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A Unique Kind of Love

Page 24

by Rose, Jasmine

  “Oh god,” said Lena, her voice barely audible.

  “It’s going to be okay,” I mumbled repeatedly. Even though, I was aware that the pain Lena would be going through during the next minutes would be unbearable.

  “Liam, you-you were right. It’s gonna be a GIIIIIRRRL-GAHHHHHHH! GET OUT, YOU, BABY, YOUR TIME IN MY UTERUS IS OVER!”

  A smile formed itself on my lips and I squeezed her hand again.

  Everything was going to be okay.


  “Hush little baby, don’t say a word, Papa’s gonna buy you a mocking bird…” I mumbled, reducing her cries into whimpers. Eventually, her whimpers settled into slow breaths. Her chest raised softly, her face as lovely as a primrose. I felt tears form in my eyes again, but blinked a few times to keep them in.

  I held my daughter in my arms.

  And she looked so pure and beautiful.

  The angel I held in my arms had my eyes; blue, striking ones, looking at the world with a certain confusion.

  “Liam,” whispered a weary voice I recognized. I turned to her and rushed from her side while carefully cradling the baby’s head.

  “Hey, there sleepy head,” I said softly, sitting by her side. She blinked a couple of times, staring at the bundle of joy I held in my arms. She offered her arms to me and I placed the baby girl in her arms. A smile appeared on her face, and her pale face brightened.

  “How is she?” she asked.

  “She’s fine. It’s normal that she’s tiny, since she came two weeks earlier than expected.”

  “Beautiful, isn’t she?” I mumbled, eyes glued on the newborn. Lena nodded, agreeing with me.

  “Have you decided on a name?” she asked, never once taking her eyes off the baby.

  “Yeah, the one on top of the ‘names’ list.”

  She chuckled and looked up at me, her eyes shining with happiness.

  “Meet Lucy Evelyn Black, our daughter,” I said, a grin appearing on my face.

  “Her name means light,” said Lena, looking over Cloud nine.

  At that particular moment, she woke up, her lids revealing her eyes. Lena gasped.

  “She has your eyes.”

  “She has your features, though,” I replied. It was true. Lucy had Lena’s light caramel-like skin. She had a small, button nose. Her mouth was heart shaped, and it opened and closed in wonder. I got an idea, remembering what made Jake laugh when he was as tiny as her. Putting my hands on my face, I said, “Peek.”

  “A-boo!” I cried out, removing my hands from my face. A short giggle escaped her mouth, making my grin widen. Lena chuckled, tears of joy freely streaming down her face now.

  The door opened, revealing Tori and Jake. Tori held Jake’s hand, her five month bump showing in a gigantic sweater.

  “Lena!” exclaimed Tori at the same time that Jake shouted, “Mommy, Daddy!”

  He dropped his backpack, running towards me and hugging my leg. I ruffled his hair and lifted him up and set him on my lap. He giggled, although that stopped when he set eyes on Lucy. Hugging his stuffed turtle, his eyebrows scrunched up and he observed her very cautiously. Hesitantly, he poked her stomach, making her attention go from Lena and me to him. Lena cradled her softly, a motherly expression displaying how much she loved and appreciated this moment.

  “Who’s dat Mommy?” he asked, eyes glued on her.

  “That’s Lucy, your new sister,” announced Lena, watching him with a knowing smile. Tori walked by her side, placing a soft kiss on Lucy’s head. She didn’t say anything, knowing that this moment was very important. She put a hand on Lena’s shoulder, her face emitting joy.

  “So she came out of your tummy?” he clarified, pointing to Lena’s now non-existent bump. Lena nodded, holding Lucy a little closer to Jake, so he could see her.

  “No! I don’t want her to see me!” he covered his face, turning his body so he could face me. I supported his waist, aware that he could’ve fallen on the ground.

  “Why, bud’?” I questioned, slightly confused myself. He took his hands away from his face, slightly pouting.

  “I wanna be happy when she sees me! And I need to say hi!” He exclaimed, his eyes wide. He put a big smile on his face and shifted his body towards Lucy. He bent down a little, so he can get closer to her.

  “Hullo, Lulu! I’m your bro-zer, Jake. I’m three.” He offered his hand to her, waiting for her to shake his too. Lena held up Lucy’s minuscule hand and put it in his. Jake closed his fist and let out his index finger, realizing that her hand was too small to fit in his “big” ones.

  Lucy looked at him with wonder, and wrapped her hand around his finger. Jake’s face lit up, taking her gesture as her way of accepting him. He suddenly turned to me, a sparkle in his eyes.

  “Daddy? Can she meet Rave?” he asked, holding Rave up to me.

  “Of course!” I replied.

  He held Rave in one hand and placed him above Lucy’s head.

  “Hi Lucy! I’m Rave, Jake’s friend! You look like a cute, big po-ta-to!” said Jake in a deeper voice, impersonating Rave. My heart warmed at the smile Lucy had on her face. I laughed, mentally debating whether to scold him for calling her a “cute, big potato” or not.

