the emotions she’d bottled for so long.

  But he wasn’t the only one she wanted that with.

  Her thoughts strayed to another man who gave her a different kind of peace in his presence. John. There wasn’t the emotional baggage with John that she shared with Nathan, and she enjoyed that about him. She enjoyed how he made her feel, along with his calming presence that masked how he could set her on fire in a moment with just a brush of his lips.

  And then there was the gorgeous Kody. His dancing green eyes and mischievous smile made her want to run and play like she hadn’t since childhood.

  Three very different men, and yet she found herself drawn to all of them. If someone were to force the decision on her right this second and said, Choose one, she’d find herself hard-pressed.

  Fuck me, I don’t understand why this is happening, but I want them all.

  Chapter Ten

  John hadn’t slept much, his mind too consumed with thoughts of Dana. He’d heard Dana’s fight with Nathan the previous night. How could he not with his enhanced werewolf hearing? He’d waited with bated breath to see if Nathan’s plan to seduce her would work, but Dana prevailed and, with her plea to give her time and a choice, broke his heart.

  John heard the hurt in her tone, the confusion as she struggled to sort through her emotions. He didn’t consider it self-centered to admit he knew he played a part in her turmoil. It was evident to anyone with half a brain. Dana struggled with what her body and wolf wanted and what she, the woman, needed. Raised in a dysfunctional household, how could she not fight what they proposed?

  The true wonder to John was the fact that she even contemplated it.

  The gentlemanly thing to do would involve walking away and allowing her to make a choice without influence. That, however, required a selflessness that John discovered he didn’t possess. He wanted Dana, and while he wouldn’t force her, he also wouldn’t just step aside and allow her to forget his interest. And with Nathan striking out with his heavy-handed tactics and scaring her in the process, he needed to step his seduction up a bit to show her a better alternative to flight. John didn’t kid himself. He could see it in her eyes—Dana still hadn’t decided if she should stay or go.

  Given her probable angst this morning, John decided not to wait for a moment or for fate to intervene. He created his opportunity and snuck into her room, which wasn’t as simple as it sounded. Nathan had spent the night on the floor in front of her door after she kicked him out while Kody had bunked down in the bushes outside her window. With her two exits covered, it was John who had resigned himself to a good night’s sleep the evening previous—not that his plan to rest worked with his mind working overtime. He’d tried, though, knowing he’d require all his wits about him to deal with not only her but his pack brothers. The situation called for a delicate dance through emotions and jealousy where one misstep could signal disaster.

  John bided his time. When Nathan staggered off with stretching and creaking limbs to the bathroom, John used the opportunity to slide into her room. He still didn’t know what he would do or say as he approached the bed on silent feet, the lump in the middle not moving—at all. With only that as his warning, he managed to brace himself when his feet ended up swept out from under him.

  He hit the floor hands-first and scissored his legs around to catch her before she could flee. It took some fast moving, but he maneuvered himself to act as a landing pad for her. She crashed into his body with a startled squeak. For good measure, John wrapped his arms tight around her and then grinned. “Morning, Dana.”

  She tried to look angry, but he could see the struggle. So he kissed the tip of her nose.

  She giggled and relaxed on top of him. “Damned werewolves and their super senses.”

  “Don’t tell me you actually thought you could flee?”

  She shrugged and bit her lip. “Not really, but a girl’s got to try. Am I in trouble?”

  “Not in the least. Actually, I’m kind of happy you’re determined to keep my skills honed. A man should always be on his toes in case of danger.”

  Her lips tilted in a smile that made his heart do a somersault. “And am I dangerous?”

  “Most definitely. But I like it,” he said with return grin. “Actually, I like a lot of things about you.”

  When she duc
ked her face under his chin, her warm breath feathering his neck, his already interested cock turned rock solid. It took more strength of will than he would have imagined to resist pressing himself against her. He tried to change the direction of his thoughts. “How are you feeling this morning?”

  She lifted her head and peeked at him, exhibiting a girly coyness that seemed at odds with her usual tough bravado. He wondered if she was putting on an act for him to lull his senses or if she felt comfortable enough around him to drop her tough-girl façade. Only time and actions would tell, he guessed.

