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Page 7

by K S Augustin

  I knew you had to be someone very spe­cial for me to ob­sess over you as much as I did?

  Gah! He had heard bet­ter lines on com­edy shows.

  “Do you know what I re­mem­ber about the mo­ment I first met you?” he asked.

  She shook her head, mouth­ing a word at the same time. “No.”

  “I re­mem­ber be­ing scared.”

  She hadn’t ex­pec­ted that. He could tell from the way her eyes widened, let­ting him in. How had he ever thought she was an ori­ginal ice maiden? Right now, he thought he might hap­pily bask in her warmth for all etern­ity.

  “You knew so much more than I did. I read up on you when I was told we could be work­ing to­gether, and what I learnt scared the shit out of me. I could only go by the look and feel of a situ­ation. You knew, in­side out, why some­thing be­haved the way it did. Without even know­ing every de­tail, you could find a way to cir­cum­vent every prob­lem Base­ment Five threw at us.”

  He hes­it­ated. “If it wasn’t for that trick I pulled on you that morn­ing, I’m pos­it­ive you would have been chosen to be the first cy­ber­naut.”

  Carl saw re­mem­brance spark in her eyes and braced him­self. It might have been stu­pid re­mind­ing her of how selfishly he’d be­haved, but he needed to have the situ­ation out in the open, es­pe­cially if he wanted to make peace with him­self.

  “I wanted to apo­lo­gise,” he said. “I be­haved like a com­plete bas­tard.”

  “Why did you do it, Carl?” Her voice was soft with hurt and that made him feel even worse. He thought he could deal with rage, bounce off it and per­haps rouse some right­eous­ness of his own, but her quiet vul­ner­ab­il­ity un­did him com­pletely.

  “Be­cause,” he stopped.

  No, he had to do this. He had to be hon­est with her. She de­served no less.

  “Be­cause I knew I would’ve lost if I hadn’t.”

  She frowned. “And be­ing the first was so im­port­ant to you?”

  He looked straight into her face. “It wasn’t to you?”

  She was si­lent for a while then she smiled. “Maybe we’re not so dif­fer­ent after all,” she said.

  Had he heard that right?

  “I thought we were as dif­fer­ent as zero and one. On and off. You, the ex­pert with all the in­form­a­tion at her fin­ger­tips. Me, the self-made guy who finds out how things tick by kick­ing them. You, the fa­vour­ite of Base­ment Five’s dir­ector. Me, the dude who al­most scammed his way to suc­cess.”

  Tania didn’t say any­thing and, for a mo­ment, Carl wondered if she’d taken in the words he’d spoken. When she fi­nally answered, her voice was warm and filled with an emo­tion he had never heard be­fore.

  “I was afraid you’d win be­cause you have so much more prac­tical ex­per­i­ence than I do,” she fi­nally told him. “I had the the­ory, but you’d been out there, ac­tu­ally set­ting up and ex­ecut­ing scen­arios, harden­ing sys­tems, stop­ping at­tacks. Don might’ve liked me but I al­ways thought you were the board’s fa­vour­ite.”

  Carl snorted and dragged Tania close. Her thigh was warm against his for a mo­ment be­fore she shif­ted and straddled him. Carl didn’t know whether the feel of a hot-blooded wo­man within his arms was real or based on noth­ing more than re­col­lec­tion of real-time sen­sa­tions. At that mo­ment, he de­cided he didn’t give a damn.

  “Stu­pid, isn’t it?” he said. “Here we both were, scared that the other per­son was go­ing to be the first in cy­ber­space when, in the end, it really didn’t mat­ter. We both ended up in the Blue within hours of each other, real-time.”

  “Work­ing against each other all these months,” she ad­ded, “when we could have been work­ing to­gether.”

  “All that time lost.”

  With a slight tug, he pulled her face down to his and kissed her.

  “God, I missed you,” he whispered against her lips.

  “Show me.”

  Chapter Six

  Carl didn’t need a second word of en­cour­age­ment. Slid­ing down the chair, he half-lif­ted her above him, run­ning his fin­gers through her wavy hair while he plundered her lips. She res­ted her el­bows against the top of the chair but stayed close to him and he felt the heat from her breasts warm his skin.

  “How will this ap­pear on the sensors?” she asked when she fi­nally drew back to take a much needed breath.

  “You mean to our two bod­ies laid out with all that equip­ment at­tached?”

  She sucked at his bot­tom lip, drag­ging it into her mouth. “Hmmm…mmmm.”

  He felt the scrape of her teeth against his tender flesh and gently pulled away so he could an­swer.

