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Forever in Haven's Crossing

Page 9

by Kyleigh Drake

  Kim smelled the coffee and slowly opened her eyes. She made her way to the bathroom, knowing a shower would make her feel better. She dried her hair and put on her robe. When she walked into the kitchen and saw Caleb, a shiver went over her body. She loved him. She loved Logan. She went up behind him and put her arms around his waist, hugging him from behind. “Good morning, Caleb,” she said, smiling.

  “Good morning, sugar,” he said, removing her arms and turning around to face her. He pulled her against his chest and covered her mouth with his. She felt herself melting against his body, not wanting the moment to end. “I love you, sweetheart,” he said, hugging her closer.

  “I love you, too, Caleb,” she said, absorbing the warmth from his body.

  “How’s your bottom this morning?” he asked, giving her a gentle pat.

  “Still sore,” she answered, a little embarrassed.

  “Good,” he replied, looking down into her eyes. “’Cause I want you to remember it.”

  “I don’t think that’ll be a problem and I think that if I ever get another spanking, I want Logan to do it and not you.”

  Caleb grinned at her comment and said, “We need to get breakfast on the table. Logan’ll be comin’ through the door any minute now.” As she was almost finished setting the table, Logan walked in. She ran over to him and he picked her up off her feet, kissing her at the same time.

  “Well, isn’t that a nice welcome?” he said as he sat her back down. “You feelin’ better this mornin’?”

  “Uh-huh,” she replied, leading him by the hand over to the table. He pulled her chair out and she sat very gently, causing him to chuckle. Caleb was bringing food to the table and grinned as well.

  “Logan, our girl’s decided that the next time she needs a spankin’ she wants you to do it.” Logan raised his brow and tilted his head.

  “Does she now? Well, I’ll be lookin’ forward to that, darlin’,” he said with a wink that made her blush.

  Once they had cleaned up after breakfast, they all went out on the porch, Caleb and Kim taking their place on the swing, Logan in the chair beside them. As Logan propped his scuffed boots up on the bannister, with his hands behind his head and a toothpick sticking out of his mouth, her pussy clenched at the sight. He’s so freakin’ sexy. She leaned against Caleb as he put his arms around her shoulders. She knew they were about to have their talk. Logan started this time.

  “Okay, darlin’, we wanna talk to ya about what happened last night. So first things first, why don’t you tell us what got ya so upset you almost made yourself sick.” It was a lot easier to talk to them now, but it still wasn’t completely comfortable.

  “I just woke up,” she started, looking down at her hands, “and Caleb had his arm around me and you had your leg over me and I just got overwhelmed I think because I felt like I had let you down. But you were still there beside me, you still wanted me—you didn’t leave. And, that’s when I started crying again.” She looked up at Logan, remorse still in her eyes.

  “We’re real proud of ya for tellin’ us that, honey. Now, we need to tell you a few things. First of all, even if you gave us trouble every single day, we’d never leave ya or quit lovin’ ya. You’re stuck with us forever—remember? We’re proud you’re our woman and we want the bad right along with the good. I think Caleb has told ya before that we can handle you just fine and we’re not scared by any means. When you decide to defy one of us, or both of us, or make a bad decision, we’ll be there to take care of it, so don’t you worry about that. Now, you might have a hard time sittin’ after we’re done with ya, but when it’s done it’s done. You understand me?”

  “Uh-huh,” she replied softly.

  “Now,” Caleb said. “We also need to talk about that spankin’ I gave ya. You know damn well we don’t want you smokin’ and sure as hell not drinkin’ when we’re not around, but you decided to try it anyway. We know you’ve been under a lot of stress and worryin’ about the boys comin’, so we figure that had a lot to do with it and that’s why I spanked ya so hard. You had a lot of stuff you needed to get out and you gave us the perfect opportunity with the little stunt you pulled. So tell us, sugar, are ya feelin’ stressed or worried right now?” Kim thought a moment about his question and realized she really wasn’t. She shook her head “no” and looked back at them. “And do ya think you’re gonna need another one within the next two weeks?” Caleb asked with his eyebrow raised.

