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Saviour: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel (Savior Book 3)

Page 14

by Natasha Thomas

  You took a piece of my heart that day and you’ve held it ever since, you always will.

  I’m proud of the young woman you are. I’m proud of the woman you’ll become. And I’m proud of you every day in between.

  I’ve known from the second you laid eyes on Tank that you believed you could heal him. That you thought you could save him from himself. I don’t know if that’s possible sweetheart, but if anyone can it’ll be you that does it. If you’re sure about him, really sure he’s the one for you, then there are a few things you need to know before you get in over your head if you’re not already.

  He’s a good man, honey bee. Strong. Loyal. Devoted. I don’t know what happened to him when he was in the Navy, but like me, I’m sure you’ve seen that whatever it was it wasn’t good. It’s scarred him. In a way that leaves a mark on a man that will probably stay with him forever. He’ll need your patience. Your stubborn refusal to give up. And sometimes he’ll even need your strength when he doesn’t have enough of his own to see him through.

  I don’t need to tell you that you can’t tell anyone what you know about my work, or anything else we’ve talked about, and you need to know Tank is just as much a part of it as I was, and your Uncle’s are. That means you need to be careful. Stay safe. Make sure you watch what you say, and who you say it to. I don’t need to remind you that if you aren’t it could jeopardise the lives of the men you love.

  I love you Priscilla Anne. With every piece of my heart I had to give and I always will. Watching you grow up was an honour. One that I never had the chance to repay your mother for because without a doubt she gave me the greatest gift I’ve ever been given…You.

  Look after your sister and yourself. Lean on each other. And remember to tell each other that you love one another every day. Because you have enough in you to give, love Tank how he deserves to be loved too. Love him like I loved your mother. With your whole heart, and not an inch less.

  I’ll watch over you and keep you safe from wherever I am, and I’ll miss you until I see you again, honey bee. Don’t ever doubt that.

  I love you baby girl,


  I never told Tank about the letter, or what I found out about his job. Like I said, it didn’t come up and he had a right to his secrets. Unfortunately one of his secrets has come back to bite him in the ass, and she’s currently sitting right across from me.

  Considering my options, and my audience, I glance around grateful to see there aren’t any of the MC members in yet. It’s a little too early for them, but you can never be too safe. The last thing I need is for any of them to hear me put this uppity bitch in her place. Call it pride. Call it arrogance. Call it whatever the fuck you want, but hearing Tank’s absentee wife profess to know more about the man I’ve spent the last four years being best friends with makes my hackles rise.

  “What I know about Tank is that he’s an amazing man, an even better friend, and he’s done nothing to deserve being stuck with a vindictive bitch like you. It’s pretty fucking obvious that you’re here attention seeking, because not only is it not my business what Tank does for a living, it’s not your place to tell me about it.”

  Sadly Charlee doesn’t get up and storm off like I’d hoped. Instead she throws her head back and laughs. And even more unfortunately, she does it at the exact time Tank, Glock, and Train walk through the front door. I’m not going to get another opportunity to say my piece when it comes to her before one of them drag her out, so I take the chance while I can.

  “I don’t know why you’re here, or what you were hoping to achieve but I can assure you if it’s to run Tank down, or give me a warning you’re shit out of luck on both counts. Tank’s a good man, and his past, present, and future aren’t my concern as long as he’s happy and whole. That should be your primary focus as his wife, but it’s pretty clear you couldn’t give two shits about anyone but yourself. I’ll offer you this observation though before you see yourself out. If you want to keep a man around for anything more than a quick fuck you’d be advised to take that stick out of your ass, loose some of the attitude, and use your mouth for something other than talking because everything that’s come out of it has only made you less attractive.”

  Hearing a masculine snort, followed by a chuckle behind me I turn, and come face-to-face with a hard muscled chest. Looking up, way up, I see Tank with the corners of his mouth kicked up trying to smother his amusement. Pushing against his chest to create a little space between us I glance at Glock and Train.