  “The way I fig­ure it, we’re both clocked up. Our minds are mov­ing hun­dreds of times faster than nor­mal. I doubt our phys­ical bod­ies can catch up.”

  “So what are you say­ing? That, as far as our phys­ical bod­ies are con­cerned, this is go­ing to be the equi­val­ent of wham-bam, thank-you-ma’am?”

  He grinned. “All at the speed of light, darlin’.”

  She laughed and the spasms vi­brated against his palms. The tremors felt good, felt real.

  “You’re in­suf­fer­able,” she said.

  “And you,” he kissed her, “are ir­res­ist­ible.”

  She melted against him, her body pressed against his, and Carl closed his eyes, sup­press­ing a groan. It had been so long. Fif­teen long years without hear­ing Tania’s voice or touch­ing her warm skin. Fif­teen years of think­ing and re-think­ing all the stu­pid mis­takes he’d ever made in his life, start­ing with his smug and ar­rog­ant at­ti­tude in high school and end­ing with how he’d treated his co­hort dur­ing the Base­ment Five tri­als.

  It was fi­nally time to make good, he told him­self. Start giv­ing in­stead of tak­ing all the time. It was the least he could do.

  He reached for the front zip­per on her one-piece suit, pulling the fastener down to re­veal a de­li­cious ex­panse of latté skin, shad­owed to chocol­ate by the curve of her breasts. The nipples stood out, erect and proud, like pebbles of dark co­coa. Cradling her breasts, Carl bur­ied his face between them, breath­ing deep. The scent that hit his nos­trils went straight to his cock, harden­ing it in an in­stant. He moved his mouth, plumped a breast in his hand and suckled on the aroused nub.

  Tania moaned above him and pushed her body at him. Need­ing no en­cour­age­ment, Carl sucked deep. He pulled on her nipple as if it was a tof­fee, strok­ing the sens­it­ive skin with his tongue and rev­el­ling in the shud­ders he felt ripple through her body. He had fan­tas­ised about this for years, but couldn’t be­lieve the in­tox­ic­at­ing real­ity of it. Fi­nally, the feel of an­other hu­man, writh­ing hot and will­ing, in his hands. No, not just an­other hu­man be­ing. A mere hu­man wouldn’t have aroused such sexual ex­cite­ment within him. It had to be Tania, in all of her fiercely in­tel­li­gent and sear­ingly pas­sion­ate glory.

  He moved from one breast to the other, mak­ing sure he lav­ished the same care on both. She pulled back and he thought she was just in­tent on re­pos­i­tion­ing her­self again, but she moved farther and farther out of his grasp un­til she rose from the chair.

  Carl was gripped by sud­den panic.

  Had he done some­thing wrong?

  With an ar­res­ted breath, he watched her, wait­ing for her to move, to say some­thing. To give him a clue. He couldn’t read the ex­pres­sion on her face. He didn’t think he read any dis­taste there but there was a watch­ful­ness to her eyes that he couldn’t in­ter­pret. Was she go­ing to walk out on him? Try to find her own way back to Base­ment Five?

  When she reached for the zip­per on her suit, he al­most cursed. Once again, he had blundered, think­ing he knew what she wanted when it was clear he didn’t know a damn thing at all. Fif­teen years of think­ing about her and he still man­aged to fuck things up.

  His eyes widened
when she grabbed the pull and dragged it…down. She wasn’t wear­ing a bra and—oh God—by the looks of things, she wasn’t wear­ing any un­der­wear either. (Was this his visu­al­isa­tion or hers? Did it mat­ter?) The ma­ter­ial of her suit stretched as the zip­per pulled against it then split open over a trim torso and a de­light­ful, slightly roun­ded belly. Lower, and it fin­ished kiss­ing her ab­do­men. Lower….

  Carl’s breath caught in his throat.

  The jour­ney ended just be­low the edge of a lus­cious tri­angle. Tania’s skin had slowly been dark­en­ing as his gaze fol­lowed the down­ward path and now it stopped at a tangle of black, frizzy curls.

  He felt the weight of Tania’s gaze watch­ing him…watch­ing her. Roam­ing all over his body the way his own gaze was roam­ing over hers. Rest­ing on the junc­ture of his thighs where his own arousal showed clearly through the slick ma­ter­ial of his suit.

  She slipped her arms out of her suit’s sleeves and let the ma­ter­ial dangle on her body, its weight slowly drag­ging at her hips. Her body was curved, her breasts high and proud, an erotic land­scape in chocol­ate that Carl yearned to ex­plore.

