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The Traitor's Crux (The Dark Powers Book 1)

Page 21

by Jessica Prather

  All I can think of is my friends. Where did they go? Are they even alive?

  Where is everyone? The town is empty. No signs of life.

  I hear the dreadful cadence of his voice before I see him. Reed talks pleasantly, cheerful of his newest win. He beams brighter as my mother pushes me forward. “Ah, splendid, there she is, just in time! Now, you can see what you’ve done to your friends.”

  I fight the urge to spit at him. It’s the least I can do chained up like an animal. The other part of me wants to kill him, to use the magic that he’s so afraid of, use it for one final purpose, even if it kills me. He’s the reason for so many cruel deaths, all for lies he uselessly started in the first place. Why does he hate us so badly?

  We’ll never live to know.

  I look beyond him at the pitiful scene taking place. It makes my stomach reel. Military men, stand proudly as they clutch my friends.

  “Eli?” I cry, “Bryce!”

  Eli doesn’t move, watching me quietly. Bryce, on the other hand, struggles against his binds, screams against the gag that muffles his voice.

  “No!” I shriek as the guard puts a hand to his head. Bryce drops to his knees, blood dripping down his face.

  The soldiers gripping me kick the back of my knees so I crumple too. When they grab my ponytail and yank my head back, I’m looking up at my mother. She chuckles quietly, “Next time, they’ll kill him. Think carefully about your actions. They will affect Harlow’s future, remember?”

  “Ah, splendid! You managed to do it, Emily.” Reed’s watches Harlow proudly. “Look at you, Ms. Creston, finally playing nice after all these years.”

  He turns and begins to pace, slowly making his way down the line of new prisoners—a handful of them, my friends: Bryce, Emery, Kai, Kenzie. He stops at Eli, smirking.

  “Tell me how it feels to be betrayed by your own team member? You were planning an attack on me, weren’t you? Then she decided to intercept.” All eyes follow Reed’s accusatory finger, pointed straight at me.

  “Now, I know what you’re all thinking. I wouldn’t lie! Kenadee is one of the biggest traitors of them all. She was about to leave you in your time of need. She took down the barrier for my nephew, Benson, and that is what gave us the advantage. She works for us, even if she doesn’t always know it. She’s more like her wonderful mother than she even knows.”

  “You were going to hurt them!” I shout back.

  “Was I?” the president says pleasantly. “What do you think?” he turns around, and my mother steps forward.

  “Eli,” she says briefly, as if he’s a stranger she’s just encountered, “Glad to see you.”

  He glares at her with a mixture of fear and anger.

  “Answer my question, please, Mrs. Coria. What do you think of your daughter? I think she’s a great addition to our cause, don’t you? You, her, and Ms. Creston here would make quite the magnificent group of witches.”

  “I was trying to save them!” I argue, but no one seems to hear me. Bryce looks to me hopelessly, for once looking small and fragile.

  “I never meant for—” I continue, but the soldier behind me whispers and I find myself gagged and unable to speak.

  Reed lets out a dramatic sigh, “The truth is out, whether you like it or not.” Turning to his guards he says, “All this smoke in the air is taking its toll on an old man’s lungs. Load them up. All the other prisoners we caught have been carted off. Take Kenadee and Eli to the White House. Everyone else can go to the internment camps, for all I care.”

  “Yes, sir!” I’m wrenched to my feet and shoves me forward. Dread washes over every part of me. If I don’t side with Reed, what will happen to me? To my friends? To the people of the camp?

  We will never survive this. Never.

  “Alright, boys! Go!” the President grins maniacally as we’re led towards the large military trucks. A long line of soldiers, who had been standing behind Reed, emerge, letting out angry roars as they sprint towards our beloved camp. Their powers unite like a grenade, sparkling, popping, sizzling through the air. The soldiers go running and our captors yank us closer to the trees for cover.

  The camp explodes like a firework contrasting the baby blue sky. I can hear my screams, feel the tears rolling from my cheeks as I crumple. Everything’s gone.

