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Walking Straight (The Walking Together Series Book 1)

Page 11

by T. E. Killian

  She nodded and he was beginning to feel sorry for her when he saw tears in her eyes.

  “Don’t you have family who can help you through this?”

  She nodded. “Yes, my older sister has already said she’ll take me in if I stay off the stuff.”

  “Good.” He was thinking fast now. “Why don’t we leave things the way they are for right now until we find out if I’m the father or not? Okay?”

  She stared at him for a long time before nodding slowly. “I’ve been straight for two weeks now.”

  With that, she stood and slowly walked out the door leaving Matt feeling like he’d just kicked someone’s puppy and he also felt like he’d been sucker punched . . . again.

  All he could think about for a long time after Crystal left was the simple fact that everything she said could have been true. That was what really scared him. If he was doing and saying things he didn’t remember, then he just might have to do some long and hard thinking about where his life was right then and more so, where it was heading. And if so, he’d better be doing something about changing it.

  * * *

  Betty Sue didn’t mind working six days since she didn’t really have much else to do with her time. But she was beginning to feel pretty wiped out by the time Saturday came around. Even though there were no real rushes at breakfast and lunch like on weekdays, there were enough customers coming in steadily throughout the day that she seldom had time to rest for more than a minute or two at a time.

  Her back pains were the worst part of waitressing and they were getting worse just as Trish had predicted. She was always having to bend over for everything that was placed at a height for women much shorter than she was. But she was surprised to realize that her aching back was about the only thing she didn’t really like about waitressing at the diner. She especially loved working alongside Trish. That sweet woman had changed her life so drastically and made it simply wonderful.

  That brought her thoughts back to what Trish had thrown at her the other day. Could she indeed manage the motel? Would she like managing the motel? She had given both of those questions a lot of thought since Wednesday when Trish had asked her to think about it.

  Well, she wasn’t really sure yet what she wanted to do. But then when she thought about the possibility that Mike could sell the diner to someone who might come in and manage the diner themselves, she cringed. She loved Trish so much and she couldn’t imagine working there for anybody else.

  Okay. That settled it. She suddenly made her decision. Trish was right when she said that Betty Sue would probably have major back problems if she kept waitressing there very much longer. She could learn how to manage a motel . . . couldn’t she?

  She was just about to find Trish and tell her when Grace came in the door with her little girl, Brianna. Betty Sue brightened up just at seeing them.

  Trish stepped up beside Betty Sue just then and Brianna waved excitedly at them and said, “Hi Trish. Guess what. Me and Mommy are moving here so we’ll be able to come in here to see you any time we want to. Isn’t that just great?”

  Betty Sue felt some very strange and also very strong emotions as she watched Brianna come running up to them and hugging Trish. Then she was almost overwhelmed when the little girl reached her arms up to Betty Sue too.

  Betty Sue was so overcome that all she could do was to squat down so Brianna could throw her arms around her neck. She had to turn away afterward to swipe at the tears that had unexpectedly formed in her eyes. She was sure that both Trish and Grace had seen the tears though.

  She suddenly realized what that emotion was. She wanted a little girl just like Brianna. That was certainly a new emotion. She hadn’t thought about having kids in a long time. She and Dave had tried but never had any and if Dave had been right, she was the one who couldn’t have kids.

  Betty Sue turned around in time to see a strange look and nod pass from Grace to Trish. Then Trish leaned down to Brianna again and said, “Hey Sweetheart, how would you like to help me fill the sugar dispensers? Then maybe we can find those coloring books you like.”

  Brianna nodded eagerly and took Trish’s hand as they went back into the kitchen.

  Betty Sue looked at Grace and knew that the other woman wanted to talk to her. So she looked around the diner to make sure there weren’t any other customers in there right then.

  Grace saw that look. “Why don’t you take a break and sit with me a spell Betty Sue? I think we need to compare notes about my big brother.”

  Betty Sue wasn’t surprised so she followed Grace to a table in the corner.

  Grace didn’t waste any time. “Betty Sue. Have you talked to Matt since Wednesday?”

  “No, I threw so much at him then that I figured he needed to do a lot of thinking about it all without being pestered about any of it. Why?”

  Grace frowned, looked away then back at Betty Sue. “Well, I don’t know about any of the things you and he talked about but he told me that some girl claims that he’s the father of her baby.”

  Betty Sue didn’t know what to think. She certainly didn’t know what to say, if anything. That little bomb just about knocked her out of her chair.

  She was still trying to process all of that when Grace continued, “Matt says that it’s possible but he also says that the girl has been with so many other guys that the baby was more than likely not his.”

  Betty Sue thought of something. “No matter whose baby it is, if she’s on drugs, she could do major harm to the baby.”

  Grace was nodding all along. “Yes, and I told Matt that too. But he says that he told her and she said she’d been off of them for two weeks. I just hope she stays off for the baby’s sake, as you said, no matter who the father is.”

  Betty Sue was still reeling from Grace’s announcement when a man with blond hair hanging down into his face came in and sat at a table near theirs. She had seen the guy before but couldn’t place him at first.

