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Charlotte & Nate (Royals of Valleria #4)

Page 25

by Marianne Knightly

  Finn sighed. “Being with you is my favorite place to be, no matter what state business awaits me.”

  Brazenbourg was a small country, barely a thousand square miles total. Finn had taken over as ruler after his elder brother, Henry’s, schemes had failed. While Henry had been killed, Arianna, Finn, and their child had survived. “I’m excited to spend my first holiday in Brazenbourg.”

  She could feel Finn smile against the nape of her neck. “Are you really, Princess?”

  “Oh, yes. I’ll definitely miss Valleria and my family, but I want to show the people here that I love them as much as they seem to love me.”

  “They do love you, Princess. Don’t have any doubts about that. Do you know what traditions you’d like to have this Christmas?”

  “You and me and baby, snuggled up near the fire, watching the lights twinkle on the tree.”

  “Mmmm. I like the sound of that. I meant any Vallerian traditions you’d like to have.”

  “Oh. Well, they wouldn’t be the same without the family.” She let out a soft sigh of despair; maybe it would be harder than she thought missing Christmas with them, but she was determined to be the best princess that Brazenbourg had ever seen.

  “I’m sorry, baby.”

  “Sorry for what?”

  “I’m sorry you’re missing Christmas with them. Why don’t you go back home to Valleria? I don’t know that I could go with you, but your family would take care of you if I couldn’t.”

  “Oh, Finn.” She turned in his hold to face him once more, and pressed a hand to his scruff-covered cheek. “Where I go, you go, remember? You’re my home now, don’t you know that? You and Brazenbourg. This is our first holiday together, and I’m not missing it for anything. Just because I miss my family, well, just remember that I’d miss you more if we were apart.”

  A smile that sent her heart stuttering spread across his face. “I’d miss you, too, like crazy.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead and snuggled her against him. Finn was clad only in a pair of form-fitting boxers, while she wore only one of his simple cotton shirts; they were the only thing she was comfortable sleeping in these days as hormones sent her temperature fluctuating like mad during the night.

  “What do you want for Christmas, baby?” he asked.

  “I told you.”

  “The Christmas tree’s a given, and so am I for that matter. I’m going to get you something, whether you like it or not, so you’d better just tell me.”

  She smiled against his chest. “Then I’d have to get you something, too, right? What would you like?”

  His hand slipped under her shirt to rest over her womb. “You’ve already given me everything I want. Let me pamper you.”

  She sighed. Was it any wonder she’d been lost almost from the first moment they met? “I just want you, Finn, that’s all. I’ll be happy in a few months when my morning sickness is behind me and we can finally get married.”

  “So will I, baby,” he said as he kissed her forehead again. “So will I.”


  Back in Valleria, Prince Nathaniel, who was tucked away in yet another royal apartment, woke aroused and alone. He let out a groan at the feel of the cool sheets next to him, which still lingered with Charlotte’s sweet scent.

  He sat up and pushed back his chin length hair. The sheets fell away, revealing a broad, tapered chest smattered with chest hair, and a long cock looking for his love.

  He stood up and glanced around the room. Charlie’s clothes were still scattered on the floor where he’d hastily thrown them last night, and her robe was still draped across a chair. Noticing his shirt was missing, he now knew exactly where she was.

  Deciding against even a robe, he walked naked out of his bedroom toward his kitchen. The smells of sweetly baking brioche – one of his favorite breakfast foods – filled the air, along with the scent of freshly brewed Vallerian roast coffee. As he reached the kitchen, he crossed his arms and leaned against the doorjamb.

  Charlie stood hunched over the counter, fashioning miniature wreaths out of fondant. She wore only his shirt, its sleeves rolled up several times and the bottom edge just barely covered where his cock wanted to be most. Her straight, mouse brown hair was pulled back in a hasty ponytail, and her toned legs ended in a pair of bare feet.

  “You make quite the sexy baker, Charlotte-mine.”

  Her head whipped around at the sound of his voice and she blushed. He noticed she blushed much more easily now, and he loved to watch it spread across her skin, loved to taste it. His cock twitched, and Charlie’s eyes drifted down.

  “You’re awake.”

  “In more ways than one.” He pushed off the doorjamb and made his way to her, hugging her from behind and dropping a kiss to the side of her neck. “What time did you get up this morning?”

  She shook her head, as though the question were irrelevant. “I wanted to make you fresh brioche but, after I did that, I thought there’s so much to do before the Holiday Ball, and the other events going on around the palace, that I might as well work. I’ll be lucky if I can finish everything on time as it is.”

  “I didn’t ask why you woke up early, I asked what time you woke up.” He sighed. “I’m worried about you, Charlie. I know you’re Head Baker for the palace, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need rest.”

