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A Rebel Love (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 7)

Page 14

by Glenna Maynard

  When I get awake I am taken aback by his closeness. I am almost in his lap on the couch. I fell asleep sitting up, while waiting for him. I pop the crick in my neck and groan.

  Marc’s fresh out of the shower smell engulfs me as he wraps a strong hand around my shoulder. “Was you waiting up for me?”

  “Yeah, I was.” He seems calm, happy. “I need a moment.” I excuse myself to the bathroom. His presence is almost smothering. His body calls to mine. I can still smell him on me as I wash my face and brush my teeth with my finger.

  When I emerge he has Kyler sitting at the kitchen counter with a bowl of cereal. Seeing them sitting side by side with matching expressions as they drink their milk from the bowls is priceless. I don’t think they realize they are mimicking one another.

  “Thanks for getting him settled.” I smile, genuinely pleased.

  “Get used to it. I plan on you two living here, with me, unless you have other plans.” He takes his and Kyler’s empty bowls to the sink and washes them.

  “I’d like that. I don’t want to impose, but well—as I said, I came here for you.”

  “Hey buddy, can you go into the living room. I need to talk to your mom.”

  “Sure,” Kyler says seeming less shy than he was yesterday. I wonder if he feels a sense of belonging here, the same as I do. Just being in Tread’s presence makes me feel safe, and the way he’s looking at me, I feel desired.

  I have to look away. His gaze is intense.

  This place could use a good cleaning and I plan on doing exactly that, but I need to speak with Grim, alone. I made a promise to Baby.

  “I know this is going to sound strange, but I have a personal message for Grim, from an old friend. Think you can arrange for me to speak to him in private?”

  “Can it wait? We have a lot to talk about Liberty. You showed up from God knows where, with my son. I want to spend as much time with him as possible.” His back muscles tense as he turns away.

  “It won’t take but a minute. Then I promise I am all yours.”

  “Do you mean that?” He asks gripping the countertop so hard, I am afraid a piece will chip off.

  “Whatever you want. You lead and I’ll follow.”

  “Good.” He shoves away from the counter and pulls his phone from his back pocket.

  God, does this man look good in jeans. My cheeks flush. I cared for John for a while, but my love for him faded years ago and never captured me quite the way that Tread did—does. And deep in my heart I’ve known I have always loved Tread more.

  “He’ll be here in a few minutes. Liberty,” he crosses the room and grabs my belt loops, “I want to be mad at you but I just can’t lose you a second time.” Jerking me forward he runs his hands over my butt. “I’ve missed the shit outta you.”

  He is towering over me, all appealing and mine. His nose trails my jawline with promises of more to follow. Our moment ends much too soon when Grim knocks on the door. Tread lets me go and shows him in.

  The man has aged well but he is still scary as fuck. I hadn’t gotten used to his tattooed face the last time I was here. Kyler doesn’t seem the least bit phased, thankfully. He seems to be taking up with Foxie. She is asking him about his favorite games to play.

  “You got a message for me, girl?”

  “I do. Can we go out on the porch?”

  “Here’s fine. Whatever you got to say, say it now,” he demands. Grim isn’t the kind of man you argue with.

  “I don’t know where to start but I came from Florida. I ran into someone you know.” At my words Foxie and Tread wander back into the kitchen.

  “I was told to give you something, and that I was to take this secret to my grave.” I pause unsure of how Grim will feel once Tread knows about Baby and Striker. I still don’t know what to call them. I suppose I should refer to them as Karly and Nash, no one would know who I am talking about.

  “What’s this message?” He is growing impatient.

  I pull the letter and small photos from my back pocket. “Here, she’s fine. They’re doing great. Kids too.”

  Grim takes the paper and pictures. He looks at the photos and falls to his knees with tears in his eyes. I’ve never seen a man like him shed a tear. Foxie has her arms wrapped around his neck, battling tears of her own. Tread is wise enough to stand back, but I can see him craning his neck trying to get a look at what I gave Grim.

