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Triple Treat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Berengaria Brown

  “I agree. Very powerful, and a lot more in it than a movie, too,” said Glenn.

  Slowly, the crowd headed toward the exit as a team of men appeared to disassemble the bleachers. “These guys work pretty hard and long hours, too,” Xonra said.

  “Nah. These’ll be the second shift. The dayshift guys will have left long ago,” said Morgan.

  * * * *

  “Coffee, and maybe some snacks,” said Morgan as they walked into the suite.

  “You’re hungry again?” asked Xonra.

  “No, not hungry, but I wouldn’t mind nibbling on a snack.”

  “I’d rather nibble on both of you,” said Glenn.

  Morgan turned around, his gaze locking on Glenn’s.

  Just like that, lust exploded in the room like a physical force, and Xonra struggled to breathe. The air was thick with testosterone and sexual energy and she was caught up in the emotions of the men.

  Their gazes were burning, consuming each other, and Xonra’s panties were drenched, her knees wobbled, and her mouth gaped open as her lungs heaved with the effort of dragging air in.

  “Bed,” said Morgan hoarsely, dropping the coffee filter he was holding onto the counter.

  “Damn right.” Glenn pulled Morgan to him for a harsh, passionate kiss, then stepped across the room to Xonra and kissed her, too. Not quite as harshly, but definitely more firmly than his usual gentle manner.

  Glenn linked arms with both Morgan and Xonra and walked them quickly into the bedroom.

  “We need to slow this down or it’ll be over before it begins,” gasped Morgan.

  “My dick’s gonna break my zipper if I don’t let it out,” said Glenn, sliding his zipper down.

  Certainly the huge bulge in his tighty whities confirmed his statement, thought Xonra, her own cunt pounding and breasts aching with need.

  “Okay then, we’ll all strip, but only one garment at a time and each person separately,” suggested Morgan. “You can be first, Glenn, then Xonra, then me.”

  “Not a problem, said Glenn, dropping his jeans and stepping out of them.

  Xonra decided to slow the process down as Morgan had suggested, so she kicked off her shoes. Both men groaned.

  “Unfair,” said Glenn.

  “You said one garment. Shoes are a garment.”

  “Shit! Are you wearing socks as well?” asked Glenn.

  “Yes,” she laughed.

  “Well hell!”

  Morgan took his shirt off, as did Glenn. Predictably, Xonra removed her socks, so both men kicked off their shoes. Xonra had a shirt over a T-shirt, so when she took off the shirt she was still completely covered. The men groaned even louder.

  After two more rounds, the men were both naked but Xonra still wore her underwear and stood, her hands on her hips, admiring their long, fat cocks.

  The men glanced at each other, nodded, and swooped on her, Morgan unsnapping her bra and Glenn sliding her panties off her legs. “Women wear too many clothes,” he explained.

  Morgan pulled the bedding down to the floor and they all climbed on the big bed. “I was thinking oral and a daisy chain. Do you want pussy or cock?” he asked Glenn.

  “Pussy this time, I think.”

  They arranged themselves in an overlapping triangle, Glenn’s mouth on Xonra’s cunt, Morgan’s cock in her mouth, and Morgan sucking Glenn.

  Xonra was amazed at how integrated the three of them were, all the bodies overlapping, touching and being touched. With Morgan’s delicious cock filling her mouth, Glenn’s hands on her hips and pussy, and various male body parts touching her skin, their scents filling her senses, she was instantly burning up with fiery desire.

  She sucked Morgan’s cock deep into her mouth, then slowly let it out as she ran her tongue up the shaft, finally sliding the tip into the slit and tasting a drop of pre-cum. With one hand on his balls and the other on his pelvis for balance, Xonra nibbled around the head, especially along the ridge where cap and shaft met. She was rewarded by a deep shiver from him, and smiled around his erection as she sucked him deep once again.

