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Replace Me

Page 13

by Jennifer Foor

  I nodded. “Of course.”

  “I thought about you, too.” Joey lifted me up until my pussy was right at his face. I looked down and watched him kissing me there. He flicked my clit with his tongue and pulled away. “Mmm, I thought about this every night. You taste like honeysuckle and I love that shit.”

  The tingles overwhelmed me and I let my head fall back as his mouth sucked on my pussy. He licked me like his favorite flavor of ice-cream, like I could melt at any second, while holding onto my ass, so I couldn’t back away.

  I reached up and grabbed one of my nipples, positioning it so that my tongue could brush against the hardened tip. Joey moaned against my sex as he watched. I did it again, this time watching him watch me.

  I could feel him sucking in my labia and nibbling on my lips and he tugged on them. His thumb came up and rubbed on my clit until I moved his hand away and began to do it to myself. Watching his mouth, so close to my fingers, lapping up the most tender part of my body was irrationally the best feeling that I’d ever experienced.

  Shutters of incredible pleasure engulfed me, sending me to new heights once more.

  My ass sprung up as the intensity became too much to handle. I gripped Joey’s hair and cried out his name as my wet juices filled his mouth.

  He moaned against my saturated pussy, keeping his face close as he gently kissed the tickle away.

  As he moved back up my body, a trail of my ecstasy was left from him dragging his lips and chin over my tender skin. Our eyes met and his eager grin showed me that we were far from over. “Suck it off my chin, Lace. Taste yourself and tell me how I make you feel when I’m sucking on that little clit.”

  Jolts of excitement made my nipples tingle as I closed my eyes and tasted my own release on Joey’s skin. He moaned and ran his hands over my back as I followed his directions. “Tasting myself makes me horny. It makes me want you to do it again.” My honesty shocked me.

  Joey smiled and looked right at me. “I’m not done with that pussy tonight. When we’re done, you’ll be squirting that hot cum, feeling what it’s like to lose total control of yourself. I love watching you do it,” He ran his fingers over my clit. “but I know you can do better.”

  My back arched with every movement he made over my tiny bud. I wanted to cum again, but knew it was time to give back to this man, who’d just given me such pleasure. I scooted away from Joey, shoving him down on his back. He smiled and held his arms out for me to come to him, but I shook my head. Both of my hands grabbed ahold of his knees as they started their slow process up to his thighs. I licked my lips, thinking about his rock-hard cock being in my mouth. Joey didn’t have to question my intentions, as I gave him no time to. My lips were around his girth, taking his smooth skin an inch at a time as deep as I could go. He played with my hair while watching my every move. I could tell he liked it, but wasn’t satisfied with being average. I didn’t just want to blow him, I wanted to blow him away.

  With no regard for modesty, or self consciousness, I removed my lips from his dick and licked the tip. He groaned, watching me do it again. When I knew I had his undivided attention, I spit on it, while taking my fingers and lubricating his whole shaft. My tongue began at the base of his testicles and slid up the back of his shaft, applying necessary pressure to his main vein.

  Joey grabbed my head, forcing me to repeat what I’d just done. I looked up at him, keeping my eyes steady as I licked around his balls again. As if that wasn’t enough to drive him utterly crazy, I sucked the smooth mounds into my mouth and tugged. His body jerked during the time that I released them from my lips. This time, when I lapped up his cock, I took his tip in my mouth and moved rapidly, with no real pattern. My hand rubbed his balls while the other jerked him off. I sucked him so hard that my jaws began to hurt, albeit I refused to let up.

  I’d been cheated on and knew that, had I satisfied my partner, he never would have strayed. Pleasing Joey became my top priority and I wasn’t giving this man a chance to question my abilities.

  I pulled away from his cock, while still massaging his shaft. His thighs needed attention, so I licked them inside, where the patch of hair began to thicken. His soft balls brushed across my nose as I got closer and I wanted them again. I licked them from behind, coming so close to touching his taint with my tongue. I recognized the taste of his sweat, but even the salty hint couldn’t stop me. I was dripping again, reaching down and touching myself, while sucking him off.