  Grace groaned and mumbled, “Oh great. Just what I needed, that’s Larry Jackson, the biggest jerk back in high school.”

  Then Betty Sue remembered him. “Doesn’t he teach at the high school now?”

  Grace nodded and I’m not looking forward to working with him next year when I start there.

  Betty Sue frowned. “He came in here the other day with his brother Kent.”

  “Yes, they’ve always been so different. I’m sure that Kent has tried his best to get Larry to clean up his act, but it hasn’t worked.”

  Betty Sue looked closely at Grace. “You don’t like Larry very much do you?”

  Grace only shook her head causing her long blond hair to fly and Betty Sue sighed, “I’m relieved. I was afraid that it was just me.”

  She got to her feet to wait on Larry but when she approached his table, he reached out to her with his arm and almost fell out of his chair.

  Before Betty Sue could do more than side-step Larry’s arm coming at her, Trish was there, grabbing his arm, and then pulling him out of his chair and on toward the door. That was when Betty Sue smelled the alcohol that almost overwhelmed her before Trish got him out the door.

  Betty Sue was still standing in the same spot when Trish came back and placed an arm around her. “You okay Hon?”

  Betty Sue nodded. “Will he come back?”

  Trish snorted. “Well, if he does, I’ll just call Hal to deal with him but walking him out like that is usually all it takes to get rid of him when he’s been drinking.”

  Betty Sue was surprised. “You mean this has happened before?”

  Grace blew out an exasperated breath and answered for Trish this time. “Larry’s been like that ever since high school. I don’t know how he’s ever been able to keep his teaching job. He certainly couldn’t keep his wife.”

  Trish laughed dryly. “Don’t you think his daddy might have something to do with that?”

  When Betty Sue looked up ready to ask for an explanation, Grace said, “Larry’s dad is a retired teacher who is still go
od friends with the principal.”

  Before anyone could say anything else, the evening shift waitresses came out of the kitchen ready to relieve them.

  Grace, who had jumped to her feet when Larry tried to grab Betty Sue, was still standing. “Why don’t you two sit with me for a few minutes? I need to talk to both of you. Please?”

  For a few minutes, the three women discussed Matt and what they could possibly do to help him before Betty Sue looked at Trish then at Grace. “I would like to go over to see Matt again.”

  Grace seemed surprised yet pleased too. “You mean you’re not going to give up on Matt.”

  Betty Sue smiled briefly. “Granny always said that when you start a project, then you’re the one who should be finishing it. So I guess I need to talk to Matt some more.”

  She thought about that for a second then said, “But I don’t really want to go alone, especially now.”

  Grace smiled. “That’s okay. I was planning to take Brianna back to my parents’ house then go over to see Matt. Why don’t you come along? I can drop you off at Trish’s house afterward. As you know, it’s really close to my parents’ house.”

  Just then, Brianna who had been coloring at a table nearby popped up and said, “I want to go see Uncle Matt too Mommy.”

  Grace gave her daughter a loving look that made Betty Sue feel good inside.

  “Okay Sweetheart, we can all three go over there.”

  As they were going out the door, Grace leaned over to Betty Sue and whispered. “I’ll take her home after a bit and then come back for you. Okay?”

  Betty Sue nodded as they headed toward Grace’s car in the parking lot.

  Just as they were getting into the car, another car drove by slowly on the other side of the parking lot and Betty Sue almost fainted. This time, she could see the man’s face clearly and she was positive that it was Dave.

  * * *

  Matt’s Saturday had been long and boring. Even a couple of football games hadn’t really done much for him. So he was starting to go stir crazy there in his tiny apartment. Before his accident, he hardly spent any time there at all, only to sleep and many times not even then.

  He needed to get out. But how? Even if he could have ridden his Hog, it hadn’t been repaired yet and wouldn’t be for another week. They’d had to order a new pipe for it.

  He was dozing when a knock came on the door. Before he could call out, the door opened a crack and his sister Grace’s head popped in. He struggled to sit up.

  “Hey big brother, hang on to your seat, we’re coming in.”

  Then he leaned back and watched as Grace came in followed by Brianna. He was extremely happy to see them both, especially his niece. But he saw more movement at the door and when he looked back over there, he was surprised to see Betty Sue standing there. He kind of hadn’t expected to see her anymore. She probably hadn’t heard about Crystal yet.

  Before he could analyze what else he felt at seeing Betty Sue, Brianna had leaped up on the couch beside him and began hugging his neck so tight he could barely breathe.

  Grace sat on his other side and he noticed that Betty Sue was still standing by the door with her head slightly down. She acted like she wasn’t too sure if she wanted to be there or not. He knew then that Grace must have told her about Crystal. If that was the case, then he was surprised that she even came. But he was glad she did.

  He had to turn his attention to his niece who was jabbering to him about her and Grace moving back to Strawberry. She was so excited that she was getting him excited too. Sure, he wanted to be able to spend more time with Brianna, but it also meant that he’d get to spend a lot more time with his levelheaded little sister. Right now, that meant a lot to him. He needed her advice so much. More than that, he just needed her presence, which had always been able to keep him calm and allow him think more clearly.

