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The Darkness Within

Page 3

by Knight, Charisma

  “Oh yeah.” Althea giggled. “I remember you speaking of different realms, angels, gods, and goddesses. You made me feel like I was actually there.”

  “Well, child, they were memories of places I visited while battling darkness. There are many realms, too many to count.”

  “It sounds like a nice experience.”

  Taylor glanced at her. “You’ll have your own experiences.”

  “Really?” She lifted a brow. “There was a point in my life, before I met Rufus where a strong, positive energy surrounded me.” She frowned. “I can’t describe in words how I felt, but it was an otherworldly feeling.”

  “Oh, Thea, it was never meant for you to marry. Rufus was only a distraction. Your love for Rufus was real. Unfortunately, he didn’t love you back. That is when the darkness invaded your life.”

  “I’m not sure what it is you’re saying. What do you mean darkness?”

  “You allowed yourself to be consumed by Rufus. Once you saw him for what he truly was, hatred and the need to get revenge overwhelmed you. Unfortunately, there is a thin line between love and hate.”

  She looked down at the ground in shame. “That was a very miserable time in my life,” she stated. “I remember the day well.” Althea laughed as she nervously looked around.

  “That feeling you can’t describe was you coming into your Guardian power. It was an introductory stage.”

  “Then, it vanished,” Althea confessed sadly. “Why was that?”

  “Because, something dark and sinister took its place, with your permission.”

  “Oh, Granddaddy, I can’t listen to this.” She sought to change the subject. “Is it safe here?”

  “Now, what do you think? I would have never summoned you here if it weren’t. I come here every now and again to gather my thoughts. It’s like my own personal space. I’ve created this realm, you know?”

  “Well, what’s with all the fog?”

  “Makes it harder for evil to find us. Fog is like a blanket, a cover.” Taylor shook his head as he sat down on a wooden bench. When had that appeared? I’ve never understood why some folks fear fog.” He winked at her. “When you were a child, you used to get scared of the fog.”

  “Yes, it was always creepy. But, somehow I feel at peace.”

  “Talk to me, Thea.”

  “Oh, Granddaddy, I’m unsure about so many things. Possessing these extraordinary powers have provided me with a little more happiness than I’m used to.” She sighed.

  “But—you’re not truly happy,” Taylor told her. “I know you aren’t. I can tell just by looking at you.”

  She nodded in agreement. None of the grandchildren could ever tell a lie to Taylor without him knowing. “There’s still something missing in my life. When I wake up in the morning, you know I feel scared?”

  “That’s because you have yet to fill your destiny, and it doesn’t help that you’ve allowed the negative force to infiltrate you.”

  “What destiny?”

  “You have two adversaries you must triumph over. However, half of your battle must come from within.”

  Althea sighed. “Viktor and the witch, right?” A feeling of dread grew inside her. “I just can’t seem to figure out where Viktor came from. And—the witch. She seems so familiar. Is she someone I know?”

  Taylor clasped his hand over hers. “You know her well. Facing her will be the biggest challenge you’ve faced thus far. All other challenges will come naturally, you’ll see.”

  Althea lifted a brow while repeating Taylor’s words. “All other challenges?” She laughed nervously. “What are you talking about, all other challenges?”

  “You come from a long line of Guardians.” The man paused, giving her time to absorb the knowledge. “On my side, dating back to slavery times, every generation has a handful of powerful Guardians.” He pointed to the emerald ring on his index finger. “I am a Collector and a Guardian, just as you are. We have the power to Collect and Guard, while some members of our family only have the powers to Guard these evil beings.

  Althea glanced at the ring her he’d given her just before he passed. The emerald appeared to vibrate beneath her touch, and she couldn’t help but notice how it resembled Taylor’s. “This ring has a purpose, doesn’t it?”

  He nodded. “Do you know what that purpose is, child?”

  Althea closed her eyes and sighed. “Honestly, Granddaddy, I’m almost afraid to answer that.” She searched Taylor’s eyes and he mentally confirmed her thoughts. “I’m supposed to trap something in here, aren’t I?”

