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Forever in Haven's Crossing

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by Kyleigh Drake

  Forever in Haven’s Crossing

  After finding her husband in bed with another woman, Kimberlee Mason decides to get in her car and just drive, hoping her destiny will find her and lead her to a place she will be loved and accepted. It turns out this place is in Texas, in a secluded little community called Haven's Crossing.

  When Logan and Caleb Wade find Kim stranded on the side of the road, they know immediately they can never let her go. They learn early on that she will require a lot of love and attention, along with a firm hand and good spanking when they need to make their point.

  When a serial killer is found to be living in Haven's Crossing and has marked Kim as his next victim, it is up to the brothers to save her. She prays that these two men will now be a part of her life, forever.

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 38,531 words


  Kyleigh Drake


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2012 by Kyleigh Drake E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-034-6

  First E-book Publication: December 2012

  Cover design by Christine Kirchoff All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To my loving husband—thank you for your support and for being so patient with me as I typed for endless hours. Never once did you complain when I asked to be alone with my thoughts or when I know you needed my attention as well. I love you.



  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter 1

  Kimberlee Mason couldn’t take it anymore. She had just walked in on her husband, Michael, in bed with another woman and he didn’t even have the decency to look remorseful or admit he did anything wrong. They had been having problems, but she had no idea he was having an affair, and this was completely unexpected. She wasn’t a naïve woman by any means, but the fact that she missed any signs at all made her feel like a complete idiot.

  She called her best friend, Myka, to tell her what had happened and to see if she could stay with her until she could figure out what she was going to do. She knew she was leaving him, but wasn’t quite sure about any plans after that point. Kim was thankful to have good friends. She and Myka worked together at the local university and they had actually been best friends for the past fifteen years. They had been through a lot together and most of the time, they knew what the other was thinking without even having to speak. There were actually five women in their inner circle and girls’ night was at least once a month. Kim would now be the last one of them to get divorced. None of them hated men by any means, but they did all agree that good men were hard to find. Kim decided to call them so they could all meet at Myka’s house. Myka lived alone, so she wouldn’t mind the little get-together.

  The next morning Kim woke up with a throbbing headache, but she had needed to let loose a little and forget her current situation. After talking to the girls, she decided to go against everything she had ever been taught and do the least responsible thing possible. She was leaving town and she didn’t even have a plan. She was just going to drive until she ended up some place she liked, some place to call home. She got up, cashed her paycheck, went back to the house to get her things, and headed out the door for the last time. Michael wasn’t there, so she was able to get out without any confrontations.

  Her friend Mel worked for an attorney, and she was going to help Kim get the ball rolling and file for a divorce. She knew Mel would take care of business and she assured Kim that it shouldn’t take a long time to get it finalized since there would be no custody battles or issues with property. Kim had taken what she wanted and he could have the rest. All she wanted was out.

  As she filled up with gas and headed out on the road, she couldn’t help but think about her life. She was forty-one years old, her son was grown, and even though she liked her job well enough, it certainly wasn’t a deal breaker by any means. She could do this. She owed it to herself not to give up. Yes, she had a few gray hairs and yes, she could stand to lose a few pounds, but she was still a good person and she deserved to be treated better than what she had been. The only challenge now was finding a place that would bring her the acceptance and happiness she deserved.

  Kim had never done anything like this before and it scared the hell out of her. To drive with no direction and only stop when she felt compelled to do so went against every fiber of her being. She was the responsible one, for heaven’s sake. It was a little liberating though, to just let go, allowing her destiny to find her and not the other way around.

  She did a lot more thinking as she headed west and decided to stop and get a pack of cigarettes to calm her nerves. She had never been a heavy smoker, but when she got stressed, she felt better when she had one. And, since drinking was out of the question at the moment, she needed it. She made it almost eight hours before she started getting tired.
When she located a hotel that she was satisfied with, she pulled in for the night. There was a liquor store a block down, so after getting her room, she walked the short distance and picked up some rum and Diet Coke. She knew if she didn’t have at least one drink, she’d never be able to unwind or get any rest.