  She turned to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck while keeping her messy hands away from his body. “I’m not just Head Baker. When I take over Coco’s job next year, I’ll be in charge of all the kitchens, everything, not just baking. It’s a big responsibility. I have to show that I’m up for it, especially since I’m American and not Vallerian.”

  He tightened his hold around her. “You are Vallerian, Charlotte-mine, and there’s no question that you’re up to the responsibility. However, you still need your rest.” One of his hands slipped underneath the shirt to rest over her left side, where a line of puckered skin was etched. “You were shot barely a month ago, Charlie. I don’t want you to push yourself too much.”

  She quirked an eyebrow at him. “Really? Said the man with who was also shot on his left side just one day after me? Need I remind you that I’ve been out of the hospital for five weeks now while you’ve been home for only two?”

  He tried unsuccessfully to fight the smile that broke through. “I know it seems hypocritical.”

  “Besides which, after what you did to me last night, I’m sure we’re both well and recovered.”

  “I’m not sure our doctors would agree with us.”

  “Well, we’ve always been overachievers, right?”

  He pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “Yes, we have. Come to bed, Charlotte-mine. Be with me a while.”

  She sighed. “All right. I guess I can work on these later. Let me just wash my hands.”

  As she turned, he stopped her. He brought one of her hands to his lips and took each digit into his mouth in turn. “Mmmm,” he hummed. “You always taste so sweet.”

  Charlie’s bold blue eyes grew darker and her tongue slipped out to lick her pink lips. “Nate.”

  “I’ll taste all of you before we’re done, Charlotte-mine.” He backed her out of the kitchen and only made it halfway down the hall before he couldn’t wait any longer. He fisted the shirt she wore – his shirt – in his hands and ripped it apart, sending buttons flying. She was naked but for a pair of practical black underwear, and her body was a feast of its own, calling to him, enticing him, and he never got enough.

  “Nate.” Her body tensed and he knew why. She would never be one to fall apart without some help, but he didn’t care. She wanted him, loved him, had even moved in with him to the Royal Wing of the palace. What the fuck did he care if a vibrator was part of their daily lives?

  He lifted her easily in his arms and she protested. “Nate, stop. You shouldn’t pick me up. You’ll hurt yourself.”

  He snorted. He may still be a little sore, but he was fine; they both were, thank God. He entered the bedroom and dropped her softl
y on the bed, then pushed the shirt off and away from her. When he ripped her underwear away, she laid back and sighed. “I wish you wouldn’t keep destroying all of my clothes.”

  He smiled as he pulled out the vibrator and tube of lubrication gel from the nightstand and tossed them on the bed. “Stop looking so fucking sexy in them and I won’t.”

  She shook her head against the pillow, her soft strands splayed out underneath her. “No other man has ever thought my simple underwear was ‘sexy’, you know.”

  He prowled over her on the bed as a wave of possession gripped him. “And no other man ever will, except me.” He pressed his body into hers and his full lips took hers in a hard kiss. “You’re mine, Charlotte.” He pressed his cock against her. “Only mine.”

  She fisted her hands in hair, keeping it away from his fierce face. “And you’re mine, Nate. Only mine.”

  While their mouths explored and tongues waged war, her skin warmed to a simmer under his hands. He knew her now, knew her body and her mind. He knew just the slow, torturous pace he needed to take to pleasure her, and he took it happily every time.

  A light sheen of sweat coated him, then her. His cock, which seemed to be in an ever-present state of arousal since falling for her, was still learning patience under her hands and in her body. When her body finally began to respond, he covered himself with the condom and lube and entered her, inch by breathtaking inch, until he was seated fully inside her.

  He became a man possessed with her pleasure, licking and sucking, thrusting and biting, until he felt the right moment come. He reached for the long, slim vibrator and flipped it on low.

  He pressed it between them, and her clit hardened almost instantly. Her back bowed against the bed, her hands tugged at his hair, the biting pain spurring him further.

  She finally convulsed around him, letting out a cry of release, and he let himself go with a roar.

  He collapsed briefly on top of her to catch his breath before rolling away and off the bed to dispose of the condom.

  When he returned, she smiled as she held the covers open for him – a simple, caring act that sent his heart stuttering.

  He pulled her into his arms and they snuggled against each other. “I love you, Charlotte-mine.”

  “I love you, Nate.” She pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “I love you so much.”

  Content, they fell asleep for a little longer, wrapped in each other’s arms.


  Back in Alex and Rebecca’s apartment, Alex thrust into Rebecca again. Her moan spurred him on, and his cock itched to possess her even more. Harder and harder he pushed into her, causing her body to shift up the bed.

  “Alex, please,” she cried, and he knew what she wanted, what she craved.

  His hand reached between them to torture her below and she moaned again. Her body contracted once around him, but it wasn’t enough; not nearly enough.

  Harder and harder he thrust, over and over and over again. Her back arched and her body spread wide, giving itself over to the pleasure.