  “Definitely not,” she replied quickly.

  “Good girl. Now—we’ve got a whole day to spend together. Got any ideas on what we could possibly do with all that time?” he asked with a devious grin.

  Kim smiled demurely and Logan replied, “I’m likin’ how you think, little one.” They spent the entire day making love and pleasuring each other, only taking occasional breaks for food to keep them going. By the end of that day, Kim had no doubts that she was truly loved and knew it would be forever.

  Chapter 17

  There was only one day to go before the boys arrived. Kim had a to-do list on the refrigerator—each assigned their own tasks. The men would just look at her and shake their heads each time she added something else to the agenda. They both hoped the next few days went well because they weren’t about to see her upset again.

  “Okay, I’m gonna start mowing,” Logan said, kissing her on the forehead and walking out the door.

  “Are ya ready for me to take ya to town, sugar? I can drop you off at the grocery store while I’m takin’ care of the other ninety-seven things,” Caleb said with a grin.

  “You can tease me all you want, Mr. Wade, but come tomorrow you’ll be happy this is all taken care of.” She swatted him on the bottom for a change, which got his attention.

  “Hey now, you better watch that,” he said, pulling her toward him for a kiss. They all worked hard, and by the end of the day, Kim felt everything was in place. Before falling asleep, she prayed it would all go well.

  William arrived first and Kim was taken aback by how much he looked like Logan. She got teary eyed as she watched father and son embrace and it truly touched her heart. Caleb went next, hugging William and patting him on the back. Logan stood beside Kim and said, “Kim, this is my son, Will. Will, this is the woman who stole our hearts.” Oh my God, that was so sweet, Logan.

  “I’m so happy to finally meet you, William. Your dad talks about you all the time,” Kim said, stepping forward to shake his hand, but he opened his arms to her instead.

  “Please, call me Will,” he said politely as he hugged her. “And thank you for taking care of my dad and Uncle Caleb. They need lots of help.”

  “Hey!” Logan and Caleb both said in unison, making everyone laugh.

  Will put his things away and then went over to visit his grandparents for a little while. Ben wasn’t going to be there for a few hours. About an hour before it was time for Ben to arrive, Caleb and Logan decided to go ahead and start getting things ready outside. They were grilling hamburgers, hotdogs, and steaks. Kim called Sara to invite them over to eat, so when Will came back, he had his grandparents in tow. She watched as they all laughed and teased one another and her heart was happy.

  She heard her cell phone ringing in the house and both men glanced at each other as they watched her go inside. She came back shortly and went over to fix her and the others some tea.

  “Everything okay?” Logan asked, not looking up from the grill.

  “Yeah,” she said taking a deep breath. “He’ll be here in about fifteen minutes.” They could sense her nervousness, so Caleb went over and started rubbing her neck and shoulders.

  “We love you, Kim. I know you want him to accept us, but there’s nothing you can do at this point, honey, so take a deep breath and try to relax for me, okay? ’Cause I’d hate for us to have to take you inside and help you out with that while everyone else was out here wondering what we were doin’ in there.”

  “Caleb Wade!” she whispered loudly, hoping no one had heard him, but smiling non

  She heard the car coming before she actually saw it. She stood up, straightened her skirt, and squeezed Caleb’s hand. She ran over to the car just as Ben was getting out and he grabbed his mom, hugging her tight. “You look really good, Mom.” He then whispered in her ear, “I can’t wait to shake their hand and tell them ‘thank you’ for taking such good care of you.”

  “Oh, Ben! It’s so good to see you, baby,” she cried.

  “I know, Mom. It’s good to see you, too,” he said, hugging her again.

  Caleb and Logan walked up beside them and waited patiently to meet him. Kim stepped over toward them so she could make the introductions.

  “Ben, this is Logan and this is Caleb.” She looked back at her son. “And, this is my son, Benjamin.” Logan stepped forward and then Caleb, each taking turns shaking Ben’s hand.