  Joey was getting close. He was breathing heavily and grabbing me wherever he could reach. The base of his stiff shaft was easy to pump, while my lips provided a place for his release. I could feel it there, ready to pour into my welcoming mouth. As it came out, the heat and flavor trickled down my throat. I kept my mouth there, making sure he was done, before I licked his tip. Tonguing his hole as if I wanted more.

  Joey wiped his face and looked down at me. I could sense that he was satiated and impressed, but needed to hear it for myself. I licked his tip again, staying there next to his spent, limp shaft. “Mmm, how did it feel?”

  “You know the answer already.”

  “Give and you shall receive.” I ran my hands up his thighs, making him moan again.

  He cleared his throat and grabbed my hair, forcing me to climb up to be even with him. “There’s not enough hours in the day for me to be able to do the things I want to do to you.”

  I brought my lips to his ear and whispered, “I have nowhere else to be.”

  This time I wasn’t going to run away. I couldn’t.

  No man had ever made me feel so insatiable and I believed that I was different than the others. With the amount of pleasure that he’d offered me, I wondered if I could overlook any of his flaws and accept the things he gave me instead. Did I really need that forever after, anyway?

  Chapter 16


  Ashley had her first doctor’s appointment and asked if I wanted to go. I didn’t, at first, feeling like it was creepy for me, who’d never actually been intimate with her, to be in the room when she got naked, and felt up by a doctor.

  After much consideration, and knowing she was going at it alone, I decided it was necessary to be the support she needed.

  We’d been getting along fine, maybe because we’d known each other for so long. Aside from her being vindictive, Ashley had always been a nice person. Her love for Ford sent her over the edge and I couldn’t entirely blame her. When his sister died, tragically, he shut down. We all knew he’d never recover and be the guy he was before that day. Ashley happened to be the odd person out.

  For a while, I hated her. She expected me to be okay with her using Ford and never speaking up about the real biological father. Some truths were out, while I struggled with the other one that would eventually rock my family.

  To us, we were just roommates with a common interest, but to others, we were two people starting a family. It was absurd and frustrating, but certainly distracted the other fucked up aspects of my life.

  My father allowed me to come back to work. He avoided me unless it was crucial to communicate. Our relationship would never be close and I didn’t really care. The man was harsh and his morals were shit.

  All I could hope was that the fate of my niece or nephew wouldn’t have anything to do with him.

  Ashley was nervous about her first appointment, especially when we got back in the room. She wasn’t required to undress, which was good for me, considering I didn’t want anything to do with that. I guess it was out of nervousness, but Ash looked over and asked me a question that I surely didn’t expect. “Shayne, you miss Lacey don’t you?”

  I was sitting in the chair across from the exam table and looked down at the floor. “Yeah, but that ship has sailed.”

  “I can’t believe she’s seein’ Joey, of all people.”

  I thought about her upsetting call and how I hadn’t heard a thing from her since. Suddenly, I became worried and decided to walk outside to check on her. It was a good thing that I
had her new number, otherwise I would have been freaking out.

  It rang six times before the voicemail picked up. Instead of leaving a message, I dialed it again and this time I was more shocked than anything else.

  “Hello?” A male voice answered the phone.

  “I must have the wrong number.”

  “Are you looking for Lace?” I hated that someone else called her that. It had always been my nickname for her when she visited the beach.

  “Yeah. Is she around?”

  “Is this Shayne?”

  Right away I got defensive, but my fear was being verified. “Joey?”

  I heard an air filled laugh on the other end of the phone. “Yeah, it’s me.”

  Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut, except I hated that he was answering her phone. “You need to leave her alone, dude.”

  “Come again?”

  “Lacey. You need to walk away. Look, I don’t blame you for wantin’ a piece, but she’s not a fuckin’ toy. She wants somethin’ real, man.”

  “It ain’t your business, Shayne.”