  This time she concentrated on rolling his balls, enjoying the different textures of the skin of his thighs, his belly, his balls, and his shaft. His thighs were muscular and taut, as was his belly, but the belly muscles were much more defined. His balls were rough and hairy and his cock was soft skin over a rock-hard shaft. All in all, he was enchanting and fascinating to study. She breathed in deeply, learning his scent. Morgan was spicy with the faintest hint of lemon from their bubble bath earlier.

  The curls at the base of his shaft were a slightly darker blond than the hair on his head, which was darker than the hair on his chest. The different colors entranced her. Three different shades on three different body parts.

  While she was assimilating all the facets of him, she drew him into her mouth again, as deep as she could, relaxing the back of her throat to take a little more of him. She hollowed her cheeks and sucked, then teased all along his shaft as she gradually let him out.

  But God, it was hard to concentrate on pleasuring him when Glenn was doing such wicked things to her pussy.

  He was holding her wide open, teasing her folds with his fingers and her clit with his tongue. Then his mouth was on her pussy lips, his fingers stroking the sensitive skin of her inner thighs and her ass. As one finger slid around to play with her pucker, his tongue tasted the opening to her channel then pushed inside and he licked her walls.

  His fingers seemed to be everywhere, touching, stroking, flicking, nipping her thighs, her butt, her labia, her curls, her clit. Her brain was frying, overwhelmed by so many pleasurable sensations. Her skin was burning, with every nerve ending a tiny candle adding to the fire. At any moment, her body would combust from the accumulated heat of the two men’s touches and tastes.

  Desperately, Xonra tried to concentrate on pleasuring Morgan, to suck him deep and hard, to bring him to the point of no return. She swiped her tongue along his length, played it under the ridge, nibbled the long vein of his shaft, and then sucked again, drawing him deep into her throat.

  Glenn’s fingers were in her pussy now, his mouth on her clit, sucking, licking, nibbling at it. He scraped her G-spot and nipped her clit simultaneously. Xonra opened her mouth and gasped. It came out as a gargling sound, playing over Morgan’s cock, which was resting against the back of her throat.

  He gasped, too, and a stream of cum poured into her mouth as she came around Glenn’s mouth and fingers. Hastily, she let Morgan slide a little way out so she could swallow his essence, keeping her lips over her teeth so she didn’t hurt him.

  But God, it was so hard to do as her body was quivering and shaking with her own release.

  Xonra realized the fingers in her cunt were stroking raggedly now and knew that Glenn had come, too. Gratefully, she relaxed a little, sucking the last of Morgan’s seed, then licking across his head as her body loosened and flopped flat on the mattress.

  The three untangled themselves and swiveled around to lay their heads on the pillows, the two men pressing against Xonra, their arms around each other, closing her between them.

  “I’ll get some coffee in a minute,” said Morgan, pulling the bedding up over them and snuggling his head onto Xonra’s shoulder.

  “Mmmm,” she murmured, already almost asleep.

  Glenn’s only response was a tiny snore.

  * * * *

  After a huge breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, tomatoes, mushrooms, and baby spinach, Xonra held her stomach and said, “I think we ought to walk to the village, use up some of those carbs.”

  “No need. We’ll be walking miles and miles again, once we get there,” said Glenn.

  “Besides, we burned up a lot of calories last night, and will do so again tonight,” added Morgan.

  “I don’t know about you two, but I have to work tomorrow,” she argued.

  “I didn’t say it’d be a late night, just that it’d be an energetic one,” replied Morgan, pushing he
r gently toward their car.

  Knowing herself outvoted and guessing her legs and feet would be tired again by the end of the day, she gave up and climbed in.

  This time, once inside the historical precinct, they turned left instead of right, going to the village houses. Xonra was especially interested to see them, as these were the women HR Resources was having such difficulty in supplying. She wondered just how hard these women worked. Surely not as hard as the candle-dipping ladies. Although, it was always possible they were paid more than minimum wage. She couldn’t imagine anyone doing that job for so little. Perhaps the new women would be baking the bread sold in the bakery, though. That seemed logical. Baking and laundry were two of the tasks mentioned, along with weaving and sewing.