  “Um, the car I borrowed is outside. She left instructions for it’s disposal. She also said to burn the photos and the letter. Anyway here are the keys.”

  Foxie rushes me wanting to know everything and I believe it finally clicks with Tread that his best friend and his family are alive and well.

  Chapter 21


  I can’t find the words to express what receiving a letter from Baby means to me. I’m down on my knees in Tread’s kitchen as the world spins. Foxie is hugging my shoulders but I am about to topple over and bring her with me. I can’t read the ink on the paper, the wet shit—tears, leaks from my eyes. I hate having Goddamn feelings. And the pictures, Jesus, the children are beautiful. I clutch their faces to my chest and I weep, I long to hug them in my arms, and tell them I love them.

  I wish like hell I could tell Baby, she was good enough, that she mattered. I try to make up for the past with Rebel’s kids, but it isn’t the same. I love that brat pack, but they aren’t Colt and fuck, I don’t even know my granddaughter’s name.

  After getting my bearings, I wipe my face on my sleeve. Foxie bum rushed Liberty demanding every detail the girl can spare. I take a moment to myself, to read my daughter’s words.

  Hey Old Man,

  There are so many things I want to say to you. There are so many moments when I wish you were here to share in our day to day. First, I want you to know, that I forgive you and I understand why you made the choices that you did. I know you were caught up in the whirlwind that was my mother. She took you for a ride that you never wanted to end. I get that. I have that love with my husband.

  If you have seen the pictures then you know that I have a daughter, her name is Sara. I just thought the name fit, and it honors the sister you gave me. If it wasn’t for you never giving up, I wouldn’t have had those few short years with Rumor.

  Second, we are good. This second chance has been good to us. As hard as it is without you, we are happy. I would like to say that maybe one day I will see you again, but we both know what that would cost all of us.

  I love you and I miss you. Despite all the bad, you gave me a lot of good. You were a great dad. I never said that enough. So I am telling you now. YOU ARE THE BEST FATHER. You had to be, to raise me.

  If you are reading this that means Liberty made it there safe and sound. The car she is driving belongs to my husband. I know you reopened the scrapyard, use it to dispose of the car. No one can ever trace it back to us.

  All my love,

  Your Baby


  PS. Burn this and the pictures. I can see you shaking your head. Just do it old man. I love you. Don’t be a grumpy old shit and just do it!

  “Damn, they are beautiful aren’t they?” I hand the pictures to Foxie. It pains me to let them go. “Have ye feel of them then get rid of them. It isn’t safe.” Foxie takes them eagerly, I doubt she will throw them away, but she better tuck them somewhere safe. We worked too hard to keep them safe to fuck up now. “Tread, meet me in the office tonight. We’ll discuss the ride to Florida. I’m going to bed. It’s been a long fucking night.”

  I take a look at Tread’s boy before I go. He’s a fine looking lad. “Boy, my name’s Grim. These here parts belong to my club. You do good and listen and one day you’ll ride with us.” I grin at him and Tread shakes his head.

  Kyler nods like the good boy he seems to be. I better leave them to it. Tread looks ready to devour his woman. Looks like we’ll be having one hell of a party soon.


  Lexington, Kentucky

  I swore I was finished wit
h Drag Creek and anyone here, but when Romeo called and told me that Patrick, my son, needed me, I was left without a choice. I begged him to ignore Rebel’s request. Being Miracle’s guardian should’ve been enough to satisfy his hero agenda to save everyone, since he couldn’t protect Rumor or Striker, Baby too.

  Romeo just couldn’t help himself. I knew once he stepped foot back in that club we would be doomed. I was a fool thinking we had gotten away. We had a few good years away from the madness of it all. I wouldn’t put it past Grim to have orchestrated whatever is going on just to punish us for finding the happiness that has always evaded him.

  I gave that man my all, my heart, body, and my soul—he shit all over my devotion. And now that I am with Romeo, I know what love is supposed to be like. Romeo takes what I have to offer, but he also returns it ten thousand times more. He cherishes me and appreciates the mom I have become to Jamie and Dawn.

