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The Call of The Dragon: Dragon's Blood M.C. Book 6

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by B. A. Stretke






  Dragon’s Blood MC

  Book 6

  Copyright © 2018 by B.A. Stretke

  Published by Superiorland Publishing

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person (living or dead), place, or event is purely coincidence.


  Calum Keith, Chieftain of Clan Keith and his nine men, traveled the Americas for over a hundred years on a Quest to save their people. The men left their dragon circle and their home on the Shetland Islands and traveled to America to find a place, and a future for their Circle. Their King, Duncan Adair, sent them on this quest to find their bonds. It had been many centuries since any in their Circle had found their mates, their bonded ones, and without mates there could be no offspring. Children were only possible through the union of fated pairs.

  After over one hundred years on this sacred quest, satisfaction came in the least likely of locations. They'd always lived in lush green lands and sprawling mountains near vast waters, so it was a surprise when their home became the high plains of Wyoming.

  Calum was the first of the Clan to find his mate, and that blessed event was followed by four more finding their Fated bonds over the next four years. Each member waited and hoped that the next mate would be theirs. They'd waited over a century to have Fate smile upon them and allow them to settle down. A few more years shouldn't matter so much, but it did. It mattered to every member of Clan Keith who still waited.

  The most recent member to find his mate was Calum's younger brother Bryn. He had a rough start due to some poor choices, but with the help of his dragon and his own personal charm, he managed to secure his mate, Cameron. Unfortunately, Bryn didn't realize that while his focus was on Cameron, an old hook up of his had gotten possessive. The man, an omega wolf from Fort Collins, set out to get rid of the competition and after a failed attempt to try to scare Cameron away, had then kidnapped Cameron with the intent to kill him.

  Cameron was saved with the assist of Bryn and his Clan. The kidnapper was returned to his pack. Calum preferred to work within the constructs of paranormal law when possible, but also had no qualms about taking the law into his own hands if necessary.

  The Alpha had assured Calum that the aggressor would be punished in accordance with Pack rule for his assault on the Dragon's mate. Calum took the Alpha at his word. If the Alpha were lying, Calum would find out and then Dragon rule would take over.


  Will laid perfectly still as the Pack doctor inserted the needle. It was something that was done to him every day now. Their need to take everything from him grew as the days, months, and years passed. He found that if he fought, it just made it more painful. Why bother fighting? There was no chance of escape.

  In the beginning, he was no match for the mighty wolves and now after being bleed so often, he was even too weak to stand. He was never going to see the light of day again; he would never see another flower or another tree.

  “You seem to be getting weaker.” The doctor commented. “Are you dying?” He added without a trace of empathy.

  "I'm fine." Will declared with all the energy he could manage, and it appeared to appease the man who continued to suck the life out of him. He had to make them believe that he could continue to provide them the sustenance they craved.

  Will felt his light dimming and struggled every day to hold on. He had to survive; otherwise, the Pack would turn to Max for their needs and he couldn't let that happen.


  "His name is Jason Pearson, and he’s a member of the Fort Collins wolf pack. Apparently, neither his pack or his Alpha were aware that he was in Laramie. The last time they heard from him he was attending school in Denver and they assumed he was still there.” Calum and most of the Clan were in the kitchen having breakfast and welcoming Cameron to the Clan. Calum took a long sip of his coffee before continuing.

  “I delivered him back to his Alpha for punishment. We will need to keep an eye on them. I’m not completely convinced of their sincerity. The Alpha also stated he would provide restitution for the harm committed by Jason Pearson. I don't know what that entails, but he said it would arrive within the week.” Calum finished his coffee and poured himself another.

  Angus walked into the kitchen, where everyone was gathered and announced that a gift from the Fort Collins wolf pack had arrived. He looked hesitant and a little confused.

  "Well bring it in," Calum stated.

  “I think you should come and see for yourself.” Angus turned away dodging having to explain further and stepped aside as Calum headed to the front door. After seeing the strange look on Angus’s face, everyone in the kitchen followed Calum to the front door to see what the wolf pack had sent.

  Calum approached the front entrance and stopped a few feet away to take in the sight in front of him. After a moment, a very pronounced scowl graced his features. "What is this?" He said and crossed his arms over his chest.

  There were two men standing there, one large and mean looking and one small and scared. The scene was off and Calum was instantly on the defensive. The large one was a wolf, his scent permeated the area, but the little one was something else.

  The large one pushed the little one forward with little regard for either the little man or Calum. It was if he thought this duty was beneath him and detested everyone he laid eyes upon. “I was sent by my Alpha to present you with this gift.”

  Calum looked down at the little man and back up at the large one. He said nothing, but his look and his mood had the large wolf explaining himself immediately. The man looked rightfully concerned, but his arrogant attitude persisted.

  "We captured two of his kind a few years ago. They are Fae and I'm sure you know of their powers. He is still young and has not fully come into his light, but he is still useful in other ways."

