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whiskey witches 01 - whisky witches

Page 17

by S. M. Blooding

  Andy held his hands open and low, his eyes and mouth wide.

  Reece’s lips parted soundlessly.

  A dawning horror lit Alma’s face. “I did what I had to.”

  “Rachel might have taken Lee away from me physically, but you stripped her from my mind.” Paige’s voice was hoarse. Her gaze focused with a blinding brilliance.

  Dexx reached the edge of the circle, preparing to launch himself at Alma, to knock her away.

  “I’m going to strip you from my mind.” Paige released a ripping wind, knocking everyone back against the walls. Alma remained.

  Dexx’s shoulder blade connected painfully with the wall before he fell to the ground.

  Alma struggled against an unseen force.

  “You are dead to me. Dead.” Paige relaxed and collapsed against the ropes.

  Alma crumpled to the ground.

  Dexx rushed to the old woman’s side on all fours. He felt like he’d been hit by a truck and judging by the way everyone groaned as they picked themselves up, no one else felt much better. He rolled Alma onto her back, lightly slapping her cheeks. “Alma.”

  She didn’t stir.

  He glanced up at Paige or the demon or whoever the fuck she was at the moment, but she-he-it was out cold. “Alma. Wake up.”

  She moaned, raising a gnarled hand to her head. “I fell for it.”

  “Yeah.” Dexx drug her out of the circle without disturbing the trap, not that it’d helped much. He hurried to repair the salt line. “You did. We both did. You o—” He took in a startled breath as he met her gaze.


  “Ca—um, can you see me?”

  “Clear as day.” She stopped for a moment and reached up to touch her left eye. “I can see. For the first time in years, I can really see.”

  “That’s great, ‘cause—uh—” He searched the room for help.

  Alma pinned him with her strange and empty eyes. “What?”

  He licked his lips, unable to meet her gaze. “They’re white. They’re both just white. No color. No pupil. No nothing. Just white.”

  Shock fell over Alma’s face. “They’re what?”



  Paige—no. The demon raised its head and chuckled dryly.

  “Alma,” Dexx said, helping her toward the stairs. “Wait in the church and stay there.”

  Alma stood in stupefied wonder. “I can see.”

  “I’m sorry, Alma, but now is not the time. Go upstairs and wait for us.”

  “Now that you understand the importance of this ritual,” Reece said, picking himself off the floor, “please allow Andy and myself to conduct this exorcism without interruption.”

  Dexx breathed slowly. If it had chosen any other vessel, he’d be gone right now.

  “God, by your name save me, and by your might defend my cause,” Reece said, never taking his eyes off of the demon.

  “God, hear my payer; hearken to the words of my mouth.” Andy’s voice shook as he pressed himself against the wall.

  “You can’t keep the gate closed on your own,” the demon said. “Even if you tried, even if you were mad enough to think you could, you’d fail. Horribly. Miserably. You need me.”

  The older priest continued, oblivious. “For haughty men have risen up against me, and fierce men seek my life; they set not God before their eyes.”

  “That’s what you think,” Dexx answered.

  “See, God is my helper.” Andi’s voice cracked. “The Lord sustains my life.”

  “So, send me back. What’s your plan? They’re comin’ either way.”

  “Turn back the evil upon my foes; in your faithfulness destroy them.”

  Dexx shrugged.

  Reece set his face in grim determination. “Freely will I offer you sacrifice.”

  “Save your words, priest,” the demon spat impatiently.

  “Save your servant.” Reece advanced slowly on the demon.

  “How would you do it?” Dexx took a step forward. “What’s your plan?”

  “Let her find in you, Lord, a fortified tower in the face of the enemy.”

  Lucius gave Dexx a wordless smirk.

  The demon didn’t have a plan either.

  “Let the enemy have no power over her and the son of iniquity be powerless to harm her. Lord, send her aid from your holy place and watch over her from Sion.”

  A scream ripped through the demon’s throat that was both demonic and feminine.

