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All the Wrong Choices

Page 4

by C. A. Harms

  I find my car, climbing inside, trying once again to locate the bliss I felt when I left the salon. Flipping through the stations, I land on a good song playing on the radio and turn it up. Drowning out the irritation, I decide to let go of the anger. Rolling down my windows, allowing the wind to blow through my hair, I sing along with the lyrics.

  Pulling into the parking lot of my apartment, I reach across to the passenger seat and grab the few bags I'd placed there. I spoiled myself with some new hair products, and some bold makeup that I wouldn't have dared to try before now.

  Climbing the stairs with my keys in hand, I come to an abrupt halt when I see my Aunt Rita sitting on the small bench outside my front door. Scrolling through her phone, one leg crossed over the other and her blue Jimmy Choo’s shaking back and forth.

  She has yet to notice me, and part of me thought maybe I should turn around and run, but I know if anyone in my family is on my side, it's her. My mother's youngest sister has always been my favorite, sneaking me things as a child I was never allowed to have. She's the one I went to when I lost my virginity, the one I turned to after the same guy disappeared when he got what he wanted. She is also the same person who got me drunk for the first time at the age of nineteen.

  She was the cool aunt.

  "Damn," I refocus on Aunt Rita after getting lost in my thoughts and find she's now standing and walking in my direction. "Look at you." Strolling around me, she glides her hand over my layered bobbed haircut. "I love this color."

  "Me too."

  She came to a stop in front of me, her hands resting on my forearms, as she looked me directly in the eyes. "I was with your parents before coming here."

  I say nothing, only wait to see where she is going with this.

  "Cathryn was storming around demanding all the attention as usual, and the piece of shit I never thought deserved you looked a little ill, sitting on the couch speechless." Always a man of few words. "Quite a bit of irritation came my way fast when I told Cathryn if she'd done to me what she'd done to you, she would have been walking around with her jaw wired shut. That would have saved us all from listening to her spoiled ass demanding attention."

  "You did not say that," I gasp, imagining what my mother's face looked like when Aunt Rita spouted off about her little princess.

  "I did," she tosses her arm over my shoulder as we start to walk toward my front door.

  "Something tells me I won't be getting an invite for Christmas this year."

  At that moment, I fall a little more in love with her. She is beyond classy, a successful attorney, a partner at her law firm, and never once has she ever relied on a man. She's my idol, solid, and confident.

  "I'm going to my house in Emerald Isle next week for spring break," a place I've visited often growing up. Summers with Aunt Rita were always my favorite. "Miffy and Jane are going to meet me there, and I thought I'd invite you and your friends to join us. We can make it a girls’ trip, drinking, relaxing, what do you say?"

  I already know Addison will be all for it. She's a little in love with Aunt Rita too.

  "I'm leaving on Wednesday, but you ladies can come any time. I'll have it fully stocked, and the hot tub will be filled and running."

  School is out for Spring Break, and I don't have any other plans besides hanging around here and allowing myself to think more than I should.

  "Maybe you can find a rebound guy."

  "The last thing I need is another guy," that's what got me where I am now.

  "I didn't say you had to keep him; just use him to get over the hump, so to speak." She wags her brows, making me laugh. "Listen, I'm gonna say something you might not like, but you know me, and that's never stopped me before," she says.

  True, she has no filter.

  "Matthew had somehow managed to wrap you up into a cute little package throughout your four-year relationship. He took the fun and spunky niece I adore and created what he thought you should be. He took away your adventure, took away the wild girl who had so many times been my partner in crime. I'm not pleased with what took place. I want to strangle him and your sister for putting you through what they did. But I'm happy the wedding didn't happen. That man quenched your fire, sweetheart, and that is something I hate more than anything."

  I know she's right. I realized it myself over the last few weeks. I used to take chances; I used to be daring.

  "I'll be there, with or without my girls," I assure her with a nod.