  “We’re glad you came to visit, Ben. We’re not sure we would’ve survived your mother’s wrath had you changed your mind.” Ben laughed as Kim playfully punched Caleb in the stomach. Caleb put his hand on Ben’s shoulder and led him to the others for introductions. Logan went back to the grill and Kim just watched as it all unfolded before her.

  After supper, Logan, Caleb, Will, and Ben all went out in the yard and threw the football around. Ben had never ridden a horse, so Logan told him he’d take them all out in the morning. Kim wanted the boys to spend time together to get to know one another, but she needed to find a way to spend some time with Will without Logan and Caleb around. She had secretly bought each one of the boys a new iPod, but she didn’t want Will to think she was trying to buy his love, so that was going to wait until they had to leave. She decided she’d take Will and Ben out to eat and to a movie after they went horseback riding. That would at least give them some time together.

  The next day around lunch time, Kim and the boys headed out, leaving the men to fend for themselves. She was really pleased at how well Will and Ben were getting along and she was able to breathe a little easier as the stress melted away. She also saw how Ben had gravitated toward Caleb. She had overheard them talking outside about paramedics and Ben had even asked for Caleb’s advice about some career choices. It was nice to see Ben have a real man to be able to look up to, and now he actually had two if he wanted.

  On the drive over to town and during the course of their meal, Kim found out about Will’s likes, dislikes, hobbies, girlfriend, and plans for the future. He was an amazing young man and very respectful. She could see some of Logan’s traits in him. Kim asked them if they would be back for Christmas, which they both promised to do. She didn’t want to tell them about the wedding because she didn’t feel like it was her place to do alone and her divorce wasn’t final yet either, so she really wasn’t sure about a date. The boys kept her laughing most of the afternoon and she was so thankful she had this time with them together.

  Three days was not long enough and Kim began to cry as she hugged the boys good-bye. “Please call your mother often,” Caleb told Ben as he squeezed his shoulder and pulled him into a hug. When Caleb released him, he looked as if he had something to say.

  “Could I, uh, speak to you two alone?” Ben asked in hesitation as he glanced over at his mom. Kim’s face went pale and Caleb looked back, giving her reassurance with only his eyes. She watched as they walked away, wondering what was being said. Kim looked over at Will and he gave her a hug.

  “It’ll be okay, Kim,” he said in confidence. “I know he likes ’em—he told me so.”

  “Thank you, William Wade. I appreciate that more than you will ever know,” she replied, hugging him back and wiping her eyes.

  “I kinda wanted to tell you something, too, if it’s okay,” he said, sitting down on the porch.

  “Of course, Will. You can always talk to me anytime you need to.” She sat down beside him and picked a petal off the flower beside her.

  “I just want to say ‘thank you’ again for loving my dad. He wasn’t doing so great at one time and it’s just really good to see him this happy. He loves you a lot, you know. I can see it when he looks at you. And I’m kinda likin’ you, too, so I hope you stay around for a long time.”

  “Thank you, Will,” she said through her tears. “That’s one of the nicest things anyone’s ever said to me. Oh! I have something for you. Wait here.” She ran inside and got the gift and came back out on the porch, handing it to him. “I didn’t want you to think I was trying to buy you off, so that’s why I waited until we spent some time together first. I hope you like it.” She watched as he opened the gift wrapped box.

  “Are you freakin’ kidding me?” he yelled in excitement. “Mine just got stolen!”

  “I know, your dad told me you were upset about it.”

  “Thank you so much, Kim,” he said, hugging her with true sincerity.

  “Okay, what’s goin’ on here—we leave you two alone for ten minutes and you’re hollerin’ and she’s cryin’ again,” Logan said, laughter in his voice.

  “Look, Dad, she got me a new iPod!” Will said, walking over to show his dad.

  “Did she now?” Logan replied as his eyebrow rose. She knew he was wondering how she did it without them knowing.