  The first house, like some of the shops in Main Street, was not made to be entered. It was simply a static display, with rocking chairs on the porch, a neat flower garden out front, and a carefully tended vegetable garden out back.

  “Beans, corn, tomatoes, carrots. Someone’s done a lot of hard work here,” said Glenn.

  “Hell yes. I had to weed the garden as a kid. It’s an endless task, and then the snails or cut-worms get the crops anyway,” said Morgan.

  The second house didn’t have a garden out back. Instead, there was a huge old-fashioned metal drum, filled with water boiling on a stand over an open fire. Laundry poles held clotheslines filled with period costumes pegged out, flapping in the sunshine. Several young women were using scrubbing boards to clean garments, and another one was stirring the laundry in the vat with a long wooden pole. Yet more women were bent over tubs of water, rinsing and bluing white aprons.

  Inside the house were several long trestle tables covered with blankets on which more women were ironing clothes. The irons were heated in the fire and at the final table, visitors were allowed to feel the weight and heat of them and iron a garment.

  “I’ll never complain about ironing a shirt again,” said Xonra after pressing a man’s open-necked linen shirt. “That iron is so heavy it’d make my wrist ache in no time at all.”

  Glenn nodded. “There was no such thing as easy-care, permanent-press garments back then.”

  The next house was a totally different atmosphere. Spindles and shuttles flew and wheels whirred as the women weaved lengths of cloth and spun thread. By the window, an older woman sat sewing tiny, immaculate stitches into a baby’s garment. Xonra looked thoughtfully at the little dress. She’d seen a baby dress just like that in the drapery store and its price was astronomical. She hadn’t bothered to read the sign by it, but if the cloth was hand-woven, that would explain the price tag.

  As the threesome walked down the path to the final house, their noses told them it was indeed where the bread was baked. Sweating young women were pulling a heavy metal tray of hot bagels out of the stone oven as they arrived and a crowd was lined up, waiting to buy them. On a metal rack, cooling, were several dozen loaves of bread. Morgan immediately joined the line and returned to them a few moments later with three hot bagels.

  “Yum. So good.” Morgan popped the last of his bagel in his mouth and rejoined the line, but all the bagels had been sold and the women were already mixing the dough for the next batch.

  “I can see why they need more staff. They could easily sell twice as many,” Xonra commented as they left the house.

  “Absolutely. And lots of people would buy more to take home with them, I reckon,” added Morgan.

  They wandered back into the village then took a ride in a horse-drawn carriage. “This place is really amazing. I’m so glad we came. I’ve gained a true appreciation for the past and our ancestors, as well as enjoyed it from a tourist viewpoint,” said Xonra.

  “So much more real than learning about it in school,” added Glenn.

  “Speaking of the school, let’s go back past the schoolroom. I think that was my favorite display,” said Morgan.

  The children were different, but it was the same teacher, and once again they chanted their times tables once a crowd had gathered.

  “I bet he gets bored teaching the same lesson every day,” said Glenn.

  “But how would that work? With different children every day, they wouldn’t know what he expects. Plus, it’s way too long a day for the little ones, eight in the morning until seven at night.”

  “Maybe they’re actors who do a couple half-days a week or something.” Glenn shrugged, flipping some coins into the cap a boy held out as he walked through the crowd.

  Xonra had the distinct impression the child was going to say something. Then he glanced over his shoulder at the teacher and kept moving through the crowd, collecting tips. Once again, she had the feeling something was not right with this place, and once again, she told herself she had an overactive imagination.

  “Time for lunch,” said Morgan, slipping his arm through hers and tapping Glenn on the shoulder. “Then we need to check the map and find out what we haven’t seen yet.”

  * * * *

  Morgan made sure they were back in the hotel in good time for a shower, a final meal together, and to pack their luggage, knowing Xonra’s job was important to her and they had an hour’s journey back to town. Much as he’d have liked to fuck her all night long, that wouldn’t have been appropriate or fair. But they did find time to play around to everyone’s satisfaction in the bathroom. There was something highly erotic about a hot, steamy room and three naked bodies.