  The next morning, Kim woke up later than normal and fixed her a cup of coffee. She noticed the several missed calls from Michael that she had ignored the night before. She had no idea what he wanted and no intentions of calling him back. She saw a missed call from her sister, too, so she called her because she hadn’t heard from her in a while. Kim loved her sister, but they weren’t as close as they used to be. Kari’s husband was jealous of their relationship from the beginning, so Kim stepped back, not wanting to cause any friction. He eventually moved her to France, so she rarely saw her sister much anymore. But, as long as he took care of her and she was happy, Kim was fine with that.

  At one time they had been inseparable. Their parents had died after being in a car accident when Kim was eleven and Kari was ten. After that, they were shipped off to some aunt who really didn’t want them, but took them in out of guilt. Kim could still remember when life as she knew it ended at eleven years old. The coldness of the hospital, seeing her parents with tubes and needles stuck all over their bodies. It was horrible. And then to top it off, their parents left them there, all alone with no one else in the world to love them. From that day forward, Kim could not stand needles, hospitals, or funerals. And she learned how to take care of herself and her little sister without anyone else to help.

  After checking in with Myka, who had made her promise to call every single day, she thought how ironic it was that the only people in her life she could trust were women, excluding her son of course. Over the years, all the men had always let her down in one way or another. Her father had loved her, but he left her, too. Her adult mind understood he didn’t die on purpose, but the little girl inside still held him responsible. It was his job to take care of her and protect her, but he let her down. She had always ached, deep down inside her soul, for a strong man who would truly love her, care for her, and protect her, at any cost. Unfortunately, however, that man didn’t really exist, except in her dreams.

  Kim headed out on the road again, noticing clouds looming overhead. Would dark clouds follow her wherever she went? She felt a tear slip down her cheek. You can do this, she said to herself as she wiped the tear away. She kept talking to herself until determination replaced her fear and every time a negative thought popped up, she refused to give it any more attention.

  The miles went quickly, and as she watched the little white stripes down the middle of the road, she realized that she had come too far to ever go back. She had driven only five hours when she saw the sign. “Welcome to Texas.” Oh my gosh, this is it! She had passed who knew how many welcome signs without thinking twice about it, but this one…It was as if there were flashing red lights and arrows dancing around the sign, enticing her to cross that state line. The excitement didn’t last long, however, when after entering Texas she was faced with the reality of how big Texas actually was. Would her destiny find her soon?

  Kim decided to drive a few more hours before calling it a night and hopefully she would find that special place, her place, tomorrow. As the mile markers increased, she started feeling a little tired, and since it was after dark, she knew it was time to stop. The only problem was, she wasn’t quite sure where she was and hadn’t seen another car or any houses for the past half hour. She decided she’d just have to keep going until something came up, because there really wasn’t anything else she could do.

  Rarely did Kim ever get frightened, but the trees that were surrounding her seemed to meet overhead, making it look like she was driving through an ominous tunnel with only her headlights as her guide. What the hell is that? she thought as several yellow eyes watched her from the side of the road. She soon saw there were deer around every corner and there wasn’t just a couple, there were several. She had never seen deer close up before and wasn’t sure if they were dangerous or not. The moon was not bright that night and she tried to stay focused on the road ahead. The stars, however, would shine down periodically when the trees would allow it. Stars? I’ve never seen so many! she thought as she came upon a clearing. Wouldn’t it be nice to see this many stars every single night?

  As Kim finished that thought, she came upon a sharp curve in the road causing her to have to brake heavily. She made the curve with no problem, but when she started to pick up her speed, this massive beast ran out in front of her. As she swerved to miss it, she quickly started to spin out of control toward the ditch. All she could hear were the tires screeching and a woman screaming. No—that’s me, she realized, then everything went black.