  “I feel great. The soreness in my ribs is gone, and the last of the bruises seem to have faded overnight.”

  “Excellent. Although, I’ll admit, I’m going to miss catering to my favorite patient.”

  “Ha!” she scoffed. “Anyone ever tell you that you’re an ass kisser?”

  “No, but I could be,” he replied with a leer.

  She laughed again, the sound like music to his ears. When she stopped, in the sudden silence, her stomach growled, and she blushed endearingly. John lost the battle with himself. He brushed her lips with his, a soft embrace that lasted only a fleeting moment but made him want to forget good manners and flip her over, tear off her clothes, and plow her sweet pussy.

  “I guess we should get you downstairs so we can feed you,” he said, his voice low.

  He let his arms fall to the side, mentally urging her to move before he took advantage of her like his cock demanded. To his surprise, she didn’t immediately move off him.

  She stared down instead, a look of puzzlement creasing her brow. “I don’t get you. I can feel you’re happy to see me.” She ground her hips against him in a delicious way that made his eyes almost roll up in his head. “And yet, you don’t push me or even try to cop a feel or a real kiss. Why? I thought you wanted me. Or was I mistaken?”

  John raised a hand and ran a finger down the side of her face, enjoying the softness of her skin but even more the way she tilted her head against his hand. “No mistake. I want you. I want to lick every inch of you and then make love to you until you scream my name.” He swallowed hard when her eyes dilated and her lips parted on a breathy sigh. He allowed himself only one chaste kiss before continuing. “I want to claim you as my mate and raise pups with you. But I told you. I won’t force you. When you decide you’re ready, I’ll be here, ready to love you silly. If you want my mark, I will give it to you gladly. But you make the choice. You decide when.”

  His words mirrored the ones she’d said to Nathan the previous night, but he intended no subterfuge. He meant them. He wouldn’t force himself on her if she was unwilling. They’d both end up miserable otherwise.

  Besides, if he was right about her, she’d eventually come to him. He just had to survive the wait.

  He could see he’d stunned her, and then the most wondrous thing happened. She leaned forward and pressed her mouth to his, a fleeting embrace, but one freely given. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Then she kissed him again, deeply, her lips sliding over his in a way that made him tremble to control himself from doing what both his wolf and body demanded. Claim her. Mark her. Make her ours. John clenched his fists to his sides, not trusting himself to even hug her. He let her set the pace of the kiss, which ended too soon—not soon enough.

  She got off him and stood up. John could only lie there stunned. He gazed up at her with what was surely a hungry look. Her eyes also appeared bright, and he could scent her arousal. With an impish grin, she offered him her hand, which was how Nathan found them when he walked in.

  Nathan’s brows beetled together, and John waited for him to say something stupid and jealous, but he held his tongue. “Breakfast is ready,” he announced curtly and turned on his heel to march out.

  Dana sighed. “For a man who used to be okay with the idea of sharing me, he’s gotten awfully jealous.”

  “Nathan is scared of losing you. That you’ll turn to one of us alone and leave him out in the cold.”

  “If he keeps up that attitude, it is a definite possibility,” she grumbled.

  John slapped her on the ass. “Behave. Just like you, Nathan’s working through some heavy emotional shit. Give him a break.” John held out his arm and bit back a smile of satisfaction as she linked hers in it. Baby steps. “Let’s go feed you. We’ve got a busy day ahead. Nathan wants to show you the compound and all the changes he’s made.”

  “I’d like that. And what are your plans?” she asked, not looking at him.

  John smiled at her roundabout way of asking if she’d see him. “I’m going to be with you, of course. Unless you’d prefer I stay behind.”

  Her hand squeezed his arm. “I’d like it if you came, too.”

  They went downstairs and found Nathan making breakfast while Kody poured the juice.

  “Morning, darling,” Kody said with a wink. “I hope you slept like crap all by yourself.”

  Dana sucked in a breath and laughed. “You are incorrigible.”

  “Yes, yes I am,” Kody replied in a deadpan tone. John saw the twinkle in his eye and waited for him to get even more outrageous. “Anytime you want to correct me, let me know. I’d bend over gladly for you.”

  John laughed at the look on Dana’s face. Even Nathan ruefully chuckled.

