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Dulce Isle

Page 4

by Loc Glin

  “Nice ass,” Adrian said.

  “I suppose it is,” Jon agreed.

  Adrian pulled up his suit. “We better catch up,” he said. He wished he felt more sure of what had just happened.

  They swam toward the shore. Jon grabbed Rosa’s bottoms as they floated by.

  Rosa was sprawled out on the blanket with her legs spread wide open in a provocative pose, her eyes closed.

  “You forgot these,” Jon said as he dropped the bottoms on her belly.

  Rosa popped upright with a squeal. “You are no gentleman! Jon Balentine,” she admonished then sighed. “I suppose you expect me to put them on now.” She held the offending garment between her fingers. If it were a living being, the look she gave it would have made it slink away in shame.

  Jon looked at Adrian. “Don’t put them on on my account. Adrian, do you want her to put them on?”

  “I’m with you, not on my account.” He allowed himself to be in the moment. His heart soared. He was finally beginning to let go of the sorrow that had become his life.

  “Good.” She flicked her wrist, sending the wet bottoms to the other side of the blanket. “We will have to head back soon. The afternoon sun will fry us if we stay out here. Sit down. Let’s eat.”

  Chapter 6

  “Hop in,” Rosa said as she pulled the Ferrari out of the garage. “It’s high time I showed you our little island. You haven’t been out of the villa for weeks.”

  “A Ferrari…holy shit, you own a Ferrari?” Adrian exclaimed.

  “And a Fiat and a vintage Volkswagen Beetle.”

  “Adrian laughed. “A Beetle?”

  “It was mine before I met Leon. It has sentimental meaning for me.” She patted the passenger seat.

  Adrian opened the door and slid into the seat. “Nice.”

  “Yeah, this baby purrs.” She drove through town waving at and greeting almost everyone they passed.

  “You know a lot of people.”

  “Leon was a very important man in this community. You might even say he was the founder.”

  “From what I can see, he left you very well off.”

  She smiled, a sad smile, and that sentiment was reflected in her eyes when she glanced at him. “I’d trade it all in a heartbeat just to have him back. His money never meant anything to me.”

  They made it through town. She stepped on the gas as the road opened up before her. Those long curls streamed out behind her. She looked very young. She wore a scarf tied around her head. It reminded him of a woman in a James Bond movie.

  “How long were you married?” he shouted over the sound of the wind and the radio. The top was down on the convertible. She lowered the music and slowed until the rumble of the pipes was the predominant background noise.

  “Not long enough.”

  “That’s how I feel,” he agreed.

  “It gets easier with time.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Leon and I were married eleven years.”

  “He’s been gone for four years, so you must’ve married young.”

  “Is twenty young? I didn’t think so at the time.”

  “Neither did I. I married Angelina when I was about to turn twenty-one. She was nineteen. Looking back…I think twenty is young.”

  “I’d do it again.”

  He smiled and nodded. He would, too. “What brought you to Dulce Isle?” he asked.

  She pulled into a beautiful overlook where they got out of the car. The ocean spread out around them. The sun sparkled off of its calm surface. White clouds were sprinkled in the sky like large cotton balls of various shapes. In the distance on land, he could see some tall buildings.

  “Vacation. I’d just graduated. I hopped in my Beetle and took the ferry over. I came to visit Tulio over there.” She pointed to the tall buildings spotting the landscape in the distance. “It was a vacation hot spot that year. It still is to some degree. That year they began to allow nude sunbathing on Aylet Beach. I met one of the locals there and fell in love.” She laughed at that.