  “Stop,” a new voice commanded. “He’s telling the truth. You need him.”

  Dexx spun on Balnore in surprise. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Lord, heed my prayer and let my cry be heard by you. The Lord be with you. May He also be with you.”

  Balnore looked bored, like there were a million other things he could have been doing at that moment. He tipped his chin toward Paige, eyes on Dexx. “She summoned me.”

  Reece stroked the pages in his book lovingly before he began again. “I command you, unclean spirit, whose name is Lucius, along with all your minions now attacking this servant of God—”

  “Face reality, Dexx.” Balnore straightened his shirt sleeve. “You can’t keep the gate closed. We need Lucius’ help. He’s a guardian of that gate. Gabriel trapped him between worlds for a reason.”

  Lucius screamed.

  “—by the mysteries of the incarnation, passion, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ,” Reece shouted, “by the descent of the Holy Spirit, by the coming of our Lord for judgment—”

  The demon whipped his head around. “If I go, I’ll take her with me. She’s the only other one who can use the key to keep it closed.”

  “What are you saying, demon?” Dexx growled.

  “—I command you to obey me to the letter, I who am a minister of God despite my unworthiness; nor shall you be emboldened to harm in any way this creature of God—”

  “An alliance,” the demon said.

  Balnore shrugged. “It would be smart.”

  “Says the damned demon that bound her gift in the first fucking place.” Dexx pressed his fist against his mouth, debating something he shouldn’t be entertaining. Wouldn’t be entertaining if it weren’t for the fact the damn thing was in Paige’s body.

  “I cast you out, unclean spirit, along with every Satanic power of the enemy, every spectre from Hell and all your fell companions; in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Reece made the sign of the cross in the air before him.

  “Do you really think you humans can do this on your own?” Lucius jerked against his bonds. “You know it has been opened once. How much more do you want to lose? Which do you think you would prefer? The angel who would smite you for your sins, or the demon who would devour your soul?”

  “Begone,” Reece commanded.

  The demon writhed in the chair, a low growl emanating from him.

  “And stay far from this creature of God,” the priest continued, again making the sign of the cross. “For it is He who commands you. He who flung you headlong from the heights of heaven into the depths of Hell.”

  “I was born here, you asshole,” Lucius said between clenched teeth.

  “It is He who commands you, He who once stilled the sea and the wind and the storm.”

  Paige’s twisted voice rose in a pain-filled cry.

  “Hearken, therefore, and tremble in fear, Lucius, you enemy of the faith, you foe of the human race, you begetter of death, you robber of life—”

  “Don’t send me back.”

  Balnore let out a long, put-out sigh.

  “—you corrupter of justice, you root of all evil and vic. Seducer of men, betrayer of the nations, instigator of envy, font of avarice—”

  The demon jerked to the side and shouted something in Latin Dexx didn’t understand.

  “—fomenter of discord, author of pain and sorrow. Why, then, do you stand and resist, knowing as you must that Christ the Lord brings your plans to nothing? Fear H

  “The key,” the demon cried in a deafening voice. “You must protect the key!”

  Balnore’s shoulders slumped as he rolled his eyes.

  “Begone, then, in the name of the Father,” Reece said, making the sign of the cross.

  Balnore moved with lightning speed and grabbed Paige’s shoulder. He stared intently into the demon’s eyes. The air seemed to still. The storm outside silenced.

  “—and of the Son, and of the Holy—”

  An explosion of sound interrupted the priest, tossing the man across the room.

  The light bulb burst overhead, leaving them in dusky darkness.

  Dexx peered through the poor light to see what had happened.

  Out of thin air, a body manifested. Tall, bald, and heavily tattooed, wearing a burgundy robe embroidered in gold. Dexx’s eyes widened as Paige slumped forward against the ropes holding her.

  Oh . . . shit.

  Two very real, very solid demons.

  What in the seven pits of Hell had they done?

  Love comes in many forms.

  They’re not always pretty.