  I clenched my fist, wanting to reach through the phone and beat the shit out of him. “She is still my business. You really think she would have run to you, if I hadn’t pushed her away? Lacey’s smart. She’ll wise up and see how you really are and if I find out it’s because you hurt her, you’ll have Hell to pay.”

  Joey started laughing. “Now you’re threatenin’ me? I can promise you that Lacey’s in good hands. She said that nobody’s ever made her cum like I do.”

  “Fuck you!”

  “Oh she is, over and over again.”

  “You’re messin’ with the wrong guy, Joey.”

  “Shayne, don’t call Lacey anymore and watch what you promise. There ain’t no way you’ll win this battle.”

  I went to say something else, but he’d already hung up. Feeling more pissed, I went back into the doctor’s office and found that he was there, already talking to Ashley. Her belly was exposed and he had some device pressed against it. I could hear the rapid beating and recognized it from television shows. There was a little child growing and even if it wasn’t mine, it was still a part of me. My mind started to ease as I listened and saw Ashley smiling from ear to ear.

  The doctor put the device down and folded his hands. “Do twins run in either of your family’s?”

  The knot was back and consuming me with shock and awe. “My siblin’s are twins.”

  “I’m hearing multiple heartbeats. Just to be sure, I’m going to order a sonogram.”

  Neither Ashley or myself could stop looking like we were going to be sick. I grabbed her hand and threw her a smile as he was writing the referral for the test. “It’s goin’ to be fine, Ash.”

  I knew it wasn’t. One baby was hard enough, but two? My brother was in for a world of change and I had no clue how I was going to break it to him.

  Ashley cried the whole way to the diagnostic center. I tried to reassure her, but simply couldn’t find the right thing to say. Neither of us was ready for one kid, two was going to be impossible to prepare for. Giving up the next couple of years for my brother seemed to be turning out as a huge mistake. Nothing good was going to come out of this mess.

  An hour later, after I watched a long dick looking thing go underneath the sheet, we were looking at two blobs on the little monitor. The tech confirmed that there were in fact two babies growing in Ashley’s stomach. Had it not been for me seeing them myself, and realizing that they were little humans, living breathing, and family, I may not have been able to stand up. Instead of freaking out, I stared at the screen mindlessly watching them.

  That moment brought so much into perspective for me.

  My mind went to Lacey and what I could have had with her. I imagined her getting the sonogram while I held her hand, knowing they were my children. Realizing that she wasn’t mine set a new plan into affect. I wanted this life with Lacey and I was going to do whatever it took to get her back.

  I had something that Joey didn’t.

  I still had her heart.


  Joey had taken me to new heights, surprising me each time the two of us came together. He touched me like I was fragile and precious, not like he’d shown me how he touched other women. While in the shower, I closed my eyes and thought of the countless times he’d given me pleasure already. My skin vibrated as I brushed the washcloth over my tender pussy. It had been throbbing since our last encounter, hours ago. Joey was like a sex machine, and he never gave up until I was ready to pass out.

  I let the rag drop and touched my bare fingers to my clit, moving them around in a circular motion. I lathered up my tits with my free hand and watched myself pinching my left nipple. I leaned back against the wall and moved my hand faster, pressing hard as my fingers teased my eager clit. Soon, my legs were buckling and I was silently crying out in bliss.

  I stepped out after finally rinsing off, gently drying my still trembling body. Joey was on the couch, in only a pair of boxers. He smiled when I walked in, wrapped in only a towel. “I think we should do somethin’ today.”

  I climbed on top of him, looking him right in those light hazel-brown eyes. “We are doing something.”

  He patted on my legs after accepting a short kiss. “I meant go out. Let me take you out to dinner, on a real date.”

  I was shocked, after hearing so many horror stories about Joey not doing anything but screwing random women. “You really want to take me out?”

  He rubbed my arms and smiled. “Yes. Why are you sayin’ it like that?”

  I shrugged and smiled awkwardly. I don’t know. Everyone says you don’t ever do that. I just can’t understand why you feel like doing it with me. You’ve already gotten me in bed, several times. Aren’t I breaking every one of your rules?”