  “Do you know what?” Taylor cleared his throat. “Don’t second-guess yourself. All your life, you’ve known there was something different about you. Now, it’s time to serve your purpose and fulfill your destiny.”

  “But—this. How am I supposed to do this?” Her thoughts drifted to Rufus, Viktor, and the witch. “I have fulfilled my destiny. I’m stronger now.” Althea crossed her arms. “I’m no longer a victim to Rufus. I’m happier. My business is successful, and I’ve—”

  “There is so much more to happiness and fulfillment than business. Yes, you’ve achieved so much with your life, but not the spiritual part of your destiny. You see, when you left Rufus, you opened yourself up to a terrible, terrible entity.”

  Althea cringed at the desperation in Taylor’s eyes. “The witch.”

  “You must capture her in your ring.”

  “And Viktor?”

  Taylor rose and walked around for a few moments before speaking. He turned and tapped his cane several times. “Viktor must be destroyed at all costs since he is a part of the witch’s power.”

  “Okay, Granddaddy, spit it out. Tell me everything. Mom has a ring like this, and so do many of our ancestors. In every family picture, I’ve seen these rings.”

  “A Guardian’s purpose is to collect and retain the negative entities drawn to them. Certain spirits are attracted to us. When they present themselves, we must battle and trap them. On some occasions, we create our own negative entities. We must trap and oversee them until the time comes for us to destroy them.”

  Althea swallowed hard. “What if we fail to do this?”

  “We cease to exist.” Taylor held up his ring. “I have quite a few entities I’ve created trapped within this ring. It is my duty to never let them out. During my life, I’ve made many unwise decisions. Overseeing these entities is a cross I must bear.”

  “For how long?”

  “As long as I must.” Taylor shrugged. “I still battle, but within the spiritual realms.” The old man kissed her on top of the head like he used to when she was a child. “It is also my job to watch over you while you come into your true powers. Not the powers of your negative entities. I know you’re attached to them, but they will only seduce you. Get rid of them.”

  Suddenly, the fog grew thicker and Taylor’s voice grew distant. Althea couldn’t see her own hand in front of her face. “Granddaddy!” She walked around, but bumped into the wooden bench.

  * * * *

  Althea awoke covered in sweat. Tears misted in her eyes as she remembered being so close to Grandpa Taylor.

  Chapter Four

  The dark figure ensnared the wolf with strong bands of energy. “Rest a while, beast. I grow stronger each moment. Soon I will be able to stay within the human realm for longer periods of time, and your precious Althea will cease to exist!”

  “We’ll see about that!” With a flick of his wrist, Quinton threw the figure against the wall.

  “Oh, didn’t you know?” The figure floated to its feet, releasing hideous laughter. “I’ve been slipping in and out of the realm for brief moments at a time. Viktor ensures that I grow stronger with every visit.”

  Vukasin growled as the energy bands slipped from his body. He’d shifted between man and beast in anger. “What does Viktor have to do with this?” He bared his teeth.

  “She is the key to my existence in the human world. There cannot be two existing within the same plane. Vik
tor knows this. With his help, I will take over Althea’s life.”

  The witch chanted something before disappearing.

  “Quickly, follow her!” Vukasin roared.

  Quinton gritted his teeth. “She’s cast a spell! The vampire struggled, but he could go nowhere.

  “Let me try,” Vukasin said in a huff. “Aaarggh!” Again, the wolf tried accessing the human realm, but couldn’t. “Damn her!” he roared. “We’re trapped here. This is impossible. She shouldn’t have this kind of power.” He paused before sending Althea a telepathic message.

  “Now do you see how serious this situation is?” Quinton muttered. “Her strength has tripled since the last time we clashed with her.”

  “Do you think Althea can come to us?”

  “Her powers are just as strong as the witch’s. Of course she can come here, there’s no doubt in my mind,” Quinton said all in one breath. “How can we protect her when we’re trapped here?”