  “She’s gorgeous, a perfect mix of you two,” mumbled Tori.

  “Yeah. Aunt Tori,” teased Lena, nudging her. Tori grimaced.

  “I’m a double aunt now. You will be one too, soon enough.”

  I immediately looked up at her, my eyes widening. Jake was completely oblivious, still bringing Rave and making Lucy laugh.

  “You’re serious?” I blurted out, completely shocked.

  “Wait a second, so that means…” trailed off Lena, looking utterly confused and lost.

  “I’m having twins.” Tori finished for her, raising her eyebrows at the exhausted Lena.

  “Twins?” exclaimed Lena, her mouth dropping. Tori nodded, patting her five-month-old bump.

  “When did you find out? And why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “Yesterday. I was going to tell you today, but well, Lucy here came to life,” said Tori, pointing accusingly, yet jokingly at the baby girl.

  Lena congratulated her and they shared a quick conversation about how Ian, Tori’s husband, would have to suffer from double the expenses, since two kids were on the way. Tori left for the coffee shop in the hospital, her craving being hot chocolate.

  I averted my gaze to Jake, who had fallen asleep in my lap. Lena and I looked at each other, both of us grinning like Cheshire cats. We had two beautiful children, two human beings who belonged to us.

  “I think I’m going to sleep too,” announced Lena. I stood up and put Lucy in the crib beside Lena’s bed.

  Kissing her cheek, I said, “Don’t let the bed bugs bite, baby girl.”

  Jake was beside his mom, soundly sleeping. Lena gave me a small smile, ushering for me to come by her side.

  “Can you believe this?” she whispered, looking at our kids. I shook my head, feeling like the luckiest man in the world. She closed her eyes and drifted off as well. Every member of my family all looked so happy and peaceful.

  My family.

  “And my heart has been divided into three different hearts, without them, I wouldn’t be able to live,” I thought, looking at them.

  The End

  Chapter 1: Love Doesn’t Die

  Did you ever even really love me, Ethan?

  I think, my heart tightening at the sight of him laughing at something June had said. His eyes twinkle at her, just as they did once, to me. Why wouldn't he love her anyway? Everybody does. She is the epitome of a perfect girl. Beauty, brains, humor; what didn't she have?

  "Amy?" A hand pokes my cheek, breaking my concentration and envy. "Amaryllis?"

  My head immediately turns to the owner of the voice, the sound of my full name immediately sparking an annoyance within me. Jenna sits there with a clear look of distaste. Her dark brown eyes pierce through me.

  "What?" I snap, watchi
ng as she twirls her perfect honey-colored hair around one finger.

  She sighs wearily. "You were staring at him again. You're only hurting yourself by doing this, you know?"

  I look down to my half-eaten sandwich, feeling ashamed. The muffin I bought suddenly seems ugly and mushy. I push my tray away, keeping my eyes on it.

  "You can't keep doing this to yourself," mumbles Jenna, and I can feel her eyes on me. I want to tell her to shut up, to turn away and ignore me, but I can't. She knows how I feel, because a few months ago, I knocked on her door at 4 a.m. in tears. She knows because she stayed up with me that night, rubbing my hair and handing me tissues.

  "I know."

  And the conversation ends there. Her boyfriend of five months comes beside her and kisses her cheek.

  "Hey, babe," says Ryan, hugging her. She turns from me, a glow appearing on her face. They share a kiss that's movie-worthy. All of a sudden, I feel sick. The half of the hamburger I ate is coming up. I swallow my saliva and stand up, my legs feeling wobbly.

  "Amy? Don't go," says Ryan, his arm around Jenna's waist. I give them a small smile and pick up my tray.

  "I have to study for the science test," I answer, already walking away, ignoring Jenna's voice calling my name.

  Jenna and I both knew that wasn't true, because there is no science test.

  I turn in a split second and find that Ethan is listening to June talk about something that captivates all of his attention. She flashes him a bright grin, and he gladly offers it. They share a high-five. And I cringe at the sound the collision their hands must've made.

  I walk to my locker, and search it for my iPod. Thinking too much never helps me, which is why I always keep my mind busy, one way or another. Panic rises as I realize that the pockets of my old, teal-colored coat don't have the iPod.

  "No, please don't tell me I dropped it," I mumble, looking in my school bag. I know that there's no chance of it being in there because I listened to music that morning and shoved the iPod into my pocket. I keep on looking, even though I know that my iPod isn't there.

  Maybe Jenna took it? It happens a lot. I close my locker and take long yet quick steps back to the cafeteria. I want to run, but I see one of the teachers talking to the principal in the hall. Ms. Mathers seems to be flirting her way to another raise with Principal Jenkins.

  And apparently, I look at them for too long. I don't have time to avoid bumping into whoever I hit. I look up, my mouth already forming the I'm sorry. My heartbeat is nonexistent for a few seconds.