  When Tania stepped out of the suit com­pletely, Carl thought he would come just on the im­age of her com­pletely na­ked in front of him. With far less grace, he re­moved his own suit and grim­aced a little at the folds of old-look­ing skin that greeted him. Be­fore he could think about it any fur­ther, she was on top of him, strad­dling him with her legs. The scent of her arousal hit his nos­trils like the finest aph­ro­dis­iac at the same mo­ment that he res­ted his hands on her hips.

  “I am so wet,” she whispered, lean­ing down to breathe the words into his ear. “I can’t help my­self. Every time I think of you, I just…want to fuck you.”

  With his right hand, he reached up and pulled her head to his mouth, push­ing his tongue between her lips. The arousal he had felt be­fore was noth­ing com­pared to what Tania’s words were do­ing to him now. Strain­ing, he wanted to bury him­self deep in­side her and pis­ton into her with des­per­ate en­ergy. As if aware of his thoughts, she lowered her­self so her sex brushed the tip of his dick. Her de­li­ciously wet and musky sex. With a thrust, he tried to drive him­self up­wards but her hips danced out of range. Even as he rav­aged her mouth he felt her smile against his lips.

  The minx.

  When she tried the man­oeuvre for the second time, his left hand was ready. He pushed her hips down against her move­ment away and sud­denly, glor­i­ously, he was en­fol­ded by her slick wet heat.

  Carl threw his head back and rev­elled in the feel­ing. He couldn’t think. He doubted he could even breathe. His en­tire body, his en­tire es­sence, was con­cen­trated on the one spear of flesh now em­bed­ded in the hot sex of his wo­man.

  His wo­man.

  It felt so good, soun­ded so good, even if it was only in the re­cesses of his mind.

  And then Tania began to move. She un­du­lated against Carl’s erect cock, mas­sa­ging it and squeez­ing its head. At the same time, she pushed her­self up, then back down again.

  “Don’t,” he gasped. “Too good.”

  His eyes were closed so he didn’t know what she was plan­ning un­til some­thing hard and sharp flicked across his nipple. He shuddered at the feel of her fin­ger­nail against him and the zap of elec­tri­city that streaked straight to his groin.

  “No.” He said some­thing he’d never said be­fore while hav­ing sex with a wo­man. “Please.”

  She paused and he star­ted to smile with re­lief un­til he real­ised that that hand was now mov­ing down his body. It skimmed his torso, bent and circled his cock with a couple of fin­gers then re­treated. But not too far. Carl felt a fa­mil­iar slow vi­bra­tion against his pu­bic hair and real­ised that Tania was mas­turb­at­ing her­self. A part of him pro­tested, want­ing to do that job him­self, but he couldn’t work past the bonds of para­lys­ing pleas­ure that held his body in thrall.

  Her gasps of pleas­ure filled the air, in con­cert with the spasms that gripped then re­leased his stiff cock. When she moved, rid­ing him in a frantic jumble of con­trac­tions, moans and de­li­cious fric­tion, he strained to hold on to his con­trol. It broke when the waves of her or­gasm con­sumed her. Tania’s moans turned to screams and the left hand at his shoulder spasmed and dug into his flesh. The ad­di­tional sen­sa­tions were too much. With a sense of re­lief, Carl pumped into her, his hips lift­ing off the chair, and he lost him­self in the best or­gasm he had ever ex­per­i­enced in his life.

  “Do you have a bed­room in this place,” a voice mur­mured in his ear, “or have you been an in­som­niac for the past fif­teen years?”

  Carl roused him­self from the pleas­ant stupor he’d been mired in.

  “No,” he said and wondered why his voice soun­ded so hoarse.

  He cleared his throat and tried again. “Seems the brain needs down-time, body or no body, so yeah, there’s a bed­room.” He paused. “C’mon, I’ll show you.”

  Neither of them moved.

  Fi­nally, with a sigh, Tania fi­nally lif­ted her­self away from his body. Carl looked down at him­self and his slum­ber­ing cock with a feel­ing of sat­is­fac­tion. Right now, he just wanted to col­lapse where he sat but knew that wasn’t the gen­tle­manly thing to do.

  Stand­ing up on a pair of dis­tinctly wobbly legs, he half-zipped his suit back up and held out his hand. Tania hes­it­ated for a mo­ment, then bent to pick up her own suit with one hand, put­ting the other in his.

  “The bed­room’s through here,” he said, in­dic­at­ing a door at the far end of the room with a jerk of his head.

  They headed to­wards it slowly, paus­ing only to open the door be­fore walk­ing across the floor to col­lapse again onto a large bed.