  “Sit down and shut up, Kody, before I bend you over for my belt instead of her hand,” Nathan threatened, but with a smile.

  Dana shook her head at their banter, but the laughter ended up a good start for the day, and breakfast went by with ease.

  After breakfast, Kody announced he had to run into town for supplies, and Dana, with a pointed look at Nathan, said she’d write him a list of things she required since she hadn’t been given time to pack.

  The compound was comprised of a gated community with family homes, a rec center, and a basic corner store. Groceries and other staples required a drive of about forty-five minutes into town. But these things did require funds. To earn a paycheck, some of the males worked in the nearby environs, but given the size of most families, a lot of the wolves went for employment that gave them time away, trucking being the most prevalent. Truckers could be gone from one day to several weeks at a time, so it eased sometimes crowded living conditions and gave the females breathing room. Given the multi-mate status of most families, the females had no need to work, although some of the older ones whose pups had progressed to school age chose to do so to combat boredom.

  As pack alpha, Nathan didn’t have a job per se, not that he needed one. A great-great-grandfather of his had done well financially and invested his earnings. Nathan maintained those accounts, somewhat depleted during his father’s tenure, and had managed to add to them by doing odd jobs for the Lycan council. Mostly rogue hunting, a dirty, dangerous job that paid quite lucratively, especially in recent years with the increase in rogues. Thinking of those miscreants made John vaguely wonder if Nathan had obtained any leads on the whereabouts of the remaining shifters who’d abducted and abused Dana. The rogues’ rabid behavior needed addressing, and John hoped to be a part of the group that meted out their punishment.

  John waited in the living room with Nathan for Dana to finish with her list.

  “I don’t suppose I could ask you to stay away from her?” Nathan asked in a quiet voice.

  John looked over at him. “Nope. I know what she means to you, Nathan. I won’t keep her to myself if that’s what you’re afraid of. You and I both know that if you want to avoid troubles with the Lycan council, it would be best if she ends up mating with all of us.”

  “I’ve wanted and chased after her for so long that the idea of sharing just isn’t sitting well,” Nathan admitted.

  “I’d quote pack law to you, but you already know it. You know the Lycan council won’t turn a blind eye to anyone flaunting that law, not given the low birth rates we’ve been experiencing. Even if it weren’t for pack law, I wouldn’t back off. She calls to me and my wolf. I can’t stop thinking about her.” And wantin
g her. John kept that part to himself.

  “Do me a favor and give me a chance to claim her first. I realize that to keep her, I’m going to have to share. It’s funny because, twelve years ago, the roles were reversed, with me wanting it and her vehemently opposed. I’ll get over it. I have to if I’m going to keep her and stay with the pack. In a sense, I’m glad it’s going to be with you and Kody instead of some of the others in the pack.”

  Nathan’s honesty and the difficult truths he admitted out loud touched John. “Things will work out, Nathan. Now keep in mind, though, I can’t promise you’ll be first marked. The choice is Dana’s. But I won’t pursue her hard until you’ve given it your best shot.”

  “Fair enough,” Nathan agreed.

  “Once you’ve marked her, though, all bets are off. I will woo her.”

  “Understood. But do me a favor,” Nathan said, turning to him with a half-smile. “If she really has done a one-eighty and decides to take us all to bed at once, keep your dick away from my ass.”

  John gaped at him and then laughed. “Make sure you keep yours pointed in her direction and you’ve got a deal.” He held his hand out, and Nathan gripped it tight.

  Dana took that moment to come down the stairs, and she eyed them oddly, probably because they couldn’t stop snickering.

  “What’s so funny?”

  Nathan stared at the ceiling, a ruddy color suffusing his face. John covered for him. “Just wagering if Kody’s going to be able to buy those feminine products you asked for or if he’s going chicken out.”

  Dana smiled wickedly. “Actually, he says they won’t be a problem at all, especially once I told him he’d also get to pick me up some underwear since Nathan forbade me from leaving the compound.”

  Nathan shifted uncomfortably. “Only until you’ve mated with us. I’m still not convinced you won’t flee.”

  “Smart wolf,” Dana sassed. She patted him on the cheek and, with a smirk, sauntered out the front door.

  Nathan stared after her, stunned, while John just laughed again.


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