  “There’s got to be a spell that can take us to the human realm.” Vukasin summoned a large black book. On the front of the exquisite book was the ancient Serbian language of his clan.

  Quinton looked on as the wolf chanted in Serbian. As he did so, the pages of the book magically turned themselves. “This is taking far too long, Vuk!” The vampire crossed his arms and impatiently tapped his foot.

  Casting the vampire a venomous stare, the wolf continued his search. “Here!” His index finger landed on a page of what seemed to be gibberish to Quinton.

  “Chant with me.”

  With their combined efforts, the wolf and the vampire were suddenly transported to the human realm.

  Chapter Five

  Althea frowned at the horrible day she was having. One of her employees wanted to take the afternoon off and another had a sick child to tend to. Suddenly, a knock came at her office door.

  “Who is it?” Althea snapped. She rubbed her temples as the headache increased. Taylor had told her to rid herself of the powers, but she felt herself succumbing to them each day. Taylor’s voice urged her to do what was right, but another voice convinced her he was wrong. The pull between good and evil was taking its toll on her, and she became more enraged with each passing day.

  “It’s Dimples. Can I come in?”

  “Yeah, sure, why not,” Althea muttered before leaning back in her chair. She looked up as Dimples, her long-time friend, entered her office. With a half smile, the woman sat down.

  “What the hell is the matter with you, Althea May Johnson?”

  Althea frowned her confusion. “Nothing. I’m just fine.”

  “No, something’s wrong with you. What happened to the carefree, happy-go-lucky buddy I went to high school with?” Dimples sat back in the black leather chair, crossing her arms. “And college. You’ve seen me through two divorces.” Dimples snickered. “Damn, I’ve only seen you through one.” Dimples smiled. “Wow, so not used to you doing that. You don’t laugh anymore, hell you don’t even joke. You seem so cold and uncaring. Where’s my Althea?”

  “Maybe she died.” Althea rolled her eyes and pulled a file from her cabinet. “Look, I’m busy. Got lots of work to do. Looks like I’ll have to cater this party by myself.”

  “That’s not funny.” Dimples cast a sharp look I her direction. “Don’t even joke like that.”

  “Look, I’m busy, I really don’t have time.”

  “You can ask for a little help from me.” Dimples wiggled her eyebrows to make Althea laugh, but it didn’t work. The woman paused, trying to study her features. “Look, I’m going to give it to you straight.”

  “What?” Althea thumbed through the file before pulling another. She looked up at Dimples who had stopped talking. “Go on, I’m listening,” she urged the woman.

  “Okay, bottom line, chica. You’ve changed.” Dimples rose. “Look at you. You’re pushing everyone away. No one wants to be around you or is willing to help you anymore, not like they used to.”

  “Yeah, they’re just being selfish assholes.”

  “Althea!” Dimples put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot. “Listen to what you’re saying! “How can you be so blind?” After a few moments of silence, the woman tapped on Althea’s mahogany desk. “Hello! Is anyone in there?” She tapped on Althea’s skull.

  “Hey!” Althea shoved Dimples’s hand away. “Don’t do that. What the hell’s the matter with you?”

  “See, my point exactly. You’ve changed. It’s like someone else has stepped inside your body. Since your divorce, you’ve been slipping away.”

  “No, dear, since my divorce, I’ve never been happier! I have more freedom, I’m happier—”

  Dimples cut her off. “Are you sure about that part? Being happier than you’ve been? Cause, where I’m standing you appear to be a miserable bitch these days.”

  “Get out!” Althea’s nostrils flared as she rose from the desk. “How dare you talk to me like that!”

  “See what I’m talking about? You’re selfish, self-centered, and in denial if you ask me. See, Karma is bitch-slapping you all over the place and you don’t even realize it!”

  “Karma? I’ve been nothing but nice to everyone!” Althea snapped. “Karma has nothing to do with anything.”