  Her smile widens. I know Addison will be by my side without a doubt, but I'm not sure about the rest of my friends. They aren't teachers, so getting time off at this short notice may be difficult, but I'd still make the offer.

  Maybe Aunt Rita is right; perhaps I need someone to help dig me out of this rut. Someone who doesn't want anything more than a few sweaty nights and a whole lot of orgasms.

  Chapter Seven


  "Oh my God, this place is gorgeous," Molly looks around the open living room in awe. Floor to ceiling windows that travel up to the roof's peak, overlooking the backyard beach and water in the distance. The most oversized sectional I have ever seen in the center of the living room, big enough for twenty people, or so it seems. "I may never want to leave."

  Aunt Rita walks in from the back deck, a glass of wine in one hand. "Ladies," following close behind are her friends, and without wasting another second, Jane comes toward me.

  "You look beautiful," she wraps her arms around me and pulls me in for a hug. "That man has got to be a fool choosing Cathryn over you. It's going to bite him in the ass, I can guarantee."

  Releasing me, she leads us down the hall toward the bedrooms, and one by one, we drop off our bags before getting our drinks.

  Stepping outside onto the massive deck, I feel the breeze blow through my hair and close my eyes taking it all in. Scanning over the beach, I notice a few people walking along the water. Lining the deck are lounge chairs, and at the end, an inviting hot tub I can't wait to relax in.

  It doesn't take long for us to all start feeling a little drunk, sitting around laughing and making fun of Matthew and even my sister. Childish and immature, yes very, but it's still fun. It is getting easier to think of them and laugh versus cry.

  They belong with one another.

  My Aunt and her friends have long ago retired to bed, and Molly, Addison, and I found a movie on television. Molly fell asleep halfway through, and I'm close to doing the same until I hear a phone beep with an incoming message.

  Looking to the left, I notice Addi grab her phone in a hurry, looking at the screen, her face lighting up with a smile. I'm talking a grin so wide I know it has to make her cheeks ache.

  Snuggling back into the couch cushions a little deeper, she starts to type something out, biting her lip in the process.

  She looks up from her screen and finds me watching her.

  "Tony?" I already know the answer, but ask anyway.

  "Yeah," she is happy. "He's so sweet."

  They've been out several times since she met him at the club, and though she has yet to admit it, I can tell she likes him.

  "He says he misses me, but is that weird?" She turns sideways, facing me. "We've been on five dates, all public, and I'm not saying it's been completely unphysical, but it's been pretty mellow in terms of intimacy. The man is beyond sexy; you've seen him, he's adorable and funny, he's almost too good to be true. When he says he misses me, it makes me wonder why I've been holding back with him."

  "I'm wondering the same thing," Addison deserves a good guy.

  I watch her over the next ten minutes as she continues a conversation with Anthony, her smile never leaving her face.

  Our week in Emerald Isle is so much fun. Going out a few times, I find a few prospects to get over the hump, as my Aunt Rita calls it, but it doesn't feel right. So instead I flirt, a lot, dance with a few men, closely, I might add, and end every night feeling a little less rejected and much more confident.

  Back in Greensboro, I'm dr
essed in my new favorite ice blue dress. A crossover v-neck with spaghetti straps I found for a bargain online, during one of many shopping sprees to fill a void. It has a waterfall ruffle in the front that flows downward and mixes perfectly with the fun and edgy bottom. Much shorter than anything I would have worn before the breakup, which initially drew me to it. I feel sexy, the way it shows off my legs and forms to my body. Had it not been for the boob tape, I would have been fearful of flashing someone, but I love how risqué it is. I accompany it with a silver clutch and silver strappy heels, which give me a few extra inches in height.

  I'm on my way to meet Addison and finally get the chance to formally see the guy who has been making her smile so much lately. Yes, I saw him that night at the club, but there was never an introduction beyond a simple glance over my best friend's shoulder. I've heard of him almost daily; I almost feel like I already know him. But this is big for Addi, introducing me to him formally. It means she is finally giving in to the idea he may be worth a risk.