  Reed claps his hands together slowly, enjoying the display of the cheering guards around us. I can barely make any of them out through the heavy smoke blanketing the air around us.

  I don’t struggle as my captor lifts me up, throwing me into the back of one of the many military vehicles at the edge of the highway. There’s a bench on each side of the truck, stuffed now with our bodies, cramped together. Bryce’s eyes meet mine, desperate, hopeless. Afraid.

  A few guards cram their way in, standing alongside the tall walls as the door clamps shut behind us. The truck rattles to life and takes off down the rough road. They watch us nervously, guns clenched tight in their hands, as if waiting for one of us to make a move. They must fear us like everyone else—afraid we’ll attack or harm them, believing the vile rumors the President has spread.

  Next to me, Eli sways with the truck, eyes fixed on the floor.

  Across from me, Bryce’s foot taps against mine, like he wants to tell me something.

  “Hey!” barks one of the guards.

  Bryce shrugs innocently.

  They must believe it, because they lean back, watching us with weary expressions. I meet Bryce’s gaze, curious. He gives me a small smile.

  Seeing him usually comforts me. Today, tears well in my eyes. I know his smile is a lie, no matter how much I want to believe his silent reassurance. He can’t pretend that things are going to be okay. Reed got his way once and for all.


  THE TRIP SEEMS TO LAST forever. I wish I could see outside. I want desperately to know what time it is, to breathe fresh air and see the sky. It reeks of sweat and smoke in the tightly-packed caravan, as bump after bump, my body grows sorer and restless. The stillness in the air is almost too much to bear, as we all avoid one another’s gaze.

  If only we could distract the soldiers that surround us with something… anything. If we could do that, maybe, just maybe, we could do a mind spell. If only I could tell the others...

  My heart races. I can’t do anything with these handcuffs on my wrists. They’re the same magic-proof ones from before. I try to find Emery’s gaze, but she won’t look my way.

  I sigh, plopping my head against the wall. I would do anything to discuss this with my friends again. If we could have a single second to come up with a plan, to distract them and take them down… that’s all it would take. We could easily destroy them and get away, but not with them staring down every move we make. Gauging from their reactions, I actually think they’re terrified of us. They know what we can do, and they’re taking many precautions.

  We were so sure of ourselves a few days ago. What changed blows my mind. Somehow, we need to do this. We can, I know it. We didn't come all this way to fail and lose at Reed’s game. If we’re going to play, I want to win.

  With a rattling squeal from the brakes, the vehicle comes to a halt. All heads pop up in confusion. This wasn’t a planned stop.

  “Wait here with them,” one of them barks. He has bright red hair that nearly matches Tess’s.

  The others obey, looking around nervously as their fingers brush the triggers of their guns. Outside, it’s silent. Still.

  I share a look with Bryce, watching me with wild green eyes. This might just be our chance.

  Another soldier decides to follow the red-head’s lead. He opens the door, revealing the too-bright snow shining in the sun. I can hear his boots crackling against the crispy snow as he slams the door shut, leaving us in the dim.

  It’s quiet… eerily quiet.

  Where’s Reed? What happened? I hear nothing from them… maybe they’re hiding, just like us.

  A scream rings out, rattling my core. I sink lower in my seat, goosebumps
now trailing my arms. The other soldiers throw each other scared glances, appearing to be at a loss of what to do next. They stand there stupidly, looking at each other with a lingering question in their eyes.

  “Who was that?” one of them finally asks in a low voice. The others shrug.

  “I guess we better… go… uh, check it out?” another says, his dark eyes betraying his fear.

  “Why don't you go? We’ll stay here and guard them.” The first soldier shoves dark-eyes forward. He begrudgingly unlocks the door and pokes his head out. He gives an all clear sign behind him before sticking one foot out, then the other…

  The door opens wide with his movement, and we all look longingly towards the open air, freedom, just beyond these binds. Suddenly, he’s swept away into the air, flailing desperately as he goes higher and higher. The other guards scream, slamming the door shut and pressing their weight against it.