  Atrium Carceri


  The Untold

  DEXX COULDN’T DECIDE which fire to put out first. The priest who couldn’t understand why demons should be allowed inside his church? The demon summoner who was no longer possessed, but comatose? The witch who seemed fine, even though she looked wicked creepy? Or the two demons who were whispering at the far end of the cathedral about God only knew what. Or . . . maybe He didn’t. Who knew?

  Time for an honest assessment instead of a flying-off-the-seat-of-his-pants freak out. The demons chatted, but flames hadn’t spewed forth. No apocalypse yet. Dexx decided to let that one sit for the moment.

  Reece stood guard over the two of them, anyway, as if he had anything he could really throw at them if the two decided to bring Hell to his church. Alma scoured a book—which wasn’t her grimoire, thank you very much—and seemed to be quite content being left alone to her research. Grumpy old witch. Paige still hadn’t awakened after expelling Lucius from her body.

  Out of all the problems to deal with, Paige needed to be fixed first. All right. So, he should probably be dealing with the demons, but he didn’t know what to do with them. He thumped his fist against one of the square columns supporting the vaulted roof, and retreated to the back of the church. He didn’t know what to do with Paige either.

  Reece’s office was the last door on the left. Dexx had left Paige on the leather couch to rest.

  He leaned against the doorway, releasing a pent-up breath through his pursed lips. Did he even know how to help Paige? He was a guy, oddly enough. What did a man do with a woman who was falling apart?

  Have sex with her.

  Not likely with this one.

  Dexx stepped around the couch and stopped. Paige was gone.

  He returned to the cathedral. “Hey, has anyone seen Paige?”

  Reece ignored him, knee deep in conversation with the two demons. They seemed to be rather invested in the discussion as well.

  Alma raised her head, her white eyes startling in the dark of the church. “She’s gone?”

  “Kinda why I asked if you’d seen her.” Dexx spun on his heel and retraced his steps. “I’ll find her.”

  “With everything going on,” Alma said, following, “you’ll excuse me, but I’m coming with you.”

  Dexx rolled his shoulder. He wasn’t into family drama. He didn’t know how to deal with emotional women, Whiskey women most of all. They each had their own super power, which brought “scary” to whole new levels. He searched the rooms on either side of the long hallway, making it to a door that led outside.

  He glimpsed Paige through the small window. “Found her.”

  Alma reached for the handle.

  He raised a hand, his lips flat. “Look, she’s hurting. We don’t know what state of mind she’s in or how she’s going to react. Maybe you should let me scope things out first. You know. Ensure a safe approach.”

  Alma smashed her wrinkled lips shut and crossed her arms over her full chest.

  “You’ve got the best intentions. I understand that. However.” He shrugged at her, his mouth shut, his eyebrows raised.

  Alma’s eerie white gaze penetrated him.

  He licked his lips. “And, um, Alma?”

  She relaxed her arms a smidge.

  “Get sunglasses.” Dexx threw her a tight smile and stepped onto the unwelcoming concrete porch.

  Paige sat on a masonry block they probably used to prop the door open with. She leaned against the side of the building, a plume of smoke issuing from her mouth in the chilled air.

  “I know I didn’t bring those.” Dexx closed the door behind him.

  She pointed with her chin, her eyes brown and vacant.

  The rain cascaded off the roof, creating a curtain.

  Andy stood at the far end of the long porch inside the wall of water, a cigarette in his shaking fingers. He hunched his shoulders and pressed himself into the wall, away from Paige.

  “Hey, Andy,” Dexx called. “How much for the entire pack?”

  Andy dug the cigarettes out of his pocket and threw them at Dexx. He fled inside the building.

  Dexx took in a deep breath and walked over toward Paige. He thumped a cigarette out of the pack, and held his other hand out.

  Paige gave him the lighter and took the pack from him. “Didn’t know you smoked.”

  “Don’t.” He lit up and let out the smoke with a choked cough. “Not in a long time.” He gave her back the lighter. “Seemed appropriate though. Been one hell of a day.”

  She nodded and lit another.

  “You going to do anything stupid?”