  We are meeting for dinner, a steakhouse restaurant both Addison and I love. It's a bit upscale, expensive entrees, a wide range of high-dollar wines, and oh so good. The atmosphere is tall back booths giving privacy to each party, dim lights, candles burning in holders in the center of each table. Waiters are wearing black and white ties and jackets.

  It isn't a place we go to often, but it is a place we both enjoy when we get the chance to go.

  My heels click against the pavement of the parking lot as I make my way to the front entrance. I pause at the door, allowing an older couple to exit, him holding the door to allow me to pass. I step inside and wait off to the left of the front desk while the hostess leads a tall man and his date toward their table.

  I am allowing my gaze to shift over the area. I pause when I notice a man standing a few feet away from me. I scan over him, biting my lower lip to keep from moaning as my gaze pauses on his ass. A pair of fitted dress pants that hug his ass, a great ass, I might add.

  Someone clearing their throat from behind me makes me jump in surprise, and I take a step forward before looking up at the yummy man who had me squeezing my thighs a little tighter.

  I only caught a glance before the host led him away, and I feel the disappointment I didn't get to ogle him for a little longer. Moving closer to the counter, I notice the girl behind it smiling knowingly. "Sorry," suddenly I feel like a pervert staring at some stranger as my mind strolled off into naughty land.

  "No need to apologize," she talks low, trying to be discreet. "I did the same thing."

  We share a laugh before I give her my name and immediately notice a shift in her demeanor. Her eyes go wide, and I wonder what it is about my name that has surprised her.

  Just then, the same host who led the guy away came back. "Ms. Abbott needs to be taken to table eighteen."

  The two of them share a glance as she passes him another menu, and he steps aside, motioning for me to walk ahead. As I walk by, I look back over my shoulder at the girl, noticing she's moved on to the next person in line.

  Shaking off the weird feeling I got only moments ago, I walk with the host as he directs me to the table. Hidden by a sizable hanging curtain that extends from the ceiling, the corner booth is secluded. Stopping at the end of the table, I feel like my heart seizes in my chest when I find the man I was checking out is sitting opposite my best friend and her date.

  All three of them pause mid-conversation, and Addison smiles from ear to ear. I'm going to kill her; she did this, I know she did. And she willingly kept this part of the planned evening hidden from me.

  My cheeks heat, and out of the corner of my eye, I can see the mystery guy watching me.

  “Dani Abbott," Addi finally speaks, and I try not to scowl. She'll hear about this later. "This is Anthony, and this," she motions to the guy opposite her. "Is Jonah Brooks."

  I take in a slow, calming breath and shift my gaze to the guy opposite her.

  Jesus, I'd only gotten a back view of him and thought that was highly appealing, but it has nothing on the rest of him. Dark hair, blue eyes, perfect teeth, and a smile that almost knocks me on my ass. Chiseled jaw, built shoulders, and his chest fills out the button-up shirt he is wearing perfectly. He has the sleeves of his shirt rolled up, showing off his solid forearms, and again I feel like the temperature in the restaurant has just skyrocketed.

  "Nice to meet you," Jonah slides out of the booth and holds out his hand. "It's Danielle, right?"

  "Yeah," placing my hand in his, he doesn't shake mine; he just simply caresses it, holding it gently in his own. "Everyone calls me Dani." This man is gorgeous.

  "Well, Dani," the way he says my name gives me unexpected chills of excitement. "It's nice to meet you."

  "You too," though I wish I had some warning. Then maybe I wouldn't be standing here looking at the gorgeous guy, feeling like a blubbering ball of tension.

  Releasing my hand, he motions for me to have a seat, and when I step closer to the table, I feel his palm rest upon my back. It's like an electric shock I try to absorb without a reaction.

  As he slides in at my side, his manly scent surrounds me. He's hot, and he smells amazing.

  "So, Addison tells me you teach high school," Jonah has his body partially turned facing me, and I notice how Addison and Tony are in their little bubble. Sitting so close, his arm around her back as he continues to lean in and whisper near her ear.