  “I got you one, too, Ben,” she said handing him his gift and giving him a hug. “I love you,” she added.

  “Love you, too, Mom—thanks for this.”

  Both boys started toward their cars, Kim wiping the tears from her face. “Damn, woman,” Logan said, pulling her toward him. “This is gettin’ to be a habit.”

  “I can’t help it—I cry when I’m happy,” she said, nudging him in the side.

  “And when you’re sad, or worried, or mad, or frustrated,” Caleb added, laughing.

  “Shut up!” she replied, slapping his arm. “I used to never cry until I met you.”

  “Honey, if you only knew how often poor Caleb has heard those words coming from a woman’s mouth,” Logan joked as Caleb vowed to get even.

  They watched their two boys drive off and then headed toward the house. “So what did Ben wanna talk to you two about?” she asked hesitantly. Both men smiled down at her.

  “He pretty much told us that he’d never seen you this happy before, thanked us for taking care of you, and told us he’d kick our asses if we ever hurt you,” Logan said, grinning.

  “He did not!” she said, nudging him again.

  “He’s a good boy, Kim,” Caleb said more seriously. “You did a fine job raising him.”

  “Thank you,” she replied. “I just wish he’d had you two in his life when he was growing up.”

  “Well he’s got us now. That’s the important thing. Now—let’s get inside and see how much more relaxed we can get ya, sugar,” he said with a wink and a pat on the bottom.

  Chapter 18

  Kim started spending a lot of time with Caleb learning about the financial aspect of running the ranch and how to put in orders, do the payroll, and how to keep all the documents filed. Caleb also taught her how to use the program he installed on the computer so she could help out and get things entered. She saw how much work he put into making sure it was all running smoothly and efficiently. She also found out just exactly how influential and wealthy the Wade family really was. She knew they had money, but they weren’t the type to flaunt it or brag about it, and since she herself was not a materialistic person, she never even brought the subject up. She just trusted they were taking care of business and now that she knew just how secure they really were, it made her proud and also gave her peace of mind.

  She finally received her divorce decree a month later and the day she got it, both Caleb and Logan asked for a date for the wedding. When she asked how it all worked, having two husbands, they explained she would be legally married to Caleb, since he was the oldest, but they’d also have a symbolic ceremony, uniting all three of them in marriage. Kim was hoping Myka and maybe the other girls would be able to come. And, since Myka was coming to visit in another six weeks, when she finished the semester and graduated w
ith her master’s degree in physical therapy, Kim was going to try and convince them to wait until she got there.

  Myka could not contain her excitement when she found out about the wedding. They started making plans and Myka wanted to have a bachelorette party if they could get everyone there.

  “Uh, they are not gonna to let me go out and get drunk off my ass with some male strippers around, Myka.”

  “What? Maybe I can talk to them,” she said. Kim began laughing so hard her stomach began to hurt.

  “You just go right ahead and do that, sister, and let me know how that works out for ya.”

  “So you don’t think I could turn on the charm and talk them into it just for one night?” Myka asked using her sweetest “I’m so innocent” voice.

  “Again,” Kim said, knowing her men a lot better than Myka did, “good luck with that. So, what’s plan B?”

  “Hey, what about just a celebration at your house?” Myka suggested.

  “Now you might have something there—as long as there are no strippers. I’m pretty sure they’d be okay with that, I’ll talk to ’em tonight.”

  “So, are you ever gonna tell me what it’s like being with two men?” Myka asked, always trying to get all the delicious details.

  “Myka Lambert, I’m gonna beat your ass if you ask me that one more time! It’s just one of those things you have to try out for yourself, but I will say—it’s definitely worth the experience. And who knows, this is a ménage town after all—maybe we can get you the hookup,” Kim said, laughing.

  “Oh my God, I could never!” Myka shrieked. “It is intriguing though. We might just have to explore some possibilities.” The girls continued to chat on the phone, making plans and laughing until Myka had to leave for class. Kim promised to call after she had a chance to talk to Caleb and Logan.


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