  Before he knew what was happening, Brianna had run down and Grace was standing and talking to her.

  “Brianna, we need to go now. Remember, we promised Grandma that you’d be back in time to go shopping with her.”

  “Oh boy, Mommy, let’s go.” She ran for the door but stopped and turned around. “Bye Uncle Matt. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Kiddo.”

  With that, they were both soon out of the apartment leaving Betty Sue still standing in the same spot by the door but now she was looking at him tentatively, almost shyly. He kinda wished she wasn’t looking at him. He didn’t think he liked the look she was giving him.

  But as he looked closer, he didn’t think it was a look of anger. That, he could have handled easily enough. He was used to that. But no, it looked more like a look of extreme disappointment. And that one did hurt.

  He wasn’t sure if she was even going to speak to him now that she was there. He had the sudden thought, what if she didn’t even want to be there and Grace had dragged her there and then run off on her.

  “Did you come here willingly?” She nodded. “Did you know Grace was going to leave you here with me?”

  She nodded again. Then after a moment she smiled a little and said, “Yes, Matt. I thought that if I could just talk to you, things might still turn out okay after all.”

  Man, what could he say to that?

  “I like you very much Betty Sue.”

  Where had that come from? Well, now that it was out, he might as well continue.

  “I would really like to get to know you much better.”

  She opened her mouth, but he held up a big hand and said, “I need to get all of this out, Betty Sue . . . please.”

  When she nodded and sank into a chair just out of reach, he tried to smile and said, “Well, I guess the best way to say this is that my parents have been after me to change for years and I guess I didn’t because of that.”

  He had to think for a moment about exactly where he wanted to go next. “The biggest regret that I do have is that Grace has begged me to change too. And that hurt. I dearly love my little sister and normally I’d do practically anything in the world for her. But I guess my resentment of my parents just got in the way of that.”

  He snorted and tried again. “You see, Betty Sue. I’ve never known anyone like you.” Her eyes jerked up to meet his briefly. “Someone who makes me want to change more than I want to defy my parents.”

  He stopped to see if he could figure out how Betty Sue was taking all this but was startled when she started laughing out loud. He didn’t know whether to laugh with her or get mad. But it only sounded like a nervous laugh.

  Finally, she waved her hand at him and said, “I’m so sorry Matt. But if you could have seen the look on your face just now, heard what you just said, and the way you said it, you’d laugh too.”

  He continued to give her a puzzled look and she said, “You sounded like a little boy about Brianna’s age just then, the way you were talking about defying your parents.” She gave him a stern look then. “Matt, you’re twenty-eight years old. Don’t you think it’s about time you grew up?”

  Whoa! What was going on here? She didn’t have the right to talk to him like that. Did she? No matter what, he didn’t have to sit there and take it. He grabbed his crutches and tried to push himself up off the couch only to fall back onto it in frustration.

  Betty Sue was at his side immediately. “Matt, are you all right?” When he nodded without looking at her, she said, “Oh Matt, don’t you see? You’re saying you don’t want your parents running your life but they are anyway.”

  That didn’t make any sense to him and he was about to tell her so when she went on. “When you do the opposite of what they want you to do, don’t you think that they’re still controlling you just the same?”

  Now she was starting to make sense.

  “Remember what we talked about the last time I was here? You need to do what you want to do because it’s what you want to do, not because it’s what someone else wants you to do or doesn’t want you to do.”

  He was grinning now in spite of hi
mself. “Yeah, I guess you’re right . . . again.”

  He decided that he needed to clear the air about everything all at once now that they’d started.

  “Okay, Betty Sue. I have a feeling that Grace told you about Crystal by the way you were looking at me when you first came in.”

  She only nodded and continued to avoid his eyes. But he was thankful that was all she did.

  “Well, here’s how it is . . . or was, I guess. As near as I can remember I was only with Crystal one night at a party. I hate to say this but I don’t remember anything else about that night. She says that I’m the father of her baby but I know for a fact that she’s been with at least a half dozen other guys in the past couple of months. So the way I see it, the likelihood of my being the father is very slim.”

  She started to talk again but he rushed on. “I know I’ve done a lot of bad things, the drugs and other girls like Crystal. But that’s all in the past now. I don’t want to do any of that stuff anymore.”

  Then as he realized he’d left something out, he added, “I’m going to insist on a DNA test as soon as possible so I can get on with my life.”

  He leaned back and tried to get his leg in a more comfortable position. “I’m sure that test will prove that I’m not the father.” He ran his hand through his hair, which wasn’t in its normal ponytail and was hanging all about his shoulders.

  “Would you give me a chance then Betty Sue, a chance to prove to you that I’m not really the kind of guy I’ve acted like for the last ten years?”

  He saw her eyes go to his hair then down at his face probably to his beard.

  He tried to grin at her when he said, “I’ll even shave and cut my hair to prove to you that I truly want to change.”

  She only nodded but he could see the tears rolling down her cheeks. There was no time to go any further with all of that for Grace picked that time to come flying back through his door calling out, “Well, what did I miss?”

  He and Betty Sue both began to laugh even with tears still streaming down her cheeks.


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