  "Yes," I nod, looking away from the happy couple and back toward my neighbor. His eyes are so light blue they are almost silver. "Which, on most days, I ask myself why I chose to punish myself."

  "I can imagine the kids are challenging at that age."

  "You have no idea," telling him all high schoolers are assholes and feel like they are invincible is probably not the best first impression. So I keep that earned opinion to myself.

  "If they're anything like I was at that age, I'd imagine on most days you want to throw a textbook at them, or worse." He chuckles, and I'm mesmerized by the sound. Even his laugh is sexy.

  The conversation flows easily after that point. My nerves fade, and just looking at Jonah makes my heart race.

  "What do you do?"

  "I'm an orthodontist," no wonder he has perfect teeth. "My father is a dentist, my sister, a dental hygienist."

  "A family business then?" he nods.

  "My mom is the exception, being an attorney."

  When the waiter comes to our table, we order, and the conversation quickly returns as if we weren't interrupted at all.

  I'm still going to kill Addison for setting me up without telling me, but it could have been worse. The guy could have been dull and unpleasant to look at, so in a way, I hit the blind date jackpot.

  Chapter Eight


  We stand near my car, the two men a few feet away and Addison leaning in to hug me goodbye. "You're not off the hook for this. I hope you know."

  "I figured," she squeezes me and steps back, looking over her shoulder at the guys that are murmuring. "But he's hot, right."

  "I'm not looking for anything, and you know this."

  "So have fun in the meantime; no one said you had to fall in love." She glances back toward them, I'm sure to confirm we are still far enough away. "He's never been married, and he doesn't have any kids. Bonus for the body because, oh my God, will you look at him."

  I don't look, knowing if I do, I'll feel flush all over again.

  I spent the entire meal with my arm constantly rubbing against him or my leg pressing along the side of his. I smelled his cologne every single time he moved even an inch. I listened to his soothing voice, and the entire time I had to keep myself from drooling or panting or rubbing on him like a horny fiend. Addison is right; Jonah is beyond hot. I have no doubt he could fulfill my every fantasy, but the problem is I have no intentions of going down that road again.

  Opening up to the opportunity, would only make my heart vulnerable to being destroyed all over again. It's a path I never
want to travel again. The aftermath is entirely too complicated.

  "Where's your car?"

  "I'm going home with Tony tonight," she widens her eyes and smiles bigger. "I've made the poor man wait long enough. And if I'm being honest, if I wait any longer, I'm going to attack him and most likely break him. I feel like my skin is crawling with the need to pounce and grind."

  I stifle a laugh as she steps back, and Anthony immediately reaches out to pull her closer. Walking back to his awaiting Audi, she offers me a little wave before he tucks her into the passenger side. Walking around the vehicle, he says a quick goodbye to both Jonah and me before leaving us alone with one another as he speeds off.

  I hold on to my key, using it as a distraction from this yummy man before me. I'm dying here. Dirty thoughts roll around in my mind; desires I put to rest a long time ago are resurfacing with a vengeance.

  "It was nice to meet you, Dani," he moves closer, and my heart rate speeds up. "I know you were a little blindsided by me being here tonight."

  "It's okay, really." Is it? I'm still trying to decide if I'm mad at Addison for doing this to me. But looking at Jonah, the way he is smiling at me and those eyes, damn, they are striking. "It was nice meeting you too."

  Tucking his hands in his front pockets, he holds my gaze, and suddenly my entire body feels flush. It's almost like he can hear the things rushing around in my mind.

  "What would you say if I asked you to dinner sometime later this week? Just you and I this time."

  Spending time with Jonah isn't a bad thing. He is appealing, and from what I've picked up on, he is also charming and sweet. But that's the thing, falling for a man like Jonah would be easy. Any woman could, and it's impossible not to fall down that rabbit hole. But I can't, and falling is something I never want to face again.


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