  Her cold and apathetic expression didn’t shift as she ignored him.

  “Besides chain smoke, of course, because this—” He held his cigarette out. “—could kill you.”

  “I don’t care.”

  Dexx leaned against the wall, studying her. Smoke in. Smoke out. He shifted his attention to the falling rain. A car drove past, pushing water in its wake. “You can’t keep on like this, you know.”

  Paige’s lips curled in a flinch of derision.

  He grimaced at his cigarette. The nicotine felt good as it hit his system, but it tasted like ass. He lifted his eyebrows and took another drag. “Want to tell me what happened back there?”


  “In the basement. With your grandmother.”

  She blinked and her expression softened minutely. She let out a puff of smoke and leaned her head against the siding of the church. “Nope.”

  “What did you do to Alma? Did you intend to hurt her?”

  Paige sucked in her top lip and bit down on it. “I don’t know.”

  Dexx tossed his cigarette out into the rain and knelt beside her. “I kinda know what you’re going through.” He took her hand. “I mean, when my brother—” Who was he kidding? “You know, what I went through probably doesn’t even compare to what you did.”

  Paige’s fingers fluttered under his. “Hurt is hurt.”

  He met her chocolate brown gaze. “Yeah, I guess it is, and I hurt a lot. I felt—I don’t know, ashamed because I didn’t help enough, like I’d let him down. He’d needed me.”

  “Yeah. Leah needed me, too. I was so stupid.”

  “So was I. I was so damned mad. I couldn’t see straight, couldn’t think straight, and it didn’t matter what anyone told me, whether it was my mom, or Nick, or—” He stopped himself and whispered, “Rachel.”

  Paige took in a deep breath and slid her attention to the rain. “I keep forgetting you were practically raised in her house.”

  “Not really. Just after my dad left. Nick took me in like a stray dog.”

  “I feel alone.”

  Dexx bit the inside of his lip. “Are you? Or did you isolate yourself?”

  She crushed the butt of her cigarette at her feet. “At first, I felt
safer on my own. Now, I just feel alone.”

  He gave her fingers a squeeze. “Then don’t be.”

  He watched her teeter on the edge; the edge of icy apathy and blazing fury.

  He knew that edge. He’d walked it before. “Things aren’t gonna get better. These years without her are lost. You’ll never get them back.”

  Tears studded her eyes like silent screams attempting escape.

  “You can get her back,” he said. “You won’t ever have those years again, but you can have others.”

  “What if I can’t? What if I’ve screwed this up beyond salvaging?”

  “You still gotta fight. You’re trying to tell me you can’t fight? You?”

  She extricated her hand from his and rolled the pack between her palms. “For a while now, its felt like something inside me broke. I didn’t know what it was, didn’t know how to fix it. I thought I was unlovable, but now I know.”

  “Know what? If you’re playing something your mother said in your head, stop it. Cease and desist. Immediately. That woman has no business being a part of your life. She has no right in what you think or do. And you should never, ever, ever pay attention to anything she says.”

  She closed her eyes for a long moment then opened them again.

  “I know what you’re doing. You’re replaying memories long forgotten, re-remembering the shit she fed you. Enough. She wanted to destroy you. She succeeded, not because you’re inferior or deserved it, but because she surprised you by stooping to a level you never thought possible.”

  “That’s—” She massaged her temple. “That’s true, but I don’t know how to put it back together again.”

  “Me either.” He got up and dragged her to her feet. “We’ll find a way, though. I promise. You are one tough nut and I . . .”

  Her gaze rose to meet his.

  His hand shook with the intensity of his conviction. “I believe in you. You can do anything you set your mind to.”

  She pressed her lips together as the rain fell. Minutes passed. She nodded.

  He led the way down the long hall into the worship room. “Hey, guys,” Dexx called. “Time to get out of here. We’ve got a long road ahead of us. Let’s get going.”

  Worry highlighted Reece’s blue eyes as he assessed Paige. “Do you think it’s safe? She should rest.”


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