  I cast my eyes at Jamie as he sits in the backseat goofing off on his phone. He loves some AP called Snaptalk or something. I don’t understand the appeal, but it seems to make him laugh a lot.

  I hate that I am bringing him back to this Godforsaken place. Romeo and I both promised we would give Dawn and Jamie the life they deserved—stable, no crime, no death, if we could help it. And look at me, running back at the first opportunity.

  “Are you looking forward to seeing Miracle?” I ask trying to make conversation.

  “I guess.” He shrugs and goes straight back to messing with that phone.

  With a sigh, I turn the radio up and try to drown my thoughts away with the noise.


  I’ve barely shut my eyes when my phone goes off with a message from Grim. Choir is in a few hours. Motherfuck, doesn’t that devil ever sleep. I know we need to talk about the past day, but fuck! I just want to crawl in bed with Chelle and sleep. Maybe get a moment to ourselves without one of the kids screaming for something. Not that I am complaining, I love my family. I have me a damn fine woman, and the best damn kids a man could ask for.

  Chelle snuggles her backside up against me and moans. “What time is it?”

  “Early, go back to sleep woman.”

  “I can’t, I can feel your hard on and I want you.”

  Fuck, she is just perfect. My adrenaline has been pumping since last night and I need to fuck it away. I just didn’t want to wake my wife up. She hardly gets enough sleep as it is.

  Pushing her sleep shirt up I palm her full breast in my hand. Her nipple goes hard from the cool temperature of my fingers. Lips on her neck and fingers in her panties, I get her worked up quickly. We never know when a kid will barge in and interrupt the moment. These days, our love making is non-existent. It sucks, but I love my life.

  She slides her panties down and I am on her, taking what’s mine.

  Chapter 22


  I’ve been sitting in this interrogation room all damn night. Thank fuck they allowed me my smokes and some coffee, even if it tastes like watered down mud.

  They keep asking the same questions over and over again, wanting me to slip up and say something to incriminate myself. They’d love to tie a crime to the MC. The boys in blue stop by the scrap yard often to dig around for stolen property.

  All of our paperwork is legit, so having me here for shooting that bastard, Perry is a cake day for them. If only they could charge me. My gun is legal and Christa has the physical and emotional damage to corroborate my version of the truth.

  As long as her story matches mine I’ll be able to go home soon.

  Another hour passes full of more bullshit questions. When my lawyer shows I’m released.

  “You’re free to go, but don’t leave town.”

  I nod. “Understood.”

  Christa is sitting in the lobby, battered and broken. I go over and take up the seat next to her. “You need a ride or something?”

  “That’d be good, except I don’t know where to go. I can’t go home and I don’t want my Gram to see me this way.” She frowns and then winces in pain.

  Taking her bruised hand in mine I tell her, “Don’t worry. I got you. My bike’s at the hospital. If you don’t mind the short walk.”

  “I’d like that.”

  With my help, she stands slowly. Leaning into me for support, she continues to hold my hand as she hobbles next to me.

  After a block, I take pity on her and crouch down, inviting her for a piggyback ride. She thanks me, trying to refuse my kind gesture.

  “Climb on damn it.”

  “Well, if you insist,” she concedes.

  Her arms grip my shoulders awkwardly. “I promise not to bite hard if you get close to me,” I joke.

  “Ha ha,” she says dryly, but places her arms around my neck.

  When we get to my bike her brother is in the parking lot. When he offers to take her home a part of me doesn’t want her to go. And when she declines I smile a little on the inside.

  JT doesn’t really want to go home either, so I text Tread and he tells me to bring them both to the Roadhouse. There are a few empty rooms.

  I relay the information and JT hops in his truck with Christa to follow me. I had hoped she would ride with me. I don’t know why but I feel a need to take care of her. After hearing her screams and seeing her face when I walked into that room, I feel connected to her. It’s crazy but I feel responsible for her. Like I am her protector.

  Lulu is waiting when we get in. “Tread called over, I got the rooms across from yours ready. Clean sheets and pillowcases.”