  Everyone in the room stood there speechless as they listened to this man. They had been expecting fruit at least or gold at best but not this, never this. It was appalling, but it was the way of some paranormal groups. Not every culture was as advanced as the Dragon culture, who believed in an eye for an eye but never at the expense of the defenseless or the vulnerable. There was no honor in overpowering the weak and vulnerable among us.

  The large man tossed a bag on the floor next to the Fae's feet and abruptly turned and left. He was a wolf, so he was probably feeling the growing negative shift in the room and decided it was time to get out of there.

  Calum stepped up to the man and closed the door behind him. The man did not flinch and did not try to run away, which was commendable. He was a tiny man with the whitest complexion and the bluest eyes, and he looked hopeless.

  "What is your name, son?" Calum spoke soft and clear.

  “Max Findlay, sir.” He didn’t move and didn’t say any more than what he was asked. Calum took a step closer towering over the small man. He put out his hand and waited for Max to take it.

  "Calum Keith, I am the Chieftain of my Clan and this is our home." He shook the tiny hand and then released it and took a step back. Max stayed still and silent; his fear was present but not overpowering. His eyes traveled across the group of men standing behind Calum, and then he q
uickly diverted his gaze to the floor in front of him.

  “Come.” Calum motioned for Max to follow him into the grand living room. “Please take a seat.” Max sat on the edge of one of the large sofas and sat stiff and alert. Everyone scattered around the room, sitting down and getting comfortable.

  Before Calum could start, Donell walked in and was quickly and quietly updated by Bryn. He took a seat next to Bryn and Cameron on the sofa near the fireplace. Bryn was quietly giving Cameron, who was extremely new to the paranormal world, a short explanation of the Fae.

  Donell had been out all night. Like Bryn had warned, he now had to drive to Cheyenne for new tail. He chuckled at the thought and considered slowing down. Maybe he'd give it a rest for a few months.

  Donell didn’t want to suffer the same consequences as Bryn and have his cock stuck in someone else when his mate showed up. Thank God Cameron was an understanding sort of guy and gave Bryn a second chance, Donell might not be so lucky.

  Everyone watched as the little Fae’s fear continued to grow and he nearly shook out of his skin. The guy was terrified. Calum worked to assure him he was in no danger, but it seemed he was not very trusting. Who could blame him, for a Fae, this was one hell of a situation to find yourself in.

  "First of all, please try and calm yourself Max." Calum began with an attempt to get the poor guy to relax. He understood the man's fear. "We don't keep people here against their will, and we don't accept people as gifts. So, if you'd like to leave, you are welcome to do so."

  "I can't leave," Max said but avoided eye contact with Calum.

  "I said you could leave and that is all the permission you need." Calum looked hard at the little man, studying him. Fae were elusive and secretive, and having one sitting there in the living room was a bit strange and having him say he couldn't leave was even stranger.

  Donell sat on the edge of his seat, as did everyone, while they waited for the little Fae to respond to Calum, but he stayed silent. The Fae were a delicate species and stayed away from the rougher less civilized paranormal groups because, sadly, they had few defenses against brute force.

  Calum then decided to back up to the beginning to try and get a full understanding of what the Fae was telling him. “How did the wolves capture you?” Calum began again using a different approach.

  "The rogue vampires massacred my Court," Max spoke in emotionless words. "They discovered our Court by accident while hunting some rabbit shifters in the woods near Loveland. As you know, Fae blood is a powerful drug, so they forgot the rabbits and descended upon us."

  Donell watched as Max wrung his hands together and stiffened in his seat. He was nervous, as he should be, but there was something else causing him to be so shaken. It wasn't all about the dragons that surrounded him.

  "We were a small Court, so the vampires blew right through us. We had no army, no defenses, so it was as easy for them as grabbing candy off a shelf." Max fell silent again dropping his head and staring at the floor beneath his feet. He was so small and so fragile-looking and possessed that heartbreaking air of lost and resigned. No one commented, and silence remained until Max began again.

  "The only reason I survived was because of Will. He was near me when the vampires struck and he grabbed me, threw me over his shoulder and started to run. Will is older than me and his glamour was strong enough to conceal us both as he ran. The vampires were focused on feeding and destroying everything so they didn't notice, or they didn't feel like expending the energy to go after us." Max pushed his white-blond hair back from his forehead and looked up at the expressions before him.

  “We didn’t make it far. In our haste to get away, we didn’t notice that we’d crossed into Pack territory and we were too far in when we did realize.” Max turned his head to stare out the window looking more lost if that was even possible. "Will and I had been running for quite a while and he had been holding his glamour for too long, so when they came for us we had no strength to fight. Will tried but they beat him unconscious and knocked me out with one punch. We escaped sure death just to be enslaved to a wolf pack."

  “Is Will the reason you can’t leave here?” Calum asked as he put the pieces together.