  “No…not Leon. Vincent Martione. Vincent was twenty-two years old and so handsome. He swept me off my feet. Oh, the promises that man made. To my eighteen-year-old mind, he was everything I’d ever want. So, I got a job and stayed. Unfortunately he turned out to be a womanizer and a playboy, a very stupid one at that.” She turned away from the view, leaning her elbows on top of the metal guard fence and her backside against it. “After a year I learned he was using me and three other women so he could lead the life of leisure. We worked. He played. I don’t know what he did to earn money. Every time I asked, it was something different. He never stayed with any one of us long enough so that we felt he was a live-in, forever partner. He implied the possibility…He was pretty slick in some ways.” She shook her head at her naivety. “He gave each of us the same gifts, probably so he could keep his lies straight. It’s a small island. Eventually our social circles crossed and we ran into each other. When I saw him in another woman’s arms, and she was wearing the same necklace he’d given to me, I was pissed.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “Maybe his charm had begun to wear off…I don’t know. I’d just had enough. By then I’d fallen in love with the island. I had no intention of leaving. This place had become my home. My life didn’t really change without Vinnie. He never really contributed to my financial support, so there was no change there. It just felt funny not having a man. I started dating.” She furrowed her brow. “Dating was frustrating and disappointing, so after a few months I started spending more and more time painting…following my dream of becoming an artist. I traveled around the island to do it.” She smiled. “When I stumbled upon Vista Bay, it was just a few buildings on the Main Street. You couldn’t even call it a village. I started coming to paint the view. I noticed that a number of us did. By us I mean aspiring artists. I started to bring enough food to feed a few of us. They wanted to contribute to my expenses, and before I knew it they were depending on me. I didn’t mind, because I like to cook, and it felt good to be needed and appreciated. One of those artists was Leon.”

  “I guess after struggling on your own, his money impressed you.”

  She laughed and shook her head, changing her position on the railing. “No, Leon never mentioned his money. I’d been going to Vista Bay for months. I never really thought about Leon as a lover. We’d talked, and I liked him. I really liked the kind and gentle person he was. He was funny and smart. He had dreams of what he wanted Vista Bay to become. When I wasn’t around him, I missed him. I didn’t realize that I’d fallen in love with him.”

  “What happened to change things?”

  “My Beetle.”

  “How?” Adrian enjoyed listening to her talk. Her voice took on a throaty quality as she talked about Leon. He watched those expressive eyes close and her lips spread in a lovely smile as she enjoyed what must have been a happy memory. She opened her eyes. She turned her head back to the road.

  “A few miles from here, my car broke down. I was on my way home. It was getting dark, and a storm was closing in. I got out of the car and opened the hood. I know very little about the mechanical workings of an engine. I was leaning over, touching this and that, when he pulled up in his beat-up pickup truck.

  “He asked me if I needed help. I bumped my head on the hood as I straightened up. He came over to me. I could see the concern on his face as he touched my hair and examined my head for injuries. I have no idea why my body chose that moment to become aware of him as a man. I looked into his eyes and something just clicked.

  “I told him that the car had just stopped running. He said he wasn’t good with engines, but he could give me a tow. He ran a chain from his truck to my car. He told me to keep the chain taut between us as he pulled my car behind him. Believe me, I wasn’t crazy about the idea.

  “I didn’t have another choice, so I went along with him. It was the longest, most nerve-racking few miles I’ve ever driven. I was lucky. Back
in those days there was very little traffic. It could have been so much worse than it was. To make a long story short, we made it to my place in one piece. I asked him if he wanted to come in for coffee.

  “I was so strung out and tense from the tow, I knew I wasn’t going to get to sleep, so I wanted some company. I’d known him for about nine months. That night we made love. That night my life changed forever.” She looked at Adrian intently, like she wanted him to understand something. “I’d had sex before…I even thought I’d made love before. That night he showed me what it was to make love.” She stared off into the distance and was silent for a moment. “Six months later we were married. After the ceremony I learned how well off he was. When I married him, I thought he was a poor aspiring artist just like me. I was actually angry with him when I found out he was rich. He laughed at me and told me I’d get over it. He was right. I did. It’s nice to be rich. It’s nice to be able to help people. We promised each other that we would do that. Vista Bay is the fruit of our labor. I think it’s a very special place.”

  “I think you’re right about that.”

  She looked at her watch. “It’s time to head back. Dinner will be ready soon.” They got back into the car. “Jon and I are going to have a soak in the hot tub tonight. You’re invited.”