  Chapter 2

  Kim woke up feeling like she had a horrible hangover. Her head was throbbing and she felt warm liquid trickling down her face. Blood? She tried to move each body part to see if there were any broken bones. Everything appeared to be fine, except for her arm, and it hurt like hell. Great, she thought as she started to realize the situation she was in and not knowing how she was going to get out of it. She found her phone, but of course there was no signal. Maybe Texas wasn’t so wonderful after all. She had an urgent need to cry, but wouldn’t allow herself to go there. She had to stay focused and find help first. She started to walk slowly down the deserted road. Her head was pounding and she was starting to get dizzy. She just hoped she could find a house or something before she ended up passing out on the ground.

  Caleb and Logan Wade were heading home after a long couple of days. They had just finished taking some of their cattle to auction and were both exhausted and ready to call it a night. The Wade brothers had lived in Haven’s Crossing most of their lives and now ran the ranch their fathers had given them after they had retired a few years back. The brothers loved the ranch. It was in their blood. Caleb was a year older than Logan and took care of the finance aspect of it. Logan oversaw the running of the actual ranch and liked being outdoors every day. They were a good team and for the most part they got along more than they argued. They were so close they usually knew what the other was thinking and could communicate with just a nod or a glance. They had had a good life on the ranch. Caleb had gone to college when he graduated from high school and had gotten a degree in business. Logan had joined the army when he graduated, but both boys knew they would always come back. They loved this land and it would always be their home.

  Haven’s Crossing was a very special little town. It definitely wasn’t for everyone, but for everyone who lived there, it was a little piece of paradise. This was the place people came to when the outside world had turned its back. If you were a hard worker and had a good heart, you could live there. Most families were not the traditional “husband, wife, and 2.1 kids.” Walking down Main Street, you might see a woman with her two or three husbands, a Dom with his submissive, or couples of all makes and models. It didn’t matter here. You were never judged and could live your life in peace—as long as you followed the rules.

  The rules were simple. Women were respected, loved, and protected, no matter what. The men stood together in unity and would make sure this occurred by calling meetings on an as-needed basis to resolve any issues. The town had strong beliefs about male expectations and those beliefs had been upheld for years. A man should be a man. He should be the head of his household, a hard worker, and a good provider. If you ever abused a woman, you’d get the shit beat out of you and be sent packing. There were no exceptions. Now, this life wasn’t for everyone and that was fine. You could just pass right on through and keep on going. For those who lived here though, it was worth protecting.

  The Wade brothers were getting close to fifty, but you couldn’t tell it by their looks. Logan was divorced. He had been married once for a short time, after getting out of the army. They had both been too young and being married in the traditional sense just hadn’t been right for him. Now Caleb had bee
n in a couple of serious relationships, but had never married. Both brothers knew in their hearts that they wanted what their parents had. They just never found the right woman and honestly wondered if they ever would. Their family was worried as well apparently. Any eligible woman would be invited to their home by their mother, and she considered matchmaking her hobby. Their fathers would just laugh at the brothers’ objections, knowing their wife would not be at peace until her sons had the perfect wife.

  Logan had one son who was now away at college, so at least there was one grandchild who could carry on the Wade name. Logan and his son were close and Will would come and visit as often as he could. There were two houses on Wild Ways Ranch. The one their parents shared and the one Caleb and Logan shared. Both were equally nice and had plenty of room, and it was nice living less than a mile away from one another.

  As the Wade brothers drove on home, they rounded the familiar curves with ease. They were really ready to get back. One of Logan’s men had moved the week before and he was shorthanded, which meant that Caleb had to help Logan, which meant that Caleb couldn’t do his job. As they came around the last curve, Logan startled Caleb when he slammed on the brakes.

  “Is that a fucking body?” he yelled. They both got out of the pickup, seeing a woman lying on the side of the road, her car only a few hundred feet away in the ditch. Caleb went over and put his fingers on her neck to check for a pulse. He was surprised when the woman moaned and opened her eyes.


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