  “Are you boys here to help take the trash out?” Another snort from Train and a fully-fledged grin from Glock has me fighting my own laugh. I was probably a little too harsh on the woman, but she pissed me off. What can I say? Don’t fuck with my family or friends.

  They don’t answer, but Tank does.

  “Yeah, beautiful they are.” Turning on his wife he asks with a snarl that would scared most people, “What the fuck are you doing here? And what the fuck are you doing harassing Priss at work?”

  If it was possible smoke would be coming out of her ears right now. Charlee’s literally seething when she replies. And when she does I wish she would have just kept her mouth shut because this is going to get so much worse before it gets any better.

  “I thought it was time I paid your little slut on the side a visit. I’ve given you long enough to come to your senses and come home where you belong. Seeing as you didn’t come to that conclusion on your own I decided that I would come and remind you how good it was between us.”

  I should probably be offended by the slut comment, but I’ve been called worse by better, so I’m not. In fact I burst out laughing. The woman is clearly delusional, she and Tank haven’t been together for a good long while if his permanent presence in Blackwater is anything to go by. Even if, and that’s a big if, when he was doing those little disappearing acts, going home to fuck her they’ve been few and far between. Trying to convince us, or more likely herself, that everything’s good between them is just downright funny. I watch Tank’s mouth open, but interrupt before he can get a word in edgewise. Turning to face him I ask,

  “Fucking seriously Tank? I’m disappointed. You could’ve done so much better. Why in Gods’ name did you saddle yourself with an escaped mental patient?”

  A feminine growl emanates from her only making me to laugh harder. Bitch was right, she honestly just growled like a dog.

  “I’ve gotta agree brother. This bitch is seriously whacked coming in here starting shit with your woman.” Train responds still looking highly entertained by the little drama playing out in front of his eyes.

  If there was ever a man that could make you simultaneously orgasm from his voice alone it would be Train. He’s shorter than most of the guys in the MC standing about an inch under six feet. He’s got shaggy blonde hair that falls across his gorgeous green eyes hiding them from the world, which is a shame because they’re one of his best features. Built like a boxer, Train works out seven days a week to maintain his zero body fat condition, and I thank him for all of womankind for doing so, in my head of course because it would be rude to do it out loud. His eight pack abs are drool worthy, and his arms and legs are so muscular I don’t think it’s possible for him to pack anymore bulk on if he tries.

  The broody man is practically a mystery, but that only adds to his appeal, at least that’s what Candice thinks. Me? Not so much. I don’t have time to try and decipher a human puzzle of epic brooding proportions. I prefer to know what I’m up against than having to waste time guessing. Not that Tank’s much better. But at least with him I can eventually coax whatever is on his mind out.

  Albeit Train is hot I’m not attracted to him for anything other than his voice. Smooth like velvet, with a hint of rasp. It packs as much punch as a twenty-five-year-old aged scotch whiskey. Honestly, I think if you were turned on enough he could in fact make a woman orgasm from talking to them alone. Nothing else necessary.

  “These are the sort of people you chose to associ
ate with Hunter? Aren’t you going to say anything about the way they’re speaking to me?” As I said, delusional. One look at Tank and anyone would know he’s not going to be sticking up for her anytime this side of Christmas.

  “Yeah, let me get right on that Charlee. You still haven’t answered what the fuck you’re doing here. Unless you’ve got those papers I sent you signed, we’ve got nothing to say to each other and you know it.” Hmm…Interesting. I can only assume he means divorce papers. Makes sense that she’s here trying to make her final play for him.

  Scoffing at him, and flicking her hair over her shoulder Charlee’s scowl roams over the four of us. I muse that someone really should tell her that her Botox won’t last as long if she keeps frowning like that, but decide it won’t be me.

  “We had a deal Hunter and nothing has changed to alter the terms of that deal, so that won’t be happening any time soon. As for having nothing to say to each other, that’s a different story because I have plenty to say to you.”