  He tugged down the towel and massaged my tits while he looked at them. “Rules are made to be broken, especially when they’re with someone like you, Lacey. You made me fuckin’ crazy when you wouldn’t talk to me. I’ve never had to chase pussy before. Not ever.”

  Our lips met and I teased him with my tongue. “So, was I worth the chase?”

  He cocked his eyebrow, while pinching my nipple and biting down on his lip. “I can’t get enough of you. Does that answer your question?”

  I should have been satisfied, but for some reason, I wasn’t. Joey was amazing and also mysterious. There was so much I didn’t know about him. “It answers that one, but you still haven’t said what you want from me. Is this just sex? Are we friends with casual benefits? Forgive me for being blunt, I just need to know what I’m getting myself into. After Shayne, I can’t be in the dark about anything.”

  Joey pulled me close, cuddling with me on the couch. He grabbed the remote that he still kept behind his head instead of an end table, and turned the volume down. “I reckon you deserve answers then. Lacey, I’m not real sure what this is between us. I’m not the kind of guy that goes lookin’ for women. I have understandin’s and nobody complains. You’re not like them. I get that you want some kind of label, because that’s all you’ve ever known. I’m just not sure I can make promises without breakin’ them. Do you understand?”

  I really didn’t. “You say I’m different, but not different enough to just want to see me?”

  “Don’t put words in my mouth. I never said that. I’ve never had to answer to a woman. My life’s been too busy to settle down. Things have changed and perhaps bein’ with you could turn into somethin’ more. It feels right, but I don’t know how long it will last, so I don’t want to lie about it. It’s all new. I might just wake up one day and decide I need to be single. Do you understand?”

  I was annoyed, but for some reason, I did understand. “I appreciate that you’re being honest about it. Most guys would tell me what I wanted to hear to shut me up.”

  He brushed the hair away from my face. “I’m not most guys.”

  “No, you’re not.” I smiled and tried to think about being happy
where we were at. It had only been a few times that we’d been together. Obviously, it was too soon for anyone to put labels on it, but I felt weary, like everything could change in an instant. The more I fell for Joey, the scarier it was going to be to allow myself feelings that would in turn break my heart again.

  After we laid there talking for a while, I reached over and grabbed my phone. I needed to put some clothes on, or at least hang up the towel and walk around naked. It was damp and getting on the sofa fabric. Joey watched me as I looked at it. “I can’t believe that I haven’t gotten any phone calls today. I figured Sky would be blowing it up.”

  Joey laughed. “It didn’t ring while you were in the shower.” I turned to look at him and he was staring at the television when he spoke. Deciding that it was a good time to change, I hurried into the bedroom to do so.

  Like every time I’d gotten a shower here, Joey had set out a t-shirt of his for me to put on. The shirt he’d picked out had a lapel on it that would have scratched my chest, so I went into his dresser to find another one.

  I did find a plain one, but that wasn’t all that was in his drawer. Over a dozen photos of naked girls, laying sprawled out on beds were in a pile. I glanced at them quickly and then put them back where they were. When Joey came in and saw the shirt, I could tell he knew that I knew. He sat down on the bed and patted the spot beside him. I was reluctant, but made my way there. Our eyes locked and he shot me a smile. “Ask away.”

  How was I supposed to approach this without seeming jealous or disturbed when frankly, I was both. “There’s like a dozen different women in those pictures, Joey.”

  He pointed to the dresser. “Go get them.” I couldn’t help but notice that he seemed unaffected, like it wasn’t a big deal at all.

  I walked over and grabbed the pictures, then placed them in the palm of his waiting hand. “I wasn’t snooping. I just wanted a more comfortable shirt, I swear.”

  He took the pictures and spread them out on his bed. Then he pointed to one. “Her name is Courtney. I met her in culinary school, first. We were teamed up to work on a project. Her boyfriend was also in the program and she loved him enough to sabotage our team, for his to do better.”


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