  “Thanks, I look forward to it.”

  Chapter 7

  Moonlight streamed down, illuminating the occupants of the hot tub. The hot tub was located about five feet from the heated pool and was ground level, even with it. Both were a short distance from the house. Tall hedges enclosed the area, ensuring a certain amount of privacy.

  “They are there, Signore Adrian,” Florence said as she directed him to the hot tub.

  “Thank you, grazie,” he said.

  Jon and Rosa were surrounded in bubbles. Small slivers of steam rose from the heated water. The night was far from cold, but the air was cool enough to produce steam when the occupants moved.

  “We’ve been waiting for you. Come on in,” Jon invited.

  Adrian could see Rosa’s breasts bobbing in the bubbles. Her arms were splayed out across the top of the tub. He smiled, enjoying the sight and the uninhibited comfort she had with her body. He moved closer to them.

  “Rule number one,” Rosa said. “No bathing suits allowed in the hot tub. So you can remove that right now.” She nodded her head, indicating his bathing suit.

  He stopped and looked at the two smiling faces below him. He’d only known them for a short time, and yet he felt comfortable with them. So much so that nudity didn’t bother him at all. He enjoyed looking at her body, and Jon was the model in the picture. He liked the sight of Jon’s body even more in the flesh. He smiled and removed the bathing suit, exposing his hard-on. He wasn’t embarrassed about that either. These two made a game of keeping him like this. Truthfully, he was thoroughly enjoying it.

  “Look, Rosa, he’s ready for us.” Jon chuckled.

  Adrian started down the steps into the hot tub.

  “So he is.” She stood. “It’s so nice and hard.” She took Adrian’s cock into her hands.

  He stopped on the steps to enjoy her ministrations. He looked over at Jon. Jon appeared to be enjoying the show. He might even be fondling himself. Adrian liked that thought. He decided not to berate himself for feeling that way.

  “Suck on him, Rosa. Let me see him fuck your mouth.”

  Rosa leaned forward and took his cock into her mouth. She made loud noises that expressed her pleasure. Adrian thought she might be teasing Jon, especially since she wiggled her ass in Jon’s face. Adrian didn’t care. In fact, he liked it. Her mouth felt so good to him. His moral outrage was jumping into the backseat and closing its eyes.

  “Let me help you,” Jon said. He stood and put his hand under Adrian’s balls. “A man likes his balls fondled when he’s being sucked.” Jon moved his hand down Rosa’s back to her ass. “You do have a nice ass…for a woman,” he added with a laugh.

  Rosa took her mouth away from its task. “Are you going to explore it again?” She tilted her head so she could see Jon’s face.

  “Maybe, if Adrian is willing.”

  She smiled and returned her task.

  “If I’m willing to do what?” he asked. He had an inkling and he wasn’t adverse to what he thought was going to be suggested.

  Jon squeezed Adrian’s balls and said, “Fuck her cunt while I plow her ass.”

  Adrian looked into Jon’s smoldering eyes. He was actually hot for this man as well as for this woman. He’d reached middle age, and his sexuality was growing in leaps and bounds. “I’m willing to do that,” he said. “And more,” he added more quietly, surprising himself by admitting the desire to do so.

  Jon squeezed Adrian’s balls. It seemed he had heard. Jon’s finger dipped between Rosa’s cheeks. She spread her legs open for him.

  “Such a naughty girl,” Jon said as he slapped her ass and then moved his finger back to her anus.

  Adrian watched Jon massage her gently.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve done this, Rosa. How does it feel?”

  “It feels good, and I want more,” she said around Adrian’s cock.

  “More you shall have.” Jon’s finger disappeared into her ass.

  “Fuck,” Adrian said. “That’s so hot.” Where had his moral outrage gone?

  “I wish it was his cock, but I’ll take what I can get.” She pumped Adrian’s cock with her hand while she spoke and then swallowed him whole.