  Fucking hell. This woman does not know when to quit when she’s ahead. Tank’s scary face is enough to make grown men pee themselves, and he’s directing it at her in its full-force, but she doesn’t look phased in the slightest.

  “Well that’s where you’d be fucking wrong bitch. The terms changed when I told you that you sign, or I go about seeing to it myself. You waited too long with that shit, so I went ahead and took care of it like I said I would. You should be getting the decree in the mail anytime now, so how about you go the fuck home and wait for it. Have some champagne on ice waiting because it’s going to be a fucking celebration to finally be rid of your ass.”

  Her exterior turns as ugly as her interior in a split second. Seeing that she’s seconds from an explosion I tug on Tank’s arm urging him to bend so I can speak low enough for only him to hear.

  “You might want to send Train and Glock out for this. She’s got some information you might not want them hearing.” Giving me a puzzled look Tank glances over his shoulder at the guys and then turns back to me with a questioning brow raised. “About your job Tank.” I prompt praying he gets what I’m saying and sends them to wait outside.

  I watch as understanding flashes through his eyes, and he confirms he got me when he addresses them.

  “Brothers do me a favour and wait out by the bikes. I’ll wrap this shit up and be out.”

  Nodding their ascent they turn and leave the way they came. Squeezing his bicep I lean in a little closer and say,

  “I’ll just go and get back to work. Let me know if you need anything, okay?”

  “Stay,” he says almost pleading with me. There’s more emotion in that one word than I’ve seen from him in a while. Call me a pushover, but when Tank uses that tone on me my insides turn to mush and I can’t deny him anything, so I nod.

  As expected, the she-bitch explodes.

  “You did fucking what? I can’t believe you would do that to me Hunter. I let you traipse around shoving your dick in any hole you want, I don’t make you support me the way you should’ve been all this time, and very rarely do I ask you to accompany me to anything, why was it so important for you to change things? They were working just fine the way they were.”


  “Let’s get a few fucking things straight, yeah? You don’t let me do shit. I’m my own fucking man, and I don’t need your permission to do fucking anything. Another thing; I don’t support you the way I should’ve been? Bitch I pay for the house you live in. I pay for the food you eat. I pay your fucking ridiculous credit card bill every month. And not once, not ever, have I asked for a fucking thing from you other than for you to sign those fucking papers, and you couldn’t even do that. As for taking you to those so-called society events where all anyone ever does is prance around showing off how much fucking cash they have, and shedding a few fake tears for whatever cause of the hour is on the projector screen, I haven’t taken you to one of them for a long ass time, so cut the shit. Priss knows exactly where I’ve been other than the one time just over a year ago that I came to you demanding you sign that shit, so we can finally call this farce of a marriage quits.” I’ll give her this, she can turn on the waterworks at a moment’s notice. If she hadn’t just showed her true colours I’d almost have believed they were real. Tank forges ahead regardless, recognising them for what they are. “Sixteen years. Sixteen miserable fucking years tied to a bitch too selfish to realise that there’s more to life than money, her figure, and what those fake society fucks think of her. You ever think once about me in all this? What staying married to your ass has cost me?”

  I’m not sure he meant it as a question it was more rhetorical than anything else, but she answers with callousness indifference anyway.

  “Cost you? You have got plenty of money, I don’t see that running out anytime soon. I haven’t tied you to me Hunter. I’ve let you run off and do whatever the hell you wanted, whenever you wanted. What I do find curious is how you managed to get a judge to agree to a divorce with no talk of any settlement, or compensation for the time I’ve put into this marriage.”

  It’s sad, just really sad, and my heart breaks for Tank. He’s suffered being married to Charlee just because of the evil witch she is, and the only thing she can concern herself with is how much money she’s going to walk away with.

  “You bitch.” I declare. “Do you hear yourself? And you called me a gold digger. What does this say about you?”