  “Thanks Lulu. Is breakfast ready?”

  “Yeah, go wash up and I will fix the three of you a plate.”

  I show Christa and JT upstairs. We don’t have private showers in our rooms. There is two community bathrooms that the whores keep clean though. Christa surprises me by thanking me and grabbing a shower. I figured a girl like her would think she is too good for us. Guess I was wrong about her.

  JT is all too happy to be here. He is already headed back downstairs. I’ll have to go over the rules with him at the table.

  I wash up and grab a fresh change of clothes. I’m getting ready to go down to eat when Christa pokes her head out of the bathroom.

  “Hey, I hate to be a bother, but I don’t have any clothes.” Her cheeks are red. I didn’t even think of that.

  “I’ll grab you something of mine for now, I’ll have one of the girls get you something better later.”

  “Thanks Kurt, for everything.”

  I smile and turn back to my room. I search my drawers finding a clean tank top and sweatpants I wear to workout in. The pants may be a little baggy but she can tighten them with the drawstring.

  Knowing she is gonna be wearing my clothes turns me on. Fuck, I’m in trouble. This chick is getting a fast hold on me that I can’t shake.


  I have to admit, when I came to the Roadhouse I wasn’t expecting to feel so at home. I was prepared to be skeeved out. The rooms are clean and the bathroom is cleaner than mine at my grandparent’s house.

  Kurt knocks on the bathroom door to loan me some clothes. I am embarrassed to say I hold the articles of clothing up to my nose and inhale his scent. But damn if he doesn’t smell good. When he carried me on his back, I wanted to bury my nose into his neck. He smells of a summer rain, light and refreshing. I had to make myself ride with my little brother instead of hopping on the back of Kurt’s motorcycle.

  I feel drawn to him and it freaks me the hell out. He is everything I swore I didn’t want in a man. But when push came to shove he was there for me, even if Tread sent him, he didn’t have to do what he did. He didn’t have to shoot Perry for me.

  No one has ever had my back like that.

  I slip the white tank over my head and pull the sweatpants as tight as I can. Seeing my appearance in the mirror, I look like I have been starring as an extra in a horror film. My nose is swollen and my eyes are circled in black rings. A split lip, busted knuckles, and a cracked rib complete my in
juries. The doctor on call wrote me a prescription for painkillers but I can’t get them filled until the pharmacy opens.

  My body aches and pains, but I have no choice other than to grin and bear it. The dose of pain medication I received at the hospital wore off hours ago.

  When I walk out of the bathroom Kurt is waiting for me. His dark hair shags around his eyes. His large fingers shift the stray strands back and his eyes dart to my chest. I glance down and my nipples are showing through the shirt he gave me. Heat flushes my cheeks spreading down my neck to my chest.

  Instinctively I cover my breasts with my arms.

  “Don’t do that,” he says tugging on my hands. “I like what I see.”

  “Kurt,” I say with a laugh and pull away.

  “Hey,” he tells me, touching my chin softly. “Bruises and all, you’re beautiful and I like looking at you.”

  “Thanks, I think.”

  “Let’s go eat. I need to go over the rules with your brother before he does something stupid,” he deflects letting our awkward moment pass and I’m thankful.

  Downstairs is extremely quiet. “I know it’s early morning but I was expecting naked women to be all over the place performing sexual acts,” I observe.

  “Sounds about right, but it was a long night. Give it till noon, then you’ll see the action.” He laughs, pulling out my chair. What a gentleman.

  My brother is already digging into his food. This Lulu chick is rubbing his shoulders. I want to tell her not to touch him, but I won’t embarrass him, and he’s eighteen now. I know he is becoming a man. It’s just hard to see him grow up.

  I’m going to tell him everything today. It’s past time he knows who he is. And seeing him here, it somehow feels right, as if he belongs here. I’m not sure how my mom will feel about it, but it’s not like she will want to see me after what happened with Perry.

  JT said she was hysterical when he told her. Said she left the hospital, saying she didn’t believe him. She’s probably realized by now, that he is really dead, if she’s been to the house.


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