  “How will we know when to wake up?” Tania asked, her voice husky and drowsy.

  Carl thought it was the most won­der­ful sound in the world. A sleepy Tania. He knew he would re­mem­ber it for the rest of his life.

  “I’ve got it down to a fine art by now.” He slid next to her. “Don’t worry, I’ll wake you up.” His voice was ser­i­ous. “I prom­ise.”


  She snuggled her head into his shoulder.

  Carl’s last thought be­fore he, too, was over­taken with slum­ber was to won­der whether his skin was look­ing a bit younger than when he had glanced at it earlier on in the day. He thought it did but, then again, he might have just been ima­gin­ing things.

  Chapter Seven

  Tania stared at Carl across the length of his work­ing room. “You can’t be ser­i­ous.”

  She noted the bur­geon­ing ten­sion in Carl’s shoulders and the lines etched deeper in his face, but didn’t care.

  “It’s the only way, Tania,” he ar­gued. Be­hind him, mon­it­ors dis­played the latest stat­ist­ics on the Rhine-Temple bot­net. Traffic, sites at­tacked and in­vaded, po­ten­tial vic­tims. It was like watch­ing a slow-mo­tion mas­sacre, but Tania had other things on her mind.

  “The only way to what? Turn your­self into a mar­tyr?” She shook her head. “I can’t be­lieve you’re think­ing of go­ing up against that thing by your­self. You could get your­self killed.”

  Her eyes nar­rowed as a sud­den thought struck her. “Don’t tell me what we just had was your idea of self-pity sex?”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Carl threw his hands up in des­pair. “You’re wound up pretty tight, aren’t you?” He strode over to where she stood. “Can’t you un­der­stand that I’ve fi­nally come to my senses? Whether real or vir­tual, fif­teen years is a long time to think things over, Tania.”

  He reached out to touch the smooth skin of her cheek, his voice soften­ing. “You get to re­live your mis­takes, over and over again. To real­ise what an as­shole you’ve been down through the years. You start yearn­ing for a chance to re­deem your­self, to fi­nally prove that there r
eally is a good per­son, deep down in­side.”

  Tania felt a sting­ing wet­ness in her eyes and blinked quickly. She swal­lowed, hop­ing her voice was steady and in con­trol. “In that case, it makes even less sense. You’ve fi­nally achieved some de­gree of – what? – Buddha-like en­light­en­ment and now you’re will­ing to throw it all away on a jumped-up com­puter virus?”

  Carl sighed and dropped his hand. He walked back over to the chain of large screens pinned against one wall.

  “We’re both agreed that the Rhine-Temple needs to be taken down, right?”

  Tania thought over each word in his state­ment, look­ing for a loop­hole. When she couldn’t find one, she nod­ded. “A bot­net is bad enough,” she said, “but one that has already de­veloped a de­gree of sen­tience doesn’t bear think­ing about.”

  Be­com­ing more an­im­ated, Carl star­ted pa­cing in front of the boards.

  “I’ve done a bit of dig­ging on the his­tory of the Rhine-Temple. Back when it first star­ted out, it was just a reg­u­lar bot­net, op­er­at­ing out of an ex­ploited server in the Middle East. In­struc­tions from its cre­at­ors were trans­mit­ted via an In­ter­net Re­lay Chat chan­nel.” He shrugged. “The usual. How­ever, when the cre­at­ors set the bot­net to in­filt­rate a Rus­sian spy server, things star­ted get­ting out of hand.

  “What the cre­at­ors didn’t real­ise was that the Rus­sian server was ac­tu­ally be­ing run by ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence.”

  Ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence har­nessed by a gov­ern­ment’s in­form­a­tion and se­cur­ity ser­vices? Tania thought of the im­plic­a­tions and mouthed a si­lent “wow”. “So the data min­ing op­er­a­tions that the Rus­sian server was en­ga­ging in…”

  “…were be­ing handled by one or more ar­ti­fi­cial per­sons.” Carl nod­ded. “This goes bey­ond what most, maybe all, other se­cur­ity ser­vices have. The Rus­si­ans de­veloped a soph­ist­ic­ated set of self-tun­ing pro­grams, each with a small de­gree of sen­tience. By work­ing to­gether, the pro­grams were able to make de­cisions based on the data avail­able, their pre­vi­ous ex­per­i­ences and their own soph­ist­ic­ated al­gorithms. By run­ning con­cur­rently, they were able to mimic reas­on­ing that ap­prox­im­ated a hu­man’s.”


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