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Death of a Prosecutor

Page 24

by Wendy Soliman

‘My official period of mourning is two months. It’s longer for the rest of the family of course, so we shall have a small wedding in three months’ time.’

  ‘How lovely,’ Carolyn said, from across the table. ‘Is Sophia to be a bridesmaid?’

  ‘I would be in the greatest possible trouble if Amelia had not asked her,’ Riley replied.

  ‘Where shall you live?’ Olivia asked.

  ‘I shall give up my house and take up residence in Amelia’s, since it is larger.’

  ‘Poor Stout will feel neglected, I dare say,’ Eva remarked.

  ‘Not in the least. Amelia is one of the few people who can encourage my dour servant to smile. There is room for him to be comfortable in Chelsea, and he can devote himself to being my valet, which is the capacity in which I originally engaged him.’

  ‘And no doubt he’ll help you with your various investigations,’ Jake remarked.

  ‘And that too.’

  ‘You shall continue at Scotland Yard, I hope,’ Isaac said.

  ‘I have no immediate intention of resigning. My brother is still the marquess and will live for many years yet I hope, despite his best efforts to drink himself insensible.’

  ‘You will be pleased to hear that the charges against Caldwell are to be dropped,’ Isaac said when the subject of Riley’s forthcoming nuptials had been exhausted. ‘I know you have not yet been back to the Yard, Riley, so you might not have heard.’

  ‘I had not, but am not surprised. I am however very glad, although I would have liked it if Fuller had been publicly exposed for corrupting his daughter.’

  ‘Ah, you are clearly out of touch,’ Jake said. ‘Your mind is on other matters, no doubt,’ he added with a smile for Amelia. ‘I have it on good authority—’

  ‘In other words, Parker keeps his ear to the ground,’ Olivia added, making everyone smile.

  ‘Quite so. I am reliably informed by Parker that the Board of Customs and Excise was aware of the pilfering of tobacco due for disposal and had planned to raid the warehouses involved. Suffice it to say that the raid upon Fortescue’s has thrown up a lot of guilty parties keen to negotiate their way out of being charged.’

  ‘I’m not surprised to hear it,’ Riley said with a wry smile.

  ‘Several of Fuller’s closest partners in crime have independently attested to the fact that he bragged to them about killing his own daughter.’

  ‘Did they, by gad! Are their claims being taken seriously?’

  ‘Seemingly so.’ It was Isaac who answered him. ‘We have heard rumours in chambers. Fuller knew of Fortescue’s son’s plans for his daughter. One of the aforementioned partners in crime found them in a compromising position and told Fuller, who had to put a stop to it. Anyway, Fuller’s goose is now well and truly cooked.’

  ‘I am delighted to hear you say so,’ Riley replied, raising his glass to Isaac and Jake.

  ‘Talking of chambers’ gossip,’ Tom said. ‘I hear tell that our friend James Boland is also on the point of announcing his engagement.’ He paused for emphasis. ‘To Miss Clara Glover.’

  ‘My God!’ Riley felt bile rise up in his throat.

  ‘The word is that Norman was fit to be tied when he learned of the contents of his father’s will, and vowed to contest it. Boland knew that would be an exercise in futility and persuaded him to see reason.’

  ‘And saved his own career in the process by offering to marry one of Sir Robert’s daughters, quelling the rumours about his predilections,’ Riley surmised. ‘He will be able to use Clara’s inheritance of twenty thousand pounds to set up a home where Norman will be a regular guest, I would imagine, free to follow his artistic bent and continue his…’ He glanced at Carolyn who was following the conversation with gleeful interest. ‘His friendship with Norman as well as maintaining his image as a respectably married man. You have to hand it to him, the man is quick-witted.’

  ‘And when Lady Glover dies Norman will inherit her property and the residue of her fortune,’ Isaac added. ‘Those two have come out of this well.’

  ‘I wonder if Mrs Barchester will use her windfall to regain her independence from her husband,’ Olivia mused.

  ‘I hope she will,’ Riley said. ‘Sir Robert left her a letter which, I expect, encourages her to do precisely that. Life is short and we must all grab our happiness whenever we can.’ He smiled across the table at Amelia. ‘Her husband will know of the inheritance by now so she will have to make up her mind quickly, before he exerts undue pressure on her.’

  But Riley couldn’t worry about that now. In fact he wasn’t inclined to worry about anything at all. He caught Amelia’s eye and raised his glass in her direction, thinking himself the happiest of men, wondering if days were allowed to be this good.

  The End

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  About the Author

  Hi, I do hope you enjoyed Death of a Prosecutor. If so, look out for the previous books in the Riley Rochester Investigates series. Please also take a moment to leave a review on the site you purchased it from. I’d love to hear what you thought of this particular novel – what you enjoyed most about it and what you didn’t like. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

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  I’m a British author, brought up on the Isle of Wight, but now live in Andorra. I share my life with my long-suffering husband and a rescued dog of indeterminate pedigree named Jake Bentley after the hero in one of my books. Both Jakes are handsome mongrels with independent spirits and wild streaks.

  I’ve had over sixty books published, ranging from Regency romance, (my first love), to contemporary women’s fiction and marine crime mysteries.

  When not writing I walk miles with my dog, make half-hearted visits to the gym, read other people’s tomes…oh, and I’m on a one woman mission to keep the wine trade profitable!

  Check out all of my books, and learn more about me from my website:

  Follow me on twitter @wendyswriter or on Facebook: Wendy Soliman - Author

  Also available from Bookbaby by this Author

  Historical Romance

  Stand Alone Regencies

  Lady Hartley’s Inheritance

  Duty’s Destiny

  To Defy a Duke

  The Duke’s Legacy

  A Reason to Rebel

  A Duke by Default

  Forgotten Heiress

  For Want of a Reputation

  Christmas at Castleray

  Ava’s Passion

  Mrs. Darcy Entertains Series

  Miss Bingley’s Revenge

  Colonel Fitzwilliam’s Dilemma

  Miss Darcy’s Passion

  Kitty Bennet’s Despair

  Lydia Wickham’s Journal

  Pemberley – The Next Generation Series

  Emma Bingley’s Romantic Nature

  Naomi Sanford’s Compassionate Nature

  Bella Darcy’s Impetuous Nature

  Eleanor Bingley’s Rebellious Nature

  Rosie Turner’s Contrary Nature

  Susie Darcy’s Tenacious Nature

  Ducal Encounters Series 1

  At the Duke’s Discretion

  With the Duke’s Approval

  Portrait of a Duke

  For the Duke’s Pleasure

  In the Duke’s Estimation

  Captivating the Duke

  Ducal Encounters Series 2

  Reunited with the Duke

  Christmas with the Duke

  Representing the Duke

  Safeguarding the Duke

  Acting for the Duke

ng the Duke

  Ducal Encounters Series 3

  Conspiring with the Duke

  Dedicated to the Duke

  Impugning the Duke’s Honour

  Victorian Vigilante Series

  Saving Grace

  Heirs and Graces

  With Good Grace

  Fall From Grace

  Social Graces

  Elegance and Grace

  Riley Rochester Investigates Series

  Death of a Debutante

  Death of a Courtesan

  Death of a Prosecutor

  Contemporary Titles

  Deadline Series

  A Date to Die For

  A Contest to Kill For






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