  Wrong thing to say. Tank lets out a menacing hiss.

  “You called her fucking what?”

  Looking sufficiently alarmed Charlee clutches her purse to her chest like a lifeline. If I hadn’t been exposed to Tank’s temper so often I would probably be terrified myself, but I’m not. I’ve seen this side of him too many times to be worried about how he’ll react, because I know how it’ll end. Tank’s an act first, ask questions later kind of guy, and that spells disaster for this quickly deteriorating situation in particular. Pushing against his body with my full weight I thread my hand through his, and hold on tight. Using the most soothing tone I can muster I say,

  “Its okay, Tank let it go, it doesn’t matter what she says. I know it’s not true and you do too that’s all that matters, okay?”

  I hope he’s in a receptive mood. I think I’m right when he squeezes my hand back, but no such luck.

  “She hasn’t taken a fucking thing from me, not one fucking thing that I haven’t been willing to give. And I’d give her any-fucking-thing she asked for, but not once has she taken or asked for a dime from me. See that’s the thing though, Priss isn’t a materialistic cunt like you, and because you’re so up your own ass I can’t expect you to know what it means to me that I’ve found a woman that likes me for me. Only me. Not my money. Not who my family is. And not what I can do for her.” Looking down at me with a softening expression on his face he adds, “If I could give her the fucking moon I would, but she wouldn’t ask me for it. She’d tell me she was happy to look at it from a distance, and ask me to sit with her while she does. That type of woman is rare as fuck, and I consider myself the luckiest son-of-a-bitch on the planet that I found her.”

  I can’t help it, a tear escapes the corner of my eye trailing down my cheek. That’s the closest thing to telling me how he feels about me that Tank has ever come. It’s the sweetest too. Doing the only thing I can to show him how much I appreciate his words I bring our joined hands to my lips, kissing the back of his big calloused one.

  Clearing her throat, issuing one last threat Charlee says,

  “This isn’t over. You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.” Shuffling out of the booth, hightailing it as fast as her overpriced heels can take her I watch her until she’s out of sight. When she is I release a long held sigh, and try and take me hand from Tank’s. He doesn’t let me. If anything his grip tightens, and with a tug he’s leading me out of sight, down the hallway to the back room B-Mo uses as an office slash storage room.

  As soon as we’ve cleared the doorway
Tank kicks the door closed with his size fourteen boot, the overhead light is dull, and the room is filled with tension, I can’t read his face, but he looks like he’s panting. His chest is rising and falling quickly. His breath coming out in short bursts. Pulling me into his body hard, he wraps his arms around my waist and holds me tight. Just holds me. It’s a hold of comfort. Of reassurance.

  I’ve never been in Tank’s arms like this before. Sure, we’ve hugged each other, we were friends for years before this latest falling out after all, but those were nothing like this. This is something more. Something important. Something I can feel changing what we are to each other. I don’t get long to think about what that might be before Tank breaks the silence whispering into my hair,

  “I’m sorry Priss. Fuck. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that bitch. I promise I was going to…”

  I’m not going to let him apologise for something he had no control over. He’s not her keeper, and there was nothing he could’ve done about her showing up out of the blue.

  “Don’t. Just stop.” I say tersely. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t ask her to come see me, and you didn’t ask me to sit her down and listen to what she had to say. I did that myself and I’m glad I did.” He looks adorably confused. Tank doesn’t look adorable often, but when he does it takes years off the world-weary aura he projects. Shaking my head ruefully I answer his unasked question. “I’m glad because it gave me perspective on what you’ve had to put up with for years. I can’t say I’m happy you didn’t tell me what you were dealing with before now, but what’s done is done, and I can’t change it, and neither can you. I don’t need you to explain it to me I think I got a pretty good idea of what went on between you and I forgive you for…” I don’t finish. I don’t get the chance when Tank’s mouth crashes to mine.


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