  Adrian put his hand on her head and started pumping, fucking her mouth. Jon was squeezing his balls and massaging them at the same time. This was what life was all about, enjoying each moment as it happened.

  “Signora,” Florence called from a respectable distance. “Signore Martin is on the telephone. He says it’s important.”

  “Shit,” Rosa cursed. “It’s such a pain not having cell reception out here.” She straightened up. She held Jon’s hand at her ass while she did so. “I’d like to continue this later,” she said, sighing hopefully. “There’s some sanitizer right over there.” She nodded.

  Jon reached for the bottle and applied it to his hands.

  Rosa planted a kiss on Adrian’s lips before she stepped past him. “Don’t exert yourself too much. Save something for later.” She winked and squeezed his ass.

  Enjoy yourselves, boys,” she called over her shoulder. She slipped on her robe and sandals and followed Florence into the house.

  Both men watched her leave.

  “What am I supposed to do about this?” Adrian shook his cock with his hand.

  “It will be my pleasure to take care of that for you,” Jon said as he fell to his knees in front of Adrian. Jon clasped Adrian’s cock and took it into his mouth. He sucked with authority and with intimate knowledge of what felt good to a man.

  Adrian arched his back and pressed his hips forward at the intense pleasure of it. Jon worked on Adrian’s cock with the enthusiasm of a starving man sitting down to his favorite meal. Three minutes later, Adrian squirted his pleasure into Jon’s mouth. The realization of what he’d just done washed over him. His warring emotions ran rampant.

  Jon swallowed and licked his lips. He went back to gather anything he may have missed. “You taste so good,” he said.

  “I’m…I–I…She…” Adrian stammered. He was embarrassed. Imagining being with Jon was not the same as actually doing it. He could be brave and open-minded in his imagination, but in real life he felt shame. His strict upbringing was trying to strangle him.

  Jon rose. The steps made Adrian slightly taller than him. He looked up into Adrian’s face. “Don’t be embarrassed,” he said. “I wanted that. You wanted it, too. I want you, and I think you want me. I want to suck your cock, and I want you to fuck my ass.”

  Adrian looked down into Jon’s eyes. Shameful or not, he knew Jon was right. He had wanted it, and he knew that he wanted more.

  “It seems like you’re new to male-on-male relationships. I’ll be mo
re than happy to teach you,” Jon said.

  “What about Rosa?”

  “Rosa will understand. More than that, she’d love it.”

  “What if she sees us?”

  “She will probably join us.”

  “She will probably join you doing what?” Rosa asked as she dropped her robe and stepped into the hot tub.

  “Fucking,” Jon said.

  “I’d love to. When and where?” She looked from one to the other. “Jon, you finally got to suck his cock. I can tell.”

  “Yes, I did. He tastes mighty good.”

  “I look forward to tasting him.” She slid into a seat. “Come on, boys. Sit down. Gather your strength. I love to make love with two men, especially when the men make love to each other, too. It’s just so erotic.”

  The men sat down. Jon looked at Rosa and then at Adrian. “I’d forgotten how much fun this can be,” he said.

  “I haven’t. Now rest up because you two are going to be very busy.”

  Chapter 8

  “Adrian, come for a walk with me. I want to show you the firehouse,” Jon said. “I want you to meet the guys.”

  “Sure, my uncle is a fireman. He says the guys he works with are like family.”

  “It’s the same with me. We’re mostly volunteers. Only three of us are full time and paid.”

  “I take it you’re one of them?”

  “I sure am. In fact I’m the go-to guy.” He was laying it on a bit thick, but he wanted to impress Adrian. He knew it was silly to want to be important in Adrian’s eyes. If they were going to click, it would happen, one way or the other. He just wanted to help it along. “But all of us know what has to be done when the shit hits the fan.”

  “It’s good to know you have friends covering your back.”

  That statement could be taken two ways. Jon decided he wanted to get his mind out of the gutter and believe that Adrian was relieved that he had people watching out for him. “Yes, it is. I think you’re going to like them.”


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