  Eli elbows me, hazel eyes meeting mine. I can tell we’re thinking the same thing.Magic. But who could be doing it? We’re all handcuffed—there’s no way it could be any of us.

  “How’d you do it?” snarls one of the guards, gaining his composure as he waves his gun from face to face. “Huh? Fess up! We know it was one of you.”

  We only stare at him, bound and gagged, rendered completely useless.

  Without another blink of an eye, the caravan explodes and we’re swept away. Pieces of shrapnel rain down as my ears ring with that impossible high-pitched noise. There’s a heat to the air as I gasp in pain and try and sit up, despite the binds holding my arms back. Fire now rages around us, encircling us completely as a few vehicles creak and moan. I see no bodies, nor the remains of the soldiers that surrounded us moments ago. They’re gone, lost to the explosion.

  Just as soon as it started, the fire around us begins to die, sinking lower and lower towards the group as the ash spits itself towards the bright blue sky. Only a second more and it’s gone—just like a figment of my imagination.

  Footsteps sound closer, as we huddle together, trying to understand what just happened. A few of us struggle to our feet, hands stuck behind our back. A girl appears, climbing gracefully through the rubble as she plants herself in front of us. Her hair is cut short, and she has cheerful eyes and a delicate upturned nose. She must be about my age, but looks incredibly young and fragile, despite the destruction I’m assuming she just caused.

  “So, you wanna get out of here, or what?” She says with a raised brow, “Because I don’t think you have much time.”

  42 DELIA’S THE FIRST TO ASK what we’re all thinking, the gag falling around her neck. “Who are you?”

  The girl sighs, snapping her fingers and producing a key, “Here let me get that.” Her boots crunch loudly as she goes around to each person, using the same spell as Emery to rid us of the horrid cuffs. I rub my wrists, glad to have the weight off. I watch the girl move quickly and gracefully, looking more like one of those fairies I used to read about in books.

  When she’s done, the girl begins to walk away, glancing over her shoulder at us still frozen in place, “C’mon. We need to go. I’ll explain as we go.”

  We do as she says, weary expressions across everyone’s features. The girl doesn’t seem to mind as she weaves in and out of the rubble, making a path without really watching where she’s going. “I’m Anna,” she says, not bothering to look at us, “I’m here to help save your sorry asses.”

  Bryce grabs my hand, squeezing it as I pipe up, “Where are you taking us? Where’s the president?”

  The girl doesn’t respond, but stops dead in her tracks. We stop too, seeing exactly what she sees.

  Reed stands, waiting for us with Benson, Harlow, and my mother at his side.

  When he sees Anna, President Reed surprises us all by bursting into a fit of laughter. “Of course,” he wheezes through his fits, “Why didn’t I think of you? Dear, sweet Anna, how are you?”

  “Just dandy, Reed. Thank you for asking! And you?” the girl’s voice is calm. I exchange glances with my team, and we all get into position, prepared for the worst. They know each other… was this girl working for Reed? How does she know him?

  “Oh, wonderful, except for seeing you. Anna, you always have a way of spoiling the fun.”

  What fun? What is he talking about?

  “Oh well, I can’t let you destroy the world now, can I?” the girl responds bitterly. I can sense the hatred from here.

  Reed throws his head back and laughs. “Ah, but now it is your magic that is doing the destruction. Just like you swore you wouldn’t. You always said that you weren’t monsters, but I guess this proves that you’re full of lies. A lot like your father.”

  Anna glares daggers at him, “I’m nothing like you.”

  He raises his hands in false surrender, obviously enjoying this.

  I look to Anna, shocked. She’s Reed’s daughter? She gives him a forced smile, crossing her arms across her chest.

  No one speaks, as the President’s smile grows, “That hurts my feelings, sweet Anna. You know I don’t consider myself a bad man. I consider myself a man that does what’s necessary to save his country. Magic is a plague. It’s been proven again and again.”

  “You’re lying, Reed. What have we done but protect ourselves against you?” I growl, my voice low.