  It was damn hard to restrain himself to a single passionate kiss as they reached the doorway of her apartment. He noticed Glenn was struggling just as much as him, so when they were back in their car, he said, “You still want her as much as I do.”

  “Fuck yes. She’s ours, Morgan. She’s the one I want. She suits us both perfectly. A ripe, lush body and mighty sharp mind as well. I was never once bored this weekend, and you know how often conversation at parties does bore me.”

  Glenn grinned. Yes, he did know. Maybe it was because Morgan was a handful of years younger than him, or perhaps it was just how his mind worked. “Then it’s simple. It’s time for us to organize another date with her. Something to fill her mind as well as her body.”

  The moment he said the words, his dick straightened and stretched. He hadn’t meant it in that way at all, but it seemed even his mouth was thinking like his dick these days. That was the effect Xonra had on them both.

  “Not a problem. We’ll think of something good.”

  And he knew they would. He and Morgan were an unbeatable team, and they had to claim Xonra as their woman.

  * * * *

  After a week back at work, Xonra had almost forgotten her mini-vacation at Berisford Village, until she read a memo from the CEO requesting her to attend a meeting with himself, various other Vice Presidents, Moss, and Jeremiah J. Curlin.

  She phoned Moss. “What’s Mr. Curlin want this time?” she asked, tapping her candy-pink nails against her desk.

  “Damned if I know. Apparently he has some huge secret project he’s going to present to us and the CEO wants our input. All I know is it’s worth megabucks, and we all have to provide Mr. Curlin with anything he wants.”

  “As long as it’s not more young women. I saw how hard they worked. It’s no wonder they’d rather do another job,” she said.

  “I’ve asked for feedback from all the ones who’ve quit, and pretty much that’s what they all say. A long commute, long hours, lousy pay.”

  “Oh well, maybe it’ll be something completely different this time. But I wish I was going into this meeting better prepared. I hate surprises,” she said.

  Only an hour later, Moss rang her. “Hey, Xonra. Are you available to come to my office, now, please? Chloe Thurston, who worked for a few weeks at Berisford Village, is here with a companion and I’d like you to hear this.”

  “Yes, sure. Give me five minutes to wrap up what I’m doing, and I’ll be right there.”

  Moss, his PA, Ellie, a young woman Xonra assumed was Chloe Thurston, and a boy were waiting f
or her in Moss’s office. The boy looked sort of familiar, but different. Overly long, light-brown hair, shaggy and in need of a trim, hazel eyes, straight nose, high cheekbones, thin build…Where do I know him from? Is he the son of one of my colleagues? Ah!

  “You work at Berisford Village. You’re the boy who collected the tips at the school the other day.”

  “Yes, we all work from the time we turn six. The five-year-olds have to work sometimes if one of the teams is a bit short, if kids are sick or something. Well, even the babies work in the Sound and Light Show, but they just get carried around, so it’s not really work…”

  Xonra had to force her face not to show her surprise. Six-year-olds working? He must mean just now and then, a half-day a week acting like Glenn had suggested. And he’d just said the babies were carried around. Likely that was simply because their parents were actors in the Sound and Light Show. Again, that wasn’t really working as such.

  Chloe tapped the boy’s shoulder gently. “Ernie, how about you start at the beginning and tell Ms. Gibson about whose son you are and where you live—lived—and why we’re here.”

  The child looked up at her trustingly and smiled. She smiled back at him, concern clearly written on her face.

  Xonra was feeling really confused about what was going on here, but knew she’d find out if she was patient, so she settled into a chair and waited. But she couldn’t shake the steady niggle of worry she’d felt at the village that something there wasn’t right. Could something truly be wrong at Berisford Village?

  The child sat up straight in his chair, pulled his shoulders back, lifted his chin, obviously bracing and readying himself to speak. Then he began.


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