  A boy with smiling brown eyes looks down at me. His lips are slightly open, looking like he is about to form the same words as me. I can see the dimple on his cheek, the one I liked to see so often, the one spot I liked to poke a lot. There's a small, almost unnoticeable scar on his smooth chin from the time we went roller-skating and he fell on a rock.

  "S-sorry, I didn't see you there," I say, my voice barely audible. I start walking away from him. My mind is fuzzy, and I can't seem to think straight.

  A hand grabs my arm, and I freeze. "Wait," he says, but all I think about is how strong his grip is on my arm. I turn to face him, my heart beating loud enough for the world to hear.

  He puts something in my hand. I look, and it's my iPod. My eyes go to him again, this time in confusion.

  "I found it on the ground, beside your locker," he says, scratching the back of his neck. And I know he only did that because he feels uncomfortable.

  I nod. "Thanks, Ethan."

  "Anytime, Mars." He walks away.

  All I can think about is the fact that he called me by the nickname he created himself, this time of last year. I press the power button to reveal the lock screen on my iPod. My breath gets caught in my throat.

  The background is an old picture of us, when we'd just started dating. The picture captures me, laughing, and him smiling at me. Jenna took that picture.

  Ethan had changed the background to a picture of us.

  Why, though? Doesn't he know how badly I miss him already? How hard it is for me? Does he miss me? No-he doesn't. So why change my background?

  A tear rolls down involuntarily on my cheek, and it splatters on the picture of us.

  I close the iPod.


  First and foremost, this is a work of pure fiction. Everything in this book was created by me; the characters, the plot, etc.

  Mom, Dad and Ahmed, I love you with all of my heart. I will never forget the fake interviews we made when we heard that this would be published. Family’s forever and I couldn’t be happier that you are my family. You are the biggest pieces of my heart and seeing you happy makes me the happiest girl alive.

  I would like to thank Luciana Jhon Carpena, for always standing by my side and being the sister I never had. I hope this makes you cry over and over again, smile and love me even more than you do now.

  Dananeele Jean-Baptiste, thank you for everything. You are the one who pushed me to start writing, and now, I think this will remain a part of my life forever. I hope you enjoy this book and we celebrate about this until our teeth fall out.

  All of my friends; Shivany, Marcheli, Henia, Sarah, Nikita. I want you all to know how grateful I am to have you guys. Without your encouragement and help, I don’t think I would’ve been able to do all of this. And how can I forget; my fake managers! Thank you for giving me hope that this story would be published one day!

  Grace Perral, my agent, thank you for finding my story and me! Without you and your help, this would’ve forever stayed a little story on Wattpad. You changed my life.

  And a huge thank you to Dhalia A. for the extraordinary book cover!

  An extra thank you to Edward Christopher Sheeran, for being such an inspiration. Without him and his songs, I don’t think I would’ve been able to write the book. I listen to his songs, most of the time while writing. So, thanks Ed.

  Most importantly though, I would like to give a huge group hug to every single person who has started reading this story ever since it was a little story with a few views on Wattpad! You have survived this emotional rollercoaster with me, and you have been with me all the way. Without you, I don’t think I would’ve ever been able to finish this story, much less publish it!

  Special Thanks to my greatest fans!


  Abigail Lawver

  Abril Rivera

  Adelle Robson

  Adilene Garcia


  Ajisha K.



  Allie Flame

  Allie Morley


  Alyssa Howitt

  Amanda Bennett

  Amber Malhi

  Amelia Howell

  Amineh Rastandeh

  Andrea del Mar Flores

  Andrea Mendoza

  Angela Tran


  Anna Øihusom

  Annie Wood

  Aqilah Salim

  Ash Friedrichs

  Ashini (Ashi for short)

  Ashley Felix

  Autumn Hoy

  Avonna Simmons

  Bailey Hawkins



  Breanna Renee

  Brianna Lynn

  Briarley Coppens

  Briayla Bowlen

  Bridget Curley

  Britney Walsh

  Brittany Weeks

  Caitlyn Flood

  Catelynn Rios


  Cecilia Andersson

  Celeste Delgadillo

  Cherry Baby Blue

  Chloe Jones

  Christian Guzmain V

  Ciara Halton

  Claudia Kearns

  Damilola Fakoya


  Destiny Gerber

  Devin Twitchell

  Ella Brickman

  Elory Dale

  Emilie D.J.

  Emily-Rose Macdonald

  Erika De Leon

  Fatema Soyatwata
/>   Ffion Jackson

  Florentia Natalie


  Hannah Caldwell

  Hayley Muller

  Huimin Yeo

  Iana Makokha

  Ismary Jaime

  Jack Paolacci

  Jeneffer Shamon

  Jessica Au

  Jocelyn Ott

  Juliet Deleon


  Katie Newton



  Kaylynn Witltshire

  Kelsey Garcia

  Kheyl Nicole Eugenio

  Kiley Parke

  Kim Nguyen


  Lamia Bushra

  Leilani O.


  Lexy Loo

  Lindsey Ellen

  Loraine Baral




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