  “Was evil, yes. But we aren’t—”

  “Really?” he cocks his head, “Think of those innocent officers you almost killed. You couldn’t control it, could you?”

  “What’s he talking about, Ken?” Eli asks, a crease between his brow.

  Reed’s horrid smile grows, “You even enjoyed it, didn’t you?”

  “Shut up!” I clench my fists.

  Reed doesn’t even flinch. “It didn’t take much control from Benson on any of those attacks. The thing is, you’re pulled to the darkness. No matter how hard you try, your powers destroy. They’re evil. They’ll take you over.”

  “Kenadee? Don’t listen—” Bryce says, watching my balled fists. He’s too late. My powers explode before I can even stop them, landing directly among the guards behind Reed. They scream in horror as their bodies thrash on the ground. Bones break and snap with sickening force as tears burn my eyes.

  “I-I—” I feel myself taking a step back as Reed watches with a level expression. My friends stare at me, fear warping their features. The soldiers continue to wail in agony. It’s too much, and I can’t stop it.


  “No!” I struggle as Bryce grabs me by the shoulders. The soldiers’ pleas fill my ears. It’s too much…

  His green eyes are steady, unafraid. “All you have to do is let go. Let go of the anger.”

  “I can’t–” I choke. “I’m-I’m killing them. I can’t stop.”

  The screaming fades as Bryce’s eyes close and he lets out a soft sigh.

  I killed them.

  I rip myself from Bryce’s grip, forcing myself to see the scene ahead. Their bodies are mangled and twisted, mouths open in soundless anguish. All the air escapes my lungs. They were so young, teenagers still, that believed everything the President said. They were kids, placed in a terrible situation.

  Just like us.

  “Don’t touch me!” I shout as Bryce reaches for me. The others just stare, as if I’m someone unrecognizable.

  Reed steps over his soldiers, then turns to my friends, a smug smile painted on his lips. “Now do you see what I’m saying? Believe what you may, Kenadee, but I swear to you on my grave this is the truth. You are dangerous, and someone needs to put a stop to your kind.”

  “So why don’t you kill us?” snaps Kai, gesturing all around him, “Why put on this show? Hmm?”

  “I didn’t say that I couldn’t still use you,” Reed shrugs, closing the eyes of one of the mutilated corpses, “I have an army for the magic, as you very well know. I usually only want those with certain powers, like Kenadee’s, Eli’s, Harlow’s… Once they’re trained and controlled, they
can do quite miraculous things. Harlow’s proven that to us today.”

  “You will all accept it when you realize how dangerous your existence is.” Reed rises to his feet and watches us, “Malen was too powerful—I would’ve never been able to defeat him. It’s all I ever wanted, and someone took care of him. The sooner magic is gone from the world, the sooner—”

  “Oh please,” snorts Anna, “Well all know what you really want, daddy. You want magic on your side so you can take over. You want to be just like Malen, but you can’t with us here. You’re threatened—”

  His laugh is loud and cruel, his smile knowing. This has been his plan all along.

  Suddenly, the laughter comes to an abrupt stop as blood begins spewing from his mouth. He coughs and gags, his mouth forming a surprised “O”.

  It’s Anna that has him, lifting him slowly in the air as Reed chokes over his own blood, clutching his throat desperately. Dying.

  Now it’s Anna who laughs, breaking the silence with cruel giggles. “Well, dad, sorry to say this, but I’m not going to miss you.”

  She arches her arm back, then sends him crashing back hard against the cold metal of the trucks. Benson reaches for a transportation device.

  “No!” I cry as my mother reaches for Harlow and Harlow obeys, “You promised you’d let her go!”

  “Darling, when are you going to learn that you can’t trust anyone?” my mother replies. And in an instant, they’re gone.

  Anna’s voice yanks me back into reality. “Look, we need to go. Now! We can save her later!” she urges, turning towards us. My eyes turn towards Reed, now slumped against the truck.


  Anna shouts something that I can’t understand, her eyes closing tightly. Before I can think, we’re swept away, straight into the air—Reed far, far, behind us.



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