  “Yes. Brady, the Beta who brought me here, said that they would hurt Will if I tried to escape.” Max seemed to retreat inside himself and covered his pain with that same flat expression. “They’re hurting him already, but I couldn’t bear to add more to his suffering by leaving here.”

  Donell was saddened for the guy, but the paranormal world was rough, that's just life. They trespassed on Pack land, and that made them a legitimate target regardless of their intent.

  "Shouldn't we try to help him?" Bryn asked his brother, but Donell spoke up.

  "It's not our business, Bryn. They trespassed and were captured. I admit the vampire attack was awful, but the wolves didn't attack, they simply defended their territory and were following their law." He felt bad for Max, he truly did, but everyone was aware that if you trespass on a paranormal's territory, you will answer for it.

  “They didn’t defend anything, look at him, does he look like a threat to you?” Bryn challenged him. “They were weak and helpless and decent men do not take advantage of such people. We need to do something.” Bryn was adamant.

  "It doesn't matter," Max spoke but he was still looking out the window, his mind and heart miles away.

  “Why?” Bryn asked. Bryn was newly mated and his emotions of late tended to be on the surface. He was clearly feeling for this little man.

  “They’ve been draining Will for the past four years. I don’t think he has much time left. As I said, Fae blood is powerful and the Alpha and his inner circle have been taking a lot lately. The last time I saw Will was a month ago and he was beginning to fade.”

  "Were they draining you as well?" Donell interjected abruptly. The thought was disgusting, but still the Pack was within its rights, unfortunately.

  Max shook his head. "Will convinced them that I was too young, and my light was not strong enough to be tapped yet. I was used for menial tasks and manual labor, it was an unpleasant existence but nothing compared to what Will is experiencing." Max sounded more distant by the minute.

  Calum listened and watched as the conversation continued. He kept his eyes on the young Fae throughout. “We will help your friend.” He stated, and all other conversation abruptly ended.

  "Angus, take someone with you and meet with the Pack. Negotiate for Will's release. You have permission to spend whatever is required. If they refuse, then take him by whatever means necessary." Calum's orders shocked the Fae and for the first time he took on a hopeful expression.

  “Why?” Max was compelled to ask.

  “I don’t like bullies.” Was the only answer that Calum offered.

  Angus approached Donell. “You want to come along?” He asked as he stood over Donell who was still seated on the sofa.

  “No, I wouldn’t feel right about forcing them to release their prisoner if they refuse payment. You should take someone else.” Donell was torn. It wasn’t that he doubted the Fae, his truthfulness was filling the room, it was more that he refused to believe the wolves were that bad.

  Donell was familiar with the Fort Collins Pack and saw no evidence of such brutality. The Fae had to be exaggerating the situation. The people he knew were ordinary, decent folks. Although, he'd never met the Alpha or any of his inner circle.

  “I’ll go with you Angus.” Ewan jumped up. Angus cast Donell a troubled glance before heading out with Ewan. Donell watched them leave and suddenly felt oddly unsettled by his decision to stay.


  Will was rolled back to his room on the gurney that they kept him on since he lost the strength to walk a couple of days ago. He was losing his battle at appearing healthy. The absurdity brought a sad, unfamiliar laugh to his lips. No one was believing him when he said he was okay, but they didn't care enough to look closer. He was there to be used; he wasn't valued beyond his ability to
produce Fae blood.

  He stared at the ceiling and thought of Max. When Will died, they would begin using Max. That was the only thing that kept Will hanging on. He would have let go and passed over months ago, but he had to hold on. Something had to change; someone had to save Max. This could not be the end for both of them; he refused to believe it.

  Will couldn’t imagine little Max being put through the tortures of being bleed. It was like having your soul torn out daily. A Fae’s light was their life source, their power and their being, and to have it stolen, sucked out of him, was agony.

  In the beginning, they bleed him just once a week, but over the past year it had escalated to daily and sometimes twice a day. The wolves had become addicted to the power surge, the high of the Fae energy and they kept demanding more.

  He heard the door open and knew it was the omega that delivered dinner to him every evening. He hadn't eaten in the last three days, but the little wolf continued to bring him food.

  "You have to try and eat Will." The soft tones of the omega were comforting in his torment. "They will bleed you again in the morning. You have to eat." He brought some chicken broth over and tried to feed him, but Will could not sit up and even swallowing was too much of an effort.

  “Max has been given away.” The omega told him and Will was instantly in a panic.

  "To whom?" He whispered, fear enveloping him as he thought of all the horrible possibilities.

  "To the Dragon Clan in Laramie. Jason Pearson, the omega favorite of the Alpha, attacked one of their mates and so the Alpha gave them Max as restitution." The omega again tried to get Will to eat, but he wasn't hungry. His mind began to clear, everything was working out and Will began to relax for the first time in four long years.

  “Dragons are honorable creatures. Max will be okay.” Will whispered, and he began to let go. Max was safe, so now he could leave. Will vowed to be gone before the scheduled morning bleed.


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