  “Oh?” Dimples crossed her arms over her chest. “Look, I’ve never said anything before. But—what you did to Rufus. The old Althea would have never done that.”

  “Get out!”

  “Hello! Rufus is a bastard, for sure. You put the man in a traction, broke several of his ribs, and burned him with hot coffee!”

  A smile formed on Althea’s lips and she began to laugh hysterically.

  “What the hell—that’s not funny, Althea,” Dimples chastised. “Something’s wrong with you.”

  “Oh, go away.” Althea chuckled and waved her hand at her friend. “Seriously, you’re getting on my damned nerves.”

  “No! You’re going to listen to everything damned thing I have to say to you—then I’ll leave.”

  Huffing, Althea flopped in her chair, slamming folders down and tossing pencils around. Muttering under her breath, she picked up her cell phone, checking for text messages and e-mails while Dimples continued lecturing her.

  “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” Althea slammed her phone down on the desk and looked at her friend. “I do know that you’re irri-fucking-tating me!” Her fist connected with her desk.

  “Oh yeah?” Dimples pounded her fist on the desk and leaned in close to her old friend. “Well, don’t inter-fucking-rupt me! You know what? I’m done! I don’t even want to be around you anymore! I don’t know why—” Dimples gasped and backed away shaking her head, her eyes filled with terror.

  “Now what the hell is the matter with you?” Althea threw her hands in the air. “You come in here, cussing me out—”

  Before she could finish, Dimples made a sign of the cross and hauled ass out of her office, leaving Althea wondering what the hell was the matter with the woman. She touched her face and pulled out the compact.

  In the mirror she squinted at herself. “What the hell—” she tried figuring out what had spooked her old friend. “Damn, she almost killed herself trying to get away from me.” Then she gasped at what she saw. In the mirror, two yellowish eyes stared back at her.

  “Oh no.” Althea freaked. “No, no, no—no!” The eyes seemed to be smiling at her, and she could have sworn she heard a deep, dark laugh ringing in her ears. But where was it coming from? Deep inside, she felt her chest rumble.

  “Oh yes.” She heard the voice say. It grew louder. “You have completed alienated yourself from everyone, even your lovers.” Something rumbled inside her being. “We’ve got you exactly where we want you,” the voice continued.

  “Who are you?” Althea looked into the mirror again. Wondering, questioning.

  “Ah, you still don’t know?”

  “No.” She gulped and had difficulty breathing. “Where did you come from?”

u created me. You tell me.” The eyes blinked. She hadn’t blinked, so why did they? It was as though someone was looking through her.

  “I—I have no idea.”

  “Oh, come now.” The voice grew louder. It was a woman’s voice. One that sent a chill slithering down her spine. “It seemed all too familiar—”

  “No,” Althea murmured. She gasped as the eyes seemed to smile at her.

  “Oh yes.” The voice was so loud it drilled into her skull. With a scream, Althea massaged her temples. “You know damned well who I am. I’ve known you all my life, Althea, my dear.”

  She rose as a vision of the past flashed in her head. A high-pitched scream filtered through her office as insanity set in the crevices of her mind. Suddenly the room spun, and she collapsed onto the floor.

  Chapter Six

  The straw that broke the camel’s back.

  Her cheek still stung from where he’d struck her earlier. Althea’s bottom lip quivered when she’d realized Rufus’s betrayal. “I don’t believe you!” She had grown so fed up with his infidelity and abuse. It was like he left clues around just so she could find them. He seemed to take pleasure in lying to her. And now, he’d hit her again and walked away.

  She’d been pushed to the brink. “Why! You son of a bitch!” Althea threw her grandmother’s cast-iron skillet at the idiot she called her husband. Unfortunately she missed him. The need to get revenge grilled her insides. “I’ve given you the best years of my life!”

  Rufus chuckled as he turned around to face her. “Really, you should get a grip on yourself. You don’t want to run your pressure up.” He looked at her up and down. “Honestly, you could stand to lose a few pounds.” Rufus chuckled to himself before popping an Oreo in his mouth.


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