  When her orgasm hit, a fierce pounding came on the apartment door. Alex roared as anger at the disruption warred with the painful cock buried inside his love.

  He let go, filling her, claiming her, with everything he had, giving her every bit as much as she’d given him.

  He collapsed on top of her, their sweat mingling with the delicious scent of their lovemaking and he took her mouth in fierce possession.

  When the pounding on the door continued, he roared and pushed away from her. “Whoever dares bother me this morning will be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

  She giggled in between gasps of breath. “It sounds like it’s important, whatever it is.”

  He slid off the bed, giving Rebecca’s body one long, last, lingering look.

  “You’d better stop looking at me like that or else you’ll never answer the door,” Rebecca said.

  “Don’t you dare cover yourself, darling. I’m going to take you again as soon as I have someone arrested.”

  He heard her giggle again as he shuffled on a robe and left the room, closing the door behind him. He made his way down the hall and towards the foyer, where the knocking had become more insistent.

  “I’m coming, for Christ’s sake. What the hell is so important?” He’d just finished tying the robe when he reached the front door and wrenched it open. His mouth dropped open in shock.

  “Papa? What are you doing here? What’s wrong?”

  King Gabriel had a fierce scowl on his face and a newspaper in his hand. He strode in, his boots tapping swiftly against the floor while he did. Alex could tell he’d been up for a while already, based on his casual attire and clear eyes.

  “Where’s Rebecca?” Gabriel asked.

  “She’s in bed. What’s happened? Is it her parents? Has something happened to them?”

  Gabriel shook his head. “No, my son, it’s not that. It’s this.” He slapped the newspaper into Alex’s hand.

  Curious as to what would make his calm, level-headed father lose control, Alex unfolded the newspaper and took in the headline. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open in shock.

  “Well?” Gabriel asked impatiently. “Is it true? You do realize we are fast approaching the Annual Holiday Ball, which will double as your engagement party? What do you have to say for yourself?”

  The headline was bold and clear: Prince Alexander’s Mistress.

  A picture beneath the headline took up most of the space above the fold. Though the picture was dark and taken at nighttime, it was clearly him, and he was clearly kissing someone not quite visible in the shadows.

  Alex ran a hand through his hair. “What the fuck? This picture was taken in the palace gardens. There’s no way anyone could have gotten this without long range lenses. Fucking vultures!”

  “I don’t care what kind of lens was used to take it, I want you to explain yourself.”

  “What’s going on?”

  Alex turned to see Rebecca, who looked so cozy and fucking cute all cuddled up in her robe. “Gossip again, darling.”

  “Are you sure she should see that, Alex?” Gabriel asked.

  “Of course,” Alex said easily and handed Rebecca the newspaper.

  As Rebecca took in the picture, her mouth, too, fell open.

  Then she began laughing.

  A deep, full, belly laugh that had Alex smiling broadly at her.

  “Would someone care to tell me what’s so funny?” Gabriel asked, his arms crossed over his chest.

  “That’s us,” Alex said as he gestured between himself and Rebecca. “They got a picture of us making out in the gardens one night. My guess is a couple weeks ago.”

  Realization dawned on Gabriel’s face. “I see. You always favor nighttime walks in winter?”

  Alex shrugged. “Rebecca likes to run, and sometimes we go together. Lately, we only get a chance for it later in the day, when it’s already dark. We thought we were safe enough. Even the Royal Protection agents who are assigned to us keep their distance, even though they’re running with us. More than that, the grounds are closed to the public in winter, so no one should have seen us.”

  “Unless they have long range lenses,” Gabriel added.

  Alex nodded. “Now that we’ve got sorted out, perhaps you can tell me why you thought I would cheat on Rebecca with anyone, ever? I mean, Jesus, Papa. Really?”

  Gabriel cleared his throat. “After the story broke this morning, a woman came forward claiming that was her.”

  “Well, it’s bullshit. She clearly just wants attention.”

  “She wants more than that.”

  “What do you mean?” Rebecca asked as she wound an arm around Alex’s waist; Alex wrapped an arm around her in return.

  “She’s shopping around some pictures she states are of the two of you in ‘compromising’ situations.”

  “What. The. Fuck?”

  Gabriel nodded. “My sentiments exactly. The timing couldn’t b
e worse. News is slow due to the holiday season, so all of the media outlets – even the legitimate ones – are questioning the two of you.”

  Alex glanced down at Rebecca, whose forehead was creased in worry. Damn it; he wouldn’t let anything or anyone harm her. “It’ll be okay, darling. Don’t worry.”

  “It may not, my son. This scandal is growing by the minute.”

  Alex shook his head. “Who the hell is this? I would never cheat on Rebecca.” He looked her straight in the eyes and cupped her face. “I would never cheat on you. You know that, don’t you?”


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